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AP English Language Vocab Flashcards

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7182124640Subject A Examcollege entrance writing exam for UC's0
7182125657EPT (English Placement Test)college entrance exam for CSU's1
7182126082Dictionthe word choice the author uses2
7182127344Denotation/Denotative diction/Denotative Languageto denote (to say it); what the author says3
7182127952Connotation/Connotative diction/Connotative Languageto connote (to imply/to suggest it); what the author says4
7182129352Register/Language Registerthe level of formality of diction5
7182129881Colloquialism/colloquial diction/langaugeSlang/casual conversation6
7182130371Literary DeviceFigurative language tool author uses to fancy up language7
7182135176Rhetorical Deviceanything an author uses to manipulate the text to manipulate the audience8
7182143127Literal LanguageDenotation9
7182143288Figurative LanguageConnotation10
7182143533Color symbolismIn AP, every color has a significance11
7184701450Bullet thesis1 sentence introductory paragraph12
7184701594Claim/argumentwhat the author believes13
7184701816Author's purposewhy the author wrote it (to inform, explain, etc)14
7184703584Rite of Passage (ROP)Book or text that has a character shift or change (must include an epiphany)15
7184704154Autobiographicaltext by and about the author16
7184704324Biographicaltext about someone else17
7184704745Expository texttext that explains something18
7184704950Proseany text that is NOT poetry or drama19
7184705178Narrative texttext with a narrator20
7184705283First Personan "I" pov21
7184705446Third Persona "he/she" pov22
7184705626perspectivepoint of view23
7184705801Charting a textusing a graphic organizer to annotate or take notes on a text24
7184706176Paraphraseto put in your own words25
7184706379PromptThe essay's question26
7184706556Extent of validityHow correct is it?27
7196220789imagerya description that focuses on at least one of the five senses28
7196221343Christ imagerywhen a character represents Jesus Christ (sacrifice/martyr, leader/protector, stigmata)29
7196224820Stigmata imagerypain in head, hands, or feet to represent JC30
7196225390Symbolism1 thing represents another31
7196225858Parallel incidentsrepeated events32
7196225859Similea comparison using like or as33
7196226266Metaphora direct comparison without like or as34
7196226622Personificationgiving human attributes to objects35
7196227126Overstatementan over exaggeration36
7196227800Understatementan under exaggeration37
7196228673Alliteration/Alliterative dictionwords start with the same sound38
7196229111Oxymoron/oxymoronic diction2 opposites side by side39
7196230815Onomatopoeia/onomatopoetic dictionword that means a sound40
7196230816Toneauthor's emotion in a text41
7196231567Moodatmosphere- the reader's emotion42
7257693698Pathetic Fallacy(fig. dev.) when nature or the environment symbolizes the character's or author's emotion43
7257694321Assonance(fig. dev.) (sound/auditory dev) repetition of vowel sounds in the middle or ends of words44
7257694878Consonance(fig. dev.) (sound/auditory dev) repetition of consonant sounds in the middle or ends of words45
7257695366Repetition(struc. dev.) repeating or restating the same content or form to achieve emphasis46
7257696083Euphony/euphonic diction(fig. dev.) pleasant sounding words (L,S,D)47
7257696666Cacophony/cacophonous diction(fig. dev.) harsh sounding words (K,X,T)48
7257696967Euphemism(fig. dev.) sugarcoating49
7257697482Allusion/alluding/to allude(fig. dev.) hinting at some other source50
7257697581Anthropomorphism(fig. dev.) giving human qualities to animals51
7257697887Hyperbole/hyperbolic diction(fig. dev.) overstatement52
7257698443Litote(fig. dev.) understatement53
7257702031Paradox/paradoxical structure(struc. dev.) contrast/contradiction54
7257702364Analogy/analogous structure(struc. dev.) comparison/similarity55
7257702724Extended metaphor(fig. dev.) metaphor that goes beyond a sentence56
7257705191Literary conceit(fig. dev.) academic register for extended metaphor57
7257705666OmniscientAll knowing58
7257706141Internal CitationIn ¶5, the author states "blah blah."61
7257706779External CitationThe author states "blah blah" (¶5).62
7257707531To deconstruct/deconstructionto take apart a text63
7257707704To annotate/annotationto take notes DIRECTLY on a text64
7257707980dialectusing different words depending on where people are from65
7257708185Vernacular"accent" based on race or where people are from66
7257709406JargonLanguage specific to a career67
7257710460Rhetorical questiona question with no answer68
7257710628Rogatioa question followed by the answer69
7257711608Structureorganization in a sentence, ¶, or whole text70
7257712110Ellipses/Elliptical structureomitted info71
7310053503Subject Verb AgreementThe subject and verb must match in a sentence Ex. Eudora Welty writes an essay.72
7310062043Parallelism/Parallel Structure(struc. dev.) He went to the beach new the park on a Sunday.73
7310114555Elongated Sentence(Struc. Dev) a sentence with more than or equal to 7 words in it74
7310114556Telegraphic Sentence(Struc. Dev.) a sentence with les than or equal to 3 words in it75
7310114557GroundsConcrete details-fact76
7310114559Syntax(Struc. Dev.) word order78
7310114560Loose Sentence/Paragraph(Struc. Dev.) a sentence/paragraph with the subject at the BEGINNING Ex. The church is on the corner.79
7310114561Periodic Sentence(Struc. Dev.) a sentence/paragraph with the subject at the END Ex. There is a church on the corner.80
7310114562Anaphora/anaphoric structure(Struc. Dev.) 2+ sentences that start with the same word/phrase81
7310114563Epistrophe/epistrophic structure(Struc. Dev.) 2+ sentences that end with the same word/phrase82
7310114564Sense of immediacy (SOI)When the author puts the reader "in" the text by using devices83
7310114565Juxtaposition/to juxtapose(Struc. Dev.) to contrast84
7310114566Personal/narrative anecdote(Struc. Dev.) a story about a personal experience85
7310114567"Raison d' être"Reason for being, purpose in life86
7726875913Philosophical Assumptionthe author's claim about how/what people should think, believe, or behave87
7726880820Invective Tone/DictionVerbally abusive88
7726881845Dogmatic tone/dictionfocusing on a belief more than logic89
7726884374Homilya sermon90
7726887731(not vocab) Homiletic tone/dictionbiblical language91
7726891773Polysyndeton/Polysyndetic structurethis and this and this (connect phrases w/ conjugations and no punctuation)92
7726899200Asyndeton/Asyndetic structurethis, this, and this (connect phrases w/ punctuation and no conjugations)93
7726904260PredestinationGod determines your destiny before you are born94
7726906995ExistentialismMan has FREE WILL to make choices that determine his destiny95
7726909537Didactic tone/dictionmorally instructive96
7726912329Laconic tone/dictionstraightforward and to the point97
7726914244Verbose tone/dictionwordy/overly descriptive98
7726917859Monosyllabic dictionword with one syllable99
7726919490Polysyllabic dictionmultiple syllables100
7726921320Objective tone/dictionfactual/non emotional101
7726922934Subjective tone/dictionemotional or opinion based102
7798430995Antithesis/antithetical dictiondirect opposite/paradox ex. black and white, heaven and hell103
7798437048Staccato/staccatic structureshort and choppy ex. Toby is a dog. He's great. He's awesome.104
7798448511Concrete dictionthings you can see and touch (opposite of abstract diction) ex. friends105
7798456523Abstract dictionan idea (opposite of concrete diction) ex. friendship106
7798464656Pedestrian dictioncolloquial language (opposite of pedantic diction)107
7798468666Pedantic dictionintentionally using academic or intellectual diction to make yourself sound smart to make others sound dumb - arrogant (opposite of pedestrian diction)108
7798478575Chronological orderin sequence from first to last (opposite of cyclical structure)109
7798485748Cyclical structurewhen a sentence, paragraph, or whole text starts the way it ends (opposite of chronological order)110
7798498921Situational ironywhen the unexpected happens111
7798501966Verbal ironypuns, sarcasm, when you say one thing but mean something else112
7798506111Dramatic ironywhen the audience knows something that the character doesn't113
7798512085Clichéoverly used expression114
7798525710A motifa reoccurring symbol115
7798527971Archetype/archetypical characterscliché kinds of characters116
7798541128Personal/narrative asidewhen the author/character gives additional info or speaks directly to the reader (breaking the 4th wall)117
7890428572Invocation/ to invoketo summon, request, call upon118
7890430516Monotheismbelief in one god119
7890433208Polytheismbelief in multiple gods120
7890436908Theologystudy of religion121
7890436910Rationalismthe belief in logic over faith122
7890440193Pantheismbelief that god exists in all things, especially in nature123
7890446089Transcendentalismbelief in individual thought + belief in what goes beyond reality (Emerson and Thoreau)124
7890454635Romanticismbelief in positive thought, all will end well125
7890456478Dark romanticismbelief in negative thought, all will end poorly126
7890461745Gothicdark romanticism127
7890464527Realismdescribing the world exactly as it is128
7890466275Dirty realismdescribing blue collar (working class) life exactly as it is129
7890469672Materialismphilosophy that puts value in what you own over what you know130
7890473987Altruismphilosophy that people should do things for others without expecting anything in return131
7890480345Classicismphilosophy that values Greek & Roman thought132
7913903111Naturalismscientific observation of nature133
7913910065Sophismintentionally using logic to one's own advantage, usually to deceive134
7913923523Humanismstudy of what makes us human135
7913926532Internalizationthe idea that people believe what they believe based on how they were raised136
7913931418Platonic theoryPlato's phil ass137
7913939501Belletrism/Belletristic languageeuphonic/ pretty sounding language139
7913946247Purple prosetext that use belletrism140
7913948662Primer prosetext that is simple, laconic, basic141
7913952584Emulation/to emulateto mirror the style of something/someone142
7913956301Verisimilitudevery similar to reality143
7913958569VraisemblanceFrench version of verisimilitude144
7913966132Epitome/to epitomizethe perfect example of something (ex. Toby is the epitome of perfection.)145
7913970380Allegorystory that represents something else146
7913977564Interrupted sentencesentence that is interrupted147
8706968081Erudite tone/dictionintellectual148
8706973104Wit or witty term/dictionintellectually funny, sarcastic, comebacks149
8706979465Rodomontadegenre of literature- arrogant speech151
8706983095Bellicose tone/dictionargumentative152
8706985927Laudatory tone/dictionpraising/admiring someone else153
8706994030Frivolous tone/dictionsilly, humorous, trivial154
8706999562Nonchalant tone/dictionuncaring, apathetic155
8707006921Impudent tone/dictionarrogant, cocky, cheeky157
8707009863Op edopinion editorial159
8707013348Snide remarkmean/cruel comeback160
8707019924Brazen tone/diction(female) bold, empowering, unexpected161
8707022971Audacious tone/dictionthe nerve, being bold162
9166976549Logical fallacyan error in logic163
9166979864Either or reasoningwhen an author gives you 2 opposing options without considering circumstances ex. You're either with us or against us164
9166996994Casual relationshipcause and effect165
9166999211Faulty relationshipwhen the effect is not logical based on the cause ex.If we legalize weed, more people will smoke.166
9167008699Equivocationmisleading use of a word (malapropism) ex. Should women fear man-eating sharks?167
9167017932Negative positive statementsentence that begins negatively, ends positively, but the contradiction makes the whole sentence untrue ex. Everyone will fail but he will pass.168
9167027620Syllogismif A=C & B=C, then A=B ex. If all dogs have 4 legs, and a shih tzu has 4 legs, then a shih tzu is a dog.170
9167038137Faulty syllogismsyllogistic reasoning that doesn't make sense ex. If she weighs the same as a duck, then she's made of wood (bc she can float), therefore she's a witch.171
9167051977Appeal to false authoritysource is not credible ex. using a 7 year old kid as testimony172
9167057760Begging the questionwhen you have info that "begs the question"/ makes you wonder/assume a consequence ex. SUHi has the most AP exams. That begs the question, do we have a higher pass rate?173
9167067138Circular reasoningcircumlocution or periphrasis174
9167070221Bandwagon effectfollowing the crowd175
9167075570A bias/ biased perspectiveone sided prejudice, not based on fact176
9167077718Non-sequitur"It does not follow" ex. I went to Disney. I love puppies.177
9613981559Punplay on words178
9613981560Horatian satireform of satire that mocks society (haha funny)179
9613989635Juvenalian Satireform of satire that attacks society180
9613993446Burlesquegrotesque exaggeration that satirizes society181
9614012419Travestymakes fun of a serious subject with frivolous tone182
9614015758Double entendresomething that has 2 meanings, 1 sexual183
9614092101nonce wordcoming up with a new word184
9614093058invective dictionlanguage that attacks people185
9614093823malapropismincorrect use of a word for comic purposes186
9614095278mock epicparody of an epic poem using a stupid subject187
9614097106sarcasmsaying one thing but meaning another188
9614097964parodycomic imitation of text189
9614098940neologismnonce word190
9614098949bathosmakes fun of a trivial subject using elevated diction191
9614100690sardonic dictionsarcasm with cruel intent192
9614101855temporal shiftchange in time193
9614102908pastoral shiftdealing with nature and animals194
9614103939demotic toneconversational, colloquial, pedestrian195
9614105050ambivalent toneindecisive196
9614105913contenthappy, satisfied197
9614106792contemptuous tonehateful, despising198
9614106793apathetic tonewithout emotion199
9614109400empathetic toneshared feelings with someone because you've experienced this200
9614110850sympathetic toneto care, feel sorry for, emotion201
9614112182indignant tonehostile, upset, pissed off202
9614113368exhorative toneoffering advice203
9614114952reverential tonewith great respect and admiration204
9614116626candid tonehonest, straight forward, truthful205
9614118063monochromatic atmosphere1 color206
9614118877synthesiawhen the author blends 2 or more of the senses (ex. I feel blue)207
9614161437hedonism/hedonistic atmospheredoing things because they feel good208
9614163772anadiplosisGod said "Let there be light." Light there shall be.209
9614167830ipso factoit is fact that211
9614168828apostrophedirectly speaking to an abstraction (ex. Oh Liberty, give me death.)212
9614170701epigramwitty one liner (verbal irony)213
9614171547epigrapha sentence/quote that is separate & comes before a text to hint at the theme/topic214
9614173546Epitaphtombstone inscription215
9614175304epistleelevated, belletristic, high class letter216
9614176818balanced sentenceparallel sentence217
9614177445ethosethical appeal to morality218
9614178467pathosemotional appeal219
9614179158logoslogical appeal220
9614180067tricolon3 independent clauses connected by punctuation221
9614180867freight train3 independent clauses connected by conjunctions222
9614183150hasty generalizationjumping to conclusions223
9614183867post hoc ergo propter hocassume that because something happened, it will cause something else to happen224
9614190808slippery slopewhen event x happens, you assume event y will happen225
9614191437premise/suppositiona belief or something assumed or supposed226
9614193182faulty premisebelief known to be false227
9614194244ad hominemattack the person, not his ideas228
9614195508enthymemea syllogism missing one premise229
9614196861deductive reasoninggeneral to specific230
9614197591inductive reasoningspecific to general231
9614198976red herringthe distraction233
9614198977strawmanwhen someone is arguing a point that their opponent never made234
9614200452footnoteadded info @ bottom of text235
9614201725et aland others236
9614201726sicwhen the author intentionally spells a word wrong and uses "sic" to tell the reader he knows he spelled it wrong237

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