Top 100 vocab and the daily vocab up to 5/6/11, tell me (Andrew W) if there is anything missing on my facebook, the comments, or email. Enjoy ^.^
175040024 | Assiduous | hard-working | |
175040025 | Erudite | scholarly, learned, bookish, pedantic | |
175040026 | Alacrity | cheerful eagerness | |
175040027 | Nefarious | evil, wicked, depraved, devoid of moral standards | |
175040028 | Egregious | outstandingly bad | |
175040029 | Cajole | to persuade someone to do something they do not want to do | |
175040030 | Volition | the act of making a choice | |
175040031 | Portent | a warning sign, omen | |
175040032 | Harbinger | something that indicates what is to come; a forerunner | |
175040033 | Veracity | truthfulness | |
175040034 | Vacuous | empty | |
175040035 | Nuance | a slight or subtle degree of difference | |
175040036 | Ubiquitous | being everywhere at the same time | |
175040037 | Insidious | sly, treacherous, devious | |
175040038 | Sacrosanct | extremely sacred; inviolable | |
175040039 | Immutable | not subject to change, constant | |
175040040 | Frenetic | frantic; frenzied | |
175040041 | Impunity | exemption from punishment or loss | |
175040042 | Obtuse | blunt; not sharp; stupid; slow in understanding | |
175040043 | Edify | to enlighten or instruct | |
175040044 | Affinity | A natural attraction or feeling of kinship | |
175040045 | Facetious | humorous, not meant seriously | |
175040046 | Juxtapose | to place side by side for comparison | |
175040047 | Aesthetic | having to do with artistic beauty | |
175040048 | Dearth | scarcity | |
175040049 | Impugn | to attack the integrity of something | |
175040050 | Denouement | final resolution of a plot | |
175040051 | Paradigm | a model or example | |
175040052 | Abash | to embarrass | |
175040053 | Archetype | a standard or typical example | |
175040054 | Taciturn | untalkative by nature | |
175040055 | Bucolic | charmingly rural | |
175040056 | Specious | deceptively plausible or attractive | |
175040057 | Peruse | to read carefully | |
175040058 | Banal | ordinary | |
175040059 | Pedestrian | unimaginative | |
175040060 | Facile | easy | |
175040061 | Histrionic | overly dramatic | |
175040062 | Avarice | greed or excessive love of riches | |
175040063 | Vacillate | to be indecisive; to waffle | |
175040064 | Querulous | whining | |
175040065 | Lugubrious | exaggeratedly mournful | |
175040066 | Repudiate | to reject | |
175040067 | Serendipity | accidental good fortune | |
175040068 | Abstruse | hard to understand | |
175040069 | Acrimonious | full of spite | |
175040070 | Capricious | unpredictable | |
175040071 | Supercilious | haughty; patronizing | |
175040072 | Stymie | to thwart; hinder | |
175185733 | Platitude | Dull, trite statement | |
175185734 | Germane | related | |
175185735 | Espouse | to take up and support; to become attached to, adopt; to marry | |
175185736 | Insipid | lacking flavor; dull; not at all stimulating | |
175185737 | Bane | Poison; torment; cause of harm | |
175185738 | Ambivalent | undecided; neutral | |
175185739 | Obdurate | stubborn and insensitive | |
175185740 | Brevity | brief | |
175185741 | Pernicious | deadly; extremely evil | |
175185742 | Machination | scheming activity for an evil purpose | |
175185743 | Reprehensible | worthy of blame or censure | |
175185744 | Obsequious | fawning; subservient | |
175185745 | Calumny | slander | |
175185746 | Wanton | malicious; unjustifiable | |
175185747 | Prodigious | extraordinary; enormous | |
175185748 | Virulent | extremely poisonous | |
175185749 | Debauchery | wild living; excessive intemperance | |
175185750 | Debauch | to seduce or corrupt | |
175185751 | Duplicity | double-dealing; deception | |
175185752 | Foment | to stir up; to investigate | |
175185753 | Perfidy | treachery | |
175185754 | Inexorable | relentless; inevitable; unavoidable | |
175185755 | Pejorative | negative; disparaging | |
175185756 | Rapacious | greedy; avaricious | |
175185757 | Impetuous | very impatient and impulsive | |
175185758 | Propitious | marked by favourable signs | |
175185759 | Desultory | without a plan or purpose; random | |
175185760 | Circumscribe | to draw a line around; set limits | |
175185761 | Decimate | to kill; destroy | |
175185762 | Torpor | sluggishness; inactivity | |
175185763 | Deprecate | to express disapproval of | |
175185764 | Ineffable | incapable of being expressed or described | |
175185765 | Vicissitude | upheaval; natural change | |
175185766 | Scintillate | To sparkle | |
175185767 | Soporific | sleep inducing | |
175185768 | Unctuous | oily; insincere | |
175185769 | Vociferous | loud; noisy | |
175185770 | Subjugate | to subdue; to enslave | |
175185771 | Circumspect | cautious | |
175185772 | Broach | bring up a topic for discussion | |
175185773 | Obfuscate | to darken; confuse | |
175185774 | Aphorism | a brief, witty saying; a proverb | |
175185775 | Empirical | relying on experience or observation | |
175185776 | Sanguine | optimistic; helpful | |
175185777 | Largess | generous giving of gifts | |
175185778 | Philistine | a smugly ignorant person | |
175185779 | Spurious | false, counterfeit, fraudulent, bogus | |
175185780 | Vernacular | everyday speech; slang | |
175185781 | Loquacious | talking a lot | |
175185782 | Malaise | a general sense of depression or unease | |
175185783 | Bellicose | warlike in manner or temperament; quarrelsome | |
175185784 | Innocuous | lacking intent or capacity to injure | |
175185785 | Mitigate | appease; moderate; make or become less in force or intensity | |
175185786 | Reprove | to find fault with, scold, rebuke | |
175185787 | Judicious | proceeding from good sense or judgment | |
175185788 | Incongruous | not harmonious; not consistent; not fitting in | |
175185789 | Pugnacious | inclined to fight readily | |
175185790 | Denizen | inhabitant | |
175185791 | Gesticulate | to make gestures | |
175185792 | Efface | to erase; rub away features | |
175185793 | Bastion | stronghold | |
175185794 | Verisimilitude | similarity to reality; looking like the real thing | |
175185795 | Farcical | absurd; ludicrous | |
175185796 | Garrulous | chatty; talkative | |
175187353 | Agnostic | a person who doubts truth of religion | |
175187354 | Amalgam | a combination or blend of diverse things | |
175187355 | Amorphous | having no definite form or distinct shape | |
175187356 | Anachronism | something located at a time when it could not have existed or occurred | |
175187357 | Anarchy | a state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government) | |
175187358 | Anathema | a detested person | |
175187359 | Androgynous | having both male and female characteristics | |
175187360 | Anomaly | deviation from the normal or common order or form or rule | |
175187361 | Antipathy | a feeling of intense dislike | |
175187362 | Antithesis | the juxtaposition of contrasting words or ideas to give a feeling of balance | |
175187363 | Apocryphal | of questionable authenticity | |
175187364 | Apotheosis | the elevation of a person (as to the status of a god) | |
175187365 | Anthanasia | immortality | |
175187366 | Atheist | someone who denies the existence of god | |
175187367 | Atrophy | any weakening or degeneration (especially through lack of use) | |
175187368 | Autocrat | a cruel and oppressive dictator | |
175187369 | Autonomous | existing as an independent entity | |
175187370 | Ballistic | to anger quickly | |
175187371 | Cacophony | jarring and unpleasing sounds | |
175187372 | Caustic | harsh or corrosive in tone; burnable | |
175187373 | Cosmopolitan | composed of people from or at home in many parts of the world | |
175187374 | Cryptic | having a puzzling terseness | |
175187375 | Deleterious | harmful to living things | |
175187376 | Demagogue | an orator who appeals to the passions and prejudices of his audience | |
175187377 | Demographic | a statistic characterizing human populations (or segments of human populations broken down by age or sex or income etc.) | |
175187378 | Diaphanous | transparent | |
175187379 | Diatribe | thunderous verbal attack | |
175187380 | Dogmatic | characterized by arrogant assertion of unproved or unprovable principles | |
175187381 | Eccentric | a person with an unusual or odd personality, irregular; odd; unconventional; whimsical; bizarre; not concentric | |
175187382 | Eclectic | selecting what seems best of various styles or ideas | |
175187383 | Empathy | understanding and entering into another's feelings | |
175187384 | Endemic | native to or confined to a certain region | |
175187385 | Enigma | something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained | |
175187386 | Ephemeral | enduring a very short time | |
175187387 | Epiphany | a divine manifestation; realization | |
175187388 | Epitome | a standard or typical example | |
175187389 | Eponym | a name derived from the name of person (real or imaginary) as the name of Alexandria is derived from the name of its founder: Alexander the Great | |
175187390 | Esoteric | confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle | |
175187391 | Ethereal | characterized by lightness and insubstantiality | |
175187392 | Ethnocentric | centered on a specific ethnic group, usually one's own | |
175187393 | Etymology | the study of the sources and development of words | |
175187394 | Eugenics | the study of methods of improving genetic qualities by selective breeding (especially as applied to human mating) | |
175187395 | Eulogy | a formal expression of praise | |
175187396 | Euphemism | an inoffensive expression that is substituted for one that is considered offensive | |
175187397 | Euphony | any agreeable (pleasing and harmonious) sounds | |
175187398 | Euphoric | exaggerated feeling of well-being or elation | |
175187399 | Euthanasia | mercy, painless killing | |
175187400 | Exodus | a journey by a large group to escape from a hostile environment | |
175187401 | Genesis | the first book of the Old Testament: tells of creation; beginning | |
175187402 | Heterodox | characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards | |
175187403 | Heterogeneous | originating outside the body | |
175187404 | Hierarchy | the organization of people at different ranks in an administrative body | |
175187405 | Holocaust | a large-scale destruction, especially by fire; a vast slaughter; a burnt offering | |
175187406 | Homophobia | prejudice against homos | |
175187407 | Hyperbole | extravagant exaggeration | |
175187408 | Icon | a visual representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on a surface | |
175187409 | Iconoclast | someone who tries to destroy traditional ideas or institutions | |
175187410 | Idiosyncrasy | a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual | |
175187411 | Laconic | brief and to the point | |
175187412 | Logorrhea | excessive talkativeness | |
175187413 | Macroscopic | large enough to be visible to the naked eye | |
175187414 | Megalomania | a psychological state characterized by delusions of grandeur | |
175187415 | Miasma | an unwholesome atmosphere | |
175187416 | Microcosm | a miniature model of something | |
175187417 | Misanthrope | someone who dislikes people in general | |
175187418 | Misogynist | a misanthrope who dislikes women in particular | |
175187419 | Monogamy | having only one spouse at a time | |
175187420 | Myopic | unable to see distant objects clearly, lacking foresight or scope | |
175187421 | Myriad | a large indefinite number | |
175187422 | Neophyte | n00b | |
175187423 | Orthodox | adhering to the traditional and established, especially in religion | |
175187424 | Panacea | Cure-all | |
175187425 | Panclastic | destroy everything | |
175187426 | Pandemic | an epidemic that is geographically widespread | |
175187427 | Paradox | (logic) a self-contradiction | |
175187428 | Paragon | an ideal instance, model of excellence or perfection of a kind | |
175187429 | Pathogen | any disease-producing agent (especially a virus or bacterium or other microorganism) | |
175187430 | Pathos | a quality that arouses emotions (especially pity or sorrow) | |
175187431 | Pedagogue | someone who educates young people | |
175187432 | Phenomenon | an unusual, observable event | |
175187433 | Philanthropist | someone who makes charitable donations intended to increase human well-being | |
175187434 | Philology | the humanistic study of language and literature | |
175187435 | Plethora | extreme excess | |
175187436 | Plutocrat | someone who exercises power by virtue of wealth | |
175187437 | Polyglot | A person with knowledge of several languages, a mixture of languages | |
175187438 | Polytheist | a person who believes in more than one god | |
175187439 | Progenitor | an ancestor in the direct line | |
175187440 | Progeny | the immediate descendants of a person | |
175187441 | Prognosticate | to forecast or predict | |
175187442 | Prototype | an original pattern or model | |
175187443 | Pseudonym | a fictitious name used when the person performs a particular social role | |
175187444 | Psychosomatic | used of illness or symptoms resulting from neurosis | |
175187445 | Pyromaniac | a person with a mania for setting things on fire | |
175187446 | Sardonic | disdainfully or ironically humorous | |
175187447 | Schism | division of a group into opposing factions | |
175187448 | Sporadic | recurring in scattered and irregular or unpredictable instances | |
175187449 | Sycophant | a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage | |
175187450 | Synergistic | working together | |
175187451 | Synopsis | a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory | |
175187452 | Tautology | useless repetition |