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AP Biology Chapter 51

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213777023Agonistic BehaviorA type of behavior involving a contest of some kind that determines which competitor gains access to some resource, such as food or mates.
213777024AltruismBehavior that reduces an individual's fitness while increasing the fitness of another individual.
213777025Associative LearningThe acquired ability to associate one stimulus with another; also called classical conditioning.
213777026BehaviorEverything an animal does and how it does it.
213777027Behavioral EcologyStudying how such behavior is controlled and how it is developed.
213777028Classical ConditioningA type of associative learning; the association of a normally irrelevant stimulus with a fixed behavioral response.
213777029Coefficient of RelatednessThe probability that a particular gene present in one individual will also be inherited from a common parent or ancestor in a second individual.
213777030CognitionThe mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating of an animal.
213777031Cognitive EthologyThe scientific study of cognition; the study of the connection between data processing by nervous systems and animal behavior.
213777032Cognitive MapA representation within the nervous system of spatial relations between objects in an animal's environment.
213777033CommunicationAnimal behavior involving transmission of, reception of, and response to signals.
213777034CultureThe enduring behaviors, ideas, attitudes, and traditions shared by a group of people and transmitted from one generation to the next.
213777035EthologyThe study of animal behavior in natural conditions.
213777036Fixed Action PatternA sequence of behavioral acts that is essentially unchangeable and usually carried to completion once initiated.
213777037ForagingBehavior necessary to recognize, search for, capture, and consume food.
213777038Game TheoryThe study of how people behave in strategic situations.
213777039HabituationA very simple type of learning that involves a loss of responsiveness to stimuli that convey little or no information.
213777040Hamilton's RuleThe principle that for natural selection to favor an altruistic act, the benefit to the recipient, devalued by the coefficient of relatedness, must exceed the cost to the altruist.
213777041ImprintingA type of learned behavior with a significant innate component, acquired during a limited critical period.
213777042Inclusive FitnessThe total effect an individual has on proliferating its genes by producing its own offspring and by providing aid that enables other close relatives to increase the production of their offspring.
213777043Innate BehaviorDevelopmentally fixed (born with it).
213777044Kin SelectionA phenomenon of inclusive fitness, used to explain altruistic behavior between related individuals.
213777045KinesisA change in activity or turning rate in response to a stimulus.
213777046LandmarkA point of reference for orientation during navigation.
213777047LearningA behavioral change resulting from experience.
213777048Mate Choice CopyingBehavior in which individuals in a population copy the mate choice of others, apparently as a result of social learning.
213777049MonogamousA type of relationship in which one male mates with just one female.
213777050Operant ConditioningA type of associative learning in which an animal learns to associate one of its own behaviors with a reward or punishment and then tends to repeat or avoid that behavior; also called trial-and-error learning.
213777051Optimal Foraging TheoryThe basis for analyzing behavior as a compromise of feeding costs versus feeding benefits.
213777052PheromoneIn animals and fungi, a small molecule released into the environment that functions in communication between members of the same species. In animals, it acts much like a hormone in influencing physiology and behavior.
213777053PolyandryA polygamous mating system involving one female and many males.
213777054PolygamousA type of relationship in which an individual of one sex mates with several of the other.
213777055PolygynyA polygamous mating system involving one male and many females.
213777056PromiscuousA type of relationship in which mating occurs with no strong pair-bonds or lasting relationships.
213777057Proximate QuestionHow questions.
213777058Sensitive PeriodA limited phase in an individual animal's development when learning of particular behaviors can take place.
213777059Sign StimulusAn external sensory stimulus that triggers a fixed action pattern.
213777060SignalA behavior that causes a change in behavior in another animal.
213777061Social LearningModification of behavior through the observation of other individuals.
213777062SociobiologyThe study of social behavior based on evolutionary theory.
213777063Spatial LearningModification of behavior based on experience of the spatial structure of the environment.
213777064TaxisMovement toward or away from a stimulus.
213777065Ultimate QuestionWhy questions.
213777066Reciprocal AltruismAltruistic behavior between unrelated individuals, whereby the current altruistic individual benefits in the future when the current beneficiary reciprocates.

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