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AP Economics Chapter 8 Flashcards

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5018971885economic costA payment that must be made to obtain and retain the services of a resource0
5018971886explicit costThe monetary payment a firm must make to an outsider to obtain a resource.1
5018971887implicit costThe monetary income a firm sacrifices when it uses a resource it owns rather than supplying the resource in the market2
5018971888normal profitThe payment made by a firm to obtain and retain entrepreneurial ability3
5018971889economic profitThe total revenue of a firm less its economic costs(which include both explicit costs and implicit costs)4
5018971890short runIn microeconomics, a period of time in which producers are able to change the quantities of some but not all of the resources they employ5
5018971891long runIn microeconomics, a period of time long enough to enable producers of a product to change the quantities of all the resources they employ6
5018971892total productThe total output of a particular good or service produced by a firm7
5018971893marginal productThe additional output produced when 1 additional unit of a resource is employed8
5018971894average productThe total output produced per unit of a resource employed9
5018971895law of diminishing returnsThe principle that as a consumer increases the consumption of a good or service, the marginal utility obtained from each additional unit of the good or service decreases.10
5018971896fixed costAny cost that in total does not change when the firm changes its output.11
5018971897variable costA cost that in total increases when the firm increases its output and decreases when the firm reduces its output.12
5018971898total costThe sum of fixed cost and variable cost.13
5018971899average fixed costA firm's total fixed cost divided by output14
5018971900average variable costA firm's total variable cost divided by output.15
5018971901average total costA firm's total cost divided by output16
5018971902marginal costThe extra (additional) cost of producing 1 more unit of output17
5018971903economies of scaleReductions in the average total cost of producing a product as the firm expands the size of plant (its output) in the long run.18
5018971904diseconomies of scaleIncreases in the average total cost of producing a product as the firm expands the size of its plant (its output) in the long run.19
5018971905constant returns to scaleUnchanging average total cost of producing a product as the firm expands the size of its plant (its output) in the long run.20
5018971907natural monopolyAn industry in which economies of scale are so great that a single firm can produce the product at a lower average total cost than would be possible if more than one firm produced the product.21
5018971908pure competitionA market structure in which a very large number of firms sells a standardized product, into which entry is very easy, in which the individual seller has no control over the product price, and in which there is no nonprice competition22
5018971909pure monopolyA market structure in which one firm sells a unique product, into which entry is blocked, in which the single firm has considerable control over product price, and in which nonprice competition may or may not be found.23
5018971910monopolistic competitionA market structure in which many firms sell a differentiated product, into which entry is relatively easy, in which the firm has some control over its product price, and in which there is considerable nonprice competition.24
5018971911oligopolyA market structure in which a few firms sell either a standardized or differentiated product, into which entry is difficult, in which the firm has limited control over product price because of mutual interdependence (except when there is collusion among firms), and in which there is typically nonprice competition.25
5018971912imperfect competitionAll market structures except pure competition26
5018971913price takerA seller (or buyer) that is unable to affect the price at which a product or resource sells by changing the amount it sells (or buys).27
5018971914average revenueTotal revenue from the sale of a product divided by the quantity of the product sold (demanded)28
5018971915total revenueThe total number of dollars received by a firm (or firms) from the sale of a product29
5018971916marginal revenueThe change in total revenue that results from the sale of 1 additional unit of a firm's product30
5018971917break-even pointAn output at which a firm makes a normal profit (total revenue=total cost) but not an economic profit.31
5018971918MR = MC ruleThe principle that a firm will maximize its profit by producing the output at which marginal revenue and marginal cost are equal, provided product price is equal to or greater than average variable cost.32
5018971919short-run supply curveA supply curve that shows the quantity of a product a firm in a purely competitive industry will offer to sell at various prices in the short run33
5018971920long-run supply curveAs it applies to macroeconomics, a supply curve for which price, but not real output, changes when the demand curves shifts34
5018971921constant-cost industryAn industry in which expansion by the entry of new firms has no effect on the prices firms in the industry must pay for resources and thus no effect on production costs.35
5018971924productive efficiencyThe production of a good in the least costly way36
5018971925allocative efficiencyThe apportionment of resources among firms and industries to obtain the production of the products most wanted by society.37
5018971926consumer surplusThe difference between the maximum price a consumer is (or consumers are) willing to pay for an additional unit of a product and its market price.38
5018971927producer surplusThe difference between the actual price a producer receives (or producers receive) and the minimum acceptable price.39
5041039283Creative DestructionA company creatively overpowers other companies by making better and bigger stuff.40
5041065445Shut Down RuleAVC>P41
5260646353Monopolistic competitionA market structure in which a large number of firms make similar but slightly different products and compete on product quality, price, and marketing, and firms are free to enter or exit the market.42
5260652760MonopolyA market structure in which there is one firm, which produces a good or service that has no close substitutes and in which the firm is protected from competition by a barrier preventing the entry of new firms.43
5260657853Normal ProfitThe return to entrepreneurship. It is the profit that an entrepreneur earns on average.44
5311932457Game TheoryThe use of mathematical models to represent complex decision making in which the actions of other group members must be taken into account.45
5311936092Example of an Oligopolyoil companies, cereal companies, car manufacturers, airlines46
5311937581Cartela formal organization of producers that agree to coordinate prices and production47
5311943100Dominant Strategya strategy that is the best for a firm, no matter what strategies other firms use48
5311946459Kinked Demand Curve49
5311950280Price Discrimination50
5311957578Pure Monopoly51
5311961288Perfect Competition52
5311972578Monopolistic Competition53

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