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AP Chap. 28 Flashcards

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288639257embassiesthe headquarters of an ambassador represented in another country0
288639258globalizationintegration of world's economies, cultures, and goods1
288639259militarismnational policy of building and maintaining an army2
288639260nationalismwanting your country country to be number 1; freeing country from foreign control3
288639261alliancetwo or more countries join together fore defensive purposes4
288639262triple ententefrance, britain, russia5
288639263triple allianceaustria, germany, italy6
288639264central powersottoman empire, germany, austria7
288639265the alliesrussia, britain, france, italy u.s.8
288639266mobilizationpreparing your country for war9
288639267propagandaideas that are true or false spread to gain peoples support10
288639268internal securitycitizens were asked to look out for spies11
288639269rationinglimiting amount of goods people can have12
288639270stalemateneither side was winning13
288639271schlieffen planidea of germany avoiding war on 2 fronts14
288639272attritiontrying to wear the other side down15
294398089imperialismthe policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies.16
294398090Gallipolisite of decisive 1915 Turkish victory over Australian and New Zealand forces under British command during WWI17
294398091Francis Ferdinandarchduke of Austria-Hungary whose assassination was a cause of WWI18
294398092Contrabandillegal arms19
294398093LusitaniaBritish passenger ship that was destroyed by Germany20
294398094Zimmerman Noteletter sent from Germany to Mexico urging them to join the central powers21
294398095armisticecease fire22
294398096indemnitiescash payments that the loer of a war pays the winner23
294398097reparationsgoods given to winners24
294398098self-determinationcountries choose own govt.25
294398099league of nationsinternational peace organization26
294398100dawes planrepayment schedule for germany to pay back indemnities27
294398101treaty of versaillestreaty that ended war w/ germany28
29439810214 pointswilson's plan for peace29
294398103war guilt clausegermany was blamed for WWI30
294398104de-militarizationbreaking down military31
294398105B.G. Tilakindependence leader who used violence and looked to the past32
294398106Mohandas Gandhinon-violent independence leader33
294398107Dinshawai Incidentwife of prayer leader was shot by British; led to Egyptian protest movement34
294398108zionisma policy for establishing and developing a national homeland for Jews in Palestine35
294398109McMahon Pledge1914; Palestine was promised to Arabs36
294398110Balfour Declaration1917; palestine was promised to Jews37
294398111effendiprosperous business class in khedival Egypt38
294398112Herzlpromoted jewish migration to palestine and created zionism39
294398113pan africanismafrica for africans40
294398114negritude movementreturn to african heritage41

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