Study Guide for Quiz on Vocabulary Workshop Level G Unit 9
691013692 | Acclamation | (n) A shout of welcome; An overwhelming verbal vote of approval s- Ovation, Cheering, Plaudits | 0 | |
691013693 | Bucolic | (adj) Characteristic of the countryside, rural; Relating to shepherds and cowherds, pastoral s- Rustic | 1 | |
691013694 | Calumniate | (v) To slander; To accuse falsely and maliciously s- Defame, Libel | 2 | |
691013715 | Chary | (adj) Extremely cautious, hesitant, or slow (to); Reserved, diffident s- Wary, Skittish | 3 | |
691013716 | Collusion | (n) Secret agreement or cooperation s- Conspiracy, Plot, Connivance, Cahoots | 4 | |
691013717 | Dilettante | (n) A dabbler in the arts; One who engages in an activity in an amateurish, trifling way; (adj) Superficial s- Amateur, Trifler | 5 | |
691013718 | Imperturbable | (adj) Not easily excited; Emotionally steady s- Unflappable, Unexcitable, Serene, Unruffled | 6 | |
691014131 | Increment | (n) An enlargement, increase, addition s- Accreation, Gain | 7 | |
691014132 | Mandate | (n) An authoritative command, formal order, authorization; (v) To issue such an order s- (n) Directive | 8 | |
691014133 | Paltry | (adj) Trifling, insignificant; Mean, despicable; Inferior, trashy s- Measly, Meager, Piddling, Trivial | 9 | |
691014135 | Paroxysm | (n) A sudden outburst; A spasm, convulsion s- Fit, Seizure | 10 | |
691014136 | Pedantry | (n) A pretentious display of knowledge; Overly rigid attention to rules and details s- Nit-picking, Hairsplitting, Pettifoggery | 11 | |
691014137 | Peregrination | (n) The act of traveling; An excursion, especially on foot or to a foreign country s- Journey, Wandering, Odyssey | 12 | |
691014138 | Redolent | (adj) Fragrant, smelling strongly; Tending to arouse memories or create an aura s- Evocative, Reminiscent, Aromatic | 13 | |
691014139 | Refulgent | (adj) Shining, radiant, resplendent s- Luminous, Splendid | 14 | |
691014140 | Shibboleth | (n) A word, expression, or custom that distinguishes a particular group of persons from all others; A commonplace saying or truism s- Catchphrase, Password, Slogan | 15 | |
691014141 | Tyro | (n) A beginner, novice; One with little or no background or skill s- Neophyte | 16 | |
691014142 | Unremitting | (adj) Not stopping, maintained steadily, never letting up, relentless s- Constant, Incessant, Unrelenting | 17 | |
691014143 | Vacillate | (v) To swing indecisively from one idea or course of action to another; To waver weakly in mind or will | 18 | |
691014144 | Vituperative | (adj) Harshly abusive, severely scolding s- Abusive, Scurrilous, Insulting | 19 |