158971063 | Rhetoric | Art of using persuasive language | |
158971064 | Syntax | Sentence structure | |
158971065 | Diction | Choice of words | |
158971066 | Figurative language | The use of words, phrases, symbols, and ideas to evoke mental images and sense impressions; Can't be taken literally | |
158971067 | Allegory | Story in which its content symbolizes a deeper, abstract meaning other than the literal | |
158971068 | Allusion | A reference in a literary work to another work | |
158971069 | Analogy | Similarity between two unlike objects that can be used to compare other objects Ex: "Light is to dark as happy is to sad." | |
158971070 | Anaphora | Repetition of words or phrases at the beginning of successive phrases, clauses, sentences Ex: "I want her to live. I want her to breathe. I want her to sing." | |
158971071 | Anecdote | Short description of a past incident. Told to prove a point | |
158971072 | Aphorism | Short, to-the-point saying that represents some truth | |
158971073 | Apostrophe | A saying that is said to someone not present or to a personified object | |
158971074 | Euphemism | A less offensive way of expressing a harsh or offensive thought | |
158971075 | Hyperbole | Exaggeration used to emphasize | |
158971076 | Metaphor | An implied comparison between two seemingly unlike things | |
158971077 | Paradox | A statement that seems self-contradictory | |
158971078 | Rhetorical Question | Question used for dramatic effect, and it requires no answer | |
158971079 | Synecdoche | Figure of speech where the name of a part is substituted for a whole or vice versa | |
158971080 | Understatement | Restrained statement that's lacking the needed amount of emphasis | |
158971081 | Logical Fallacy | Error in logic; a false argument | |
158971082 | Argumentum ad hominem | A logical fallacy; attacking a person's reputation | |
158971083 | Argumentum ad verecundiam | A logical fallacy; Appeal to authority | |
158971084 | Hasty generalization | A logical fallacy; Jumping to conclusions without sufficient evidence | |
158971085 | False analogy | An informal fallacy; falsely stating that two things are similar when, in fact, they are dissimilar | |
158971086 | Non sequiturs | A logical fallacy; A comment/inference that doesn't follower logically from the premise | |
158971087 | Post hoc | A logical fallacy; Confuses cause and effect with chronologically | |
158971088 | Circular Argument | A logical fallacy; Assumes as true the very thing that one is trying to prove, also known as "going around in circles" | |
158971089 | Bandwagon | A logical fallacy; Claims that everyone is behaving in a certain manner, also known as "everybody thinks so" | |
158971090 | False dilemma | A logical fallacy; A situation in which two alternative points of views are presented as the only options, whereas others are available | |
158971091 | Ad misericordiam | A logical fallacy; Exploits an argument's opponent's feelings of pity or guilt | |
158971092 | Formal Language | Standard language of written communication; Used in specialized writing | |
158971093 | Informal Language | Like casual conversation; can be found in writings like newspapers | |
158971094 | Archaic | Words that are old-fashioned and no longer used | |
158971095 | Colloquialism | Expressions accepted in informal writings and spoke by the general public, but not found in formal writing | |
158971096 | Idiom | Phrase that is not taken literally for its meaning | |
158971097 | Jargon | Specialized vocabulary used in a certain professional area | |
158971098 | Slang | Expressions used by particular groups; often considered exaggerated or modern | |
158971099 | Cliché | An expression that is so overused, it no longer creates an interesting effect in writing | |
158971100 | Loaded Language | Words/expressions that are "weighed down" with importance that appeals to emotions | |
158971101 | Sexist Language | Words/expressions that promote gender stereotypes; can't always be eliminated | |
158971102 | Argument | Reason offered as proof for or against something | |
158971103 | Tone | Manner in which an author expresses his attitude; the pitch of the voice that expresses meaning It is the result of diction, syntax, style, imagery, rhetoric, etc. | |
158971104 | Symbol | Something that stands for or suggests something else by reason of relationship, association, convention, or accidental resemblance; "It is what it is, but it means so much more" | |
158971105 | Personification | Act or technique of ascribing human attributes to nonhuman/inanimate things | |
158971106 | Denotation | Literal or actual meaning of a word; dictionary definition | |
158971107 | Connotation | Emotional meaning of a word; produces a certain effect on the reader | |
158971108 | Inductive Reasoning | Gathering specific facts/observations and making a conclusion/generalization; An argument is this if the major premise is based on observation/experience Moving from the specific to the general ▲ | |
158971109 | Deductive Reasoning | Making specific conclusions based on broad generalizations/conclusions; An argument is this if the major premise is based on a rule, law, principle, generalization Moving from the general to the specific ▼ | |
158971110 | Syllogism | A three-part statements in which deductive reasoning is arranged; Consists of a major premise (general observation), a minor premise (specific observation); and a conclusion | |
158971111 | Elegy | Sorrowful, melancholy poem that mourns someone's death or mediates the passing of life | |
158971112 | Satire | Literary work containing devices that ridicule the vices/stupidity of individuals, groups, etc.; Purpose: reform | |
158971113 | Exaggeration | Used in satire; To enlarge or represent something beyond normal bounds so that it becomes ridiculous and its faults can be seen | |
158971114 | Incongruity | Used in satire; To present things that are out of place or are absurd in relation to its surroundings | |
158971115 | Reversal | Used in satire; To present the opposite of the normal order | |
158971116 | Parody | Used in satire; To imitate the techniques and/or system, practice, belief, etc. | |
158971117 | Horatian Satire | Satire that is gentle and funny | |
158971118 | Juvenalian Satire | Satire that is bitter, harsh, biting | |
158971119 | Irony | Difference between the way things are and the way things should be (or expected to be) | |
158971120 | Ethos | Ethical appeal; Reliability & trustworthiness of writer of argument | |
158971121 | Pathos | Emotional appeal | |
158971122 | Logos | Logical appeal | |
158971123 | Simple Sentence | Sentence that contains only an independent clause with no other clauses | |
158971124 | Conjunctions | Used in compound sentences; And; or; but; for; nor; yet; so | |
158971125 | Compound Sentence | Contains 2 or more independent clauses; Joined by conjunctions or semi-colon | |
158971126 | Complex Sentence | A sentence with 1 Independent clause and 1 or more dependent clauses | |
158971127 | Compound Complex Sentence | Sentence with 2 or more independent clauses and 1 or more dependent clauses | |
158971128 | Antithesis | Establishing contrasting ideas or relationships between two elements by either joining them together or by placing one against the other, most often in parallel structure; OR A statement that presents an idea opposite of a thesis; combined to produce synthesis | |
158971129 | Parallelism | Repeating several parts of a sentence/several sentences that are alike to show that the ideas in the parts/ the sentences are equally important | |
158971130 | Antimetabole | A reversal in the order of repeated words or phrases; Used to provide an intense conclusion, present alternatives, show contrast Ex: "Eat to live, not live to eat" | |
158971131 | Asyndeton | Omitting conjunctions between words, phrases, clauses | |
158971132 | Parenthetical citation | Documentation of the author and source for a quote/fact contained within parentheses at the end of a sentence; Used in MLA documentation | |
158971133 | Signaling phrases | Inclusion of the author or source's name within a sentence; Generally, at the start of the sentence | |
158978934 | Adjective | The part of speech that modifies a noun or a pronoun | |
158978935 | Adverb | The part of speech that modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb | |
158978936 | Alliteration | The repetition of an initial consonant sound Ex: "Alice's aunt ate apples and acorns around August." | |
158978937 | Ambiguity | The presence of two or more possible meanings in any passage | |
158978938 | Antecedent | The noun or noun phrase referred to by a pronoun Example: "Students in on-line classes have to be organized to keep up with their assignments" "Student" is the noun referred to by the pronoun "their." | |
158978939 | Appeal to Ignorance | Logical fallacy; Uses an opponent's inability to disprove a conclusion as proof of the conclusion's correctness | |
158978940 | Assonance | The identity or similarity in sound between internal vowels in neighboring words Example: "Do you like blue?" | |
158978941 | Character | An individual (usually a person) in a narrative | |
158978942 | Chiasmus | A verbal pattern in which the second half of an expression is balanced against the first but with the parts reversed Example: "He knowingly led and we followed blindly" | |
158978943 | Claim | An arguable statement, which may state a fact, value, or policy | |
158978944 | Climax | Mounting by degrees through words or sentences of increasing weight and in parallel construction with an emphasis on the high point or culmination of a series of events | |
158978945 | Comparison | A rhetorical strategy in which a writer examines similarities and/or differences between two people, places, ideas, or objects | |
158978946 | Complement | A word or word group that completes the predicate (what is said about the subject) in a sentence Example: "Love is an exploding cigar we willingly smoke." | |
158978947 | Concession | An argumentative strategy by which a speaker or writer acknowledges the validity of an opponent's point | |
159476934 | Clause | A group of words that contains a subject and a predicate | |
159476935 | Confirmation | The main part of a text in which logical arguments in support of a position are elaborated | |
159476936 | Coordination | The grammatical connection of two or more ideas to give them equal emphasis and importance "I looked up my family tree and found out I was the sap." | |
159476937 | Dialect | A regional or social variety of a language distinguished by pronunciation, grammar, and/or vocabulary | |
159476938 | Didactic | Intended or inclined to teach or instruct, often excessively | |
159476939 | Encomium | A tribute or eulogy in prose or verse glorifying people, objects, ideas, or events Ex: "Allow me to sing of tater tots. These are nuggets of bliss, small prayers answered by the flinty russet fields of Idaho. Potatoes fresh as an autumn dawn, fried deep, oh so deep, right down to their very souls. Potatoes so well coddled and lovingly cared for are bound to be grateful for their tuberous vegetable lives, and, being so loved, they in return extend every bit of potatoey flavor outward from themselves as they die, not unlike the Buddha, reclining on his side, growing to massive proportions as he transformed from this life to the next, the confines of the earth no longer large enough to contain the boundlessness of his nature." | |
159476940 | Epiphora | The repetition of a word or phrase at the end of several clauses Example: "Where now? Who now? When now?" | |
159476941 | Epitaph | (1) A short inscription in prose or verse on a tombstone or monument (2) A statement or speech commemorating someone who has died: a funeral oration Ex: "Rest in peace." | |
159476942 | Eulogy | A formal expression of praise for someone who has recently died | |
159476943 | Exposition | Statement/type of composition intended to give information about an issue, subject, method, idea | |
159476944 | Extended Metaphor | Implied comparison between 2 unlike things that continues through a series of sentences | |
159476945 | Figures of speech | Various uses of language that depart from customary construction, order, significance | |
159476946 | Flashback | Shift in narrative to earlier event that interrupts the normal chronological development of a story | |
159476947 | Genre | Category marked by a distinctive style, form, content | |
159476948 | Imagery | Vivid descriptive language that appeals to the senses | |
159476949 | Invective | Denunciatory or abusive language; discourse that casts blame Ex: "Curse the blasted, jelly-boned swines, the slimy, the belly-wriggling invertebrates, the miserable sodding rotters, the flaming sods, the snivelling, dribbling, dithering, palsied pulse-less lot that make up England today. . . . God, how I hate them! God curse them, funkers. God blast them, wishwash. Extermine them, slime." | |
159476950 | Isocolon | Succession of phrases of approximately equal length and corresponding structure Ex: "Nothing that's beautiful hides its face. Nothing that's honest hides its name." | |
159476951 | Litotes | Figure of speech consisting of an understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by negating its opposite | |
159476952 | Loose sentence | Sentence structure in which a main clause is followed by subordinate phrases and caluses | |
159476953 | Metonymy | One word or phrase is substituted for another with which it's closely associated Ex: "The car rear-ended me." ('Me' in place of 'my car') | |
159476954 | Mode of Discourse | Way in which information is presented in a text; Includes narration, description, exposition, argument | |
159476955 | Mood | Quality of a verb that conveys the writer's attitude toward the subject | |
159476956 | Narrative | Rhetorical strategy that recounts a sequence of events, usually in chronological order | |
159476957 | Noun | Used to name a person, place, thing, quality, action | |
159476958 | Onomatopoeia | Formation or use of words that imitate sounds associated with the objects/actions they refer to | |
159476959 | Oxymoron | Contradictory terms appear side by side | |
159476960 | Periodic Sentence | Long and frequently involved sentence, marked by suspended syntax, in which the sense isn't completed until the final word (usually with an emphatic climax) | |
159476961 | Point of View | Perspective form which a speaker/writer tells a story/presents information | |
159476962 | Predicate | One of the two main parts of sentence/clause, modifying the subject and including the verb, objects, phrases governed by the verb | |
159476963 | Pronoun | Word that takes place of a noun | |
159476964 | Prose | Ordinary writing as distinguished from verse | |
159476965 | Refutation | Part of an argument where a speaker/writer anticipates & counters opposing points of view | |
159476966 | Running Style | Sentence style that appears to follow the mid as it worries a problem through; Mimics the rambling, associative syntax of conversation | |
159476967 | Sarcasm | Mocking, often ironic or satirical remark | |
159476968 | Simile | 2 seemingly unlike things are compared using "like" or "as" | |
159476969 | Style | Figures that ornament speech or writing; Manifestation of the person speaking/writing | |
159476970 | Subject | Part of sentence/clause that indicates what it's about | |
159476971 | Subordination | Words, phrases, clauses that make 1 element of a sentence dependent on another | |
159476972 | Thesis | The main idea of an essay or report | |
159476973 | Transition | Connection between two parts of writing | |
159476974 | Verb | Describes an action/occurrence/indicates state of being | |
159476975 | Voice | (1) The quality of a verb that indicates whether its subject acts (active voice) or is acted upon (passive voice) (2) The distinctive style or manner of expression of an author or narrator | |
159476976 | Zeugma | Use of a word to modify 2 or more words, although its use may be grammatically or logically correct with only one; "You are free to execute your laws, and your citizens, as you see fit." |
A.P. English Language and Composition Vocabulary
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