Useful phrases to use for the interpersonal speaking portion of the AP exam. Remember, the conversation is INFORMAL and you should practice SAYING these not spelling these. Created by Mme.Blonde
4817274869 | D'accord | ok | 0 | |
4817274870 | Je suis d'accord | I agree | 1 | |
4817274871 | C'est vrai | It's true | 2 | |
4817274872 | C'est certain | It's certain | 3 | |
4817274873 | Bien sûr | Of course | 4 | |
4817274874 | Je veux bien | I would like to | 5 | |
4817274875 | Je le crois | I believe it | 6 | |
4817274876 | Je pense que oui | I think so | 7 | |
4817274877 | Moi aussi | me too | 8 | |
4817274878 | Moi non plus | me neither | 9 | |
4817274879 | Non, pas du tout | Not at all | 10 | |
4817274880 | Ah non, je ne suis pas d'accord | Oh no, I do not agree | 11 | |
4817274881 | Ce n'est pas vrai | It's not true | 12 | |
4817274882 | Ce n'est pas certain | It's not certain | 13 | |
4817274883 | Absolument pas | absolutely not | 14 | |
4817274884 | Je ne le crois pas | I don't believe it | 15 | |
4817274885 | Je ne pense pas | I don't think so | 16 | |
4817274886 | Bravo | Bravo | 17 | |
4817274887 | Sensationnel | Sensational | 18 | |
4817274888 | Félicitations | congratulations | 19 | |
4817274889 | C'est interessant | that's interesting | 20 | |
4817274890 | Quelle chance | what luck | 21 | |
4817274891 | raconte-moi | tell me | 22 | |
4817274892 | Que c'est triste | how sad | 23 | |
4817274893 | Quelle horreur | how awful | 24 | |
4817274894 | Quel malheur | what misfortune | 25 | |
4817274895 | Quel dommage | too bad | 26 | |
4817274896 | C'est dommage | it's too bad | 27 | |
4817274897 | Dommage | too bad | 28 | |
4817274898 | Je suis désolé | I'm sorry | 29 | |
4817274899 | Je comprends | I understand | 30 | |
4817274900 | Je suis content | I'm content | 31 | |
4817274901 | je suis heureux | I'm happy | 32 | |
4817274902 | Que c'est bien | that's cool | 33 | |
4817274903 | Formidable | fantastic | 34 | |
4817274904 | Super | super | 35 | |
4817274905 | vas-y | go for it | 36 | |
4817274906 | Tu plaisantes | You're joking | 37 | |
4817274907 | Comment? | What? | 38 | |
4817274908 | Tu blagues | you're kidding | 39 | |
4817274909 | Ce n'est pas possible | That's impossible | 40 | |
4817274910 | Jamais de la vie | Never / It can't be | 41 | |
4817274911 | Ah, tu veux dire que... | Oh, so you mean... | 42 | |
4817274912 | Si je comprends bien... | If I understand you well... | 43 | |
4817274913 | Je pense que tu veux dire que... | I think you're saying... | 44 | |
4817274914 | Mais oui, c'est bien ça | Yes, that's it | 45 | |
4817274915 | Parfait | Perfect | 46 | |
4817274916 | Cela vous dit de..... ça te dit de... | Would you be interested in......? (invitation) | 47 | |
4817274917 | Si on / nous......(imparfait) | How about Invitation | 48 | |
4817274918 | Pourquoi pas....? | Why not....? | 49 | |
4817274919 | Vous pourriez..... Tu pourrais... | You could.... | 50 |