8672749753 | absolutes | a choice in which something mus be one way or the other | 0 | |
8672751501 | abstract | not applied to actual objects | 1 | |
8672753070 | acquired | developed or learned | 2 | |
8672755467 | active voice | any sentence with an active verb | 3 | |
8672757944 | aesthetic | appreciation of beauty | 4 | |
8672766290 | affable | easy-going or friendly | 5 | |
8672768793 | alienated | removed from society | 6 | |
8672770488 | alleviate | to ease a pain or burden | 7 | |
8672773004 | alliance | a union of two or more groupps | 8 | |
8672773005 | alliteration | repetition of a phonetic sound at the beginning of several words | 9 | |
8672776672 | allusion | a reference that recalls another work | 10 | |
8672783606 | ambiguity | not a clear meaning | 11 | |
8672810229 | abiguous | open to interpretation | 12 | |
8672812810 | ambivalent | having opposing feelings | 13 | |
8672815644 | amenable | agreeable | 14 | |
8672815647 | ample | having a large amount | 15 | |
8672819696 | analogy | a term that signifies a relational comparison of or similarity between two objects | 16 | |
8672846583 | antithesis | an observation or claim that is in opposition to your claim or an author's claim | 17 | |
8672850526 | apathetic | having or showing little emotion | 18 | |
8672863755 | apology | defense of an idea | 19 | |
8672875737 | apparatus | equipment | 20 | |
8672880238 | appositive | a noun phrase placed as another explanation | 21 | |
8672883120 | apprehension | fear of anxiety of the future | 22 | |
8672889976 | arbitrary | determined by impulse rather than reason | 23 | |
8672894093 | archaic | old fashioned | 24 | |
8672896280 | archetype | a perfect example; an original pattern | 25 | |
8672897970 | argumentation | process of forming reason, justifying beliefs, or drawing conclusions with the aim of influencing the thoughts, actions, or beliefs of others | 26 | |
8672908370 | argument from ignorance | argument stating something is true because it hasn't been proven false | 27 | |
8672911443 | arid | dry (climate) | 28 | |
8672914063 | assertion | a declaration or statement | 29 | |
8672915548 | astute | clever | 30 | |
8672924788 | asylum | a place of retreat or security | 31 | |
8672928268 | austere | strict | 32 | |
8672930747 | bandwagon | "everyone's doing it" fallacy | 33 | |
8681725946 | benevolent | generous | 34 | |
8681727079 | benign | gentle | 35 | |
8681728538 | biased | prejudiced | 36 | |
8681728539 | brittle | easily broken | 37 | |
8681730073 | camaraderie | good will between friends | 38 | |
8681731567 | candor | honesty and openness | 39 | |
8681733013 | catalog | an itemized list | 40 | |
8681735125 | cause and effect | "after this, therefore because of this" | 41 | |
8681738373 | cause/effect | one event brings about the other event | 42 | |
8681741463 | clandestine | secretive | 43 | |
8681741464 | clarity | clearness in expression | 44 | |
8681743007 | coherent | logically connected | 45 | |
8681745232 | cohesive | sticking together | 46 | |
8681746435 | compare/contrast | identifying similarities and differences between things | 47 | |
8681747795 | compelling | forceful | 48 | |
8681749721 | complex | sentence structure that is a combination of a dependent clause and an independent clause | 49 | |
8681910693 | compound complex | a compound and a complex sentence | 50 | |
8681912094 | compound | two independent clauses joined together by a coordination conjunction | 51 | |
8681915035 | comprehensive | large in content | 52 | |
8681916512 | conception | to form and understand an idea | 53 | |
8681916546 | condemn | express strong disapproval of | 54 | |
8681919068 | condescending | treating people as inferior | 55 | |
8682270586 | connotation | moods or feeling surrounding a word | 56 | |
8682272110 | consensus | general agreement | 57 | |
8682274485 | contemporary | current or modern | 58 | |
8682275373 | contemptuous | feeling hatred | 59 | |
8682277908 | context | circumstances of a situation | 60 | |
8682286178 | conviction | a feeling of strong belief | 61 | |
8682287805 | cordial | friendly | 62 | |
8682289647 | coup | a brilliantly executed plan | 63 | |
8682291551 | cryptic | difficult to comprehend | 64 | |
8682292785 | declarative sentence | basic statement of assertion | 65 | |
8682296754 | decorous | marked by good taste | 66 | |
8682298549 | deductive | form of logical argumentation by accepting the claims as true that you can deduce the correct conclusion from the accepted premises | 67 | |
8682304753 | definition | formal statement of the meaning of a word or phrase | 68 | |
8682317252 | denotation | literal meaning of a word | 69 | |
8682318363 | dependent clause | a noun and verb that cannot stand alone | 70 | |
8682320082 | derived | adapted from a source | 71 | |
8682321902 | description | using senses to portray a person, place, or thing | 72 | |
8682323952 | dialect | a regional speech pattern | 73 | |
8682325673 | dictatorial | oppressively overbearing | 74 | |
8682328481 | diction | the specific use of words | 75 | |
8682332543 | discourse | verbal expression or exchange | 76 | |
8682336256 | discredit | to cause to be doubted | 77 | |
8682337239 | disdain | to look down on | 78 | |
8682338290 | disingenuous | not straightforward | 79 | |
8682339266 | disparity | inequality in age, rank, or degree | 80 | |
8682342052 | dogged | stubbornly perservering | 81 | |
8682343293 | dubious | doubtful | 82 | |
8682346454 | eclectic | made up of a variety of sources or styles | 83 | |
8682348606 | egregious | conspicuously bad or offensive | 84 | |
8682350464 | ellipsis | three dots that indicate words have been left out of a quote | 85 | |
8682354218 | eloquence | speak vividly or persuasively | 86 | |
8682356548 | elusive | difficult to capture | 87 | |
8682358728 | embellish | to decorate | 88 | |
8682359638 | emigrate | to leave a country or religion | 89 | |
8682360555 | emotional words | demonstrate a writer's intense feelings or emotions | 90 | |
8682363012 | emphasize | to give special attention to something | 91 | |
8682364633 | endure | to put up with | 92 | |
8682365735 | enlightening | informative | 93 | |
8682366967 | ethos | argumentation identified as an appeal to credibility (ethics) | 94 | |
8682372461 | euphemism | to use a safer or nicer word for something others find inappropriate or unappealing | 95 | |
8682375206 | excerpt | a selected part of a passage | 96 | |
8682377180 | exlamatory sentence | a sentence that conveys excitement or force | 97 | |
8682380160 | exemplary | commendable | 98 | |
8682381293 | exemplification | showing by example | 99 | |
8682382249 | fabricated | concocted to deceive | 100 | |
8682390722 | facetious | playfully humorous | 101 | |
8682390723 | facile | easy | 102 | |
8682390737 | fallacy | a failure of logical reasoning | 103 | |
8682392069 | false analogy | argument using an inappropriate metaphor | 104 | |
8682393259 | fastidious | possessing careful attention to detail | 105 | |
8689532517 | figurative language | compares one thing to to another in a way that is not logical but still makes sense | 106 | |
8689539566 | flagrant | extrememly or deliberately shocking | 107 | |
8689543157 | florid | describing flowery speech | 108 | |
8689545937 | fluid | easily flowing | 109 | |
8689549398 | frank | straightforward | 110 | |
8689555293 | futile | pointless | 111 | |
8689556930 | genre | a category | 112 | |
8689560049 | gratuitous | given freely | 113 | |
8689564200 | haughty | arrogant | 114 | |
8689564202 | heinous | hatefully evil | 115 | |
8689566849 | hierarchy | a group organized by rank | 116 | |
8689569039 | humor | a specific tone or attitude used to attempt to be comedic or amusing | 117 | |
8689575966 | hyperbole | an exaggeration | 118 | |
8689578593 | hypocrisy | pretending to be something one is not | 119 | |
8689581125 | hypothetical | existing only as an assumption or speculation | 120 | |
8689584025 | idealize | to consider perfect | 121 | |
8689584028 | imagery | one of the five sense used to evoke feelings | 122 | |
8689597213 | impartial | not in favor of one side or the other | 123 | |
8689600168 | impede | to slow the progress | 124 | |
8689605619 | imperative sentence | a command | 125 | |
8689605622 | imperious | arrogantly domineering | 126 | |
8689609065 | implication | the act of suggesting or hinting | 127 | |
8689611845 | impression | a feeling or understanding resulting from an experience | 128 | |
8689614608 | inconsequential | unimportant | 129 | |
8689619572 | incumbent | imposed as a duty | 130 | |
8689619575 | independent cluase | a noun and verb that can stand alone | 131 | |
8689623587 | indifferent | not caring one eay or the other | 132 | |
8689626001 | indolent | lazy | 133 | |
8689626002 | inductive | logical argumentation that requires the use of examples | 134 | |
8689632050 | inevitable | certain to happen | 135 | |
8689635576 | infinitive | "to" + a verb | 136 | |
8689639130 | inherent | built-in | 137 | |
8689641415 | innate | possessed from birth | 138 | |
8689643665 | innovative | introducing something new | 139 | |
8689649036 | insipid | unchallenging | 140 | |
8689651646 | insolent | insulting in manner or speech | 141 | |
8689717607 | integrity | trustworthiness | 142 | |
8689721588 | interrogative sentence | a question | 143 | |
8689724946 | intrepid | fearless | 144 | |
8689729629 | intuition | the power of knowing things without thinking | 145 | |
8689733726 | irony | use of words to express something other than and often the opposite of the literal meaning | 146 | |
8689757916 | jargon | a patter of speech and vocabulary associated with a particular group of people | 147 | |
8689762936 | lament | to express grief | 148 | |
8689765944 | listless | lacking energy | 149 | |
8689765946 | logos | an appeal to reason (logic) | 150 | |
8689804698 | lucis | easily understood | 151 | |
8689804740 | malice | spite | 152 | |
8689806621 | malleable | easily shaped or formed | 153 | |
8689809732 | maverick | one who is independent and resists adherence to a group | 154 | |
8689812748 | mediocrity | state or qualiity of being average | 155 | |
8689815031 | medieval | referring to Middle Ages | 156 | |
8689816789 | medley | an assortment or mixture | 157 | |
8689820935 | malancholy | sadness | 158 | |
8689820936 | metaphor | something is compared to another thing without like or as | 159 | |
8689825625 | meticulous | extremely careful or precise | 160 | |
8689831773 | misconception | an incorrect understanding | 161 | |
8689833515 | modest | quiet or humble in manner | 162 | |
8689874945 | mundane | ordinary | 163 | |
8689876776 | mural | a large painting directly on a wall | 164 | |
8689884013 | naive | lacking sophistication | 165 | |
8689886358 | narration | a specific way of telling a story | 166 | |
8689904135 | narrative | a story | 167 | |
8689907413 | nocturnal | of or occurring in hte night | 168 | |
8689909723 | non sequitur | "does not follow" logically irrelevant | 169 | |
8689946263 | notorious | infamous | 170 | |
8689948190 | novel | strikingly new or unsual | 171 | |
8689948191 | novice | a beginner | 172 | |
8689971840 | object | a noun toward which thought, feeling, or action is directed | 173 | |
8689974260 | objectivity | treating facts without influence from perssonal feelings or prejudice | 174 | |
8689978465 | obscure | relatively unknown | 175 | |
8689981650 | obsolete | no longer in use | 176 | |
8689985515 | onstinate | stubbornly adhering to an opinon | 177 | |
8689987862 | ominous | menacing | 178 | |
8689990710 | omnipotent | all-powerful | 179 | |
8689993374 | onomatopeoeia | a sound imitating the thing or action associated with it | 180 | |
8690002815 | ornate | elaborately decorated | 181 | |
8690006952 | oxymoron | two words that create opposition | 182 | |
8690014620 | paradigm | an example or model | 183 | |
8690016852 | paradox | a statement that seems senseless or self-contradictory but is true | 184 | |
8690043410 | parallelism | a grammar construction in which two identical syntactic constructions are used | 185 | |
8690068318 | parallel syntax | a pattern of speech or language that creates sa rhythm of repetition often combined with some other language of repetition | 186 | |
8690076366 | parentheticals | phrases, sentences, and words inside of parentheses | 187 | |
8690084629 | parody | an artistic work that imitates the style or another word for comedic effect | 188 | |
8690088879 | participle | a verbal action used as an adjective (most often ends in -ing or -ed) | 189 | |
8690095282 | passive voice | opposite of active voice; in this voice, something happens to someone | 190 | |
8690113126 | pathos | an appeal based on emotion (empathy/sympathy) | 191 |
AP English Language Vocab Flashcards
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