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AP Comp Gov - Mexico

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145151830Bracero ProgramWWII program that allowed millions of cans to work temporarily in the US
145151831Caciqueslocal military strongmen
145151832Calderon, FelipeMexico's current president, elected in 2006
145151833Camarillasvast informal networks of personal royalty that operate as powerful political cliques
145151834Cardenas, LazaroMexican President from 1934 to 1940 who implemented a radical program of land reform and nationalized Mexican oil companies
145151835Carranza, VenustianoThe Mexican Rev leader who eventually restored political order, ended the Rev's violence and defeated more radical challenges of Zapata and Villa
145151836Caudillosnational military strongmen
145151837Chamber of DeputiesThe lower house of Mexico's legislature
145151838Confederation of Mexican WorkersMexico's dominant trade union confederation that was a main pillar of the PRIs authoritarian regime
145151839CongressMexico's bicameral legislature
145151840Constitution of 1917Doc est by the Mexican Rev that continues to regulate Mexico's political regime
145151841Cortes, HernanSpanish conqueror of Mexico
145151842CriollosMexican-born descendants of Spaniards during the period of Spanish colonial rule
145151843cuauhtemocAztec military leader defeated by the Spanish conqueror
145151844Diaz, PorfirioMexican dictator who ruled 1876 to 1910 and was deposed by the Mexican Rev
145151845Fed District of Mexico Citypowerful Mexican district encompasses Mexico's capital city and contains most of its population
145151846Fed Electoral InstituteAn independent agency that regulates elections in Mexico
145151847Fox, VicenteMexico's president since 2000, first non-PRI president
145151848Immigration Reform and Control Act1986 US immigration legislation that toughened American immigration laws while granting amnesty to many longtime undocumented workers
145151849Informal SectorA sector of the economy that is not regulated or taxed because of the state
145151850Juarez, Benito19th century Mexican president who is today considered an early proponent of modern, secular and democratic Mexico
145151851Labastida, FranciscoFirst-ever PRI candidate to lose a presidential election
145151852Latifundistasowners of latifundia (huge tracts of land)
145151853Madero, FranciscoAn initial leader of the Mex rev and landowner who sought moderate democratic reform
145151854Maquiladorasfactories that import goods or parts to manufacture goods that are then exported
145151855MayaMexico's largest indigenous group
145151856MestizosMexicans of mixed European and indigenous blood
145151857Mex-American WarConflict between Mex and the US in which the US gained 1/3 of Mex territory
145151858Mexican miraclespectacular economic growth in Mexico from the 1940s to 1980
145151859Mexican Revbloody conflict in Mexico that est the long-lived PRI regime
145151860Mexico's War of IndependenceA bloody 11 yr conflict that resulted in Mexico's independence
145151861MunicipiosCounty-level gov in Mexican states
145151862NahuatlMEx's 2nd largest indigenous group
145151863National Action Party (PAN)A conservative Catholic Mexican political party
145151864North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)A free trade agreement linking Mexico with the US and Canada
145151865Partido Revolucionario InstitucionalThe political party emerged from the Mexican Rev to preside over an authoritarian regime that lasted until 2000
145151866Patron-Client Relationshipssystem in which powerful gov't officials deliver state services and access to power in exchange for pol support
145151867PemexMexico's powerful state-owned oil monopoly
145151868Portillo, Jose LopezMexican pres who increased the role of the state in the economy and nationalized mexico's banking system to avert a national economic crisis
145151869Santa AnaMexico's first great Caudillo
145151870San Andres Peace Accords1996 accord that promised to end the artista rebel uprising but never implimented
145151871Secretariat of Gov'ttop cabinet post that controls international affairs
145151872Secretariat of the treasurymost powerful economic cabinet minister
145151873Senateupper house of legislature
145151874Supreme Courthighest court
145151875Televisalargest media conglomerate
145151876villa, Francisconorthern Mex peasant leader of the revolution
145151877the War of the Castes19th century uprising of Mex's indigenous population
145151878Zapata, Emilianosouthern Mex peasant leader of the rev
145151879Zedillo, ErnestoMexico's president implemented pol reforms that paved the way for fair elections in 2000

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