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AP english literature and composition barron vocabulary Flashcards

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9228286218abstractan abbreviated synopsis of a longer work of scholarship or research0
9228286219adagea saying or proverb containing a truth based on experience and often couched in methaphorical language1
9228286220allegorya story in which the narrative or characters carry an underlying symbolic, metaphorical, or possibly an ethical meaning-values beyond themselves2
9228286221alliterationrepetition of one or more initial consonants in lines of poetry or prose "look before you leap" "the furrow follows free"3
9228286222allusionreference to a person, place, or event-enhances meaning of idea4
9228286223ambiguitya vagueness of meaning-meant to evoke multiple meanings and interpretation5
9228286224anachronism"against time" person, scene, or event that fails to correspond with the era of the work, Aristotlee wearing a wristwatch6
9228286225analogya comparison that points out similarities between two dissimilar things7
9228286226annotationbrief explanation or evaluation of a text8
9228286227antagonistcharacter or force that, by opposing the protagonist produces tension/conflict9
9228286228antithesiscontrast of ideas by means of a grammatical arrangement of words, clauses, or sentences "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" "promised freedom but provided slavery"10
9228286229aphorisma short statement of a generally accepted truth or sentiment,11
9228286230apostrophea rhetorical device in which a speaker addresses a person or personified thing not present12
9228286231archetypeperfectly typical example13
9228286232assonancerepetition of two or more vowel sounds "meet pete green"14
9228286233balladsimple narrative verse telling a story that is sung/recited15
9228286234barda poet, in olden times telling heroic stories to musical accompaniment16
9228286235bathosuse of insincere or overdone sentimentality17
9228286236bibliographywork cited18
9228286237bildungsromangerman word referring to a novel structured as a series of events that take place as the hero travels in quest of a goal19
9228286238blank versewritten in iambic pentameter, lines generally do not rhyme20
9228286239bombastinflated, pretentious language used for trivial subjects21
9228286240burlesquework of literature meant to ridicule a subject22
9228286241cacophonyinharmonious sounds23
9228286242caesurapause somewhere in middle of verse, often marked by punctuation24
9228286243canonworks considered more important in a nation literature or period; works widely read and studied25
9228286244caricaturegrotesque likeness of striking qualities in a person/thing26
9228286245catharsis"cleansing" cleansing of the spirit brought about by the pity and terror of a dramatic tragedy, romeo and Juliet/macbath27
9228286246classicwithstood the test of time28
9228286247classicismderiving from the orderly qualities of ancient greek and roman culture, implies formality, simplicity, and restraint29
9228286248climaxthe high point in a story30
9228286249coming of age storyyoung protagonist experiences an introduction to adulthood31
9228286250conceitdevelops a comparison which is exceedingly unlikely but is, nonetheless, intellectually, imaginative "two lovers with the two legs of a draftsman's compass." Thus, conceit examples have a surprising or shocking effect on the readers because they are novel comparisons unlike the conventional comparisons made in similes and metaphors.32
9228286251connotationsuggested or implied meaning of a phrase33
9228286252consonancerepetition of two or more consonant sounds in a group of words***34
9228286253coupletpair of rhyming lines35
9228286254heroic couplettwo rhyming lines in iambic pentameter36
9228286255denotationdictionary definition of a word37
9228286256deus ex machinain literature the use of an artificial device or person to solve a problem "god in machine"38
9228286257dictionword choice39
9228286258Dionysianrefers to a sensual, pleasure seeking impulse40
9228286259dramatic ironycircumstance in which the audience knows more about a situation than a character41
9228286260elegylaments on the passing or death of something or someone of value42
9228286261ellipsisthree periods, indicates omission of words in a thought or quotation43
9228286262elliptical constructionsentence containing a deliberate omission of words "may was hot and june the same"44
9228286263empathyfeeling of association or identification with an object or person45
9228286264endstopped-term that describes a line of poetry that ends with a natural pause indicated by a mark of punctuation46
9228286265enjambmentin poetry, use of successive line with no punctuation or pause between them47
9228286266epicextended narrative poem telling the adventures of a hero that is generally larger than life ex. are Odyysseus, Homers Iliaad48
9228286267epigramconcise but ingenious, witty, and thoughtful statement49
9228286268euphonypleasing, harmonious sounds50
9228286269epithetadjective or phrase that expresses a striking quality of a person or thing, Death lies on her like an untimely frost. Upon the sweetest flower of all the field..." (Romeo and Juliet).51
9228286270ex. sun lit lake52
9228286271eponymousterm for the title character of a work of literature53
9228286272euphemismmild or less negative usage for a harsh or blunt term ex. pass away for the word die54
9228286273exposepiece of writing that revels weakness, faults ,frailties, or other short comings55
9228286274expositionbackground and events that lead to the presentation of the main idea or purpose of literature56
9228286275explicationinterpretation or analysis of a text57
9228286276extended metaphora series of comparison between two unlikely objects58
9228286277fableshort tale often featuring nonhuman characters that act as people drawing useful lessons from human behavior59
9228286278falling actionaction in a play/story that occurs after the climax, often leads to conclusion and resolution of conflict60
9228286279farcecomedy containing an extravagant and nonsensical disregard of seriousness61
9228286280figure of speech/figurative languageimplies meaning62
9228286281foila minor character whose personality or attune contrasts with that of the main character63
9228286282foota unit of stressed and unstressed syllables used to determine the meter of a poetic line64
9228286283framestructure that provides premise or setting for a narrative65
9228286284free versewithout rhymed lines, rhythm, or fixed metrical feet66
9228286285gothic novelnovel in which supernatural horrors and atmosphere of unknown terrors pervades the action67
9228286286harangueforceful sermon or lecture68
9228286287hubrisexcessive pride that often leads tragic heroes to death69
9228286288humanisma belief that emphasizes faith and optimism in human potential and creativity70
9228286289hyperboleoverstatement, gross exaggeration for rhetorical effect71
9228286290idylllyric poem or passage that describes a kind of ideal life or place72
9228286291imageworld or phrase representing that which can be seen, touched ,tasted, smelled, of felt73
9228286292in medias reslatin term for narrative that starts not at the beginning of events but at some other critical point74
9228286293indirect quotationrendering of a quotation in which actual words are not stated but paraphrased75
9228286294ironymode of expression in which the intended meaning is opposite of what is stated76
9228286295kenningname of thing is replaced by one of its functions or qualities "ring giver" for king "whale road" for ocean77
9228286296lampoonmockinh, satirical assault on a person or situation78
9228286297light versevariety of poetry meant to entertain or amuse, sometimes with satirical thrust79
9228286298litotesform of understatement in which the negative of the contrary is used to increase emphasis, he is not a bad dancer80
9228286299loose sentencesentence that follows the customary word order of english81
9228286300lyric poetrypersonal ,reflective poetry82
9228286301maxima saying or proverb expressing common wisdom or truth83
9228286302melodramaliterary form in which events are exaggerated in order to create an extreme emotion response84
9228286303metaphorfigure of speech that compares unlike objects85
9228286304metaphysical poetrythe work of poets, particularly those f 17th century, use elaborate conceits, very intellectual, expresses the complexities of love and life86
9228286305meterpattern of stressed and unstressed syllables found in poetry87
9228286306metonymya figure of speech that uses the name of one thing to represent something else "the white house says"88
9228286307middle englishthe language spoken in england roughly between 1150-1500 AD89
9228286308mock epicparody of traditional epic form, treats a frivolous topic with extreme seriousness90
9228286309modegeneral form, pattern, and manner of expression of a work of literature91
9228286310montagequick succession of images or impressions used to express an idea92
9228286311moodthe emotional tone in a work of literature93
9228286312moralbrief and often simplistic lesson that a reader may infer from a work of literature94
9228286313motifphrase, idea, or event that through repetition serves to unify or convey a theme in a work of literature ex. Hemingway using rain to evoke feelings of death and despair95
9228286314museone of the ancient greek goddesses presiding over the arts, the imaginary source of inspiration for a artist or writer96
9228286315mythimaginary story that has become an accepted part of the cultural or religious tradition of a group or society97
9228286316narrative form of verse or prose that tells a storynarrative poem98
9228286317naturalismoften used as a synonym for realism; view of experience that is generally characterized as bleak and pessimistic99
9228286318non sequitura statement or idea that fails to follow logically from the one before100
9228286319novellawork of fiction of roughly 20,000-50,000 words101
9228286320novel of mannersnovel focusing n and describing the social customs and habits of a particular social group-ex. pride and prejudice102
9228286321odelyric poem usually marked by serious, respectful and exalted feelings103
9228286322old englishthe anglo saxon language spoken in what is now england from approximately 450-1150 A.D.104
9228286323omniscient narratornarrator with unlimited awareness, understanding, and insight of characters, settings, background, and all other elements of a story**105
9228286324onomatopoeiathe use of words who's sounds suggest meaning "bubbling, murmuring brooks106
9228286325ottava rims8 lines rhyming stanza of a poem107
9228286326oxymoronterm consisting of contradictory elements juxtaposed to create a paradoxical effect "loud silence" "jumbo shrimp"108
9228286327parblestory consisting of events from which a moral or spiritual truth may be derived109
9228286328paradoxstatement that seems self-contradictory but nevertheless truth110
9228286329parodyimitation of a work meant to ridicule its style and subject111
9228286330paraphraseversion of a work put into simpler, everyday terms112
9228286331pastoralwork of literature dealing with rural life113
9228286332pathetic fallacyfaulty reasoning that inappropriately ascribes human feelings to nature or nonhuman objects "mood not quality"114
9228286333pathoselement of literature that stimulates pity or sorrow115
9228286334pentameterverse with 5 poetic feet per line116
9228286335sentence that departs from the usual word order of english sentences by expressing the main thought only at the end, the particulars in the sentence are presented before the idea they support***periodic sentence-In spite of heavy snow and cold temperatures, the game continued.117
9228286336personarole or faced that a character assumes118
9228286337personificationfigure of speech in which objects and animals are given human characteristics119
9228286338plotinterrelationship among the events in a story120
9228286339picaresque novelepisodic novel about a rogue like wanderer who lives off his wits121
9228286340protagonistmain character in a work of literature122
9228286341pseudonym"pen name"123
9228286342pulp fictionnovels written for mass consumption124
9228286343punhumorous play on words125
9228286344quatrain4 lined poem126
9228286345realismdepiction of people, things, and events as they really are127
9228286346rhetoriclanguage of a work and its style128
9228286347rhetorical stancelanguage that conveys a speakers attitude or opinion with regard to a particular subject129
9228286348rhymerepetition of similar sounds at regular intervals130
9228286349rhyme schemepattern of rhymes within a given poem131
9228286350roman a cleffrench for a novel in which historical events and actual people appear under the work of fiction, the bell jar-sylvia plath132
9228286351romanceextended narrative about improbable events and extraordinary people in exotic places133
9228286352satireliterary style used to poke fun at, attack or ridicule an idea for the purpose of inducing a change134
9228286353scanact of determining the meter of a poetic line scansion135
9228286354sentimentsynonym for view or feeling136
9228286355sentimentalterm that describes characters excessive emotional response to experience; also nauseatingly nostalgic137
9228286356settingtotal environment for the action in a novel or play138
9228286357similefigurative comparison using the worlds like or as139
9228286358sonnetpopular form of verse, 14 lines and prescribed rhyme scheme, Shakespeare created Elizabethan sonnet140
9228286359stanzagroup of two or more lines in poetry that combine according to subject matter, rhyme, or other plan141
9228286360stream of consciousnessa style of writing in which the author tries to reproduce the random flow of thoughts in the human mind142
9228286361subplota subordinate or minor collection of events in a novel or play, usually connected to the main point143
9228286362subtextimplied meaning that underlies the main meaning of a work144
9228286363symbolismuse of one object to evoke ideas and associations not literally part of the original object145
9228286364synecdochefigure of speech in which a part signifies the whole ex. pigskin for football146
9228286365syntaxorganization of language into meaningful structure, pattern of words147
9228286366themethe main idea or meaning148
9228286367title charactera character whose name appears in the title of the novel or play-eponymous character149
9228286368toneauthors attitude towards subject being written about150
9228286369tragedyform of literature in which the hero is destroyed by some character flaw and a set of forces that cause the hero considerable anguish151
9228286370tropegeneric name for a figure of speech such as image, symbol, simile, and metaphor152
9228286371verbal ironydiscrepancy between the true meaning of a situation and the literal meaning of the written word153
9228286372versea synonym for poetry, group of lines in a song or poem, also a single line of poetry154
9228286373verisimilitudesimilar to the truth, quality of realism in a work that persuades readers that they are getting a vision of life as it is155
9228286374versificationthe structural form of a line of verse as revealed by the number of feet it contains156
9228286375villanellefrench verse form calculated to appear simple and spontaneous but consisting of 19 lines and prescribed rhyming pattern157
9228286376voltaany shift or turning point in a work of prose or poetry, may mark a shift in point of view, tone, mood, style, etc, found in sonnets between the octave (first 8 lines) and sestet (final six lines)158
9228286377slant rhymeclose but not duplicates-(summer/somewhere)159
9228286378internal rhymessingle line of poetry contains two or more words that rhyme160
9228286379meterpatterns of rhythm in poetry161
9228286380poetic footunit of measurement162
9228286381iambtwo syllable foot, first syllable unstressed, second stressed-re-spect, at-tack163
9228286382trocheetwo syllable foot, first syllable stressed, second unstressed-mit-ten, aud-it164
9228286383spondeetwo syllable foot, two equally stressed syllables, often found at end of poetic lines-pan165
9228286384dactylthree syllable foot, composed of stressed syllable and two unstressed syllables-poss-ib-le, crim-i-nal166
9228286385anapestthree syllable foot, two unstressed syllables followed by a stressed one-ling-er-ie, le-mon-ade167
9228286386Verbal Ironyis an implied contrast between what exists and what might be168
9228286387ironic fantasywishing something that is not real169
9228286388Metaphysical Poetry170
9228286389Metaphysical Poetrylyric poems of 17th century men who were "poet psychologists"-writing highly intellectual and philosophical verses on the nature of thought and feeling171
9228286390Narrative Poemtells a story exepic of gilgamesh, the odyssey172
9228286391Lyric Poemexpress an individual's thoughts and emotions173
9228286392sonnets, elegiesserious poem, odes-meant to be sung, villanelles-19 lines, ABA X 5 followed by ABAA174
9228286393lyric poemANY poem that is neither dramatic nor narrative is lyrical175
9228286394Romantic Poetrylove poems, romances are carefully structured metrical poems that originated in medieval france of knights rescuing damsels in distress176
9228286395romantic poetryliterary movement that peaked in england during the 19th century and it is a PROTEST against classic formalism177
9228286396lionize(gives attention to) the individual hero178
9228286397Balladoriginally sung, folk ballads tell engrossing stories about life-death, emphasize strong rhythms, repetition of key phrases, and rhymes, third person objective narrative179
9228286398Couplettwo rhymed lines usually in same meter180
9228286399often building blocks of longer workscouplet181
9228286400heroic coupletsexpress a complete thought, often second line reinforcing the first-closed or end-stopped182
9228286401Dramatic Monolguepoem spoken by one person to a listener who may influence the speaker with a look or an action by saying nothing, relieves character of speaker183
9228286402Limericknot serious, most popular lighter forms of poetry, 5 lines built on two rhymes with third and fourth line short than the other, often a pun at the end184
9228286403Odeancient form of a poetic song, is a celebratory poem, highly lyrical or profoundly philosophical, pay homage to something uniform stanza185
9228292109Carpe diemLiterally, "Seize the day"; enjoy life while you can, a common theme in literature.186
9579820291FantasyA story containing unreal, imaginary features187
9579835912DenouementThe resolution that occurs at the end of a play or work of fiction.188
9579847327First-Person NarrativeA narrative told by a character involved in the story, using first-person pronouns such as I and we.189
9579864522FlashbackA return to an earlier time in a story or play in order to clarify present action or circumstances.190
9579871222ForeshadowingProviding hints of things to come in a story or play191
9699121213genrea term used to describe literary forms, such as novel, play, and essay192
9699132919heroic couplettwo rhymed lines written in iambic pentameter and used widely in eighteenth-century verse193
9699148704narrativea form of verse or prose that tells a story, often with a beginning, middle, and end194
9770933994point of viewthe relation in which a narrator or speaker stands to the story or subject matter of a poem. A story in the first person has an internal point of view; an observer uses an external point of view195
9770970875rhetorical questiona question that has the expected the answer built in so that it either requires no response or the response is self-evident; used after a group of arguments or assertions196
9770991709rhythmthe pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables that make up a line of poetry197
9771002092stylethe manner in which an author uses and arranges words, shapes ideas, forms sentences, and creates a structure to convey ideas198
9771036957voicethe real or assumed personality used by a writer or speaker199
10734130443ApollonianIn contrast to Dionysian, it refers to the most noble, godlike qualities of human nature and behavior200

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