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AP English Language - Hit Parade Flashcards

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5960313485assertiona declaration or statement0
5960313486clarityclearness in thought or expression1
5960313487cogentconvincing; reasonable2
5960313488coherentlogically connected3
5960313489cohesivecondition of sticking together4
5960313490didacticintended to instruct5
5960313491discourseverbal expression or exchange; conversation6
5960313492eloquencethe ability to speak vividly or persuasively7
5960313493emphasizeto give special attention to something, to stress8
5960313494fluideasily flowing9
5960313495implicationthe act of suggesting or hinting10
5960313496lucideasily understood; clear11
5960313497rhetoricthe art of using language effectively and persuasively12
5960313498arbitera judge who decides a disputed issue13
5960313500exculpateto free from guilt or blame15
5960313501impartialnot in favor of one side or the other, unbiased16
5960313502incontrovertiblenot able to be denied or disputed17
5960313503integritytrustworthiness; completeness18
5960313504objectivitytreating facts without influence from personal feelings or prejudices19
5960313505penitentexpressing remorse for one's misdeeds20
5960313506plausibleseemingly valid or acceptable; credible21
5960313507substantiatedsupported with proof or evidence; verified22
5960313508vindicatedfreed from blame23
5960313509condescendingtreating people as weak or inferior24
5960313510contemptuousfeeling hatred; scornful25
5960313511despoticexercising absolute power; tyrannical26
5960313512dictatorialdomineering; oppressively overbearing27
5960313513disdaincontempt, scorn28
5960313515haughtyarrogant; vainly proud29
5960313516imperiousarrogantly domineering or overbearing30
5960313517patronizingtreating in a condescending manner31
5960313518convolutedintricate; complex32
5960313519crypticdifficult to comprehend33
5960313520futilehaving no useful purpose; pointless34
5960313521impedeto slow the progress of35
5960313522obscurerelatively unknown36
5960313524quandarya state of uncertainty or perplexity37
5960313526insipiduninteresting; unchallenging39
5960313527listlesslacking energy40
5960313528torporlaziness; inactivity; dullness41
5960313529alienatedremoved or disassociated from (friends, family, or homeland)42
5960313530alliancea union of two or more groups43
5960313531disparityinequality in age, rank, or degree; difference44
5960313532servilesubmissive; like a servant45
5960313533suppressedsubdued; kept from being circulated46
5960313534embellishto make beautiful by ornamenting; to decorate47
5960313535floriddescribing flowery or elaborate speech48
5960313536opulentexhibiting a display of great wealth49
5960313537ornateelaborately decorated50
5960313538ostentatiousdescribing a showy or pretentious display51
5960313539poignantprofoundly moving; touching52
5960313540ebullienceintense enthusiasm53
5960313541effusiveemotionally unrestrained; gushy54
5960313542egregiousconspicuously bad or offensive55
5960313543flagrantextremely or deliberately shocking or noticeable56
5960313544freneticwildly excited or active57
5960313545gratuitousgiven freely; unearned; unwarranted58
5960313546superfluousextra; unnecessary59
5960313547alleviateto ease a pain or burden60
5960313548asyluma place of retreat or security61
5960313549auspiciousfavorable; promising62
5960313550benevolentwell-meaning; generous63
5960313551benignkind and gentle64
5960313552mollifyto calm or soothe65
5960313553reclamationthe act of making something useful again66
5960313554sanctionto give official authorization or approval67
5960313555dubiousdoubtful; of unlikely authenticity68
5960313556fabricatedmade; concocted to deceive69
5960313557hypocrisythe practice of pretending to be something one is not; insincerity70
5960313558slanderfalse charges and malicious oral statements about someone71
5960313559spuriousnot genuine72
5960313560astuteshrewd; clever73
5960313562coupa brilliantly executed plan75
5960313563disingenuousnot straightforward; crafty76
5960313564rusea crafty trick77
5960313565stratagema clever trick used to deceive or outwit78
5960313566surreptitiouslydone by secretive means79
5960313567waryon guard80
5960313569ambiguousopen to more than one interpretation82
5960313570ambivalentsimultaneously having opposing feelings; uncertain83
5960313571apatheticfeeling or showing little emotion84
5960313572arbitrarydetermined by impulse rather than reason85
5960313573capriciousimpulsive and unpredictable86
5960313574equivocateto avoid making a definite statement87
5960313575indifferentnot caring one way or the other88
5960313576spontaneousunplanned; naturally occurring89
5960313577whimsicalsubject to erratic behavior; unpredictable90
5960313579superficialconcerned only with what is on the surface or obvious; shallow92
5960313580tenuoushaving little substance or strength; shaky; unsure, weak93
5960313581trivialof little importance or significance94
5960313583compellingforceful; urgently demanding attention96
5960313584diligentmarked by painstaking effort; hard-working97
5960313585doggedstubbornly persevering98
5960313586endureto put up with; to survive a hardship99
5960313587intrepidcourageous; fearless100
5960313588maverickone who is independent and resists adherence to a group101
5960313589obduratestubborn; inflexible102
5960313590obstinatestubbornly adhering to an opinion or a course of action103
5960313591proliferateto grow or increase rapidly104
5960313593vitalityenergy; power to survive106
5960313594assimilationto absorb; to make similar107
5960313595consensusgeneral agreement108
5960313596contextcircumstances of a situation; environment109
5960313597derivedcopied or adapted from a source110
5960313598incumbentimposed as a duty; obligatory111
5960313599inevitablecertain to happen, unavoidable112
5960313600malleableeasily shaped or formed; easily influenced113
5960313601subdueto restrain; to hold back114
5960313602acquireddeveloped or learned; not naturally occurring115
5960313603conceptionthe ability to form or understand an idea116
5960313604convictiona fixed or strong belief117
5960313605dogmaticstubbornly adhering to unproved beliefs118
5960313606enlighteninginformative; contributing to one's awareness119
5960313607impressiona feeling or understanding resulting from an experience120
5960313608intuitionthe power of knowing things without thinking; sharp insight121
5960313609misconceptionan incorrect understanding or interpretation122
5960313610perceptionawareness; insight123
5960313611perspectivepoint of view124
5960313612profoundhaving great depth or seriousness125
5960313613inherentinborn; built-in126
5960313614innatepossessed from birth; inborn127
5960313615inveteratelong established; deep-rooted; habitual128
5960313618elusivedifficult to capture, as in something actually fleeting131
5960313619emigrateto leave one country or region and settle in another132
5960313620transientpassing away with time; passing from one place to another133
5960313621transitoryshort-lived or temporary134
5960313622affableeasy-going; friendly135
5960313623amenableresponsive; agreeable136
5960313624camaraderiegood will between friends137
5960313625cordialfriendly; sincere138
5960313626facetiousplayfully humorous139
5960313627impingehinder; interfere with140
5960313628lamentexpress grief for; mourn141
5960313629melancholysadness; depression142
5960313630sanctionan economic or military measure put in place to punish another country143
5960313631truncatedshortened; cut off144
5960313632aesthetichaving to do with the appreciation of beauty145
5960313633anthologya collection of literary pieces146
5960313634contemporarycurrent, modern; from the same time147
5960313635dilettanteone with an amateurish or superficial understanding of a field of knowledge148
5960313636eclecticmade up of a variety of sources or styles149
5960313637excerpta selected part of a passage or scene150
5960313638genredescribing a category or artistic endeavor151
5960313639medleyan assortment or a mixture, especially of musical pieces152
5960313640murala large painting applied directly to a wall or ceiling surface153
5960313641narrativecharacterized by the telling of a story154
5960313643parodyan artistic work that imitates the style of another work for comic effect155
5960313644realismartistic representation that aims for visual accuracy156
5960313645virtuosoa tremendously skilled artist157
5960313646decorousproper; marked by good taste158
5960313647equanimitythe quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure159
5960313648modestquiet or humble in manner or appearance160
5960313649proprietyappropriateness of behavior161
5960313650prudentexercising good judgment or common sense162
5960313652staidunemotional; serious164
5960313653stoicindifferent to pleasure or pain; impassive165
5960313654condemnto express strong disapproval of; denounce166
5960313655discreditto cause to be doubted167
5960313656disparageto speak of in a slighting way or negatively; to belittle168
5960313657pejorativedescribing words or phrases that belittle or speak negatively of someone169
5960313658plagiarismthe act of passing off the ideas or writing of another as one's own170
5960313659vilifyto make vicious statements about171
5960313660brusquerudely abrupt172
5960313661causticbitingly sarcastic or witty173
5960313662fractiousquarrelsome; unruly174
5960313663incorrigibleunable to be reformed175
5960313664ingratean ungrateful person176
5960313665insolentinsulting in manner or speech177
5960313666notoriousknown widely and usually unfavorably; infamous178
5960313667pugnaciouscombative; belligerent179
5960313668reprehensibleworthy of blame180
5960313669brittleeasily broken when subjected to pressure181
5960313670deleterioushaving a harmful effect; injurious182
5960313671enmitymutual hatred or ill-will183
5960313672heinoushatefully evil; abominable184
5960313673malfeasancewrongdoing, misconduct185
5960313674maliceextreme ill-will or spite186
5960313676rancoroushateful; marked by deep-seated ill-will188
5960313678archaiccharacteristic of an earlier period; old-fashioned190
5960313679hackneyedworn out through overuse; trite191
5960313680medievalreferring to the Middle Ages; old-fashioned192
5960313681obsoleteno longer in use; old-fashioned193
5960313682austerewithout decoration; strict194
5960313683mediocritythe state or quality of being average; of moderate to low quality195
5960313684mundanecommonplace; ordinary196
5960313685ponderousextremely dull197
5960313686prosaicunimaginative; dull198
5960313687sedentarynot migratory; settled199
5960313688apprehensionanxiety or fear about the future200
5960313689harbingersomething that indicates what is to come; a forerunner201
5960313690ominousmenacing; threatening202
5960313691premonitiona feeling about the future203
5960313692timoroustimid; fearful about the future204
5960313693trepidationuncertainty; apprehension205
5960313694innovativeintroducing something new206
5960313695naivelacking sophistication207
5960313696nascentcoming into existence; emerging208
5960313697novelstrikingly new or unusual209
5960313698novicea beginner210
5960313699candorsincerity; openness211
5960313700frankopen and sincere in expression; straightforward212
5960313701ariddescribing a dry, rainless climate213
5960313702conflagrationa widespread fire214
5960313703nocturnalof or occurring in the night215
5960313704sonorousproducing a deep or full sound216
5960313705ampledescribing a large amount of something217
5960313706comprehensivelarge in scope or content218
5960313707copiousplentiful; having a large quantity219
5960313708permeatedspread or flowing throughout220
5960313709pervasivedispersed throughout221
5960313711repleteabundantly supplied: filled to capacity223
5960313712exemplarycommendable; worthy of imitation224
5960313713idealizeto consider perfect225
5960313714laudatorygiving praise226
5960313715paramountof chief concern or importance227
5960313716veneratedhighly respected228
5960313717catalogto make an itemized list of229
5960313718faciledone or achieved with little effort; easy230
5960313719fastidiouspossessing careful attention to detail; difficult to please231
5960313720hierarchya group organized by rank232
5960313721meticulousextremely careful and precise233
5960313723solventable to pay one's debts235
5960313724abstractnot applied to actual objects236
5960313725anachronismsomething out of place in time or sequence237
5960313726anthropomorphismthe attribution of humanlike characteristics to inanimate objects, animals, or forces of nature238
5960313727apologydefense of an idea239
5960313728apparatusequipment; a group of machines240
5960313729appositiona grammar construction in which a noun (or noun phrase) is placed with another as an explanation241
5960313730archetypea perfect example; an original pattern or model242
5960313731chiasmusan inversion in the second of two parallel phrases243
5960313732gesticulatingmaking gestures while speaking244
5960313733hypotheticalexisting only as an assumption or speculation245
5960313734lexicona word book describing language with definitions; a dictionary246
5960313735metonymya type of figurative language in which one term is substituted for another term with which it is closely associated247
5960313736oxymoronan apparent contradiction of terms248
5960313737panegyricstatement of high praise249
5960313738paradigman example or model250
5960313739parallelisma grammar construction in which two identical syntactic constructions are used251
5960313740periodlong, complex, grammatically correct sentence252
5960313741perniciouscausing great harm253
5960313742phenomenonan unusual, observable event254
5960313743propitiouspresenting favorable circumstances; auspicious255
5960313744rationallogical; motivated by reason rather than feeling256
5960313745sardonicdisdainfully or ironically humorous; harsh, bitter, or caustic257
5960313746syllogisma form of deductive reasoning; a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion258
5960313747synecdochea form of metonymy that's restricted to cases where a part is used to signify the whole259
5960313748theoreticallacking application or practical application260

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