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AP English Long Vocab 3

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221473127apiaryplace where bees are kept
221473128aviaryplace where birds are kept
221473129badgerto tease or annoy
221473131lionizeto treat as highly important
221473132menagerieplace where animals are kept and trained
221473133moltshed feathers, skin, hair
221473134ornithologystudy of birds
221473135parasitesomething that lives on others
221473136parasiticliving at the expense of others
221473137parrotrepeat mechanically
221473138scavengeranimal or person removing decay
221473139antidoteremedy for a poison or evil
221473140astringentsubstance that shrinks tissues and checks flow of blood
221473141astringentsevere; causing contraction
221473142benignnot dangerous; gentle
221473144festerform pus; rot
221473145hypochondriacperson who imagines they have a severe illness
221473146immunityresistance, freedom from obligation
221473147immunizeto make immune
221473148lesionan injury, a hurt
221473149convalescenta person who is recovering from an illness
222353531malignantthreatening to cause death; evil
222353532morbidgruesome; having to do with disease
222353533pestilentialmorally harmful, deadly
222353534regimenset of rules (to improve health)
222353539unguentsalve, ointment
222353540viralcaused by a virus
222353541virulentextremely poisonous, deadly
222353542virusa disease causing substance thats very small; corruptive force
222353543acclaimwelcome with approval
222353544encomiumspeech or writing of high praise
222353546kudosfame due to achievement
222353547laudablepraiseworthy; commendable
222353548laudatoryexpressing praise
222353550calumniousfalsely and maliciously accusing
222573398libelfalse printed statement
222573399libeloussomething that injures your reputation
222573400malignspeak evil of
222573401slanderfalse spoken statement
222573402stigmamark of disgrace
222573403stigmatizebrand with a mark of disgrace
222573404banterplayful teasing
222573405caricaturedrawing that ridiculously exaggerates peculiarities
222573406drollodd and laughter provoking
222573407facetiousin the habit of joking
222573408flippanttreating serious matters lightly
222573410hilariousvery funny
222573411hilaritynoisy gaiety
222573412ironiccontaining irony
222573413ironyhumor intended with the opposite meaning of words used
222573414jocoseplayfully humorous
222573415levitylack of proper seriousness
222573416ludicrousexciting laughter; ridiculous
222573417parodyhumorous imitation
222573418sarcasmsneering and often ironic language
222573419sarcasticgiven to or expressing sarcasm
222573420sardonicbitterly sarcastic, mocking
222573421satirelanguage that exposes follies or abuses by holding them up to ridicule
222573422satiricgiven to or expressing satire
222573423travestyimitation that makes a serious thing seem ridiculous; mockery

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