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AP English Language Comp Flashcards

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7224834741Rhetoricstudy of effective speaking and writing and the art of persuasion0
7224834742Kairosthe circumstances that open moments of opportunity1
7224835088Decorumrequiring one's words and subject matter be aptly fit to each other, to the circumstances and occasion (kairos), the audience, and the speaker2
7224835089Audienceoriented discourse is composed in light of those who will hear or read that discourse3
7224835293Ethosthe persuasive appeal of one's character4
7224835294Pathosthe appeal to emotion5
7224835568Logosthe appeal to reason6
7224835991Alliterationrepetition of the same letter or sound within nearby words most often repeated initial consonants7
7224835992Anaphorarepetition of the same word or group of words at the beginning of successive clauses, sentences, or lines8
7224836571Antithesisjuxtaposition of contrasting words or ideas9
7224836572Ansyndectonthe omission of conjunctions between clauses, often resulting in a hurried rhythm or vehement effect10
7224837098Epistropheending a series of lines, phrases, clauses, or sentences with the same word or words11
7224837099Hyperbolerhetorical exaggeration12
7224837386Ironyspeaking in such a way as to imply the contrary of what one says, often for the purpose of derision, mockery, or jest13
7224837517Litotesdeliberate understatement, especially when expressing a thought by denying its opposite14
7224837850Metonymyreference to something or someone by naming one of its attributes15
7224838044Oxymoronplacing two ordinarily opposing terms adjacent to one another a compressed paradox16
7224838045Paradoxa statement that is self-contradictory on the surface, yet seems to evoke a truth nonetheless17
7224838183Parallelismsimilarity of structure in a pair or series of related words, phrases, or clauses18
7224838346Polysyndectonemploying many conjunctions between clauses, often slowing the tempo or rhythm19
7224839404Rhetorical Questiondefined as any question asked for a purpose other than to obtain the information the question asks20
7224839405Sarcasmuse of mockery, verbal taunts, or bitter irony21
7224839998Synecdochea whole is represented by naming one of its parts (genus named for species), or vice versa (species named for genus)22
7224840202Zeugmadescribing when one part of speech (most often the main verb, but sometimes a noun) governs two or more other parts of a sentence (often in a series)23

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