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AP Biology Protein Synthesis Flashcards

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5760142631TranscriptionProcess that converts DNA Nucleic Acid language into RNA Nucleic Acid language.0
5760142632RNA Structure• Ribose sugar. • Nitrogen bases: Uracil, Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine. • Single stranded.1
5760142633Types of RNA• mRNA • tRNA • rRNA • siRNA2
5760142634Template StrandTranscribed DNA strand; the strand of DNA that is temporarily paired with the RNA.3
5760142635Coding StrandUntranscribed DNA strand; same sequence as RNA.4
5760142636Transcription BubbleWhere DNA unzips for transcription to begin.5
5760142637RNA Polymerase IOnly transcribes rRNA genes; makes ribosomes.6
5760142638RNA Polymerase IITranscribes genes into mRNA.7
5760142639RNA Polymerase IIIOnly transcribes tRNA genes.8
5760142640Promoter RegionBinding site before beginning of gene; for RNA Polymerase and transcription factors.9
5760142641TATA Box Binding SiteA DNA sequence in eukaryotic promoters crucial in forming the transcription initiation complex.10
5760142642Enhancer RegionBinding site far upstream of gene. Turns transcription on HIGH.11
5760142643Initiation ComplexTranscription factors bind to promoter region. Trigger the binding of RNA Polymerase to DNA.12
5760142644ExonsThe real gene; expressed/coding DNA.13
5760142645IntronsThe junk genetic material; INbetween sequence.14
5760142646mRNA SplicingPost-transcriptional processing; edits out introns.15
5760142647Pre-mRNAPrimary transcript of the process.16
5760142648Mature mRNAThe final product of mRNA splicing.17
5760142649snRNPsSmall nuclear RNA; proteins. Responsible for splicing RNA.18
5760142650SpliceosomeSeveral snRNPs. Recognize splice site sequence. "Cut and paste" gene.19
5760142651Alternative SplicingAlternative mRNAs produced from same gene; different segments treated as exons.20
5760142652Post-Transcriptional ProcessingNeed to protect mRNA on its trip from nucleus to cytoplasm; enzymes in cytoplasm attack mRNA.21
5760142653mRNA Caps5' GTP Cap and Poly-A Tail; longer tail, mRNA lasts longer: produces more protein.22
5760142654Reading FrameReading mRNA nucleotides in the correct groupings. If a single base is added or lost, it throws off the entire reading frame.23
5760142655TranslationFrom nucleic acid language to amino acid language.24
5760142656CodonA sequence of three nucleotides in mRNA that codes for a specific amino acid.25
5760142657Start CodonsAUG and Methionine.26
5760142658Stop CodonsUGA, UAA, and UAG.27
5760142659Anti-CodonGroup of three bases on a tRNA molecule that are complementary to an mRNA codon.28
5760142660tRNATransfer RNA: follows its complementary codon, carries a specific attached amino acid.29
5760142661RibosomesFacilitate coupling of tRNA anticodon to mRNA codon. Organelle/enzyme hybrid.30
5760142662Structure of RibosomesRibosomal RNA (rRNA) and proteins. Large and small subunits.31
5760142663A SiteHolds tRNA carrying next amino acid to be added to chain.32
5760142664P SiteHolds tRNA carrying growing polypeptide chain.33
5760142665E SiteExit site. Empty tRNA leaves ribosome from exit side.34
5760142666InitiationBrings together mRNA, ribosome subunits, initiator tRNA.35
5760142667ElongationAdding amino acids based on codon sequence.36
5760142668TerminationEnd codon.37
5760142669Protein Synthesis in ProkaryotesTranslation and transcription coupled, translation begins before transcription is completed.38

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