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AP English Language: Logical Fallacies Flashcards

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6126926451EquivocationWhen one idea is unequally used twice. (Love, joy, patience...)0
6126926452Hasty GeneralizationMaking a faulty assumption based on a few incidents1
6126926453Red HerringsIt takes another idea similar to the argument and leads you astray. e.g Donald Trump, ever the master manipulator of the media, has conjured the red herring of birtherism to raise doubt in the minds of Iowans about now-chief contender Sen. Ted Cruz.2
6126926454Non-sequitorDoes not follow a logical sequence3
6126926455Slippery-slopeWhen there is a chain of events that has no logical reason to occur4
6126926456Bandwagon AppealsWhen everyone else is doing or thinking something...so we should!5
6126926457Ignoring the questionWhen you get distracted off a question on purpose to talk about something else.6
6126926458Opposing the Straw ManAttacking the weakest part of the argument7
6126926459Either-or arguments(false dilemma); gives only two possible situations for a dilemma8
6126926460False AuthorityWhen you take an authority in one field and place him in another9
6126926461Begging the QuestionCircular logic; You use a claim to support a claim10
6126926462Post HocA faulty causal relationship: not logical result of an event.11
6126926463Faulty AnalogyUsing an analogy to bring two situations that don't go together.12
6126926464Ad Hominemattacking character of opponent; going after the person rather than the issue.13
6126926465Tu QuoqueYou're another; the actions of someone else that shouldn't affect you. Making your issue someone else's issue.14
6126935025Double Talklanguage that appears to be earnest and meaningful but in fact is a mixture of sense and nonsense 2 : inflated, involved, and often deliberately ambiguous language15
6126935026OversimplificationExplaining an event by relying on causal factors that are insufficient to account for the event or by overemphasizing the role of one or more of these factors.16
6126948418Complex questiona fallacy in which the answer to a given question presupposes a prior answer to a prior question. Also known as (or closely related to) a loaded question, a trick question, a leading question, the fallacy of the false question, and the fallacy17

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