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AP Biology: Chapter 6 Flashcards

Vocabulary words from the AP Edition of Campbell Biology, Chapter 6.

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5407086089organellesmembrane-enclosed structures within a eukaryotic cell0
5407086090cytosola jellylike substance where organelles and other components are found1
5407086091eukaryotic cellCell with a nucleus and membrane bound organelles2
5407086092prokaryotic cellCell with no nucleus nor membrane bound organelles3
5407086093nucleoid regiona non-membrane-enclosed region of the cell where prokaryotic DNA is found4
5407086094cytoplasmthe region in a cell between the cell membrane and nucleus; it contains the cell structures and oganelles5
5407086095plasma membraneThe selective barrier that surrounds a cell; it controls what enters and leaves the cell6
5407086096nucleuschromosome-containing part of a eukaryotic cell7
5407086097nuclear envelopeencloses the nucleus to separate its contents from the cytoplasm8
5407086098nuclear laminaa netlike array of protein filaments that maintains the shape of the nucleus by mechanically supporting the nuclear envelope, lines the nuclear side of the nuclear envelope9
5407086099chromosomestightly coiled structures that carry the genetic information (can be seen during nuclear division)10
5407086100chromatinloosly coiled genetic material that makes up chromosomes, a complex of proteins and DNA11
5407086101nucleoluslocated in the nucleus, makes, synthesizes, and partially assembles ribosomes12
5407086102ribosomesmade of ribosomal RNA and protein, synthesize proteins13
5407086103endomembrane systemmembranes that divide the cell into organelles such as the nuclear membrane, the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vesicles, and the cell membrane.14
5407086104endoplasmic reticulum (ER)accounts for more than half of total membrane in many eukaryotic cells, continuous with the nuclear envelope15
5407086105smooth ERportion of the endoplasmic reticulum free of ribosomes, synthesize lipids, detoxifies the cell, and regulates calcium levels16
5407086106rough ERportion of the endoplasmic reticulum studded with ribosomes, produce and transport membrane and secretory proteins17
5407086107glycoproteinsproteins with covalently-bonded carbohydrates that play a role in cell to cell interaction18
5407086108transport vesiclesvesicles in transit from one part of the cell to another19
5407086109Golgi apparatusstack of membranes that modifies, sorts, and packages proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum20
5407086110lysosomemembranous sac of hydrolytic enzymes, which the cell uses to digest unwanted materials21
5407086111phagocytosisthe process by which a cell engulfs a solid particle22
5407086112autophagylysosomes break down damaged organelles23
5407086113food vacuolesformed by phagocytosis, pinches off from plasma membrane and encloses a food particle24
5407086114contractile vacuolespump excess water out of the cell to maintain a suitable concentration of ions and molecules in the cell25
5407086115central vacuolethe largest organelle in a plant cell. It is surrounded by the tonoplast and functions to hold materials and wastes. It also functions to maintain the proper pressure within plant cells26
5407086116mitochondriachemically convert chemical (food) energy into usable ATP energy through cellular respiration27
5407086117chloroplastscontain chlorophyll which help absorb solar energy in order to convert carbon dioxide and water into sugars during photosynthesis28
5407086118cristaeinfoldings in the inner membrane of the mitochondria29
5407086119mitochondrial matrixcompartment of the mitochondrion, enclosed by the inner membrane, contains enzymes and substrates for the citric acid cycle30
5407086120plastidsmanufacture and store important chemical compounds used by the cell such as pigments, oils, and starches31
5407086121thylakoidsflattened and interconnected sacs found in chloroplasts. The light dependent stage of photosynthesis occurs on the membranes of these sacs32
5407086122granumstacks of thylakoids33
5407086123stromafluid outside the thylakoids, contains chloroplast DNA, ribosomes, and enzymes. The light independent stage of photosynthesis occurs in this area34
5407086124cytoskeletona network of fibers bracing the cytoplasm35
5407086125microtubuleshollow rods of protein, support the cell and moves organelles within the cell36
5407086126centrosomea region located near the nucleus where micro-tubules grow from; important in cell division37
5407086127centriolescylindrical organelle near the nucleus in animal cells, occurring in pairs and involved in the development of spindle fibers in cell division38
5407086128flagellaa long tail-like structure that aids in cell movement39
5407086129ciliaa short hair-like structures that enable movement of cells or movement of materials outside a cell, utilizes a back-and-forth motion40
5407086130microfilamentsthe thinnest part of the cytoskeleton, are used to give shape to the cell and support all of its internal parts41
5407086131actina globular protein that makes up microfilaments42
5407086132pseudopodiacellular extensions that enable a cell to crawl along a surface43
5407086133cytoplasmic streamingthe circular flow of cytoplasm within cells44
5407086134intermediate filamentsdiverse class of cytoskeletal elements that bear tension like microfilaments45
5407086135cell wallextracellular structure specific to plant cells, protects the cell, maintains its shape, and prevents excessive water uptake46
5407086136primary cell walla relatively thin and flexible layer in plant cells, first secreted by a young cell47
5407086137middle lamellaa thin layer between primary walls of adjacent cells that glues them together with pectin48
5407086138secondary cell walla strong and durable matrix in plant cells, often deposited in several laminated layers for cell protection and support49
5407086139extracellular matrixwhere animal tissue cells are embedded, consists of protein and polysaccharides50
5407086140collagenmost common glycoprotein in the ECM, forms strong fibers outside the cells51
5407086141plasmodesmatachannels that perforate cell walls, allow for connections between cells in plants52
5407086142tight junctionsintercellular junction in animal tissues where plasma membranes of neighboring cells are very tightly pressed against each other, bound by specific proteins53
5407086143desmosomesintercellular junction in animal tissues that function like rivets, fastening cells together into strong sheets54
5407086144gap junctionsintercellular junction in animal tissues that provide cytoplasmic channels from one cell to an adjacent cell, similar to plasmodesmata in plants55

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