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Ap Eng Lit Vocab

Top 100 vocab and the daily vocab up to 5/6/11, tell me (Andrew W) if there is anything missing on my facebook, the comments, or email. Enjoy ^.^

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175040025Eruditescholarly, learned, bookish, pedantic
175040026Alacritycheerful eagerness
175040027Nefariousevil, wicked, depraved, devoid of moral standards
175040028Egregiousoutstandingly bad
175040029Cajoleto persuade someone to do something they do not want to do
175040030Volitionthe act of making a choice
175040031Portenta warning sign, omen
175040032Harbingersomething that indicates what is to come; a forerunner
175040035Nuancea slight or subtle degree of difference
175040036Ubiquitousbeing everywhere at the same time
175040037Insidioussly, treacherous, devious
175040038Sacrosanctextremely sacred; inviolable
175040039Immutablenot subject to change, constant
175040040Freneticfrantic; frenzied
175040041Impunityexemption from punishment or loss
175040042Obtuseblunt; not sharp; stupid; slow in understanding
175040043Edifyto enlighten or instruct
175040044AffinityA natural attraction or feeling of kinship
175040045Facetioushumorous, not meant seriously
175040046Juxtaposeto place side by side for comparison
175040047Aesthetichaving to do with artistic beauty
175040049Impugnto attack the integrity of something
175040050Denouementfinal resolution of a plot
175040051Paradigma model or example
175040052Abashto embarrass
175040053Archetypea standard or typical example
175040054Taciturnuntalkative by nature
175040055Bucoliccharmingly rural
175040056Speciousdeceptively plausible or attractive
175040057Peruseto read carefully
175040061Histrionicoverly dramatic
175040062Avaricegreed or excessive love of riches
175040063Vacillateto be indecisive; to waffle
175040065Lugubriousexaggeratedly mournful
175040066Repudiateto reject
175040067Serendipityaccidental good fortune
175040068Abstrusehard to understand
175040069Acrimoniousfull of spite
175040071Supercilioushaughty; patronizing
175040072Stymieto thwart; hinder
175185733PlatitudeDull, trite statement
175185735Espouseto take up and support; to become attached to, adopt; to marry
175185736Insipidlacking flavor; dull; not at all stimulating
175185737BanePoison; torment; cause of harm
175185738Ambivalentundecided; neutral
175185739Obduratestubborn and insensitive
175185741Perniciousdeadly; extremely evil
175185742Machinationscheming activity for an evil purpose
175185743Reprehensibleworthy of blame or censure
175185744Obsequiousfawning; subservient
175185746Wantonmalicious; unjustifiable
175185747Prodigiousextraordinary; enormous
175185748Virulentextremely poisonous
175185749Debaucherywild living; excessive intemperance
175185750Debauchto seduce or corrupt
175185751Duplicitydouble-dealing; deception
175185752Fomentto stir up; to investigate
175185754Inexorablerelentless; inevitable; unavoidable
175185755Pejorativenegative; disparaging
175185756Rapaciousgreedy; avaricious
175185757Impetuousvery impatient and impulsive
175185758Propitiousmarked by favourable signs
175185759Desultorywithout a plan or purpose; random
175185760Circumscribeto draw a line around; set limits
175185761Decimateto kill; destroy
175185762Torporsluggishness; inactivity
175185763Deprecateto express disapproval of
175185764Ineffableincapable of being expressed or described
175185765Vicissitudeupheaval; natural change
175185766ScintillateTo sparkle
175185767Soporificsleep inducing
175185768Unctuousoily; insincere
175185769Vociferousloud; noisy
175185770Subjugateto subdue; to enslave
175185772Broachbring up a topic for discussion
175185773Obfuscateto darken; confuse
175185774Aphorisma brief, witty saying; a proverb
175185775Empiricalrelying on experience or observation
175185776Sanguineoptimistic; helpful
175185777Largessgenerous giving of gifts
175185778Philistinea smugly ignorant person
175185779Spuriousfalse, counterfeit, fraudulent, bogus
175185780Vernaculareveryday speech; slang
175185781Loquacioustalking a lot
175185782Malaisea general sense of depression or unease
175185783Bellicosewarlike in manner or temperament; quarrelsome
175185784Innocuouslacking intent or capacity to injure
175185785Mitigateappease; moderate; make or become less in force or intensity
175185786Reproveto find fault with, scold, rebuke
175185787Judiciousproceeding from good sense or judgment
175185788Incongruousnot harmonious; not consistent; not fitting in
175185789Pugnaciousinclined to fight readily
175185791Gesticulateto make gestures
175185792Effaceto erase; rub away features
175185794Verisimilitudesimilarity to reality; looking like the real thing
175185795Farcicalabsurd; ludicrous
175185796Garrulouschatty; talkative
175187353Agnostica person who doubts truth of religion
175187354Amalgama combination or blend of diverse things
175187355Amorphoushaving no definite form or distinct shape
175187356Anachronismsomething located at a time when it could not have existed or occurred
175187357Anarchya state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government)
175187358Anathemaa detested person
175187359Androgynoushaving both male and female characteristics
175187360Anomalydeviation from the normal or common order or form or rule
175187361Antipathya feeling of intense dislike
175187362Antithesisthe juxtaposition of contrasting words or ideas to give a feeling of balance
175187363Apocryphalof questionable authenticity
175187364Apotheosisthe elevation of a person (as to the status of a god)
175187366Atheistsomeone who denies the existence of god
175187367Atrophyany weakening or degeneration (especially through lack of use)
175187368Autocrata cruel and oppressive dictator
175187369Autonomousexisting as an independent entity
175187370Ballisticto anger quickly
175187371Cacophonyjarring and unpleasing sounds
175187372Causticharsh or corrosive in tone; burnable
175187373Cosmopolitancomposed of people from or at home in many parts of the world
175187374Cryptichaving a puzzling terseness
175187375Deleteriousharmful to living things
175187376Demagoguean orator who appeals to the passions and prejudices of his audience
175187377Demographica statistic characterizing human populations (or segments of human populations broken down by age or sex or income etc.)
175187379Diatribethunderous verbal attack
175187380Dogmaticcharacterized by arrogant assertion of unproved or unprovable principles
175187381Eccentrica person with an unusual or odd personality, irregular; odd; unconventional; whimsical; bizarre; not concentric
175187382Eclecticselecting what seems best of various styles or ideas
175187383Empathyunderstanding and entering into another's feelings
175187384Endemicnative to or confined to a certain region
175187385Enigmasomething that baffles understanding and cannot be explained
175187386Ephemeralenduring a very short time
175187387Epiphanya divine manifestation; realization
175187388Epitomea standard or typical example
175187389Eponyma name derived from the name of person (real or imaginary) as the name of Alexandria is derived from the name of its founder: Alexander the Great
175187390Esotericconfined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle
175187391Etherealcharacterized by lightness and insubstantiality
175187392Ethnocentriccentered on a specific ethnic group, usually one's own
175187393Etymologythe study of the sources and development of words
175187394Eugenicsthe study of methods of improving genetic qualities by selective breeding (especially as applied to human mating)
175187395Eulogya formal expression of praise
175187396Euphemisman inoffensive expression that is substituted for one that is considered offensive
175187397Euphonyany agreeable (pleasing and harmonious) sounds
175187398Euphoricexaggerated feeling of well-being or elation
175187399Euthanasiamercy, painless killing
175187400Exodusa journey by a large group to escape from a hostile environment
175187401Genesisthe first book of the Old Testament: tells of creation; beginning
175187402Heterodoxcharacterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards
175187403Heterogeneousoriginating outside the body
175187404Hierarchythe organization of people at different ranks in an administrative body
175187405Holocausta large-scale destruction, especially by fire; a vast slaughter; a burnt offering
175187406Homophobiaprejudice against homos
175187407Hyperboleextravagant exaggeration
175187408Icona visual representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on a surface
175187409Iconoclastsomeone who tries to destroy traditional ideas or institutions
175187410Idiosyncrasya behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual
175187411Laconicbrief and to the point
175187412Logorrheaexcessive talkativeness
175187413Macroscopiclarge enough to be visible to the naked eye
175187414Megalomaniaa psychological state characterized by delusions of grandeur
175187415Miasmaan unwholesome atmosphere
175187416Microcosma miniature model of something
175187417Misanthropesomeone who dislikes people in general
175187418Misogynista misanthrope who dislikes women in particular
175187419Monogamyhaving only one spouse at a time
175187420Myopicunable to see distant objects clearly, lacking foresight or scope
175187421Myriada large indefinite number
175187423Orthodoxadhering to the traditional and established, especially in religion
175187425Panclasticdestroy everything
175187426Pandemican epidemic that is geographically widespread
175187427Paradox(logic) a self-contradiction
175187428Paragonan ideal instance, model of excellence or perfection of a kind
175187429Pathogenany disease-producing agent (especially a virus or bacterium or other microorganism)
175187430Pathosa quality that arouses emotions (especially pity or sorrow)
175187431Pedagoguesomeone who educates young people
175187432Phenomenonan unusual, observable event
175187433Philanthropistsomeone who makes charitable donations intended to increase human well-being
175187434Philologythe humanistic study of language and literature
175187435Plethoraextreme excess
175187436Plutocratsomeone who exercises power by virtue of wealth
175187437PolyglotA person with knowledge of several languages, a mixture of languages
175187438Polytheista person who believes in more than one god
175187439Progenitoran ancestor in the direct line
175187440Progenythe immediate descendants of a person
175187441Prognosticateto forecast or predict
175187442Prototypean original pattern or model
175187443Pseudonyma fictitious name used when the person performs a particular social role
175187444Psychosomaticused of illness or symptoms resulting from neurosis
175187445Pyromaniaca person with a mania for setting things on fire
175187446Sardonicdisdainfully or ironically humorous
175187447Schismdivision of a group into opposing factions
175187448Sporadicrecurring in scattered and irregular or unpredictable instances
175187449Sycophanta person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage
175187450Synergisticworking together
175187451Synopsisa sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory
175187452Tautologyuseless repetition

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