Vocab from 5 steps to a 5 book
167555740 | abiotic components | the nonliving player in an ecosystem, such as climate and nutrients | |
167555741 | absisic acid | plant hormones that inhibits cell growth, prevents premature germination, and stimulates the closing of the stomata | |
167555742 | achondroplasia | autosomal dominant from of dwarfism seen in 1 of 10,000 people | |
167555743 | active site | part of the enzyme that interacts with the substrate in an enzyme- substrate complex | |
167555744 | active transport | the movement of a particle across a selectively permeable membrane against its concentration gradient requires energy | |
167555745 | adaptation | a trait, that if altered, affects the fitness of the organism. result of natural selection and can include not only physical traits such as eyes and fingernails, but also the intangible traits of organisms, such as lifespan. | |
167555746 | adaptive radiation | a rapid series of speciation events that occur when one or more ancestral species invades a new environment | |
167555747 | adrencorticotropic hormone (ACTH) | a hormone that stimulates the secretion of adrenal cortical hormones, which work to maintain electrolytic homeostasis in the body | |
167555748 | aerobic respiration | energy-producing reaction in animals that involve three stages; glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation. Requires oxygen | |
167555749 | age structure | statistic that compares the relative numbers of individuals in the population from each age group | |
167555750 | agnistic behaviour | behavior hat results from a conflict of interest between individuals; often involves intimidation and submission | |
167555751 | alcohol | organic compound that contains a hydroxyl (-OH) functional group | |
167555752 | alcohol fermentation | occurs in fungi, yeast, and bacteria. Pyruvate is converted in 2 steps to ethanol, regeneration 2 molecules of NAD+ | |
167555753 | aldehyde | carbonyl group in which one R is a hydrogen and the other is a carbon chain. Hydrophilic and polar | |
167555754 | aldosterone | release from the adrenal gland, this hormone acts on the distal tubules to cause the re-absorption of more Na+ and water. This increases blood volume and pressure. | |
167555755 | allantois | transports waste products in mammals to the placenta. Later it is incorporated into the umbilical cord | |
167555756 | allele | a variant of a gene for a particular character | |
167555757 | allopatric speciation | interbreeding ceases because some sort of barrier separates a single population into two (an area with no food, a mountain, road, etc) The 2 populations evolve independently, and if they change enough, then, even if the barrier is removed, they can't interbreed | |
167555758 | alternation of generations | plant life cycle, so named because during the cycle, plants sometimes exist in the diploid organism and at other times as a haploid organism | |
167555759 | altruistic behavior | behavior pattern that reduces the overall fitness of one organism while increasing the fitness of another | |
167555760 | alveoli | functional unit in the lung where gas exchange occurs | |
167555761 | amines | compounds containing amino groups | |
167555762 | amino acid | a compound with a carbon center surrounded by an amino group, a carboxyl group, a hydrogen, and an R group that provides an amino acid's unique chemical characteristics | |
167555763 | aminoacyl tRNA synthetase | enzyme that makes sure that each tRNA molecule picks up the appropriate amino acid for its anticodon | |
167555764 | amino group | a functional group that contains -NH2 and that acts as a base; an example is an amino acid | |
167555765 | amnion | structure formed from epiblast that encloses the fluid-filled cavity that helps cushion the developing embryo | |
167555766 | amygdala | the portion of the human brain that controls impulsive emotions and anger | |
167555767 | amylase | enzyme that breaks down the starches in the human diet to simpler sugars, such as maltose, which are fully digested further down in the intestines | |
167555768 | anaerobic respiration | energy-producing reactions, AKA fermentation, that do not involve oxygen. It begins with glycolysis and concludes with the formation of NAD+ | |
167555769 | anemia | illness in which a lack of iron causes red blood cells to have a diminished capacity for delivering oxygen | |
167555770 | aneuploidy | the condition of having an abnormal number of chromosomes | |
167555771 | angiosperm | flowering plants divided into monocots and dicots | |
167555772 | anion | ion with a negative charge that contains more electrons that protons | |
167555773 | anterior pituitary gland | structure that produces 6 hormones; TSH, STH( or HGH), ACTH, LH, FSH, and prolaction | |
167555774 | anther | pollen producing portion of the plant | |
167555775 | antheridia | male gametangia in bryophytes and ferns designed to produce flagellated sperm that swim to meet up with the eggs produced by the female gametangia | |
167555776 | anticodon | region present at the tRNA attachment site; a three- nucleotide sequence that is perfectly complementary to a particular codon | |
167555777 | anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) | a hormone produced in the brain and stored in the pituitary glad; it increases the permeability of the collecting duct to water, leading to more concentrated urine content. | |
167555778 | antigen | a molecule that is foreign to our bodies and causes our immune system to respond | |
167555779 | apical meristem | region at the tip of roots and shoots where plant growth is concentrated and many actively dividing cells can be found here | |
167555780 | apoplast pathway | movement of water and nutrients through the nonliving portions of cells | |
167555781 | aposematic coloration | warning coloration adopted by animals that possess a chemical defense mechanism | |
167555782 | archaebacteria | one of two major prokaryotic evolutionary branches. These organisms tend to live in extreme environments and include halophiles, methanogens, and thermoacidphiles | |
167555783 | archegonium | female gametangia in bryophytes, ferns, and gymnosperms | |
167555784 | archezoa | eukaryotic organism that allegedly most closely resembles prokaryotes | |
167555785 | arteries | structures that carry blood away from the heart | |
167555786 | artificial selection | when humans become the agents of natural selection (breeding of dogs) | |
167555787 | ascospores | haploid meiotic products produced by a certain fungi | |
167555788 | A site | region on protein synthesis machinery that holds the tRNA carrying the next amino acid | |
167555789 | associative learning | process by which animals take one stimulus and associate it with another | |
167555790 | atom | the smallest form of an element that still displays its unique qualities | |
167555791 | ATP synthase | enzyme that uses the flow of hydrogen to drive the phosphorylation of an ADP molecule to an ATP molecule | |
167555792 | auditory communication | communication that involves the use of sound in conveying a message | |
167555793 | autonomic nervous system (ANS) | a subdivision of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) that controls the involuntary activities of the body: smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands. The ANS is divided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions. | |
167555794 | autosomal chromosome | one that is not directly involved in determining gender | |
167555795 | autotroph | an organism that is self- nourishing. It obtains carbon and energy without ingesting other organisms | |
167555796 | auxin | plant hormone that leads to elongation of stems and plays a role in phototropism and gravitropism | |
167555797 | axon | a longer extension that leaves a neuron and carries the impulse away from the cell body toward target cells | |
167555798 | balanced polymorphism | when there are two or more phenotypic variants maintained in a population | |
167555799 | bare-rock succession | the attachment of lichen to rocks, followed by step-by-step arrival of replacement species | |
167555800 | Barr bodies | inactivated genes on the X chromosome | |
167555801 | Batesian mimicry | an animal that is harmless copies the appearance of an animal that is dangerous as a defense mechanism to make predators think twice before attacking | |
167555802 | behavioral ecology | science that studies the inter action between animals and their environments from an evolutionary prospective | |
167555803 | bile | substance that contains bile salts, phospholipids, cholesterol, and bile pigments such as bilirubin, is stored in the gallbladder, and is dumped into the small intestine on the arrival of the food. | |
167555804 | bile salts | help to mechanically digest fat by emulsifying it into small droplets contained in water | |
167555805 | binary fission | mechanism by which prokaryotic cells divide. The cell elongates and pinches into two new daughter cells | |
167555806 | binomial system of classification | system created by Linnaeus in which each species is given a two-word name; Genus+ species | |
167555807 | biogeochemical cycles | cycles that represent the movement of elements, such as nitrogen and carbon, from organisms to the environment and back in a continuous cycle. | |
167555808 | biomass pyramid | biomass represents the cumulative weight of all of members of a given tropic level | |
167555809 | biome | the various geographic regions of the Earth that serve as hosts for ecosystems | |
167654643 | biosphere | the entire life- containing area of a planet- all ecosystems and communities | |
167654644 | biotic components | living organisms of an ecosystem | |
167654645 | biotic potential | the maximum growth rate for a population given unlimited resources, unlimited space, and lack of competition or predators | |
167654646 | birth rate | offspring produced per a specific time period | |
167654647 | bivalves | mollusks with hinged shells such as oysters and clams | |
167654648 | blastula | as a morula undergoes its next round of cell divisions, fluid fills its center to create this hollow looking structure | |
167654649 | "blending" hypothesis | theory that the genes contributed by 2 parents mix as if they are paint colors and the exact genetic makeup of each parent can never be recovered' the genes are as inseparable as blended paint. | |
167654650 | bottleneck | a dramatic reduction in population size that increases the likelihood of genetic drift | |
167654651 | bronchi | tunnels that branch off the trachea that lead into the individual lungs and divide into smaller branches called bronchioles | |
167654652 | bronchioles | tiny lung tunnels that branch repeatedly until they conclude as tiny air pockets containing alveoli | |
167654653 | brush border | large numbers of microvilli that increase the surface area of teh small intestine to improve absorption efficiency | |
167654654 | bryophyets | the first land plants to evolve from the chlorophytes. Members of this group include mosses, liverworts, and hornworts | |
167654655 | bundle sheath cells | cells that are tightly wrapped around teh veins of a leaf. They are the site for the Calvin Cycle in C4 plants | |
167654656 | C4 photosynthesis | photosynthetic process that alters the way in which carbon is fixed to better deal with teh lack of CO2 that comes from the closing of the stomata in hot, dry regions | |
167654657 | C4 plants | plant that has adapted its photosynthetic process to more efficiently handle hot and dry conditions | |
167654658 | calvin cycle | a name for the light-independent (dark) reactions of photosynthesis | |
167654659 | CAM photosynthesis | plants close their stomata during the day, collect CO2 at night, and store the CO2 in the form of acids until it is needed during the day for photosynthesis | |
167654660 | capsid | a protein shell that surrounds genetic material | |
167654661 | carbohydrate | organic compound used by the cells of a human body in energy- producing reactions and as structural material. The three main types of carbs are monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides | |
167654662 | carbon cycles | the movement of carbon from the atmosphere to living organisms and back to the environment in a continuous cycle | |
167654663 | carbon fixation | the attachment of teh carbon from CO2 to a molecule that is able to enter the Calvin Cycle, assisted by rubisco | |
167654664 | carbonyl group | a functional group that is hydrophilic and polar. It has a central carbon connected to R groups on either side. If both R's are carbon chains, it is a ketone. If one $ is a hydrogen and teh other is a carbon chain, it is an aldehyde | |
167654665 | carboxyl group | an acidic functional group (COOH) This functional group shows up along with amino groups in amino acids | |
167654666 | cardiac muscles | involuntary muscle of the heart that is striated in appearance and contains multiple nuclei | |
167654667 | carnivore | a consumer that obtains energy and nutrients through consumption of other animals | |
167654668 | carotenoid | a photosynthetic pigment | |
167654669 | carrying capacity | the maximum number of individuals a population can sustain in a given environment | |
167654670 | casparian strip | obstacle that blocks the passage of water through the endodermis of plants | |
167654671 | catalase | enzyme that assists in the conversion of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. Found in peroxisomes | |
167654672 | catalysts | molecules that speed up reactions by lowering the activation energy of a reaction | |
167654673 | cations | ions with a positive charge that contains more protons than electrons | |
167654674 | cell body | the main body of teh neuron | |
167654675 | cell cycle | a cycle that consists of 4 stages; G1, S, G2, and M. G1 and G2 are growth stages, S is the part of the cell cycle in which DNA is duplicated, and teh M phase stands for mitosis- the cell division stage | |
167654676 | cell- mediated immunity | this type of immunity involves direct cellular response to invasion as opposed to antibody- based defense | |
167654677 | cell plate | plant cell structure construced in teh Golgi apparatus composed of vesicles that fuse together along the middle of the cell, completing the separation process | |
167654678 | cellular slime molds | protists with a unique eating strategy. when plenty of food is available, they eat alone. When food is scarce, they clump together and form a unit. | |
167654679 | cellulose | polysaccharide composed of glucose used by plants to form cell walls | |
167654680 | cell wall | wall that functions to shape and protect cells. present in plant but not animal cells | |
167654681 | central nervous system (CNS) | made up of the brain and spinal cord. controsl skeletal muscles and voluntary movement | |
167750780 | cephalization | the concentration of sensory machinery in the anterior end of a bilateral organism | |
167750781 | cerebellum | portion of the brain that controls functions such as speech, hearing, sight, and motor control. Divided into two hemispheres and four lobes per hemisphere | |
167750782 | cervix | the uterus connects to the vaginal opening via this narrowed region | |
167750783 | character | a heritable feature, such as flower color, that varies among individuals | |
167750784 | checkpoints | stop points throughout the cell cycle where the cell verifies that there are enough nutrients to progess to the next stage of the cycle | |
167750785 | chemical communications | mammals and insects communicate throught the use of chemical signals called pheromones | |
167750786 | chemiosmosis | the coupling of the movement of electrons down the formation of ATP using the driving force provided by the proton gradient. seen in both photosynthesis and respiration | |
167750787 | chemoautotrophs | autotrophs that produce energy through oxidation of inorganic substances | |
167750788 | chitin | polysaccharide that is an important part of the exoskeletons of arthropods such as insects, spiders, and shellfish | |
167750789 | cholrophyll | a photosynthetic pigment | |
167750790 | chlorophytes | green algae that are probably the common ancestors of land plants | |
167750791 | chloroplast | the site of photosynthesis and energy production in plant cells and algae | |
167750792 | choanoflagellate | accepted to be the common ancestor of the animal kingdom | |
167750793 | choice | refers to the selection of mates by one sex (in mammals, it is usually females who exercise choice over mates) | |
167750794 | choice chamber | chamber used in scientific experiments to study kinesis | |
167750795 | cholesterol | steroid that is important structural component of the cell membranes and serves as a precursor molecule for steroid sex hormones | |
167750796 | chorion | formed from the trophoblast, it is the outer membrane of the embryo and the site of implantation onto teh endometrium. It contributes to formation of the placenta in mammals | |
167750797 | chromatin | the raw material that gives rise to the chromosomes (genetic material is uncoiled) | |
167750798 | chromosomal translocations | condition's in which a piece of one chromosome is attached to another non-homologous chromosme | |
167750799 | chromosome inversions | condiditon in which a piece of chromosome separates and reattaches in the opposite direction | |
167750800 | chronic myelogenous leukemia | a cancer affecting white blood cell precursor cells. In this disease, a portion of chromosome 22 has been swapped with a piece chromosome 9. | |
167750801 | chymotrypsin | enzyme that cuts protein bonds in the small intestine | |
167750802 | cilia | structures that eat in rhythmical waves to carry foreign particles and mucus away from the lungs | |
167750803 | circadian rhythm | a physiological cycle that occurs in time increments that are roughly equivalent to the length of a day` | |
167750804 | class 1 histocompatability anitgens | the surface of all the cells of the human body, except for red blood cells of the human body, have these antigens, which are slightly different for each individual . The immune system accepts any cell that has the identical match for this antigen as friendly. Anything with a different major histocompatibility complex is foreign | |
167750805 | class 2 histocompatibility antigens | antigens found on the surface of the immune cells of the body. These antigens play a role in the interaction between the cells of the immune system | |
167750806 | classical conditioning | type of associative learning that Ivan Pavlov demonstrated with his experiments involving salvation in dogs | |
167750807 | cleavage divisions | developing embryo divides; cytoplasm is distributed unevenly to the daughter cells while the genetic information is distributed equally | |
167750808 | cleavage furrow | groove formed, in animal cells between the two daughter cells; this groove pinches together to complete the separation of the two cells after mitosis | |
167750809 | climax community | final stable stage at the completion of the succession cycle | |
167750810 | clumped dispersion | scenario in which individuals live in packs that are spaced out from eachother. | |
167750811 | codominance | both alleles express themselves fully in a heterozygous organism | |
167750812 | codon | a triplet of nucleotides that codes for a particular amino acid | |
167750813 | coefficient of relatedness | statistic that represents the average proportion of genes that two individuals have in common | |
167750814 | coelom | fluid- filled body cavity found between the body wall and teh gut that has a lining and is derived from the mesoderm | |
167750815 | coelomates | animals that contain a true coelum | |
167750816 | coencytic fungi | fungi that does not contain septae | |
167750817 | coevolution | the mutual evolution between two species, which is exemplified by predator-prey relationships | |
167750818 | coleoptile | protective structure found around a grass seedling | |
167750819 | collenchyma cells | live plant cells that provide flexible and mechanical support | |
167750820 | commensalism | one organism benefits from the relationship while the other in unaffected | |
167750821 | community | a collection of populations of species in a given geographic area | |
167750822 | competent | describes a cell that is ready to accept foreign DNA from the environment | |
167750823 | competition | both involved are harmed by this kind of interaction. The two major forms of competition are intraspefiic and interspefic competition | |
167750824 | competitive inhibition | condition in which an inhibitor molecule resembling the substrate binds to the active site and physically blocks the substrate from attaching | |
167750825 | complement | a protein that coats cells that need to be cleared, stimulating phagocytes to ingest them | |
167750826 | compounds | entities that are formed as a result of the combination of elements | |
167750827 | conduction | process by which heat moves from a place of higher temperature to a place of lower temperature | |
167750828 | conifers | gymnosperm plants whose reproductive structure is a cone | |
167750829 | conjugation | the transfer of DNA between two bacterial cells connected by appendages called sex pili | |
167750830 | conservative DNA replication | the original double helix of DNA does not change at all. It is as if the DNA is placed on a copy machine and and exact duplicate is made. DNA from another parent appears in only one of the two daughter cells | |
167750831 | convection | heat transfer caused by airflow | |
167750832 | convergent characters | characters are convergent if they look the same in two species, even though the species do not have a common ancestor | |
167750833 | cork cambium | area that produces a think cover for stems and roots. It produces tissue that replaces dried-up epidermis lost during secondary growth | |
167750834 | cork cells | cells produced by cork cambium that die and form a protective barrier against infection and physical damage | |
167750835 | corpus callosum | bridge that connects the two hemispheres of the brain | |
167750836 | cortex | the outer region of the kidney or adrenal gland | |
167750837 | cortisol | stress hormones releasae in response to physological challenges | |
167750838 | cotyledon | structure that provides nutrients for a developing angiosperm plant | |
167750839 | cri-du-chat | syndrome that occurs with a deletion of chromosome 5 that leads to mental retardation, unusual facial features, and a small head. Most die in infancy or early childhood | |
167750840 | crossover | when homologous pairs match up during prophase 1 of meiosis, complementary pieces from teh two homologous chromosomes wrap around each other and exchange between the chromosomes. This is a mechanism that allows them to differ from their parents | |
167765652 | cryptic coloration | those being hunted adopt a coloring scheme that allows them to blend into the colors of the environment | |
167765653 | cuticle | waxy covering that protects terresterial plants against water loss | |
167765654 | cutin | waxy coat that protects plants | |
167765655 | cyclic light reactions | pather that produces only ATP and uses only PS1 | |
167765656 | cyclin | protein that accumulates during interphase vital to cell cycle control | |
167765657 | cystic fibrosis | a recessive disorder that is teh most common lethal genetic disease in the US. A defective version of a gene on a chromosome 7 results in the excessive secretion of a think mucus, which accumulates in the lungs and digestive tract. Left untreated, children with this die at a very young age. | |
167765658 | cytokinesis | the physical separation of the newly formed daughter cells during meiosis and mitosis. Occurs immediately after Telophase | |
167765659 | cytokinin | plant hormone that promotes cell division and leaf enlargement, and slows down the aging of leaves | |
167765660 | cytoskeleton | provides support, shape, and mobility to cells | |
167765661 | death rate | the number of deaths per time period | |
167765662 | deceptive markings | patterns that can cause a predator to think twice before attacking, such as some insects may have colored designs on their wings that resemble large eyes, making individuals look more imposing then they are | |
167765663 | dehydration reaction | a reaction in which two compounds merge releasing, H2O as a product | |
167765664 | deletion | a piece of the chromosome is lost in the development process | |
167765665 | demographers | scientists who study the theory and statistics behind population growth and decline | |
167765666 | dendrite | one of many short, branched processes of a neuron that help send the nerve impluses toward the cell body | |
167765667 | dentrification | the process by which bacteria use nitrates and release n2 as a product | |
167765668 | density-dependent inhibition | when a certain density of cells is reached, cell growth will slow or stop. This is because there are not enough raw materials for the growth and survival of more cells | |
167765669 | density- dependent limiting factors | factors related to population size that come into play as population size approaches or passes carrying capacity. Examples include food, waste, and disease. | |
167765670 | density-independent limiting factors | factors that limit population growth that have nothing to do with the population size, such as natural disease and weather | |
167765671 | depolarization | the electric potential becomes less negative inside the cell, allowing action potential to occur | |
167765672 | desert | the driest land biome on Earth, which experiences a wide range of temperatures from day to night and exists on nearly every continent | |
167765673 | detritivore | AKA decomposer a consumer that obtains its energy through the consumption of dead animals and plants | |
167765674 | dicot | an angiosperm plant that has 2 cotyledons | |
167765675 | diffusion | the movement of molecules down their concentration gradients without the use of energy. Its a passive process by which molecules move from a a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration | |
167765676 | dihybrid cross | the crossing of 2 different characters ( BbRr X BbRr). A dihybrid cross between heteroaygous gametes gives a 9; 3; 3; 1 phenotype ratio in the offspring | |
167765677 | diploid (2n) | an organism that has 2 copies of each type of chromosome. in humans, this refers to the paris of homologous chromosomes. |