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AP: Chapter 13 Flashcards

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357582710Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)All neural structures outside the brain, sensory receptors, peripheral nerves and associated ganglia that also includes sensory receptors.0
357582711Sensory ReceptorsSpecialized to respond to changes in their environment (stimuli), activation results in graded potentials that trigger nerve impulses and sensation (awareness of stimulus) and perception (interpretation of the meaning of the stimulus) occur in the brain.1
357582712Classification of ReceptorsBased on stimulus type, location, and structural complexity.2
357582713MechanoreceptorsRespond to touch, pressure, vibration, stretch, and itch.3
357582714ThermoreceptorsSensitive to changes in temperature.4
357582715PhotoreceptorsRespond to light energy (e.g., retina).5
357582716ChemoreceptorsRespond to chemicals (e.g., smell, taste, changes in blood chemistry).6
357582717NociceptorsSensitive to pain-causing stimuli (e.g. extreme heat or cold, excessive pressure, inflammatory chemicals).7
357582718ExteroceptorsRespond to stimuli arising outside the body, receptors in the skin for touch, pressure, pain, and temperature; used in most special sense organs.8
357582719Interoceptors (visceroceptorsRespond to stimuli arising in internal viscera and blood vessels and sensitive to chemical changes, tissue stretch, and temperature changes.9
357582720ProprioceptorsRespond to stretch in skeletal muscles, tendons, joints, ligaments, and connective tissue coverings of bones and muscles plus inform the brain of one's movements.10
357582721complex receptors (special sense organs)Vision, hearing, equilibrium, smell, and taste.11
357582722simple receptors for general senses:Tactile sensations (touch, pressure, stretch, vibration), temperature, pain, and muscle sense and unencapsulated (free) or encapsulated dendritic endings.12
357582723ThermoreceptorsThis is unencapsulated by cold receptors (10-40ºC); in superficial dermis and heat receptors (32-48ºC) in deeper dermis.13
357582724NociceptorsUnencapsulated that respond to: pitching, chemicals from damaged tissue, temperatures outside the range of thermoreceptors and capsaicin.14
357582725Light touch receptorsUnencapsulated is tactile (merkel) discs and hair follicle receptors.15
357582726Encapsulated Dendritic EndingsAll are mechanoreceptors.16
357582727Meissner's (tactile) corpusclesDiscriminative touch17
357582728Pacinian (lamellated) corpusclesDeep pressure and vibration18
357582729Ruffini endingDeep continuous pressure19
357582730Muscle spindlesMuscle stretch20
357582731Golgi tendon organsStretch in tendons21
357582732Joint kinesthetic receptorsStretch in articular capsules22
357582733Sensation to PerceptionSurvival depends upon sensation and perception, sensation is the awareness of changes in the internal and external environment plus perception of the conscious interpretation of those stimuli.23
357582734Sensory IntegrationInput comes from exteroceptors, proprioceptors, and interoceptors and input is relayed toward the head, but is processed along the way.24
357582735Receptor levelThe sensor receptors25
357582736Circuit levelAscending pathways26
357582737Perceptual levelNeuronal circuits in the cerebral cortex.27
357582738Processing at the Receptor LevelReceptors have specificity for stimulus energy, stimulus must be applied in a receptive field, transduction occurs, and stimulus energy is converted into a graded potential called a receptor potential.28
357582739Special Sense OrgansStimulus, receptor potential in receptor cell, release of neurotransmitter, generator potential in first-order sensory neuron, and action potentials (if threshold is reached).29
357582740Adaptation of Sensory ReceptorsAdaptation is a change in sensitivity in the presence of a constant stimulus, receptor membranes become less responsive, and receptor potentials decline in frequency or stop.30
357582741Phasic (fast-adapting) receptorsSignal the beginning or end of a stimulus and examples include receptors for pressure, touch, and smell.31
357582742Tonic receptorsAdapt slowly or not at all examples include nociceptors and most proprioceptors.32
357582743Processing at the Circuit LevelPathways of three neurons conduct sensory impulses upward to the appropriate brain regions.33
357582744First-order neuronsConduct impulses from the receptor level to the second-order neurons in the CNS.34
357582745Second-order neuronsTransmit impulses to the thalamus or cerebellum.35
357582746Third-order neuronsConduct impulses from the thalamus to the somatosensory cortex (perceptual level).36
357582747Perception Of PainWarns of actual or impending tissue damage, stimuli include extreme pressure and temperature, histamine, K+, ATP, acids, and bradykinin;Impulses travel on fibers that release neurotransmitters glutamate and substance, and some pain impulses are blocked by inhibitory endogenous opioids.37
357582748Structure of a NerveCordlike organ of the PNS and bundle of myelinated and unmyelinated peripheral axons enclosed by connective tissue.38
357582749Endoneurium (nerve)Loose connective tissue that encloses axons and their myelin sheaths.39
357582750Perineurium (nerve)Coarse connective tissue that bundles fibers into fascicles.40
357582751Epineurium (nerve)Tough fibrous sheath around a nerve.41
357582752Classification of NervesMost nerves are mixtures of afferent and efferent fibers and somatic and autonomic (visceral) fibers and pure sensory (afferent) or motor (efferent) nerves are rare.42
357582753Types of fibers in mixed nervesSomatic afferent and somatic efferent plus visceral afferent and visceral efferent. Peripheral nerves classified as cranial or spinal nerves.43
357582754GangliaContain neuron cell bodies associated with nerves.44
357582755Dorsal root gangliasensory, somatic45
357582756Autonomic gangliamotor, visceral46
357582757Regeneration of Nerve FibersMature neurons are amitotic, if the soma of a damaged nerve is intact: axon will regenerate, CNS oligodendrocytes bear growth-inhibiting proteins that prevent CNS fiber regeneration.47
357582758Macrophagesremoves debris48
357582759Schwann cellsform regeneration tube and secrete growth factors49
357582760Axonsregenerate damaged part50
357582761Cranial NervesTwelve pairs of nerves associated with the brain and most are mixed in function and two pairs are purely sensory.51
357582762Olfactory NervesI - Sensory -Smell: Arise from the olfactory receptor cells of nasal cavity, pass through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone, fibers synapse in the olfactory bulbs, and pathway terminates in the primary olfactory cortex and it is purely sensory (olfactory) function.52
357582763The Optic NervesII-Sensory-Optic: arise from the retinas, pass through the optic canals, converge and partially cross over at the optic chiasma, optic tracts continue to the thalamus, where they synapse, and optic radiation fibers run to the occipital (visual) cortex and is sensory.53
357582764The Oculomotor NervesIII-Motor-Eye: Fibers extend from the ventral midbrain through the superior orbital fissures to the extrinsic eye muscles, functions in raising the eyelid, directing the eyeball, constricting the iris (parasympathetic), and controlling lens shape.54
357582765The Trochlear NervesIV-Motor-eye(down &out): Fibers from the dorsal midbrain enter the orbits via the superior orbital fissures to innervate the superior oblique muscle, primarily a motor nerve that directs the eyeball.55
357582766The Trigeminal NervesV-Sensory &motor for face: Largest cranial nerves; fibers extend from pons to face, three divisons: Ophthalmic (V1) passes through the superior orbital fissure, Maxillary (V2) passes through the foramen rotundum, Mandibular (V3) passes through the foramen ovale and convey sensory impulses from various areas of the face (V1) and (V2), and supplies motor fibers (V3) for mastication.56
357582767The Abducens NervesVI-Motor: Fibers from the inferior pons enter the orbits via the superior orbital fissures, primarily a motor, innervating the lateral rectus muscle.57
357582768The Facial NervesVII-Motor-Sensory:Fibers from the pons travel through the internal acoustic meatuses, and emerge through the stylomastoid foramina to the lateral aspect of the face, chief motor nerves of the face with five major branches, motor functions include facial expression, parasympathetic impulses to lacrimal and salivary, sensory taste from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue.58
357582769The Vestibulocochlear NervesVIII-Sensory, some motor-Hearing and Balance : Afferent fibers from the hearing receptors (cochlear division) and equilibrium receptors (vestibular division) pass from the inner ear through the internal acoustic meatuses, and enter the brain stem at the pons-medulla border, and mostly sensory function; small motor component for adjustment of sensitivity of receptors.59
357582770The Glossopharyngeal NervesIX-Mixed- Gag Reflex: Fibers from the medulla leave the skull via the jugular foramen and run to the throat, motor functions: innervate part of the tongue and pharynx for swallowing, and provide parasympathetic fibers to the parotid salivary glands, sensory functions: fibers conduct taste and general sensory impulses from the pharynx and posterior tongue, and impulses from carotid chemoreceptors and baroreceptors.60
357582771The Vagus NervesX-Mixed: The only cranial nerves that extend beyond the head and neck region, fibers from the medulla exit the skull via the jugular foramen, most motor fibers are parasympathetic fibers that help regulate the activities of the heart, lungs, and abdominal viscera, and sensory fibers carry impulses from thoracic and abdominal viscera, baroreceptors, chemoreceptors, and taste buds of posterior tongue and pharynx.61
357582772The Accessory NervesXI-Motor: Formed from ventral rootlets from the C1-C5 region of the spinal cord (not the brain), rootlets pass into the cranium via each foramen magnum, accessory nerves exit the skull via the jugular foramina to innervate the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles.62
357582773The Hypoglossal NervesXII-Motor: Fibers from the medulla exit the skull via the hypoglossal canal and innervate extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of the tongue that contribute to swallowing and speech.63
357582776Spinal Nerves• 31 pairs of mixed nerves named according to their point of issue from the spinal cord: 8 cervical (C1-C8), 12 thoracic (T1-T12), 5 Lumbar (L1-L5), 5 Sacral (S1-S5), and 1 Coccygeal (C0).64
357582777Spinal Nerves: RootsEach spinal nerve connects to the spinal cord via two roots and dorsal and ventral roots unite to form spinal nerves, which then emerge from the vertebral column via the intervertebral foramina.65
357582778Ventral rootsContain motor (efferent) fibers from the ventral horn motor neurons and fibers innervate skeletal muscles.66
357582779Dorsal rootContain sensory (afferent) fibers from sensory neurons in the dorsal root ganglia and conduct impulses from peripheral receptors67
357582780Spinal Nerves: Rami• Each spinal nerve branches into mixed rami by: dorsal ramus, larger ventral ramus, meningeal branch, and rami communicates (autonomic pathways) join to the ventral rami in the thoracic region.68
357582781Spinal Nerves: Rami• All ventral rami except T2-T12 form interlacing nerve networks called plexuses (cervical, brachial, lumbar, and sacral) and the back is innervated by dorsal rami via several branches.69
357582782Ventral rami of T2-T12 as intercostal nerves which:Supply muscles of the ribs, anterolateral thorax, and abdominal wall.70
357582783Cervical PlexusFormed by ventral rami of C1-C4 and innervates skin and muscle of the neck, ear, back of head, and shoulders.71
357582784Phrenic nerveMajor motor and sensory nerve of the diaphragm (receives fibers from C3-C5).72
357582785Brachial PlexusFormed by ventral rami of C5-C8 and T1 (and often C4 and T2) and it gives rise to the nerves that innervate the upper limb.73
357582786Roots (Brachial Plexus)five ventral rami (C5-T1).74
357582787Trunks (Brachial Plexus)upper, middle, and lower.75
357582788Divisions (Brachial Plexus)anterior and posterior.76
357582789Cords (Brachial Plexus)lateral, medial, and posterior.77
357582790Axillary (Brachial Plexus)Innervates the deltoid, teres minor, and skin and joint capsule of the shoulder.78
357582791Musculocutaneous (Brachial Plexus)innervates the biceps brachii and brachialis and skin of lateral forearm79
357582792Median (Brachial Plexus)innervates the skin, most flexors and pronators in the forearm, and some intrinsic muscles of the hand80
357582793Ulnar (Brachial Plexus)supplies the flexor carpi ulnaris, part of the flexor digitorum profundus, most intrinsic muscles of the hand, and skin of medial aspect of hand81
357582794Radial (Brachial Plexus)innervates essentially all extensor muscles, supinators, and posterior skin of limb82
357582795Lumbar PlexusArises from L1-L4 and innervates the thigh, abdominal wall, and psoas muscle.83
357582796Femoral nerveinnervates quadriceps and skin of anterior thigh and medial surface of leg84
357582797Obturator nervepasses through obturator foramen to innervate adductor muscles85
357582798Sacral PlexusArises from L4-S4 and serves the buttock, lower limb, pelvic structures and perineum.86
357582799Sciatic NerveLongest and thickest nerve of the body, innervates the hamstring muscles, adductor magnus, and most muscles in the leg and foot and composed of two nerves: tibial and common fibular.87
357582800Dermatomethe area of skin innervated by the cutaneous branches of a single spinal nerve88
357582801Innervation of Skin-DermatomeAll spinal nerves except C1 participate in this and most of theses overlap, so destruction of a single spinal nerve will not cause complete numbness.89
357582802Hilton's lawAny nerve serving a muscle that produces movement at a joint also innervates the joint and the skin over the joint90
357582803Motor EndingsPNS elements that activate effectors by releasing neurotransmitters91
357582804Innervation of Skeletal MuscleTakes place at a neuromusclular junction and ACH is a neurotransmitter.92
357582805ACh binds to receptors, resulting inMovement of Na+ and K+ across the membrane, depolarization of the muscle cell, an end plate potential, which triggers and action potential.93
357582806Innervation of Visceral Muscle and GlandsAutonomic motor endings and visceral effectors are simpler than somatic junctions, branches form synapses en passant via varicosities, acetylcholine and norepinephrine act indirectly via second messengers, and visceral motor responses are slower than somatic responses.94
357582807Levels of Motor ControlSegmental, projection, and precommand level.95
357582810Segmental LevelThe lowest level of the motor hierarchy, central pattern generators (CPGs): segmental circuits that activate networks of ventral horn neurons to stimulate specific groups of muscles and controls locomotion and specific, oft-repeated motor activity.96
357582813Projection LevelConsists of: upper motor neurons that direct the direct (pyramidal) system to produce voluntary skeletal muscle movements, brain stem motor areas that oversee the indirect (extrapyramidal) system to control reflex and CPG-controlled motor actions, projection motor pathways keep higher command levels informed of what is happening.97
357582817Precommand LevelNeurons in the cerebellum and basal nuclei, regulate motor activity, precisely start or stop movements, coordinate movements with posture, block unwanted movements, monitor muscle tone, and perform unconscious planning and discharge in advance of willed movements.98
357582824CerebellumActs on motor pathways through projection areas of the brain stem and acts on the motor cortex via the thalamus.99
357582826Basal nucleiInhibit various motor centers under resting conditions.100
357582827Inborn (intrinsic) reflexa rapid, involuntary, predictable motor response to a stimulus.101
357582828Learned (acquired) reflexesResult from practice or repetition (ex. driving skills).102
357582830Components of a reflex arc1. Receptor—site of stimulus action, 2. Sensory neuron—transmits afferent impulses to the CNS, 3. Integration center—either monosynaptic or polysynaptic region within the CNS, 4. Motor neuron—conducts efferent impulses from the integration center to an effector organ, 5. Effector—muscle fiber or gland cell that responds to the efferent impulses by contracting or secreting.103
357582835Spinal somatic reflexesIntegration center is in the spinal cord, effectors are skeletal muscle and testing of somatic reflexes is important clinically to assess the condition of the nervous system.104
357582838Stretch and Golgi Tendon ReflexesFor skeletal muscle activity to be smoothly coordinated, proprioceptor input is necessary, Muscle spindles inform the nervous system of the length of the muscle, and golgi tendon organs inform the brain as to the amount of tension in the muscle and tendons.105
357582841Muscle SpindlesComposed of 3-10 short intrafusal muscle fibers in a connective tissue capsule, intrafusal fibers, noncontractile in their central regions (lack myofilaments), and wrapped with two types of afferent endings: primary sensory endings of type Ia fibers and secondary sensory endings of type II fibers.106
357582845Muscle SpindlesContractile end regions are innervated by gamma efferent fibers that maintain spindle sensitivity. • Note: extrafusal fibers (contractile muscle fibers) are innervated by alpha efferent fibers.107
357582847Muscle Spindles:excited in what ways1. External stretch of muscle and muscle spindle, 2. Internal stretch of muscle spindle: activating the gamma motor neurons stimulates the ends to contract, thereby stretching the spindle, stretch causes an increased rate of impulses in Ia fibers.108
357582851Muscle SpindlesContracting the muscle reduces tension on the muscle spindle, sensitivity would be lost unless the muscle spindle is shortened by impulses in the gamma motor neurons, alpha-gamma coactivation maintains the tension and sensitivity of the spindle during muscle contraction.109
357582854Stretch ReflexesMaintain muscle tone in large postural muscles and cause muscle contraction in response to increased muscle length (stretch).110
357582856Stretch Reflexes-how it worksStretch activates the muscle spindle, IIa sensory neurons synapse directly with alpha motor neurons in the spinal cord, alpha motor neurons cause the stretched muscle to contract, all stretch reflexes are monosynaptic and ipsilateral.111
357582860Stretch ReflexesReciprocal inhibition also occurs—IIa fibers synapse with interneurons that inhibit the alpha motor neurons of antagonistic muscles. Example: In the patellar reflex, the stretched muscle (quadriceps) contracts and the antagonists (hamstrings) relax.112
357582862Golgi Tendon ReflexesPolysynaptic reflexes, help to prevent damage due to excessive stretch and important for smooth onset and termination of muscle contraction plus produce muscle relaxation (lengthening) in response to tension.113
357582870Flexor (withdrawal) reflexInitiated by a painful stimulus, causes automatic withdrawal of the threatened body part, and ipsilateral and polysynaptic.114
357582873Crossed extensor reflexOccurs with flexor reflexes in weight-bearing limbs to maintain balance, consists of an ipsilateral flexor reflex and a contralateral extensor reflex, the stimulated side is withdrawn (flexed), and the contralateral side is extended.115
357582877Superficial ReflexesElicited by gentle cutaneous stimulation and depend on upper motor pathways and cord-level reflex arcs.116
357582879Plantar reflexStimulus: stroking lateral aspect of the sole of the foot Response: downward flexion of the toes Tests for function of corticospinal tracts117
357582882Babinski's signStimulus: stroking lateral aspect of the sole of the foot Response: dorsiflexion of hallux and fanning of toes Present in infants due to incomplete myelination and in adults, indicates corticospinal or motor cortex damage.118
357582886Abdominal reflexesCause contraction of abdominal muscles and movement of the umbilicus in response to stroking of the skin, vary in intensity from one person to another, absent when corticospinal tract lesions are present.119

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