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ap english batch #4 26-50

Terms : Hide Images
305756887insolencethe trait of being rude and impertinent;the inclination to take liberties:an offensive, disrespectful,impudent act
305756888instigateto goad; to urge forward
305756889intangibleincapable of being perceived by the senses especially the sense of touch
305756890interminabletiresomely long;seemingly without end
305756891intransigentrefusing to compromise or to abandon an extreme position ot attitude; unsusceptible to persuasion
305756892intrepidinvulnerable to fear or intimidation
305756893intrusivetending to intrude (especially upon privacy)
305756894menacingthreatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
305756895meticulousextremely careful and precise
305756896miffedslightly offended
305756897maverickindependent behavior or thought
305756898maxima saying of proverbial nature
305756899mediocrityordinariness as a consequence of being average and not outstanding
305756900mirthgladness or gaiety as shown by or accompanied with laughter
305756901morosehaving a sullen and gloomy disposition
305756902obliterateremove completely from recognition or memory
305756903obstinancyresolute adherence to your own ideas or desires;stubbornness
305756904olfactoryof or relating to or connected with the sense of smell
305756905opulentrich and superior in quality;exhibiting a display of great wealth
305756906paramounthaving superior power and influence
305756907perfidioustending to betray
305756908perfunctoryas a formality only
305756909perquisiteA privilege,gain,or profit incidental to regular salary wages
305756910perspicacityintelligence manifested by being astute;the capacity to draw sound conclusions
305756911pertinenthaving a clear, decisive relevance to the matter in hand

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