10511603502 | aberration | a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically one that is unwelcome | 0 | |
10511610006 | abeyance | a state of being temporarily inactive, suspended, or set aside | 1 | |
10511611708 | acerbic | bitter, sharp in taste or temper | 2 | |
10511616270 | acuity | sharpness (particularly of the mind or senses) | 3 | |
10511620137 | admonish | to caution or advise against something; to scold mildly; to remind of a duty | 4 | |
10744288107 | adroit | skillful, expert in the use of the hands or mind | 5 | |
10744291305 | aesthete | a person who has or affects to have a special appreciation of art and beauty | 6 | |
10744321443 | altruistic | unselfish, concerned with the welfare of others | 7 | |
10744325543 | ameliorate | to improve, make better, correct a flaw or shortcoming | 8 | |
10744328365 | amorphous | shapeless, formless, vague | 9 | |
10744332165 | antediluvian | prehistoric | 10 | |
10744336036 | apocryphal | of questionable authority or authenticity | 11 | |
10744338329 | arable | suitable for growing crops | 12 | |
10744342891 | ascetic | One who leads a life of self-denial and contemplation; absent of luxury | 13 | |
10744345747 | assuage | to make easier or milder, relieve; to quiet, calm; to put an end to, appease, satisfy, quench | 14 | |
10744349967 | atrophy | the wasting away of a body organ or tissue; any progressive decline or failure; to waste away | 15 | |
10744355030 | avarice | a greedy desire, particularly for wealth | 16 | |
10744358856 | aviary | A house, enclosure, or large cage for birds | 17 | |
10744360982 | avow | to claim; to declare boldly; to admit | 18 | |
10744363181 | bilk | to cheat or swindle; to thwart | 19 | |
10744367314 | broach | to mention for the first time | 20 | |
10744379920 | buttress | to support, prop up, strengthen; a supporting structure | 21 | |
10744384163 | celerity | swiftness, rapidity of motion or action | 22 | |
10744386252 | charlatan | one who pretends to have knowledge in order to swindle others | 23 | |
10744390940 | cherubic | resembling an angel | 24 | |
10744392580 | churlish | lacking politeness or good manners; lacking sensitivity; difficult to work with or deal with; rude | 25 | |
10744411177 | circuitous | roundabout, not direct | 26 | |
10744417657 | clandestine | secret, concealed; underhanded | 27 | |
10744421491 | commensurate | equal | 28 | |
10744427129 | concomitant | accompanying in a subordinate fashion | 29 | |
11007840540 | confluence | a meeting or gathering together | 30 | |
11007844996 | conjugal | relating to marriage | 31 | |
11007848942 | contentious | quarrelsome, inclined to argue | 32 | |
11007856265 | conundrum | a confusing and difficult problem or question | 33 | |
11007865135 | copious | abundant; plentiful | 34 | |
11007871576 | corpulence | state of being very fat | 35 | |
11007874829 | coterie | a small group of people who share interests and meet frequently | 36 | |
11007888600 | credulous | gullible | 37 | |
11007894514 | cryptic | mysterious | 38 | |
11007902542 | curmudgeon | a bad-tempered person | 39 | |
11007905054 | dearth | a lack, scarcity, inadequate supply; a famine | 40 | |
11007922311 | demagogue | a leader who appeals to citizens' emotions to obtain power | 41 | |
11007948985 | desecrate | to damage a holy place; to treat with irreverence | 42 | |
11007958675 | diatribe | a bitter verbal attack | 43 | |
11194421353 | diffidence | shyness; lack of confidence | 44 | |
11194424739 | dilatory | tending to delay or procrastinate | 45 | |
11194431018 | disaffected | rebellious, resentful of authority | 46 | |
11194438405 | discursive | rambling, lacking order | 47 | |
11194442315 | dissemble | to present a false appearance; to disguise one's real intentions or character | 48 | |
11194449420 | disparage | to degrade, to speak of someone or something in a derogatory manner | 49 | |
11194456301 | dispassionate | not influenced by strong emotion, and so able to be rational and impartial | 50 | |
11194464599 | dissonant | not in harmony; disagreeing, at odds | 51 | |
11194468502 | dissuade | to persuade not to do something | 52 | |
11194472987 | divination | the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means | 53 | |
11194485553 | dotard | senile old person | 54 | |
11194493083 | duplicity | intentional deceit in speech or conduct | 55 | |
11400488667 | egregious | extremely bad | 56 | |
11400494481 | elucidate | to clarify, explain | 57 | |
11400498684 | emanate | to come forth | 58 | |
11771076257 | elegiac | Expressing sorrow or lamentation | 59 | |
11771078980 | emulate | to imitate with the intent of equaling or surpassing the model | 60 | |
11771083345 | enigmatic | mysterious, inexplicable, puzzling | 61 | |
11771085607 | ennui | dissatisfaction and restlessness resulting from boredom or apathy | 62 | |
11771092800 | ephmeral | lasting a very short time | 63 | |
11771096875 | epicure | someone who appreciates good food and drink | 64 | |
11771100373 | equivocate | to speak or act in a way that allows for more than one interpretation; to be deliberately vague or ambiguous | 65 | |
11771106876 | erudition | the quality of having or showing great knowledge or learning; scholarship | 66 | |
11771112830 | esoteric | intended for or understood by only a small group | 67 | |
11771117391 | espouse | to take up and support; to become attached to, adopt; to marry | 68 | |
11771123903 | ethereal | extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world | 69 | |
11771128226 | extol | to praise highly | 70 | |
11771133712 | fatuous | stupid or foolish in a self-satisfied way | 71 | |
11771139825 | fecund | fruitful in offspring or vegetation; intellectually productive | 72 | |
11771142945 | felicity | great happiness | 73 | |
11771144963 | fetid | smelling extremely unpleasant | 74 | |
11771160773 | flippant | not showing a serious or respectful attitude | 75 | |
11771166926 | florid | excessively decorated or embellished | 76 | |
11771174017 | foible | a minor weakness in character | 77 | |
11771176621 | furtive | secret, stealthy | 78 | |
11771178837 | garish | glaring; tastelessly showy or overdecorated in a vulgar or offensive way | 79 | |
11771184738 | garner | to acquire as the result of effort; to gather and store away, as for future use | 80 | |
11771190199 | guile | treacherous cunning, deceit | 81 | |
11771193672 | hedonism | pursuit of pleasure, especially of the senses | 82 | |
11771196352 | heretic | a person who holds religious beliefs in conflict with the dogma of the Roman Catholic Church | 83 | |
11771199671 | hiatus | a gap, opening, break (in the sense of having an element missing) | 84 | |
11771207148 | histrionic | overly dramatic, theatrical | 85 | |
11771209313 | hoary | very old; whitish or gray from age | 86 | |
11771214892 | iconoclasm | Opposing or even destroying images, especially those set up for religious veneration in the belief that such images represent idol worship. | 87 | |
11771220826 | immutable | not subject to change, constant | 88 | |
11771224176 | impervious | not affected or hurt by; admitting of no passage or entrance | 89 | |
12604060039 | impregnable | unable to be captured or broken into | 90 | |
12604062319 | impugn | to call into question; to attack verbally | 91 | |
12604065006 | inauspicious | unfavorable, unlucky, suggesting bad luck for the future | 92 | |
12604075771 | incipient | beginning to come into being or to become apparent | 93 | |
12604077350 | incisive | sharp, keen, penetrating (with a suggestion of decisiveness and effectiveness) | 94 | |
12604086858 | incorrigible | not able to be corrected; beyond control | 95 | |
12604091753 | indecorous | lacking good taste; improper | 96 | |
12604103993 | indefatigable | tireless | 97 | |
12604111191 | innocuous | not harmful or offensive | 98 | |
12604117079 | inscrutable | impossible to understand or interpret | 99 | |
12604121270 | insipid | lacking flavor; dull; not at all stimulating | 100 | |
12604126799 | intonate | to utter with a particular tone or modulation of voice | 101 | |
12604130997 | intractable | stubborn; obstinate; hard to move forward | 102 | |
12604138600 | intrinsic | belonging to someone or something by its very nature, essential, inherent; originating in a bodily organ or part | 103 | |
12604144664 | inveigh | to make a violent attack in words | 104 | |
12728686426 | inveterate | firmly established, long-standing; habitual | 105 | |
12728688802 | irascible | easily angered, irritable | 106 | |
12728753314 | jettison | to cast overboard; to discard | 107 | |
12728755912 | juncture | point of time, especially where two things are joined | 108 | |
12728758531 | juxtapose | to place side by side for comparison | 109 | |
12728767974 | laconic | brief and to the point, using few words | 110 | |
12728773621 | lampoon | a written satire used to ridicule or attack someone | 111 | |
12728777143 | largess | generosity | 112 | |
12728779607 | lassitude | a state of physical or mental weariness; lack of energy | 113 | |
12728783912 | lethargy | lack of energy; sluggishness | 114 | |
12728787109 | lithe | Bending easily and gracefully, flexible | 115 | |
12728791551 | lurid | causing shock or horror | 116 | |
12728793139 | malevolent | having or showing a wish to do evil to others | 117 | |
12728795428 | maudlin | overly sentimental | 118 | |
12728798774 | meander | to wander aimlessly | 119 | |
13139624210 | meticulous | extremely careful; particular about details | 120 | |
13139626501 | mire | mud; wet, swampy ground; a tough situation | 121 | |
13139631923 | multifarious | having great variety; numerous and diverse | 122 | |
13139635036 | mundane | ordinary, boring | 123 | |
13139637940 | nefarious | extremely wicked | 124 | |
13139650775 | obsequious | overly submissive and eager to please | 125 | |
13139663304 | odious | hateful | 126 | |
13139667370 | opaque | impossible to see through; preventing the passage of light | 127 | |
13139671046 | ostentatious | showy, pretentious | 128 | |
13139674213 | palpable | able to be touched or felt | 129 | |
13139678424 | paragon | a model of excellence or perfection | 130 | |
13139681745 | pariah | an outcast | 131 | |
13139688661 | parochial | religious, private | 132 | |
13139692373 | paucity | scarcity; lack | 133 | |
13139695161 | pedantic | Excessively concerned with book learning and formal rules, tending to show off one's learning | 134 | |
13139713436 | pejorative | tending to make worse; expressing disapproval or disparagement, derogatory, deprecatory, belittling | 135 | |
13139720173 | philistine | one who lacks culture or taste, uncultured | 136 | |
13139729137 | pique | to cause resentment; to provoke, to spark | 137 | |
13139733431 | pithy | essential part or core of something | 138 | |
13139736236 | poignant | evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret | 139 | |
13213549896 | polemical | controversial; argumentative | 140 | |
13213558034 | precocious | showing unusually early development (especially in talents and mental capacity) | 141 | |
13213663832 | proclivity | a natural or habitual inclination or tendency (especially of human character or behavior) doing something regularly | 142 | |
13213714311 | progeny | offspring; children | 143 | |
13213720319 | prolific | abundantly productive; abundant, profuse | 144 | |
13213744092 | prosaic | dull, lacking in distinction and originality; matter-of-fact, straightforward; characteristic of prose, not poetic | 145 | |
13213764826 | protean | readily changing form or character | 146 | |
13213800369 | protract | to draw out or lengthen in space or time | 147 | |
13213825935 | pugnacity | combativeness; disposition to fight | 148 | |
13213843163 | pulchritude | physical beauty | 149 | |
13959563421 | quixotic | overly idealistic; impractical | 150 | |
13959564715 | rancorous | bitter, hateful | 151 | |
13959564716 | rarefy | to make or become thin, less dense; to refine | 152 | |
13959566775 | raze | to tear down, destroy completely; to cut or scrape off or out | 153 | |
13959570281 | recalcitrant | stubbornly disobedient, resisting authority | 154 | |
13959570282 | recant | to withdraw a statement or belief to which one has previously been committed, renounce, retract | 155 | |
13959574342 | reprobate | (n.) a depraved, vicious, or unprincipled person, scoundrel; (adj.) wicked, corrupt, or unprincipled; (v.) to disapprove of, condemn | 156 | |
13959579320 | ribald | irreverently mocking; coarse, vulgar, or indecent in language | 157 | |
13959582678 | ruminate | think deeply about something | 158 | |
13959584961 | saccharine | excessively sweet or sentimental | 159 | |
13959587291 | savant | a person of extensive learning; an eminent scholar | 160 | |
13959609739 | stultify | to make ineffective or useless, cripple; to have a dulling effect on | 161 | |
13959611967 | supercilious | behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to others | 162 | |
13959614166 | surfeit | an excessive amount | 163 | |
13959616662 | surly | rude and bad-tempered | 164 | |
13959618399 | taciturn | habitually silent or quiet, inclined to talk very little | 165 | |
13959620019 | tantamount | equivalent, having the same meaning, value, or effect | 166 | |
13959625645 | tenuous | thin, slender, not dense; lacking clarity or sharpness; of slight importance or significance; lacking a sound basis, poorly supported | 167 | |
13959630762 | trepidation | a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen | 168 | |
13959632243 | turgid | swollen, bloated, filled to excess; overdecorated or excessive in language | 169 | |
13959634938 | turpitude | moral corruption, depravity | 170 | |
13959639077 | undulate | to move in waves or with a wavelike motion; to have a wavelike appearance or form | 171 | |
13959642457 | unwieldy | not easily carried, handled, or managed because of size or complexity | 172 | |
13959644322 | veracity | truthfulness, honesty | 173 | |
13959654781 | verbose | wordy, very talkative | 174 | |
13959654782 | viable | able to live | 175 | |
13959661124 | virulent | extremely poisonous; full of malice; spiteful, hateful | 176 | |
13959663403 | vociferous | loud and noisy; compelling attention | 177 | |
13959666162 | vouchsafe | to grant in a condescending manner | 178 | |
13959668503 | zenith | the highest point; peak | 179 |
AP English Language and Comp Vocabulary Flashcards
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