12408263682 | plaintive | (adj.) sounding sad and mournful | 0 | |
12408263683 | portend | (verb.) a sign or warning that something, especially something momentous or calamitous, is likely to happen | 1 | |
12408263684 | semblance | (n.) the outward appearance or apparent form of something, especially when the reality is different (n.) resemblance; similarity | 2 | |
12408263685 | penury | (n.) extreme poverty; destitution | 3 | |
12408263686 | desolate | (adj.) deserted of people and in a state of bleak and dismal emptiness (v.) make bleakly and depressingly empty or bare. | 4 | |
12408263687 | ascetic | (adj.) characterized by or suggesting the practice of severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons (n.) a person who practices severe self-discipline and abstention | 5 | |
12408263688 | sullen | (adj.) bad-tempered and sulky; gloomy (n.) a sulky or depressed mood | 6 | |
12408263689 | peremptory | (adj.) (especially of a person's manner or actions) insisting on immediate attention or obedience, especially in a brusquely imperious way (adj.) not open to appeal or challenge; final | 7 | |
12408263690 | soporific | (adj.) tending to induce drowsiness or sleep (n.) a drug or other agent that induces sleep | 8 | |
12408263691 | ludicrous | (adj.) so foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be amusing; ridiculous. | 9 | |
12408263692 | façade | (n.) the face of a building, especially the principal front that looks onto a street or open space (n.) an outward appearance that is maintained to conceal a less pleasant or creditable reality | 10 | |
12408263693 | approbation | (n.) approval or praise | 11 | |
12408263694 | interminable | (adj.) endless | 12 | |
12408263695 | calumny | (n.) the making of false and defamatory statements in order to damage someone's reputation; slander | 13 | |
12408263696 | acquiesce | (v.) accept something reluctantly but without protest | 14 | |
12408263697 | propitious | (adj.) giving or indicating a good chance of success; favorable (adj.) favorably disposed toward someone | 15 | |
12408263698 | venerate | (v.) regard with great respect; revere | 16 | |
12408263699 | phlegmatic | (adj.) having an unemotional and stolidly calm disposition | 17 | |
12408263700 | enigma | (n.) a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand | 18 | |
12408263701 | depreciate | (v.) diminish in value over a period of time (v.) disparage or belittle | 19 | |
12408263702 | noxious | (adj.) harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant | 20 | |
12408263703 | assiduous | (adj.) showing great care and perseverance | 21 | |
12408263704 | solicitous | (adj.) characterized by or showing interest or concern (adj.) eager or anxious to do something | 22 | |
12408263705 | fastidious | (adj.) very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail (adj.) very concerned about matters of cleanliness | 23 | |
12408263706 | insipid | (adj.) lacking flavor (adj.) lacking vigor or interest | 24 | |
12408263707 | inveterate | (adj.) having a particular habit, activity, or interest that is long-established and unlikely to change (adj.) long-established and unlikely to change | 25 | |
12408263708 | enervate | (v.) cause to feel drained of energy or vitality; weaken (adj.) lacking in energy or vitality | 26 | |
12408263709 | trepidation/intrepid | (n.) a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen (n) trembling motion / (adj.) fearless; adventurous | 27 | |
12408263710 | evince | (v.) reveal the presence of (v.) be evidence of; indicate | 28 | |
12408263711 | engender | (v.) cause or give rise to (a feeling, situation, or condition) (v.) (of a father) beget (offspring) | 29 | |
12408263712 | capricious | (adj.) given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior | 30 | |
12408263713 | countenance | (n.) a person's face or facial expression (n.) support (v.) admit as acceptable or possible | 31 | |
12408263714 | conjecture | (n.) an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information (v.) form an opinion or supposition about (something) on the basis of incomplete information | 32 | |
12408263715 | inexorable | (adj.) impossible to stop or prevent (adj.) (of a person) impossible to persuade by request or entreaty | 33 | |
12408263716 | sardonic | (adj.) grimly mocking or cynical. | 34 | |
12408263717 | impetuous | (adj.) acting or done quickly and without thought or care (adj.) moving forcefully or rapidly | 35 | |
12408263718 | equivocal | (adj.) open to more than one interpretation; ambiguous (adj.) uncertain or questionable in nature | 36 | |
12408263719 | transitory | (adj.) not permanent | 37 | |
12408263720 | ephemeral | (adj.) lasting for a very short time (n.) an ephemeral plant | 38 | |
12408263721 | obscure | (adj.) not discovered or known about; uncertain (v.) keep from being seen; conceal | 39 | |
12408263722 | sanguine | (adj.) optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation (adj.) blood-red (n.) a blood-red color | 40 | |
12408263723 | prodigal | (adj.) spending money or resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant (adj.) having or giving something on a lavish scale (n.) a person who spends money in a recklessly extravagant way | 41 | |
12408263724 | discern | (v.) perceive or recognize (something) (v.) distinguish (someone or something) with difficulty by sight or with the other senses | 42 | |
12408263725 | profligate | (adj.) recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources (n.) a licentious, dissolute person | 43 | |
12408263726 | languid | (adj.) displaying or having a disinclination for physical exertion or effort; slow and relaxed (adj.) weak or faint from illness or fatigue | 44 | |
12408263727 | sententious | (adj.) given to moralizing in a pompous or affected manner | 45 | |
12408263728 | disposition | (n.) a person's inherent qualities of mind and character (n.) the way in which something is placed or arranged, especially in relation to other things | 46 | |
12408263729 | apoplexy | (n.) unconsciousness or incapacity resulting from a cerebral hemorrhage or stroke (n.) incapacity or speechlessness caused by extreme anger | 47 | |
12408263730 | insuperable | (adj.) impossible to overcome | 48 | |
12408263731 | indefatigable | (adj.) persisting tirelessly | 49 | |
12408263732 | capacious | (adj.) having a lot of space inside; roomy | 50 | |
12408263733 | fervent | (adj.) having or displaying a passionate intensity; enthusiastic; ((ardent)) | 51 | |
12408263734 | ascertain | (v.) find (something) out for certain; make sure of; to verify | 52 | |
12408263735 | innocuous | (adj.) not harmful or offensive, harmless | 53 | |
12408263736 | dauntless | (adj.) showing fearlessness and determination; brave | 54 | |
12408263737 | picayune | (adj.) petty; worthless; measly; of little value; worthless | 55 | |
12408263738 | querulous | (adj.) complaining in a petulant or whining manner; grouchy; hard-to-please | 56 | |
12408263739 | puerile | (adj.) childishly silly and trivial; immature; juvenile; ((callow)) | 57 | |
12408263740 | indemnity | (n.) a sum of money paid as compensation, especially a sum exacted by a victor in was as one condition of peace | 58 | |
12408263741 | effluence | (n.) a substance that flows out from something; outflow; emission; wordiness; ((verbosity)) | 59 | |
12408263742 | irascible | (adj.) having or showing a tendency to be easily angered; irritable; easily angered; grouchy; ((bilious; petulant; querulous)) | 60 | |
12408263743 | imbibe | (v.) drink; consume; swallow; ingest; absorb | 61 | |
12408263744 | dross | (n.) something regarded as worthless; rubbish; trash; dregs; refuse | 62 | |
12408263745 | physiognomy | (n.) a person's facial features or expression, especially when regarded as indicative of character or ethnicity or origin; outward appearance; ((countenance; façade)) | 63 | |
12408263746 | confabulation | (n.) conversation; discussion; ((palaver)) | 64 | |
12408263747 | noisome | (adj.) having an extremely offensive smell; disgusting | 65 | |
12408263748 | conciliate | (v.) stop (someone) from being angry or discontented; placate; pacify; to calm; to satisfy | 66 | |
12408263749 | automaton | (n.) a moving mechanical device made in imitation of a human being; a robot; a gadget | 67 | |
12408263750 | misconstrue | (v.) interpret wrongly; to misjudge | 68 | |
12408263751 | propinquity | (n.) the state of being close to someone or something; proximity; kinship (nearness of relation) | 69 | |
12408263752 | asperity | (n.) harshness of tone or manner; bitterness; irritability; meanness | 70 | |
12408263753 | tyro | (n.) a beginner or novice; newcomer | 71 | |
12408263754 | panegyric | (n.) a public speech or published text in praise of someone or something; a eulogy | 72 | |
12408263755 | assuage | (v.) make less intense; to ease; to lessen | 73 | |
12408263756 | invidious | (adj.) likely to arouse or incur resentment or anger in others; offensive; hateful; full of enmity | 74 | |
12408263757 | effrontery | (n.) insolent or impertinent behavior; shameless boldness; audacity; ((impudence)) | 75 | |
12408263758 | disquieting | (adj.) inducing feelings of anxiety or worry; unsettling; disturbing | 76 | |
12408263759 | rapt | (adj.) completely fascinated by what one is seeing or hearing; wholly absorbed; captivated; immersed | 77 | |
12408263760 | sapient | (adj.) wise, or attempting to appear wise; intellegent | 78 | |
12408263761 | mien | (n.) a person's look or manner, especially one of a particular kind indicating their character or mood; personality; ((disposition)) | 79 | |
12408263762 | capitulate | (v.) cease to resist an opponent or an unwelcome demand; surrender | 80 | |
12408263763 | preclude | (v.) prevent from happening; make impossible; impede | 81 | |
12408263764 | disputatious | (adj.) fond of or causing heated arguments; argumentative | 82 | |
12408263765 | salient | (adj.) most noticeable or important; significant; remarkable; obvious | 83 | |
12408263766 | facile | easily achieved; effortless; deft; hasty | 84 | |
12408263767 | maladroit | (adj.) ineffective or bungling; clumsy; unskillful | 85 | |
12408263768 | fait accompli | (n.) a thing that has already happened or been decided before those affected hear about it, leaving them with no option but to accept; an accomplished and presumably irreversible deed | 86 | |
12408263769 | pedantry | (n.) excessive concern with minor details and rules; slavish attention to rules; meticulousness; extreme exactness | 87 | |
12408263770 | ineffable | (adj.) too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words; inexpressible; indescribable | 88 | |
12408263771 | salubrious | (adj.) health-giving; healthy; wholesome; hygienic | 89 | |
12408263772 | misanthropy | (n.) a dislike of humankind | 90 | |
12408263773 | eclectic | (adj.) deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources; assorted; ((multifarious)) | 91 | |
12408263774 | cursory | (adj.) hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed; superficial; careless; haphazard | 92 | |
12408263775 | dissimulate | (v.) conceal or disguise (one's thoughts, feelings, or character); to pretend; to deceive; to feign | 93 | |
12408263776 | immutable | (adj.) unchanging over time or unable to be changed; eternal | 94 | |
12408263777 | ameliorate | (v.) make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better; to improve | 95 | |
12408263778 | palliate | (v.) make (a disease or its symptoms) less severe or unpleasant without removing the cause; soothe; ((mitigate)) | 96 | |
12408263779 | fetter | (v.) restrain with chains or manacles, typically around the ankles; to curb; hinder; ((trammel)) | 97 | |
12408263780 | arrogate | (v.) take or claim (something) without justification; to confiscate | 98 | |
12408263781 | predilection | (n.) a preference or special liking for something; a bias in favor of something; a passion; a fondness; a proclivity | 99 | |
12408263782 | choleric | (adj.) bad-tempered or irritable | 100 | |
12408263783 | ambivalent | (adj.) having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone; indecisive; undecided; ((irresolute)) | 101 | |
12408263784 | contumelious | (adj.) (of behavior) scornful and insulting; insolent; rude | 102 | |
12408263785 | prurient | (adj.) having or encouraging an excessive interest in sexual matters; lewd; obscene; lustful; ((lascivious)) | 103 | |
12408263786 | machinations | (n.) a plot or scheme | 104 | |
12408263787 | ignominious | (adj.) deserving or causing public disgrace or shame | 105 | |
12408263788 | pedantic | (adj.) unimaginative; academic; didactic | 106 | |
12408263789 | imperious | (adj.) assuming power or authority without justification; arrogant and domineering | 107 | |
12408263790 | rankle | (v.) cause annoyance or resentment that persists; to irritate; to irk | 108 | |
12408263791 | exculpate | (v.) show or declare that (someone) is not guilty of wrongdoing; to pardon; to forgive | 109 | |
12408263792 | lassitude | (n.) a state or physical or mental weariness; lack of energy; exhaustion; ((languor)) | 110 | |
12408263793 | abstruse | (adj.) difficult to understand; obscure; complex; confusing | 111 | |
12408263794 | sobriquet | (n.) a person's nickname | 112 | |
12408263795 | abject | (adj.) (of something bad) experienced or present to the maximum degree; miserable; hopeless; ((insuperable)) | 113 | |
12408263796 | diffident | (adj.) modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence; shy; timid; reserved; ((reticent)) | 114 | |
12408263797 | sanguinary | (adj.) involving or causing much bloodshed; murderous | 115 | |
12408263798 | sedulous | (adj.) (of a person or action) showing dedication and diligence; hardworking; industrious; ((assiduous)) | 116 | |
12408263799 | dirge | (n.) a mournful song, piece of music, or poem | 117 | |
12408263800 | petulant | (adj.) childish sulky or bad tempered; moody; irritable; peevish; ((irascible; bilious)) | 118 | |
12408263801 | ostensible | (adj.) stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so | 119 | |
12408263802 | equanimity | (n.) mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation | 120 | |
12408263803 | dastardly | (adj.) wicked and cruel; cowardly; ((pusillanimous)) | 121 | |
12408263804 | amalgamate | (v.) combine or unite to form one organization or structure | 122 | |
12408263805 | palpable | (adj.) so intense as to seem almost tangible; concrete; real; touchable | 123 | |
12408263806 | censure | (v) express severe disapproval of (someone or something), typically in a formal statement; ((remonstrate)) (n.) the expression of formal disapproval; condemnation; ((remonstration)) | 124 | |
12408263807 | temporize | (v.) avoid making a decision or committing oneself in order to gain time; procrastination; to delay | 125 | |
12408263808 | hidebound | (adj.) unwilling or unable to change because of tradition or convention; narrow-minded; intolerable; ((dogmatic)) | 126 | |
12408263809 | bibulous | (adj.) excessively fond of drinking alcohol | 127 | |
12408263810 | obstreperous | (adj.) noisy and difficult to control; rowdy; unruly; boisterous | 128 | |
12408263811 | sundry | (adj.) of various kinds; several | 129 | |
12408263812 | circuitous | (adj.) longer than the most direct way | 130 | |
12408263813 | garish | (adj.) obtrusively bright and showy; lurid; gaudy; flashy | 131 | |
12408263814 | clamorous | (adj.) making a loud and confused noise; ((cacophonous)) | 132 | |
12408263815 | compunction | (n.) a feeling of guilt or moral scruple that prevents or follows the doing of something bad; remorse; regret | 133 | |
12408263816 | erudite | (adj.) having or showing great knowledge or learning; scholarly | 134 | |
12408263817 | indigent | (adj.) poor; needy; ((destitute; penury)) | 135 | |
12408263818 | nebulous | (adj.) unclear, vague, or ill-defined | 136 | |
12408263819 | refractory | (adj.) stubborn or unmanageable | 137 | |
12408263820 | coquette | (n.) a woman who flirts; ((coquettish; flirtatious)) | 138 | |
12408263821 | castigate | (v.) reprimand (someone) severely | 139 | |
12408263822 | desultory | (adj.) going constantly from one subject to another in a halfhearted way; unfocused; off-the-subject | 140 | |
12408263823 | lugubrious | (adj.) looking or sounding sad and dismal; mournful; gloomy; ((saturnine)) | 141 | |
12408263824 | malingerer | (n.) one who feigns an illness (pretends to be sick) | 142 | |
12408263825 | copious | (adj.) abundant in supply or quantity; plentiful; ample; ((replete)) | 143 | |
12408263826 | profusion | (n.) an abundance or large quantity of something; overabundance; ((plethora)); ((surfeit)); plenitude; | 144 | |
12408263827 | bowdlerize | (v.) remove material that is considered improper or offensive from (a text or account), especially with the result that it becomes weaker or less effective; to purge; to censor; to remove bad or offensive parts | 145 | |
12408263828 | rapacity | (n.) aggressive greed; inordinate greed; ((cupidity: greed for money)) | 146 | |
12408263829 | obfuscate | (v.) render ((obscure)), unclear, or unintelligible; to darken or confuse | 147 | |
12408263830 | cozen | (v.) trick or deceive | 148 | |
12408263831 | sere | (adj.) withered; dried-up; ((arid)) | 149 | |
12408263832 | temperate | (adj.) showing moderation or self-restraint; calm; even-tempered; mild | 150 | |
12408263833 | celerity | (n.) swiftness of movement | 151 | |
12408263834 | illimitable | (adj.) without limits or an end | 152 | |
12408263835 | steadfast | (adj.) ((resolute))ly or dutifully firm and unwavering; loyal; unswerving | 153 | |
12408263836 | mellifluous | (adj.) musical; harmonious; ((euphonious)) | 154 | |
12408263837 | vacuous | (adj.) having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence; mindless; inane; ((asinine)) | 155 | |
12408263838 | debauch | (v.) destroy or debase the moral purity of; corrupt; seduce | 156 | |
12408263839 | moribund | (adj.) at the point of death; on the verge of extinction | 157 | |
12408263840 | ribald | (adj.) referring to sexual matters in an amusingly rude or irreverent way; vulgar; indecent; ((scurrilous)) | 158 | |
12408263841 | fortuitous | (adj.) happening by accident or chance rather than by design; lucky | 159 | |
12408263842 | proselyte | (n.) a person who has converted from one opinion, religion, or party to another, especially recently | 160 | |
12408263843 | hoi polloi | (n.) the masses; the common people | 161 | |
12408263844 | melee | (n) a confused fight, skirmish, or scuffle, a free-for-all | 162 | |
12408263845 | risible | (adj.) such as to provoke laughter; laughable; amusing; comical | 163 | |
12408263846 | caterwaul | (v) (of a cat) make a shrill howling or wailing noise (n) a shrill howling or wailing noise | 164 | |
12408263847 | solecism | (n) a grammatical mistake in speech or writing; a breech of etiquette; a faux pas | 165 | |
12408263848 | pecuniary | (adj.) relating to or consisting of money; financial | 166 | |
12408263849 | brazen | (adj.) bold and without shame; sassy; cheeky; impudent | 167 | |
12408263850 | pundit | (n.) an expert in a particular subject or field who is frequently called on to give opinions about it to the public; an expert | 168 | |
12408263851 | tautology | (n.) the saying of the same thing twice in different words, generally considered to be a fault of style; needless repetition; redundancy | 169 | |
12408263852 | deference | (n.) humble submission and respect; courtesy | 170 | |
12408263853 | avuncular | (adj.) relating to an uncle; friendly; helpful | 171 | |
12408263854 | aesthetic | (adj.) concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty | 172 | |
12408263855 | blithe | (adj.) happy or joyous; cheerful; ((jocund)) | 173 | |
12408263856 | anitpathy | (n.) a deep-seated feeling of dislike; aversion | 174 | |
12408263857 | onus | (n.) used to refer to something that is one's duty or responsibility | 175 | |
12408263858 | pungent | (adj.) having a sharply strong taste or smell; ((acrid)) | 176 | |
12408263859 | buffoon | (n.) a ridiculous but amusing person; a clown; ((buffoonery; foolishness; silliness)) | 177 | |
12408263860 | denizen | (n.) an inhabitant or occupant of a particular place | 178 | |
12408263861 | truncate | (v.) shorten (something) by cutting off the top or the end; to lop; to trim | 179 | |
12408263862 | insouciant | (adj.) showing a casual lack of concern; indifferent; happy-go-lucky | 180 | |
12408263863 | panache | (n.) flamboyant confidence of style or manner; dash | 181 | |
12408263864 | chicanery | (n.) the use of trickery to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose; ((sophistry)) | 182 | |
12408263865 | euphonious | (adj.) (of sound, usually speech) pleasing to the ear; harmonious; ((mellifluous)) | 183 | |
12408263866 | cocophonous | (adj.) involving or producing a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds; noisy; ((clamorous)) | 184 | |
12408263867 | gauche | (adj.) lacking ease or grace; unsophisticated and socially awkward | 185 | |
12408263868 | cogent | (adj.) clear, logical, and convincing; to the point | 186 | |
12408263869 | indubitable | (adj.) impossible to doubt; unquestionable; undeniable; ((incontrovertible)) | 187 | |
12408263870 | gadfly | (n.) a fly that bites livestock, especially a horsefly, warble fly, or botfly an annoying person, especially one who provokes others into action by criticism | 188 | |
12408263871 | pernicious | (adj.) having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way | 189 | |
12408263872 | impious | (adj.) not showing respect or reverence, especially for a god; sinful; unethical; irreligious | 190 | |
12408263873 | jocund | (adj.) cheerful and lighthearted; jolly; ((blithe; jovial)) | 191 | |
12408263874 | lucid | (adj.) expressed clearly; easy to understand; ((limpid)) | 192 | |
12408263875 | hirsute | (adj.) hairy | 193 | |
12408263876 | tepid | (adj.) only slightly warm; lukewarm; half-hearted | 194 | |
12408263877 | curmudgeon | (n.) a bad-tempered or surly person; a grouch; a crank; a churl | 195 | |
12408263878 | florid | (adj.) elaborately or excessively intricate or complicated; ornate having a red or flushed complextion | 196 | |
12408263879 | eleemosynary | (adj.) relating to or dependent on charity; charitable; ((beneficent)) | 197 | |
12408263880 | disparate | (adj.) essentially different in kind; not allowing comparison; divergent; entirely dissimilar | 198 | |
12408263881 | excoriate | (v.) censure or criticize severely; to denounce; to drub | 199 | |
12408263882 | intimate | (v.) imply or hint; to suggest | 200 | |
12408263883 | fractious | (adj.) irritable and quarrelsome; cross; ((querulous; bilious; petulant; irascible)) | 201 | |
12408263884 | myopic | (adj.) nearsighted lacking imagination, foresight, or intellectual insight; narrow-minded | 202 | |
12408263885 | galling | (adj.) annoying; humiliating; vexing | 203 | |
12408263886 | laudatory | (adj.) expressing praise and commendation | 204 | |
12408263887 | resolute | (adj.) admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering; ((steadfast)) | 205 | |
12408263888 | derring-do | (n.) action displaying heroic courage; valor | 206 | |
12408263889 | tendentious | (adj.) expressing or intending to promote a particular cause or point of view, especially a controversial one; prejudiced; partisan | 207 | |
12408263890 | obloquy | (n.) strong public criticism or verbal abuse; insult; disgrace; ((animadversion)) | 208 | |
12408263891 | saccharine | (adj.) excessively sweet or sentimental; cloying; ingratiating | 209 | |
12408263892 | convivial | (adj.) friendly, lively, and enjoyable | 210 | |
12408263893 | quietus | (n.) death or something that causes death, regarded as a release from life | 211 | |
12408263894 | persiflage | (n.) light and slightly contemptuous mockery or banter; ((repartee)) | 212 | |
12408263895 | bilious | (adj.) affected by or associated with nausea or vomiting; irritable; peevish; sickeningly unpleasant ((fractious; petulant; querulous; irascible)) | 213 | |
12408263896 | germane | (adj.) relevant to a subject under consideration; appropriate | 214 | |
12408263897 | quell | (v.) put an end to; to stop; to crush; to conquer | 215 | |
12408263898 | halcyon | (adj.) denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful; calm | 216 | |
12408263899 | clement | (adj.) fair; balmy; moderate | 217 | |
12408263900 | recondite | (adj.) little known; abstruse; hard-to-understand; profound; ((esoteric)) | 218 | |
12408263901 | filch | (v.) pilfer or steal in a casual way; to take without permission | 219 | |
12408263902 | surreptitious | (adj.) kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of; stealthy; sneaky | 220 | |
12408263903 | pontificate | (v.) express one's opinions in a way considered annoyingly pompous and dogmatic; to preach; to lecture | 221 | |
12408263904 | mercurital | (adj.) subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind; fluctuating; ((capricious)) | 222 | |
12408263905 | expectorate | (v.) cough or spit out from the throat or lungs | 223 | |
12408263906 | abstemious | (adj.) not self-indulgent, especially when eating and drinking; abstinent; ((ascetic)) | 224 | |
12408263907 | apocryphal | (adj.) of doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated as being true; fictitious; mystical | 225 | |
12408263908 | acquisitive | (adj.) excessively interested in acquiring money or material things; desirous; greedy | 226 | |
12408263909 | potpourri | (n.) a mixture of dried petals and spices placed in a bowl or small sack to perfume clothing or a room | 227 | |
12408263910 | pithy | (adj.) concise and forcefully expressive; using words sparingly succinct; ((laconic)) | 228 | |
12408263911 | garrulous | (adj.) excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters; ((prolix)) | 229 | |
12408263912 | refute | (v.) prove (a statement or theory) to be wrong or false; disprove; ((to abnegate)) | 230 | |
12408263913 | virile | (adj.) (of a man) having strength, energy, and a strong sex drive; macho | 231 | |
12408263914 | saturnine | (adj.) slow and gloomy; depressed; ((lugubrious; sullen)) | 232 | |
12408263915 | savoir faire | (n.) the ability to act or speak appropriately in social situations; diplomacy; savvy | 233 | |
12408263916 | missive | (n.) a letter, especially a long or official one | 234 | |
12408263917 | guise | (n.) an external form, appearance, or manner of presentation, typically concealing the true nature of something; a pretense | 235 | |
12408263918 | propound | (v.) put forward (an idea, theory, or point of view) for consideration by others; to suggest; to assert | 236 | |
12408263919 | exacerbate | (v.) make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse; to intensify; to aggravate | 237 | |
12408263920 | propriety | (n.) the state or quality of conforming to the conventionally accepted standards of behavior or morals; properness; legitimacy | 238 | |
12408263921 | allay | (v.) diminish or put at rest (fear, suspicion, or worry); to pacify; ((assuage; conciliate)) | 239 | |
12408263922 | jettison | (v.) to throw or drop (something) from an aircraft or ship; to cast overboard; to discard | 240 | |
12408263923 | raiment | (n.) clothing | 241 | |
12408263924 | undulate | (v.) move with a smooth wavelike motion; to ripple; to billow | 242 | |
12408263925 | feckless | (adj.) lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible; ineffective; weak; careless | 243 | |
12408263926 | decry | (v.) publicly denounce; to criticize; to belittle; to condemn; ((discommend; depreciate)) | 244 | |
12408263927 | piquant | (adj.) having a pleasantly sharp taste or appetizing flavor; zesty; tangy; flavorful | 245 | |
12408263928 | contumacious | (adj.) (especially of a defendant's behavior) stubbornly or willfully disobedient to authority; pig-headed; rebellious | 246 | |
12408263929 | slake | (v.) quench or satisfy (one's thirst); to allay; ((mitigate)) | 247 | |
12408263930 | officious | (adj.) assertive of authority in an annoyingly domineering way, especially with regard to petty or trivial matters; meddlesome; pushy; obtrusive | 248 | |
12408263931 | frivolity | (n.) lack of seriousness; lightheartedness; fun; ((frippery)) | 249 | |
12408263932 | gambol | (v.) run or jump about playfully; frolic; play; prance about | 250 | |
12408263933 | userpation | (n.) taking someone's power or property by force; abduction; seizure | 251 | |
12408263934 | vindication | (n.) the action of clearing someone of blame or suspicion; the justification of some act of belief; substantiation | 252 | |
12408263935 | postulate | (v.) suggest or assume the existence, fact, or truth of (something) as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief; maintain or assert; hypothesize; ((aver)) | 253 | |
12408263936 | eschew | (v.) deliberately avoid using; abstain from; avoid; forgo; give up; ((abjure)) | 254 | |
12408263937 | glean | (v.) extract (information) from various sources; learn; gather; harvest | 255 | |
12408263938 | interstice | (n.) an intervening space, especially a very small one; interval; gap | 256 | |
12408263939 | cynosure | (n.) a person or thing that is the center of attention or admiration; centerpiece; main attraction | 257 | |
12408263940 | factitious | (adj.) artificially created or developed; not from natural resources | 258 | |
12408263941 | effluvium | (n.) an unpleasant or harmful odor, secretion, or discharge; exhaust fumes | 259 | |
12408263942 | captious | (adj.) tending to find fault or raise petty objections; nit-picky; overcritical | 260 | |
12408263943 | redolent | (adj.) fragrant or sweet-smelling | 261 | |
12408263944 | fetid | (adj.) smelling extremely unpleasant ((fusty)) | 262 | |
12408263945 | beguile | (v.) charm or enchant (someone), sometimes in a deceptive way; to attract; to enamor | 263 | |
12408263946 | perfidious | (adj.) deceitful and untrustworthy | 264 | |
12408263947 | hoary | (adj.) showing characteristics of age, especially having gray or white hair | 265 | |
12408263948 | exigency | (n.) an urgent need or demand; an emergency | 266 | |
12408263949 | dishabille | (n.) the state of being only partly or scantily clothed; undress or negligent attire; nakedness | 267 | |
12408263950 | gaunt | (adj.) lean and haggard, especially because of suffering, hunger, or age | 268 | |
12408263951 | raillery | (n.) good-humored teasing; ((badinage)) | 269 | |
12408263952 | inveigh | (v.) speak or write about (something) with great hostility; condemn; berate; ((castigate)) | 270 | |
12408263953 | stymie | (v.) prevent or hinder the progress of; to obstruct; to mysitfy | 271 | |
12408263954 | kowtow | (v.) act in an excessively subservient manner; to give in to; to cave in; to go along with | 272 | |
12408263955 | imbroglio | (n.) an extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation; a dilemma; an entanglement; ((quagmire)) | 273 | |
12408263956 | vainglorious | (adj.) excessively proud of oneself or one's achievements; overly vain; haughty; conceited; stuck-up | 274 | |
12408263957 | discomfit | (v.) make (someone) feel uneasy or embarrassed; to confuse; to frustrate; to perplex | 275 | |
12408263958 | amok | (adj.) Berserk; psycho; haywire | 276 | |
12408263959 | transcendent | (adj.) beyond or above the range of normal or merely physical human experience; extraordinary; fantastic; ultimate | 277 | |
12408263960 | milieu | (n.) a person's social environment: atmosphere | 278 | |
12408263961 | pusillanimous | (adj.) showing a lack of courage or determination; timid; cowardly; fearful | 279 | |
12408263962 | pulchritudinous | (adj.) beautiful; dazzling; charming | 280 | |
12408263963 | knackered | (adj.) exhausted; very tired | 281 | |
12408263964 | minatory | (adj.) expressing or conveying a threat; menacing; ((portentous)) | 282 | |
12408263965 | floriferous | (adj.) producing many flowers; blooming; flowering | 283 | |
12408263966 | chide | (v.) scold or rebuke; to criticize sharply; to censure | 284 | |
12408263967 | truculent | (adj.) eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively defiant; cruel; brutal; ((contumacious)) | 285 | |
12408263968 | modicum | (n.) a small quantity of a particular thing, especially something considered desirable or valuable; an iota; a crumb | 286 | |
12408263969 | circumspect | (adj.) wary and unwilling to take risks; cautious; safe; discreet | 287 | |
12408263970 | enmity | (n.) the state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone or something; ill-will; hatred | 288 | |
12408263971 | disabuse | (v.) persuade (someone) that an idea or belief is mistaken | 289 | |
12408263972 | qrandiloquent | (adj.) pompous or extravagant in language, style, or manner, especially in a way that is intended to impress; bombastic; overblown | 290 | |
12408263973 | invective | (n.) insulting, abusive, or highly critical language; harsh accusation; ((obloquy)) | 291 | |
12408263974 | mendacious | (adj.) not telling the truth; lying; ((mendacity)) | 292 | |
12408263975 | obdurate | (adj.) stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or course of action; ((refractory)) | 293 | |
12408263976 | paucity | (n.) the presence of something only in small or insufficient quantities or amounts; scarcity; lack; dearth | 294 | |
12408263977 | probity | (n.) the quality of having strong moral principles; honesty and decency; justice; rightness | 295 | |
12408263978 | quibble | (v.) argue or raise objections about a trivial matter | 296 | |
12408263979 | welter | (v.) move in a turbulent fashion; to wallow in turmoil (n.) a large number of items in no order; a confused mass; jumble | 297 | |
12408263980 | ineluctable | (adj.) unable to be resisted or avoided; inescapable | 298 | |
12408263981 | folderol | (n.) trivial or nonsensical fuss; gibberish | 299 |
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