5960313485 | assertion | a declaration or statement | 0 | |
5960313486 | clarity | clearness in thought or expression | 1 | |
5960313487 | cogent | convincing; reasonable | 2 | |
5960313488 | coherent | logically connected | 3 | |
5960313489 | cohesive | condition of sticking together | 4 | |
5960313490 | didactic | intended to instruct | 5 | |
5960313491 | discourse | verbal expression or exchange; conversation | 6 | |
5960313492 | eloquence | the ability to speak vividly or persuasively | 7 | |
5960313493 | emphasize | to give special attention to something, to stress | 8 | |
5960313494 | fluid | easily flowing | 9 | |
5960313495 | implication | the act of suggesting or hinting | 10 | |
5960313496 | lucid | easily understood; clear | 11 | |
5960313497 | rhetoric | the art of using language effectively and persuasively | 12 | |
5960313498 | arbiter | a judge who decides a disputed issue | 13 | |
5960313499 | biased | prejudiced | 14 | |
5960313500 | exculpate | to free from guilt or blame | 15 | |
5960313501 | impartial | not in favor of one side or the other, unbiased | 16 | |
5960313502 | incontrovertible | not able to be denied or disputed | 17 | |
5960313503 | integrity | trustworthiness; completeness | 18 | |
5960313504 | objectivity | treating facts without influence from personal feelings or prejudices | 19 | |
5960313505 | penitent | expressing remorse for one's misdeeds | 20 | |
5960313506 | plausible | seemingly valid or acceptable; credible | 21 | |
5960313507 | substantiated | supported with proof or evidence; verified | 22 | |
5960313508 | vindicated | freed from blame | 23 | |
5960313509 | condescending | treating people as weak or inferior | 24 | |
5960313510 | contemptuous | feeling hatred; scornful | 25 | |
5960313511 | despotic | exercising absolute power; tyrannical | 26 | |
5960313512 | dictatorial | domineering; oppressively overbearing | 27 | |
5960313513 | disdain | contempt, scorn | 28 | |
5960313515 | haughty | arrogant; vainly proud | 29 | |
5960313516 | imperious | arrogantly domineering or overbearing | 30 | |
5960313517 | patronizing | treating in a condescending manner | 31 | |
5960313518 | convoluted | intricate; complex | 32 | |
5960313519 | cryptic | difficult to comprehend | 33 | |
5960313520 | futile | having no useful purpose; pointless | 34 | |
5960313521 | impede | to slow the progress of | 35 | |
5960313522 | obscure | relatively unknown | 36 | |
5960313524 | quandary | a state of uncertainty or perplexity | 37 | |
5960313525 | indolent | lazy | 38 | |
5960313526 | insipid | uninteresting; unchallenging | 39 | |
5960313527 | listless | lacking energy | 40 | |
5960313528 | torpor | laziness; inactivity; dullness | 41 | |
5960313529 | alienated | removed or disassociated from (friends, family, or homeland) | 42 | |
5960313530 | alliance | a union of two or more groups | 43 | |
5960313531 | disparity | inequality in age, rank, or degree; difference | 44 | |
5960313532 | servile | submissive; like a servant | 45 | |
5960313533 | suppressed | subdued; kept from being circulated | 46 | |
5960313534 | embellish | to make beautiful by ornamenting; to decorate | 47 | |
5960313535 | florid | describing flowery or elaborate speech | 48 | |
5960313536 | opulent | exhibiting a display of great wealth | 49 | |
5960313537 | ornate | elaborately decorated | 50 | |
5960313538 | ostentatious | describing a showy or pretentious display | 51 | |
5960313539 | poignant | profoundly moving; touching | 52 | |
5960313540 | ebullience | intense enthusiasm | 53 | |
5960313541 | effusive | emotionally unrestrained; gushy | 54 | |
5960313542 | egregious | conspicuously bad or offensive | 55 | |
5960313543 | flagrant | extremely or deliberately shocking or noticeable | 56 | |
5960313544 | frenetic | wildly excited or active | 57 | |
5960313545 | gratuitous | given freely; unearned; unwarranted | 58 | |
5960313546 | superfluous | extra; unnecessary | 59 | |
5960313547 | alleviate | to ease a pain or burden | 60 | |
5960313548 | asylum | a place of retreat or security | 61 | |
5960313549 | auspicious | favorable; promising | 62 | |
5960313550 | benevolent | well-meaning; generous | 63 | |
5960313551 | benign | kind and gentle | 64 | |
5960313552 | mollify | to calm or soothe | 65 | |
5960313553 | reclamation | the act of making something useful again | 66 | |
5960313554 | sanction | to give official authorization or approval | 67 | |
5960313555 | dubious | doubtful; of unlikely authenticity | 68 | |
5960313556 | fabricated | made; concocted to deceive | 69 | |
5960313557 | hypocrisy | the practice of pretending to be something one is not; insincerity | 70 | |
5960313558 | slander | false charges and malicious oral statements about someone | 71 | |
5960313559 | spurious | not genuine | 72 | |
5960313560 | astute | shrewd; clever | 73 | |
5960313561 | clandestine | secretive | 74 | |
5960313562 | coup | a brilliantly executed plan | 75 | |
5960313563 | disingenuous | not straightforward; crafty | 76 | |
5960313564 | ruse | a crafty trick | 77 | |
5960313565 | stratagem | a clever trick used to deceive or outwit | 78 | |
5960313566 | surreptitiously | done by secretive means | 79 | |
5960313567 | wary | on guard | 80 | |
5960313568 | wily | cunning | 81 | |
5960313569 | ambiguous | open to more than one interpretation | 82 | |
5960313570 | ambivalent | simultaneously having opposing feelings; uncertain | 83 | |
5960313571 | apathetic | feeling or showing little emotion | 84 | |
5960313572 | arbitrary | determined by impulse rather than reason | 85 | |
5960313573 | capricious | impulsive and unpredictable | 86 | |
5960313574 | equivocate | to avoid making a definite statement | 87 | |
5960313575 | indifferent | not caring one way or the other | 88 | |
5960313576 | spontaneous | unplanned; naturally occurring | 89 | |
5960313577 | whimsical | subject to erratic behavior; unpredictable | 90 | |
5960313578 | inconsequential | unimportant | 91 | |
5960313579 | superficial | concerned only with what is on the surface or obvious; shallow | 92 | |
5960313580 | tenuous | having little substance or strength; shaky; unsure, weak | 93 | |
5960313581 | trivial | of little importance or significance | 94 | |
5960313582 | assiduous | hard-working | 95 | |
5960313583 | compelling | forceful; urgently demanding attention | 96 | |
5960313584 | diligent | marked by painstaking effort; hard-working | 97 | |
5960313585 | dogged | stubbornly persevering | 98 | |
5960313586 | endure | to put up with; to survive a hardship | 99 | |
5960313587 | intrepid | courageous; fearless | 100 | |
5960313588 | maverick | one who is independent and resists adherence to a group | 101 | |
5960313589 | obdurate | stubborn; inflexible | 102 | |
5960313590 | obstinate | stubbornly adhering to an opinion or a course of action | 103 | |
5960313591 | proliferate | to grow or increase rapidly | 104 | |
5960313592 | tenacity | persistence | 105 | |
5960313593 | vitality | energy; power to survive | 106 | |
5960313594 | assimilation | to absorb; to make similar | 107 | |
5960313595 | consensus | general agreement | 108 | |
5960313596 | context | circumstances of a situation; environment | 109 | |
5960313597 | derived | copied or adapted from a source | 110 | |
5960313598 | incumbent | imposed as a duty; obligatory | 111 | |
5960313599 | inevitable | certain to happen, unavoidable | 112 | |
5960313600 | malleable | easily shaped or formed; easily influenced | 113 | |
5960313601 | subdue | to restrain; to hold back | 114 | |
5960313602 | acquired | developed or learned; not naturally occurring | 115 | |
5960313603 | conception | the ability to form or understand an idea | 116 | |
5960313604 | conviction | a fixed or strong belief | 117 | |
5960313605 | dogmatic | stubbornly adhering to unproved beliefs | 118 | |
5960313606 | enlightening | informative; contributing to one's awareness | 119 | |
5960313607 | impression | a feeling or understanding resulting from an experience | 120 | |
5960313608 | intuition | the power of knowing things without thinking; sharp insight | 121 | |
5960313609 | misconception | an incorrect understanding or interpretation | 122 | |
5960313610 | perception | awareness; insight | 123 | |
5960313611 | perspective | point of view | 124 | |
5960313612 | profound | having great depth or seriousness | 125 | |
5960313613 | inherent | inborn; built-in | 126 | |
5960313614 | innate | possessed from birth; inborn | 127 | |
5960313615 | inveterate | long established; deep-rooted; habitual | 128 | |
5960313616 | omnipotent | all-powerful | 129 | |
5960313617 | proximity | closeness | 130 | |
5960313618 | elusive | difficult to capture, as in something actually fleeting | 131 | |
5960313619 | emigrate | to leave one country or region and settle in another | 132 | |
5960313620 | transient | passing away with time; passing from one place to another | 133 | |
5960313621 | transitory | short-lived or temporary | 134 | |
5960313622 | affable | easy-going; friendly | 135 | |
5960313623 | amenable | responsive; agreeable | 136 | |
5960313624 | camaraderie | good will between friends | 137 | |
5960313625 | cordial | friendly; sincere | 138 | |
5960313626 | facetious | playfully humorous | 139 | |
5960313627 | impinge | hinder; interfere with | 140 | |
5960313628 | lament | express grief for; mourn | 141 | |
5960313629 | melancholy | sadness; depression | 142 | |
5960313630 | sanction | an economic or military measure put in place to punish another country | 143 | |
5960313631 | truncated | shortened; cut off | 144 | |
5960313632 | aesthetic | having to do with the appreciation of beauty | 145 | |
5960313633 | anthology | a collection of literary pieces | 146 | |
5960313634 | contemporary | current, modern; from the same time | 147 | |
5960313635 | dilettante | one with an amateurish or superficial understanding of a field of knowledge | 148 | |
5960313636 | eclectic | made up of a variety of sources or styles | 149 | |
5960313637 | excerpt | a selected part of a passage or scene | 150 | |
5960313638 | genre | describing a category or artistic endeavor | 151 | |
5960313639 | medley | an assortment or a mixture, especially of musical pieces | 152 | |
5960313640 | mural | a large painting applied directly to a wall or ceiling surface | 153 | |
5960313641 | narrative | characterized by the telling of a story | 154 | |
5960313643 | parody | an artistic work that imitates the style of another work for comic effect | 155 | |
5960313644 | realism | artistic representation that aims for visual accuracy | 156 | |
5960313645 | virtuoso | a tremendously skilled artist | 157 | |
5960313646 | decorous | proper; marked by good taste | 158 | |
5960313647 | equanimity | the quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure | 159 | |
5960313648 | modest | quiet or humble in manner or appearance | 160 | |
5960313649 | propriety | appropriateness of behavior | 161 | |
5960313650 | prudent | exercising good judgment or common sense | 162 | |
5960313651 | serene | calm | 163 | |
5960313652 | staid | unemotional; serious | 164 | |
5960313653 | stoic | indifferent to pleasure or pain; impassive | 165 | |
5960313654 | condemn | to express strong disapproval of; denounce | 166 | |
5960313655 | discredit | to cause to be doubted | 167 | |
5960313656 | disparage | to speak of in a slighting way or negatively; to belittle | 168 | |
5960313657 | pejorative | describing words or phrases that belittle or speak negatively of someone | 169 | |
5960313658 | plagiarism | the act of passing off the ideas or writing of another as one's own | 170 | |
5960313659 | vilify | to make vicious statements about | 171 | |
5960313660 | brusque | rudely abrupt | 172 | |
5960313661 | caustic | bitingly sarcastic or witty | 173 | |
5960313662 | fractious | quarrelsome; unruly | 174 | |
5960313663 | incorrigible | unable to be reformed | 175 | |
5960313664 | ingrate | an ungrateful person | 176 | |
5960313665 | insolent | insulting in manner or speech | 177 | |
5960313666 | notorious | known widely and usually unfavorably; infamous | 178 | |
5960313667 | pugnacious | combative; belligerent | 179 | |
5960313668 | reprehensible | worthy of blame | 180 | |
5960313669 | brittle | easily broken when subjected to pressure | 181 | |
5960313670 | deleterious | having a harmful effect; injurious | 182 | |
5960313671 | enmity | mutual hatred or ill-will | 183 | |
5960313672 | heinous | hatefully evil; abominable | 184 | |
5960313673 | malfeasance | wrongdoing, misconduct | 185 | |
5960313674 | malice | extreme ill-will or spite | 186 | |
5960313675 | putrid | rotten | 187 | |
5960313676 | rancorous | hateful; marked by deep-seated ill-will | 188 | |
5960313677 | toxic | poisonous | 189 | |
5960313678 | archaic | characteristic of an earlier period; old-fashioned | 190 | |
5960313679 | hackneyed | worn out through overuse; trite | 191 | |
5960313680 | medieval | referring to the Middle Ages; old-fashioned | 192 | |
5960313681 | obsolete | no longer in use; old-fashioned | 193 | |
5960313682 | austere | without decoration; strict | 194 | |
5960313683 | mediocrity | the state or quality of being average; of moderate to low quality | 195 | |
5960313684 | mundane | commonplace; ordinary | 196 | |
5960313685 | ponderous | extremely dull | 197 | |
5960313686 | prosaic | unimaginative; dull | 198 | |
5960313687 | sedentary | not migratory; settled | 199 | |
5960313688 | apprehension | anxiety or fear about the future | 200 | |
5960313689 | harbinger | something that indicates what is to come; a forerunner | 201 | |
5960313690 | ominous | menacing; threatening | 202 | |
5960313691 | premonition | a feeling about the future | 203 | |
5960313692 | timorous | timid; fearful about the future | 204 | |
5960313693 | trepidation | uncertainty; apprehension | 205 | |
5960313694 | innovative | introducing something new | 206 | |
5960313695 | naive | lacking sophistication | 207 | |
5960313696 | nascent | coming into existence; emerging | 208 | |
5960313697 | novel | strikingly new or unusual | 209 | |
5960313698 | novice | a beginner | 210 | |
5960313699 | candor | sincerity; openness | 211 | |
5960313700 | frank | open and sincere in expression; straightforward | 212 | |
5960313701 | arid | describing a dry, rainless climate | 213 | |
5960313702 | conflagration | a widespread fire | 214 | |
5960313703 | nocturnal | of or occurring in the night | 215 | |
5960313704 | sonorous | producing a deep or full sound | 216 | |
5960313705 | ample | describing a large amount of something | 217 | |
5960313706 | comprehensive | large in scope or content | 218 | |
5960313707 | copious | plentiful; having a large quantity | 219 | |
5960313708 | permeated | spread or flowing throughout | 220 | |
5960313709 | pervasive | dispersed throughout | 221 | |
5960313710 | prodigious | enormous | 222 | |
5960313711 | replete | abundantly supplied: filled to capacity | 223 | |
5960313712 | exemplary | commendable; worthy of imitation | 224 | |
5960313713 | idealize | to consider perfect | 225 | |
5960313714 | laudatory | giving praise | 226 | |
5960313715 | paramount | of chief concern or importance | 227 | |
5960313716 | venerated | highly respected | 228 | |
5960313717 | catalog | to make an itemized list of | 229 | |
5960313718 | facile | done or achieved with little effort; easy | 230 | |
5960313719 | fastidious | possessing careful attention to detail; difficult to please | 231 | |
5960313720 | hierarchy | a group organized by rank | 232 | |
5960313721 | meticulous | extremely careful and precise | 233 | |
5960313722 | pragmatic | practical | 234 | |
5960313723 | solvent | able to pay one's debts | 235 | |
5960313724 | abstract | not applied to actual objects | 236 | |
5960313725 | anachronism | something out of place in time or sequence | 237 | |
5960313726 | anthropomorphism | the attribution of humanlike characteristics to inanimate objects, animals, or forces of nature | 238 | |
5960313727 | apology | defense of an idea | 239 | |
5960313728 | apparatus | equipment; a group of machines | 240 | |
5960313729 | apposition | a grammar construction in which a noun (or noun phrase) is placed with another as an explanation | 241 | |
5960313730 | archetype | a perfect example; an original pattern or model | 242 | |
5960313731 | chiasmus | an inversion in the second of two parallel phrases | 243 | |
5960313732 | gesticulating | making gestures while speaking | 244 | |
5960313733 | hypothetical | existing only as an assumption or speculation | 245 | |
5960313734 | lexicon | a word book describing language with definitions; a dictionary | 246 | |
5960313735 | metonymy | a type of figurative language in which one term is substituted for another term with which it is closely associated | 247 | |
5960313736 | oxymoron | an apparent contradiction of terms | 248 | |
5960313737 | panegyric | statement of high praise | 249 | |
5960313738 | paradigm | an example or model | 250 | |
5960313739 | parallelism | a grammar construction in which two identical syntactic constructions are used | 251 | |
5960313740 | period | long, complex, grammatically correct sentence | 252 | |
5960313741 | pernicious | causing great harm | 253 | |
5960313742 | phenomenon | an unusual, observable event | 254 | |
5960313743 | propitious | presenting favorable circumstances; auspicious | 255 | |
5960313744 | rational | logical; motivated by reason rather than feeling | 256 | |
5960313745 | sardonic | disdainfully or ironically humorous; harsh, bitter, or caustic | 257 | |
5960313746 | syllogism | a form of deductive reasoning; a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion | 258 | |
5960313747 | synecdoche | a form of metonymy that's restricted to cases where a part is used to signify the whole | 259 | |
5960313748 | theoretical | lacking application or practical application | 260 |
AP English Language - Hit Parade Flashcards
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