238571654 | pompous | exaggerated show of dignity or self-importance, bombastic. ANT- humble; meek | |
238571655 | ponderous | very heavy, unwieldy from weight. ANT- lightweight | |
238571656 | portal | a doorway (especially a large one) | |
238571657 | portent | a sign or forewarning | |
238571658 | posterity | future generations, all descendants of a person. ANT- forebears | |
238571659 | potent | powerful, having a strong effect. ANT- ineffectual | |
238571660 | potentate | a monarch, very powerful ruler, sovereign. | |
238571661 | prattle | meaningless sounds, babble. ANT- articulate language | |
238571662 | precipice | a very steep cliff or mass of rock, the brink of something dangerous. ANT- cavern | |
238571663 | precocious | exceptionally early in development or occurrence. ANT- backward | |
238571664 | predilection | preference. ANT- dislike; disinclination | |
238571665 | primeval | ancient, relating to the earliest ages. ANT- recently developed | |
238571666 | prolific | abundantly fruitful, marked by great productivity. ANT- barren; unfruitful | |
238571667 | propensity | preference, natural inclination. ANT- aversion | |
238571668 | propinquity | nearness; kinship. | |
238571669 | propriety | correct conduct. ANT- indecorum | |
238571670 | quaint | unusual in character or appearance. ANT- ordinary | |
238571671 | regimen | the regular process, procedure or system of doing something. ANT- unsystematic activity | |
238571672 | remonstrate | to protest, to make objections. ANT- to agree; to acquiesce | |
238571673 | replete | filled to capacity, abundantly supplied. ANT- devoid | |
238571674 | requite | to make repayment or to return. ANT- to withhold | |
238571675 | revere | to honor, to regard with respect. ANT- to despise | |
238571676 | rotund | very plump, round. ANT- gaunt | |
238571677 | sagacious | wise, shrewd, very discerning. ANT- ignorant; uninformed; undiscerning | |
238571678 | scintillating | sparkling, shining, or flashing. ANT- dull | |
238571679 | sedulously | very diligent, accomplishing with painstaking care. ANT- haphazardly | |
238571680 | sentinel | one who keeps guard as a sentry | |
238571681 | solace | to comfort or to cheer. ANT- to deride; to harass. | |
238571682 | stalwart | one who supports a cause with firm partisanship | |
238571683 | superfluous | beyond what is needed or required, an overflow. ANT- necessary | |
238571684 | tarry | to delay in coming or going, to linger. ANT- to depart promptly | |
238571685 | tempestuous | turbulent, stormy. ANT- calm | |
238571686 | tome | a book that is a large volume | |
238571687 | torpid | sluggish, inactive, dull. ANT- active; animated | |
238571688 | unobtrusive | not readily noticeable, inconspicuous. ANT- noticeable, obvious | |
238571689 | vagrant | a wanderer who does not have a home | |
238571690 | venerate | to honor, to revere | |
238571691 | vicissitude | a passing from one thing to another, change of luck | |
238571692 | virtuous | having excellent morals; righteous. ANT- depraved | |
238571693 | vista | a distant view seen through an opening | |
238571694 | vitiated | impaired, corrupted, or made ineffective. ANT- strengthened | |
238571695 | voluminous | marked by great volume or size. ANT- slight | |
238571696 | voluptuous | pleasurable to the senses, sensuous. ANT- plain; homely | |
238571697 | wan | very pale and sickly. ANT- full of vitality | |
238571698 | witticism | a clever and witty remark. ANT- platitude | |
238571699 | zenith | the highest point overhead, peak. ANT- lowest point | |
238571700 | fugitive | a person who is elusive or hard to find, wandering; ephermeral, evanescent, fleeting, transient, transitory | |
238571701 | furrow | to make wrinkles or grooves | |
238571702 | gaunt | very thin, emaciated, angular; lank, lean, rawboned, spare | |
238571703 | gentility | state of refinement, member of the upper class or gentry | |
238571704 | gratuitous | given freely, unwarranted | |
238571705 | grievous | characterized by severe suffering or sorrow, serious or grave | |
238571706 | ignominy | disgraceful or dishonorable conduct; disgrace, disrepute, infamy | |
238571707 | imbibe | to absorb or to drink in | |
238571708 | imperious | extremely overbearing; domineering, imperative, masterful, preemptory | |
238571709 | implicit | understood but not directly expressed | |
238571710 | import | relative importance, significance | |
238571711 | impugn | to assail or to attack one's honor or integrity | |
238571712 | impute | to blame or to charge | |
238571713 | inauspicious | unfavorable | |
238571714 | incantation | a spell, written or recited formula of words desined for a particular effect | |
238571715 | inclement | stormy, severe | |
238571716 | incongruity | nonconformity, disagreement, incompatibility | |
238571717 | incurious | uninterested, lacking normal curiousity | |
238571718 | indefatigable | tireless, incapable of being fatigued | |
238571719 | inextricable | not able to be disentangled | |
238571720 | infamous | having a reputation of the worst kind, visious, notoriously bad; disreputable, ignominious | |
238571721 | inopportune | inconvenient, poorly timed | |
238571722 | inscrutable | difficult to understand; mysterious | |
238571723 | insidious | treacherous or dangerous in a secret sort of way | |
238571724 | inveterate | firmly established, habitual, deep-rooted | |
238571725 | inviolable | secure from violation or from being profaned | |
238571726 | jocular | jesting or joking; facetious, jocose, jocund | |
238571727 | jollity | merriment, state of being jolly; glee, hilarity, mirth | |
238571728 | labyrinthine | like a maze, very convoluted and intricate; mazy | |
238571729 | lament | to mourn or to express sorrow in a demonstrative manner; bemoan, bewail, deplore | |
238571730 | dearth | a lack, a scarcity; paucity | |
238571731 | decorousness | proper behavior | |
238571732 | decorum | appropriate conduct, correct and proper behavior | |
238571733 | deleterious | harmful, dangerous, injurious; baneful, detrimental, noxious, pernicious | |
238571734 | depravity | moral corruption, a wicked or perverse act; abasement, corruption, debasement, debauchery, perversion | |
238571735 | derision | scoffing at, mockery, ridicule | |
238571736 | despondency | depression, dejection | |
238571737 | despotic | ruling oppressively and absolutely; tyrannical | |
238571738 | discern | to differentiate between two or more things | |
238571739 | duplicity | double-dealing, hypocrisy | |
238571740 | edifice | a very large building | |
238571741 | effervescent | showing high spirits | |
238571742 | endow | to provide with income or property, to supply with a talent or quality | |
238571743 | enmity | absolute hatred; animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, hostility, rancor | |
238571744 | entreaty | a plea, an earnest request; adjuration, appeal, suit, importunity, supplication | |
238571745 | enumerate | to count one by one | |
238571746 | erudite | scholarly | |
238571747 | esoteric | understood only by a small group or select few | |
238571748 | estrange | to alienate, to separate; disaffect, wean | |
238571749 | ethereal | heavenly, unusually delicate, light, lacking material substance, intangible | |
238571750 | eulogy | praise or tribute; encomium, panegyric, tribute | |
238571751 | evanescent | fleeting, impermanent; ephemeral, fugitive, transient, transitory | |
238571752 | exigent | urgent, requiring immediate attention | |
238571753 | expiate | to atone or to make amends for a sin or a crime | |
238571754 | extant | still in existence | |
238571755 | fervent | ardent, showing great emotion, impassioned; passionate, fervid, perfervid | |
238571756 | florid | flowery, flushed with color | |
238571757 | foliage | leaves of a plant, leafage | |
238571758 | forbearance | patience, lenience | |
238571759 | foreboding | premonition of evil, an ominous omen; prediciton, portent, presentiment | |
238571760 | abase | to degrade, to humiliate | |
238571761 | abate | to reduce in intensity or amount | |
238571762 | abstruse | difficult to understand, recondite, concealed | |
238571763 | abyss | bottomless hole, a vast expanse or depth | |
238571764 | acuity | sharpness of perception | |
238571765 | affinity | a likeness, a natural relationship, a kinship | |
238571766 | alacrity | prompt and cheerful response | |
238571767 | alchemist | one who practices medieval chemistry or tries to change metals into gold | |
238571768 | alloy | a substance that is a mixture of metals | |
238571769 | amenable | open to or willing to follow advice or suggestion, tractable, malleable | |
238571770 | antipathy | a dislike, distaste, or enmity | |
238571771 | append | to add in a supplementary manner | |
238571772 | arduous | very difficult to accomplish or to achieve, very demanding | |
238571773 | ascend | to move upward, to rise from a lower station | |
238571774 | ascetic | one who leads a life of self-denial and contemplation, absent of luxury | |
238571775 | audacity | excessive boldness, rashness, daring | |
238571776 | augury | an omen or prophecy | |
238571777 | auspicious | favorable | |
238571778 | austere | strict, stern; unadorned, ascetic | |
238571779 | balm | a soothing substance or one that gives relief | |
238571780 | benevolence | kindness, generosity, charity | |
238571781 | benign | not causing harm, of gentle disposition, beneficial | |
238571782 | betoken | to give a sign of | |
238571783 | blighted | destroyed or caused by decline or decay | |
238571784 | buoyant | capable of floating; cheerful | |
238571785 | burnish | to make shiny or polish by rubbing | |
238571786 | calamity | a serious event causing distress or misfortune | |
238571787 | capricious | changing suddenly, fickle | |
238571788 | consecrate | to dedicate or to declare sacred | |
238571789 | credible | reliable and believable | |
238571790 | languid | slow, sluggish, listless, weak. ant- animated | |
238571791 | laud | to praise, to extol. ant-to defame | |
238571792 | loquacious | very talkative. ant-taciturn | |
238571793 | lurid | sensational, gruesome, and causing shock or horror. | |
238571794 | magnate | a person of power and influence. Ant- pauper | |
238571795 | malefactor | a criminal. Ant-law-abiding citizen | |
238571796 | malevolence | ill will or evil intentions. Ant- benevolence | |
238571797 | malicious | motivated by hate or deliberate intent to harm. Ant- Kind | |
238571798 | malleable | capable of being shaped, influenced, or altered; tractable. Ant- unpliable | |
238571799 | melancholy | depression of spirits. ant-happiness | |
238571800 | mirth | gladness and merriment usually accompanied by laughter. Ant- sadness | |
238571801 | misanthrope | a hater of mankind. Ant- Philanthrompist | |
238571802 | mollify | to soothe or to appease,. To assuage. Ant- to aggravate. | |
238571803 | oblivion | state of being forgotten. Ant- Remembrance | |
238571804 | Obscure | difficult to see, vague. Ant- Clear; apparent | |
238571805 | obtuse | dull of mind, insensitive, stupid. Ant- intelligent | |
238571806 | obviates | makes unnecessary, prevents as a result of anticipating. ant- instigates; begins | |
238571807 | odious | deserving hate or contempt. Ant- respectable | |
238571808 | ominous | threatening. Ant- harmless; non-threatening. | |
238571809 | opaque | not allowing the passage of light, not transparent; hard to understand. Ant- transparent | |
238571810 | palliate | to ease pain, guilt or intensity. Ant-to intensify. | |
238571811 | pallor | extreme paleness usually relating to the face. Ant- ruddy color. | |
238571812 | palpable | tangible, perceptible, easily noticeable. | |
238571813 | peal | a loud ringing(of bells usually) | |
238571814 | penitent | showing or feeling regret for wrongdoing, repentant. Ant- Unrepentant | |
238571815 | petty | small and insignificant. Ant- significant; prodigious | |
238571816 | petulance | unreasonable touchiness or irritability. Ant- Serenity. | |
238571817 | Piety | devotion and reverence to God. Ant- irreverence | |
238571818 | placid | peaceful, calm. Ant- disturbed | |
238571819 | plaintive | mournful and expressing sorrow. Ant- Joyful |
AP English 3 Vocab 1-166
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