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AP Biology: Transcription & Translation Flashcards

chapter 14

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9352842555Central dogma of medicinesequence of information is DNA → RNA → proteins0
9352842556RNAsingle stranded, ribose is the sugar, nitrogenous bases=A,U,C,G1
9352842557DNAdouble stranded, deoxyribose is the sugar, nitrogenous bases=A,T,C,G2
9352842558Prokaryotic transcription & translationall in cytoplasm (no nucleus); mRNA made directly into protein (no splicing); transcription and translation can occur at same time on same strand3
9352842559Eukaryotic transcription & translationhas nucleus; original mRNA molecule modified and sent to ribosomes for translation4
9352842560pre-mRNAnewly transcribed and non-edited mRNA5
9352842561Three main types of RNAmessenger RNA (mRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA), & ribosomal RNA (rRNA); all have different structures/functions6
9352842562Messenger RNAsingle stranded; created during transcription using DNA code7
9352842563Transfer RNAcloverleaf shaped molecule; "reads" mRNA code during translation; each tRNA carries a specific amino acid and "reads" a specific mRNA sequence; has lots of G & C nucleotides b/c they're stronger (3 bonds, not 2)8
9352842564Ribosomal RNAglobular molecule; along with proteins, makes up ribosomes; no specific role in translation/transcription; structural rather than informational9
9352842565snRNAsmall nuclear RNA; part of spliceosome; structural and catalytic roles10
9352842566srpRNAsignal recognition particle that binds to signal peptides11
9352842567RNAiinterference RNA; a regulatory molecule12
9352842568miRNA/siRNAmicro/small interfering RNA; bind to mRNA or DNA to block it, regulate gene expression, or cut it up13
9352842569RibozymeRNA that functions as an enzyme (snRNP) and self-edit/splice out own introns14
9352842570Location of transcriptionnucleus (for eukaryotes)15
93528425713 steps of transcriptioninitiation, elongation, and termination16
9352842572Initiation step of transcriptionRNA polymerase binds to promoter region of DNA and separates strands, moving in 5' → 3' direction (does not need primer)17
9352842573Elongation step of transcriptionRNA chain grows in 5' → 3' direction as free nucleotides pair with nucleotides on template strand; non-coding strand reforms double helix18
9352842574Termination step of transcriptiontranscription proceeds until reaches terminator site on DNA; RNA molecule then released19
9352842575Additions to pre-mRNA during processingfor protection GTP "cap" added to 5' end and polyA "tail" added to 3' end20
9352842576Intronnon-coding DNA segment; removed by snRNP before mRNA travels to ribosome21
9352842577Exoncoding DNA segment that determines traits of organism (codes for proteins)22
9352842578snRNPenzymes made of proteins and RNA; part of spliceosome23
9352842579UTRuntranslatable sequence at each end of mRNA24
9352842580Benefit of intronsallows alternative splicing (introns and exons can vary), which allows for many combinations of genes25
9352842581Useful characteristics of mRNAsingle-stranded so can exit nuclear pores; has triplets (groups of 3 nucleotides) called "codons" that are read by tRNA triplets called "anticodons" via complementary base pairing26
9352842582Useful characteristics of tRNAcloverleaf structure; each tRNA attaches to different amino acid; anticodon matches with mRNA's codon to "read" and translate it into amino acid27
9352842583Ribosome structuremade of rRNA and proteins; large and small subunits join to form functional ribosome when mRNA present28
9352842584rRNA productionmade in nucleolus, assembled with proteins from cytoplasm to make ribosomes29
93528425853 binding sites for trNA in ribosomeA (aminoacyl-tRNA) site, P (peptidyl-tRNA) site, and E (exit) site30
93528425863 steps of translationinitiation, elongation and termination (same as transcription)31
9352842587Initiation step of translationsmall ribosomal subunit attaches to 5' end of mRNA ('start' codon - AUG); tRNA carries 1st amino acid (Met) to mRNA; large ribosomal subunit attaches to mRNA32
9352842588Elongation step of translationribosome moves along mRNA and matches anticodons with codons; tRNA attaches to mRNA in A site; tRNA moves to P site; new amino acid moves to A site; polypeptide bond forms between amino acids; tRNA in P site releases amino acid and enters E site then exits33
9352842589Termination step of translationoccurs when ribosome encounters 'stop' codon; ribosome subunits detach, releasing mRNA and polypeptide (mRNA can be "re-read")34
9352842590Polysomesstrings of ribosomes that can work on same mRNA at same time to increase efficiency of translation35
9352842591Redundancy in genetic code64 codons code from 20 amino acids (accounts for wobble)36
9352842592Wobblecodons for the same amino acid often differ in 3rd base37
9352842593Post-translational modificationchanges that happen to polypeptide after translation in order to make fully folded protein (example: chaperonins); correct folding is very important! (misfolded proteins causes many diseases, like Mad Cow)38
9352842594Chaperoninsbarrel shaped proteins molecules that help wrap protein into 3D shape39
9352842595Types of post-translational modificationsmolecular groups added (sugars, lipids, phosphates, etc.); and/or amino acid segments removed40
9352842596Mutagensenvironmental factors that cause mutations (example: radiation & cigarette smoke)41
9352842597Carcinogenmutagen that causes change in genes that regulate cell cycle/division42
93528425982 main types of mutationspoint mutation & frameshift mutation43
9352842599Point mutationchange in one base pair of a gene (substitution: replace one base with another)44
93528426003 types/effects of point mutationssilent, missense, & nonsense45
9352842601Silent mutationchanges one base, but codes for same amino acid46
9352842602Missense mutationchange in one base codes for another amino acid (example: sickle cell disease)47
9352842603Nonsense mutationchange in one base codes for a stop codon (makes nonfunctional protein that is terminated early)48
9352842604Frameshift mutationmutation affects all nucleotides/codon groupings farther along DNA/RNA code49
93528426052 types of frameshift mutationsinsertion and deletion50
9352842606Insertion mutationadding extra nucleotides; causes frameshift unless multiple of 3 is added51
9352842607Deletion mutationremoving nucleotides; causes frameshift unless multiple of 3 is removed52

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