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AP English must know words -DICTION-

this is for anybody stressing over the AP exam in may, like i am. heres some help, hopefully.
if you would like to add or change anything in regards to the definitions please just leave a message and what you would like to change about it.
thanks, shannon

Terms : Hide Images
the most direct or specific meaning of a word or expression
implied meaning of a word
the hidden or underlying meaning of something
assumed meaning of something
the repetition of similar vowels in the stressed syllables of successive words
repetition of harmony sounds, especially at the end of words
The repetition of the same sounds or of the same kinds of sounds at the beginning of words
using words that imitate the sound they denote
figurative description or illustration
the attribution of a personal nature or character to inanimate objects
The attribution of human emotions or characteristics to inanimate objects or to nature
speech or writing that departs from literal meaning in order to achieve a special effect or meaning
a figure of speech in which two unlike things are explicitly compared using like or as
a figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance
a metaphor that is extended through a stanza or entire poem, often by multiple comparisons of unlike objects or ideas
the use of such metaphors as a literary characteristic, esp. in poetry.
a figure of speech that consists of the use of the name of one object or concept for that of another to which it is related, or of which it is a part, i.e. "the bottle" for "strong drink,"
a figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole or the whole for a part, the special for the general or the general for the special, as in ten sail for ten ships
a recurring subject, theme, idea, etc.
something used for or regarded as representing something else
the quality or power in an actual life experience or in literature, music, speech, or other forms of expression, of evoking a feeling of pity or compassion.
a ludicrous descent from the exalted or lofty to the commonplace; anticlimax.
a passing or casual reference; an incidental mention of something, either directly or by implication: an allusion to Shakespeare.
a terse saying embodying a general truth, or astute observation, as "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" (Lord Acton).
a trite, stereotyped expression; a sentence or phrase, usually expressing a popular or common thought or idea, that has lost originality, ingenuity, and impact by long overuse
A motto or quotation, as at the beginning of a literary composition, setting forth a theme.
a brief poem or other writing in praise of a deceased person.
The direct address of an absent or imaginary person or of a personified abstraction, especially as a digression in the course of a speech or composition.
characteristic of or appropriate to ordinary or familiar conversation rather than formal speech or writing; informal.
a variety of a language that is distinguished from other varieties of the same language by features of phonology, grammar,and vocabulary, and by its use by a group of speakers who are set off from others geographically or socially.
any talk or writing that one does not understand.
a speech or writing in praise of a person or thing, esp. a set oration in honor of a deceased person.
an inspirational saying or cliché.
the art of public speaking, esp. in a formal and eloquent manner.
teaching or intending to teach a moral lesson.
overly concerned with minute details or formalisms, esp. in teaching.

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