AP Eng Lit and Comp vocabulary words
1168302133 | allocation | allowance, portion, share | 0 | |
1168302134 | ascetic | Abstinent or austere in lifestyle; a person who leads an austere and simple life without material pleasures, esp. someone who does this for religious reasons | 1 | |
1168302135 | beguile | To deceive; to charm; to enchant | 2 | |
1168302136 | crass | Coarse, crude, and unrefined | 3 | |
1168302137 | defray | (v.) To pay for. Synonyms: settle, bear the costs, foot the bill. | 4 | |
1168302138 | dint | means; effort; Ex. by dint of hard work | 5 | |
1168302139 | enjoin | (v.) to direct or order; to prescribe a course of action in an authoritative way; to prohibit | 6 | |
1168302140 | envoy | (n.) a representative or messenger (as of a government) | 7 | |
1168302141 | interloper | (n.) one who moves in where he or she is not wanted or has no right to be, an intruder | 8 | |
1168302142 | vicarious | Felt or undergone as if one were taking part in the experience or feelings of another | 9 | |
1168302143 | admonish | (v.) to caution or advise against something; to scold mildly; to remind of a duty | 10 | |
1168302144 | akimbo | body position with hands on the hips, elbows turned outward | 11 | |
1168302145 | lassitude | having little energy or motivation | 12 | |
1168302146 | licentious | immoral; unrestrained by society | 13 | |
1168302147 | muse | (v.) to think about in a dreamy way, ponder, (n)Daughter of Zeus; one of the nine who preside over all literature | 14 | |
1168302148 | pecuniary | consisting of or relating to money | 15 | |
1168302149 | plight | A difficult or dangerous condition or situation | 16 | |
1168302150 | presumptuous | Going beyond what is right or proper; excessively forward | 17 | |
1168302152 | vacuous | EMPTY; VOID; LACKING INTELLIGENCE; PURPOSELESS | 19 | |
1168302153 | avocation | An activity pursued for pleasure; a hobby. | 20 | |
1168302154 | capricious | changing one's mind quickly and often | 21 | |
1168302155 | disparity | An inequality; a gap; an imbalance | 22 | |
1168302156 | efficacy | (n.) the power to produce a desired result | 23 | |
1168302157 | epistle | A letter or literary composition in letter form | 24 | |
1168302158 | hospice | 1) a home providing care for the sick or terminally ill. 2) a lodging for travellers, especially one run by a religious order | 25 | |
1168302159 | impetus | (n.) a moving force, impulse, stimulus | 26 | |
1168302160 | moribund | Approaching death; about to become obsolete | 27 | |
1168302161 | vacillate | (v.) to swing indecisively from one idea or course of action to another; to waver weakly in mind or will | 28 | |
1168302162 | reticent | silent; reserved | 29 |