Important terms or words in AP Biology Chapter 52 (Population Ecology)
909211113 | population | a group of individuals of a single species that simultaneously occupy the general area | |
909211114 | density | a population is measured as the number of individuals per unit area | |
909211115 | dispersion | a population is the pattern of spacing among individuals within the geographic boundaries | |
909211116 | demography | studies the vital statistics that affect population size | |
909211117 | life table | an age-specific summary of the survival pattern of a population | |
909211118 | cohort | a group of individuals of the same age throughout their lifetime | |
909211119 | Type I curve | shows a low death rate early in life (humans) [K-selected] | |
909211120 | Type II curve | shows constant mortality (squirrels) | |
909211121 | Type III curve | shows high death rate early in life (oysters) [r-selected] | |
909211122 | reproductive table | an age-specific summary of the reproductive rates in a population | |
909211123 | fecundity | produce lots of offsprings | |
909211124 | big-bang reproduction (semelparity) | large numbers of offspring are produced in each reproduction, after which the individual often dies | |
909211125 | repeated reproduction (iteropartity) | Organisms produce only a few eggs | |
909211126 | carrying capacity | (K-variable) the maximum stable population size a particular environment can support | |
909211127 | logistic population growth | model incorporates the effect of population density on the rate of increase as the population reaches carrying capacity | |
909211128 | K-selection | organisms live and reproduce K, and are sensitive to population density | |
909211129 | r-selection | organisms exhibit high rates of reproduction and occur in variable environments in which population densities fluctuate well below K | |
909211130 | density-dependent limiting factors | factors that increase their affect on a population as population density increases | |
909211131 | negative feedback | ie. competition for food, water, space, sunlight; crowding; predation; spread of disease | |
909211132 | density-independent limiting factors | factors that are unrelated to population density, and there is no feedback to slow population growth. ie. Natural Disasters: fires, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes etc. | |
909211133 | age structure | the relative number of individuals of each age |