9908951035 | guardar cama | to stay in bed | 0 | |
9908954139 | goza de | enjoy | 1 | |
9908956512 | probar | to try/taste | 2 | |
9908959534 | me pruebo | I try on | 3 | |
9908959535 | sobra | to be more than enough | 4 | |
9908963907 | las sobras | the leftovers | 5 | |
9908970946 | le doy de comer | I feed | 6 | |
9908973519 | me lo agradece | thanks me | 7 | |
9908973520 | te ciñen | are tight | 8 | |
9908976331 | da asco | grosses me out | 9 | |
9908979745 | te aprietan | they squeeze you/are tight | 10 | |
9908982339 | el comedor | dining room | 11 | |
9908984065 | dormitorio | bedroom | 12 | |
9908984066 | oficina | office | 13 | |
9908989885 | despacho | office | 14 | |
9908994959 | el salón | salon, living room | 15 | |
9909006750 | blusa | blouse | 16 | |
9909006751 | botas | boots | 17 | |
9909006752 | camisa | shirt | 18 | |
9909009179 | camiseta | t-shirt | 19 | |
9909011939 | chaqueta | jacket | 20 | |
9909013795 | falda | skirt | 21 | |
9909013796 | gorro | hat | 22 | |
9909017604 | los pantalones | pants | 23 | |
9909017605 | el traje | suit | 24 | |
9909019515 | vestido | dress | 25 | |
9909019516 | archivo | filing cabinet | 26 | |
9909021702 | armario | closet | 27 | |
9909021703 | banco | bench | 28 | |
9909028855 | cama | bed | 29 | |
9909031611 | escritorio | desk | 30 | |
9909031612 | ropero | wardrobe | 31 | |
9909033930 | silla | chair | 32 | |
9909033931 | el sillón | armchair | 33 | |
9909036699 | rincones | corner of room | 34 | |
9909040287 | esquinas | street corner | 35 | |
9909043073 | agujeros | holes | 36 | |
9909043074 | chorros | spouts | 37 | |
9909046332 | grietas | cracks | 38 | |
9909046333 | hoyos | holes | 39 | |
9909049267 | etiqueta | label/tag | 40 | |
9909055391 | paredes | walls in a room | 41 | |
9909057848 | muros | outside walls | 42 | |
9909057849 | una cerca | fence | 43 | |
9909060089 | rebanadas | slice of bread | 44 | |
9909061941 | lonjas | slice of ham | 45 | |
9909064037 | tajadas | slice of meat | 46 | |
9909067472 | rodajas | cold cuts | 47 | |
9909067473 | rajas | slice of cheese | 48 | |
9909069410 | el suelo | the floor in a room | 49 | |
9909071555 | el piso | the floors of a building | 50 | |
9909074341 | barrer el suelo | sweep the floor | 51 | |
9909076493 | cepillar las alfombras | brush the rugs | 52 | |
9909078645 | cortar le lena | cut firewood | 53 | |
9909081830 | cuidar de los niños | watch the kids | 54 | |
9909084283 | fregar las ollas | scrub the pots | 55 | |
9909087302 | limpiar los cristales | clean the glass | 56 | |
9909093243 | planchar los pañuelos | to iron the handkerchiefs | 57 | |
9909106796 | recoger el correo | get the mail | 58 | |
9909110007 | sacar la basura | take out the trash | 59 | |
9909113372 | sacudir las almohadas | shake the pillows | 60 | |
9909116419 | secar los platos | dry the dishes | 61 | |
9909116420 | poner la mesa | set the table | 62 | |
9909136853 | quitar la mesa | clear the table | 63 | |
9909141916 | un piso amueblado | a furnished floor | 64 | |
9909144584 | una sala ancha | a wide living room | 65 | |
9909148681 | una oficina climatizada | an air-conditioned office | 66 | |
9909178381 | una cocina limpia | a clean kitchen | 67 | |
9909189267 | la privacidad de la propiedad | privacy of property | 68 | |
9909191886 | un baño sucio | a dirty bathroom | 69 | |
9909196838 | un jardín urbano | an urban garden | 70 | |
9909200657 | una vista el mar | an ocean view | 71 | |
9909203077 | una vivienda de lujo | a life of luxury | 72 | |
9909205573 | servilleta | napkin | 73 | |
9909207629 | tenedor | fork | 74 | |
9909207630 | plato | plate | 75 | |
9909209404 | cuchillo | knife | 76 | |
9909212247 | cuchara | spoon | 77 | |
9909215278 | taza | cup | 78 | |
9909215279 | copa | drink/wine glass | 79 | |
9909219457 | anfitrión | host | 80 | |
9909219458 | cocinero/a | cook | 81 | |
9909222416 | criado/a | maid, nanny | 82 | |
9909226871 | empleado/a | employee | 83 | |
9909226872 | familia | family | 84 | |
9909229832 | familiares | family members | 85 | |
9909234082 | huéspedes | guests | 86 | |
9909234083 | cepillo | brush | 87 | |
9909237355 | el destornillador | screwdriver | 88 | |
9909237356 | escoba | broom | 89 | |
9909239371 | martillo | hammer | 90 | |
9909239372 | pinzas | clothespin | 91 | |
9909243250 | sierra | saw | 92 | |
9909247796 | electrodomésticos | electric appliance | 93 | |
9909250156 | el enchufe | fitting/plug | 94 | |
9909253635 | estufa | stove | 95 | |
9909253636 | horno | oven | 96 | |
9909259044 | lavaplatos | dishwasher | 97 | |
9909259058 | lavadora | washing machine | 98 | |
9909269481 | linea de teléfono | telephone line | 99 | |
9909269482 | las microondas | microwaves | 100 | |
9909273134 | el ordenador | computer | 101 | |
9909274098 | secador | dryer | 102 | |
10019881196 | Hierbas | Herbs | 103 | |
10019881197 | Cubiertas | Silverware | 104 | |
10019881198 | Albahaca | Basil | 105 | |
10019881199 | Cebolleta | Chive | 106 | |
10019881200 | Comino | Cumin | 107 | |
10019881201 | Menta | Mint | 108 | |
10019881202 | Perejil | Paisley | 109 | |
10019881203 | Romero | Rosemary | 110 | |
10019881204 | Tomillo | Thyme | 111 | |
10019881205 | Asado | Roasted | 112 | |
10019881206 | Bocadillo | Sandwhich | 113 | |
10019881207 | Bombone | Bon bon/ candy | 114 | |
10019881208 | Bullabesa | Type of soup (with fish) | 115 | |
10019881209 | Caldo | Broth | 116 | |
10019881210 | Guisado | Stew | 117 | |
10019881211 | Paella | Saffron flavored stew | 118 | |
10019881212 | Pasta | Pasta | 119 | |
10019881213 | Queso | Cheese | 120 | |
10019881214 | Salsa | Salsa | 121 | |
10019881215 | Tortilla | Tortilla | 122 | |
10019881216 | Yogur | Yogurt | 123 | |
10019881217 | Medidas | Measurements | 124 | |
10019881218 | Cucharada | Spoonful | 125 | |
10019881219 | Kilograma | Kilogram | 126 | |
10019881220 | Kilo | Kilo | 127 | |
10019881221 | Trozo de torta | Piece of cake | 128 | |
10019881222 | tamaño | Size | 129 | |
10019881223 | Talla | Cut | 130 | |
10019881224 | Postre | Dessert | 131 | |
10019881225 | Churro | Donuts | 132 | |
10019881226 | Cono | Cone | 133 | |
10019881227 | Galleta | Cookie | 134 | |
10019881228 | Helado | Ice cream | 135 | |
10019881229 | Merengue | Meringue | 136 | |
10019881230 | Nata | Cream | 137 | |
10019881231 | Pastel | Pie | 138 | |
10019881232 | Torta | Cake | 139 | |
10019881233 | Jardin | Garden | 140 | |
10019881235 | Regar | To water | 141 | |
10019881236 | Sembrar | To seed | 142 | |
10019881237 | Semilla | Seed | 143 | |
10019881238 | Colesterol | Cholesterol | 144 | |
10019881239 | Digestivos | Digestive | 145 | |
10019881240 | Fibra | Fiber | 146 | |
10019881241 | Grasa | Fat/grease | 147 | |
10019881242 | Proteina | Protein | 148 | |
10019881243 | Sacarina | Saccharin | 149 | |
10019881244 | Vitaminas | Vitamins | 150 | |
10019881245 | Cuarto | Room | 151 | |
10019881246 | Habitación | Room | 152 | |
10019881247 | Oficina | Office | 153 | |
10019881248 | Garaje | Garage | 154 | |
10019881249 | Alcoba | Bedroom | 155 | |
10019881250 | Inodoro | Toilet | 156 | |
10019881251 | Granos | Grain | 157 | |
10019881252 | Olla | Pot | 158 | |
10019881253 | Grifo | Faucet | 159 | |
10019881254 | Aparato | Apparatus | 160 | |
10019881255 | Receta | Recipe | 161 | |
10019881256 | Agrio | Sour | 162 | |
10019881257 | Alimenticio | Nourishing | 163 | |
10019881258 | Apetecible | Tempting, appetizing | 164 | |
10019881259 | Culinario | Culinary | 165 | |
10019881260 | Delicioso | Delicious | 166 | |
10019881261 | Dietético | Dietetic | 167 | |
10019881262 | Dulce | Sweet | 168 | |
10019881263 | Equilibrado | Balanced | 169 | |
10019881264 | Esponjoso | Spongy | 170 | |
10019881265 | Estupendo | Stupendous | 171 | |
10019881266 | Exquisito | Exquisite | 172 | |
10019881267 | Hidrogenado | Hydrogenated | 173 | |
10019881268 | Higienico | Hygenic | 174 | |
10019881269 | Jugoso | Juicy | 175 | |
10019881270 | Cocido | Cooked | 176 | |
10019881271 | Crudo | Crude/raw | 177 | |
10019881272 | Saludable | Healthy | 178 | |
10019881273 | Variado | Varied | 179 | |
10019881274 | Vegetariano | Vegetarian | 180 | |
10019881275 | Apio | Celery | 181 | |
10019881276 | Broculi | Broccoli | 182 | |
10019881277 | Rábanos | Radish | 183 | |
10019881278 | Zanahoria | Carrot | 184 | |
10019881279 | Lechuga | Lettuce | 185 | |
10019881280 | Aceite | Oil | 186 | |
10019881281 | Ajo | Garlic | 187 | |
10019881282 | Azafrán | Saffron | 188 | |
10019881283 | Cebolla | Onion | 189 | |
10019881284 | Hongo | Mushroom | 190 | |
10019881285 | Pimienta | Pepper | 191 | |
10019881286 | Manteca | Butter | 192 | |
10019881287 | Mantequilla | Margarine | 193 | |
10019881288 | Vinagre | Vinegar | 194 | |
10019881289 | Calamares | Squid | 195 | |
10019881290 | Camarones | Shrimp | 196 | |
10019881291 | Gambas | Huge shrimp | 197 | |
10019881292 | Mariscos | Shellfish | 198 | |
10019881293 | Pulpo | Octopus | 199 | |
10019881294 | Trucha | Trout | 200 | |
10019881295 | Cereza | Cherry | 201 | |
10019881563 | Datile | Date (fruit) | 202 | |
10019881564 | Fresa | Strawberry | 203 | |
10019881565 | Melocotón | Peach | 204 | |
10019881566 | Pasa | Raisin | 205 | |
10019881567 | Sandia | Watermelon | 206 | |
10019881568 | Ave | Bird | 207 | |
10019881569 | Muslo | Thigh | 208 | |
10019881570 | Pavo | Turkey | 209 | |
10019881571 | Pollo | Chicken | 210 | |
10019881572 | Pato | Duck | 211 | |
10019881573 | Pechuga | Breast | 212 | |
10019881574 | Azucar | Sugar | 213 | |
10019881575 | Especias | Spices | 214 | |
10019881576 | Chocolate | Chocolate | 215 | |
10019881577 | Coco | Coconut | 216 | |
10019881578 | Cerdo | Hog/pig | 217 | |
10019881579 | Chuleta | Chop (like a pork chop) | 218 | |
10019881580 | Cochinillo | Suckling pig | 219 | |
10019881581 | Cordero | Lamb | 220 | |
10019881582 | Res | Beef | 221 | |
10019881583 | Salchicha | Sausage | 222 | |
10019881584 | Ternera | Veal/calf | 223 |
AP El Hogar Flashcards
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