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AP English Terms

Terms for AP English

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230903700TediousToo long, slow, or dull; tiresome or monotonous.
230903701RetinueGroup of advisers, assistants, or others, accompanying an important person.
230903702AdulationExcessive admiration or praise.
230903703LoyaltyA strong feeling of support or allegiance.
230903704LasciviousDriven by lust.
230903705JubilationFeeling of great happiness or triumph.
230903706IndolentWanting to avoid exertion; lazy.
230903707TransientLasting for only a short time.
230903708PragmaticDealing with things sensibly or realistically taking realistic considerations.
230903709EqualitarianPrinciple that all people are equal and deserve equal rights.
230903710AbradeScrape or wear away by friction or erosion.
230903711AberrationA departure from what is normal, usual, or expected. Usually an unexpected change.
230903712AestheticConcerned with the appreciation of beauty.
230903713BrazenBold and without shame.
230903714BrusqueAbrupt or offhand in speech or manner.
230903715CapitulateCease to resist an opponent or unwelcome demand; surrender.
230903716DeleteriousCausing harm or damage.
230903717DigressionTemporary departure from main subject in speech or writing.
230903718EmulateMatch or surpass (person or achievement), typically by imitation.
230903719EphemeralLasting for a very short time.
240172434SeditionConduct or speech inciting people to rebel against authority.
240172435SolicitousEager or anxious to do something
240172436DiscursiveMoving from topic to topic
240172437LaconicUsing very few words
240172438PretentiousAttempting to impress by affecting greater importance
240172439AustereSevere or strict in manner
240172440PromulgatePromote or make widely known
240172441PedanticCharacterized by narrow concern for book values
240172442NascentJust coming into existence; not full potential
240172443MienPerson's look indicating their character
245253421ComplacentMarked by self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness.
245253422PrecariousDepending on will or pleasure of one another.
245253423EarnestnessCharacterized or proceeding by from an intense or serious state of mind.
245253424FerventMarked by great intensity of feelings.
245253425ReproofCriticism for a fault.
245253426FeignTo give a false appearance of: induce as false impression.
245253427ExtrapolateTo project, extent, or expand into an area not known.
245253428GrandioseCharacterized by affection of grandeur or splendor by exaggeration.
245253429FortitudeCourage or pain in adversity.
245253430ImpetusStimulation or encouragement resulting in increased activity.
245253431HaughtyBlatantly and disdainfully proud.
245253432MundaneCharacterized by ordinary behavior [describes people]
245253433FloridVery flowery in style; elaborately decorated.
245253434ProsaicCharacterized by ordinary or usual behavior [describes prose]
245253435RancorBitter, deep-seated, ill will
245253436ScrutinizeTo examine closely and minutely.
245253437SubstantiateTo establish proof or competent evidence.
245253438VenerableMade sacred especially by religion or historical association.
264324065Ad InfinitumAgain and again in the same way; forever
264324066ApportionTo divide and share out according to plan; especially to make a proportionate division or distribution of.
264324067SordidMarked by baseness or grossness.
264324068UntenableNot able to be defended.
264324069CleaveTo adhere firmly and closely or loyally and unwaveringly.
264324070GlibMarked by ease and informality.
264324071ActuateTo put into a mechanical action or motion.
264324072BoorishResembling or befitting a poor (cruel insensitivity)
264324073HarangueAddressed to a public assembly
264324074ImpenitentNot feeling sins or sorrow for sins or offensive behavior.
277384996RepugnantExtremely distasteful / unacceptable
277384997RemuneratePay someone for services rendered or work done.
277384998PugnaciousEager to argue, quarrel or fight.
277384999InundateOverwhelm someone with things to be dealt with.
277385000SardonicGrimly mocking or cynical.
277385001TenaciousNot readily letting go or giving up.
277385002GhastlyIntensely unpleasant or disagreeable.
277385003HamperHinder or impede progress.
277385004LucidEasy to understand.
277385005ObstreperousNoisy and difficult to control.
293421719ContriveTo devise, invent, plot, scheme, fabricate.
293421720ReverentialTo show deep respect.

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