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AP Capstone Vocabulary Words Flashcards

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14793731535AlignmentCohesion between the focus of an inquiry, the method of collecting information, the process of analysis of the info, and the conclusions made to increase understanding of that focus0
14793731536ArgumentA claim or thesis that conveys a perspective developed through a line of reasoning and supported by evidence1
14793731537AssumptionA belief regarded as true and often unstated2
14793731538AuthorOne who creates a work (e.g., article; research study; foundational, literary, or philosophical text; speech, broadcast, or personal account; artistic work or performance) that conveys a perspective and can be examined3
14793731539BiasA personal opinion, belief, or value that may influence one's judgment, perspective, or claim4
14793731540ClaimA statement made about an issue that asserts a perspective5
14793731541CommentaryDiscussion and analysis of evidence in relation to the claim which may identify patterns, describe trends, and/or explain relationships6
14793731542Complex issueIssue involving many facets or perspectives that must be understood in order to address it7
14793731543ConcessionAcknowledgment and acceptance of an opposing or different view8
14793731544ConclusionUnderstanding resulting from analysis of evidence9
14793731545ContextThe intent, audience, purpose, bias, situatedness, and/or background (larger environment) of a source or reference10
14793731546ConventionsThe stylistic features of writing (e.g., grammar, usage, mechanics)11
14793731547CounterargumentAn opposing perspective, idea, or theory supported by evidence12
14793731548CredibilityThe degree to which a source is believable and trustworthy13
14793731549cross-curricularGoes beyond the traditional boundary of a single content area or discipline14
14793731550deductiveA type of reasoning that constructs general propositions that are supported with evidence or cases15
14793731551evidenceInformation (e.g., data, quotations, excerpts from texts) used as proof to support a claim or thesis16
14793731552fallacyEvidence or reasoning that is false or in error17
14793731553implicationA possible future effect or result18
14793731554inductiveA type of reasoning that presents cases or evidence that lead to a logical conclusion19
14793731555inquiryA process for seeking truth, information, or knowledge through a study, research investigation, or artistic endeavor/work20
14793731556interdisciplinaryInvolving two or more areas of knowledge21
14793731557issueImportant problem for debate or discussion22
14793731558lensFilter through which an issue or topic is considered or examined23
14793731559limitationA boundary or point at which an argument or generalization is no longer valid24
14793731560line of reasoningArrangement of claims and evidence that leads to a conclusion25
14793731561literatureThe foundational and current texts of a field or discipline of study26
14793731562perspectiveA point of view conveyed through an argument27
14793731563plagiarismFailure to acknowledge, attribute, and/or cite any ideas or evidence taken from another source28
14793731564point of viewA position or standpoint on a topic or issue29
14793731565primary sourceAn original source of information about a topic (e.g., study, artifact, data set, interview, article)30
14793731566qualificationA condition or exception31
14793731567qualitativeHaving to do with text, narrative, or descriptions32
14793731568quantitativeHaving to do with numbers, amounts, or quantities33
14793731569rebuttalContradicting an opposing perspective by providing alternate, more convincing evidence34
14793731570refutationDisproving an opposing perspective by providing counterclaims or counterevidence35
14793731571reliabilityThe extent to which something can be trusted to be accurate36
14793731572resolutionThe act of solving a problem or dispute37
14793731573scaffoldingThe provision of temporary structured support for students to aid skill development38
14793731574secondary sourceA commentary about one or more primary sources that provides additional insight, opinions, and/or interpretation about the primary source data, study, or artifacts39
14793731575sequencingThe organization of curriculum content into an order which progresses from simple to more complex40
14793731576solutionA means of answering a question or addressing a problem or issue41
14793731577textSomething composed (e.g., articles; research studies; foundational, literary, and philosophical texts; speeches, broadcasts, and personal accounts; artistic works and performances) that conveys a perspective and can be examined42
14793731578thesisA claim or position on an issue or topic put forward and supported by evidence43
14793731579toneThe way in which an author expresses an attitude about his or her topic or subject through rhetorical choices44
14793731580validityThe extent to which an argument or claim is logical45
14793731581vocal varietyChanging vocal characteristics (e.g., pitch, volume, speed) in order to emphasize ideas, convey emotion or opinion, or achieve other specific purposes46

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