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AP English - Tone Words Flashcards

The manner in which an author expresses his or her attitude; the intonation of the voice that expresses meaning. Tone is described by adjectives, and the possibilities are nearly endless. Often a single adjective will not be enough, and tone may change or shift from chapter to chapter or stanza to stanza or even line to line. Tone is the result of allusion, diction, figurative language, imagery, irony, motif, symbol, syntax, and style.
Very young children can sense a speaker's attitude in tone. But understanding tone in prose and poetry is an entirely different matter. The reader does not have voice inflection to carry meaning. Thus, a student's appreciation (knowledge) of word choice, details, imagery, and language all contribute to the understanding of tone. To misinterpret tone is to misinterpret meaning.

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6431773069criticalinclined to find fault or judge with severity0
6431773070angryfeeling or showing anger and strong resentment1
6431773071infuriateddisplaying anger in a passionate way2
6431773072iratedisplaying anger in a dispassionate way3
6431773073aggravatedto be or become irritated or inflamed4
6431773074indignantfeeling, characterized by, or expressing strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, or base5
6431773075outragedstrongly offended, insulted, or affronted6
6431773076bitterresentful or cynical7
6431773077ambiguousopen to or having several possible meanings or interpretations8
6431773079perplexedbewildered; puzzled10
6431773080causticseverely critical or sarcastic11
6431773081bitingcapable of gripping and affecting or wounding12
6431773082irreverentshowing a lack of respect for things or people that should be taken seriously13
6431773083mockingteasing or laughing at in a scornful way14
6431773084disdainfulshowing contempt or a lack of respect15
6431773085contemptuousscornful, showing contempt16
6431773086sardonicgrimly mocking or cynical17
6431773087sarcasticmarked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt18
6431773088tongue-in-cheekused to refer to humor in which a statement, or an entire fictional work, is not meant to be taken seriously, but its sarcasm is subtle19
6431773089ironichappening in the opposite way to what is expected, and typically causing wry amusement because of this20
6431773090cynicalbelieving that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity21
6431773091skepticalnot easily convinced; having doubts or reservations22
6431773092wryusing or expressing dry, especially mocking, humor23
6431773093arroganthaving or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance and abilities24
6431773094pretentiousattempting to impress by affecting greater important, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed25
6431773095condescendingto talk to someone in a haughty way, as though it is below one's dignity or level of importance26
6431773096patronizingto treat someone with an apparent kindness that betrays a feeling of superiority27
6431773097authoritativecommanding and self-confident28
6431773098humourouscausing light-hearted laughter and amusement29
6431773099banteringan exchange of light, playful, teasing remarks; good-natured raillery30
6431773100sillyweak-minded or lacking good sense; stupid or foolish. Also, absurd, irrational, ridiculous.31
6431773101mock-heroicimitating or burlesquing that which is heroic, as in manner, character, or action32
6431773102amusedpleasurably entertained, occupied, or diverted33
6431773103joyfulglad; delighted34
6431773104ecstaticsubject to or in a state of ecstacy; rapturous35
6431773105elatedvery happy; proud; jubilant36
6431773106effusivelacking reserve; overflowing37
6431773107contentedsatisfied with what one is or has38
6431773108disappointeddepressed or discouraged by the failure of one's hopes or expectations39
6431773109sadaffected by unhappiness or grief40
6431773110elegiacexpressing sorrow or lamentation41
6431773111melancholicdisposed to or affected with melancholy; gloomy42
6431773112depressing/depressedsad; lower in spirits; dejected; dispirited43
6431773113mournfulfeeling or expressing sorrow or grief; sorrowful; sad44
6431773114poignantkeenly distressing to the feelings45
6431773115sombergloomy, depressing, or dismal46
6431773116bleakwithout hope and encouragement47
6431773117whimsicalplayfully quaint and fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way48
6431773118fancifuloverimaginative and unrealistic49
6431773119wistfulhaving or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing50
6431773120flippantnot showing a serious or respectful attitude51
6431773121nostalgiccharacterized by or showing feelings of nostalgia52
6431773122sentimentaldealing with feeling of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia in an exaggerated or self-indulgent way53
6431773123reflectiverelating to or characterized by deep thought; thoughtful54
6431773124regretfulfeeling or showing regret55
6431773125remorsefulfeeling deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed56
6431773126apologeticregretfully acknowledging or excusing an offense or failure57
6431773127challengingprovocative; intriguing58
6431773128contentiouscausing or likely to cause an argument; controversial59
6431773129surprisingcausing wonder or astonishment60
6431773130shockingextremely startling, distressing, or offensive61
6431773131inflammatorytending to excite anger, disorder, or tumult62
6431773132horrifichaving the power to horrify someone63
6431773133dramatichighly effective; striking64
6431773134passionatecapable of, affected by, or expressing intense feeling65
6431773135impartialhaving no direct involvement or interest and not favoring one person or side over another66
6431773136objectivebased on facts rather than thoughts and opinions67
6431773137clinicalpractical and unemotional68
6431773138factualconsisting of the truth or including only things that are actual69
6431773139detachednot attached to something and unaffected by emotional involvement70
6431773140disinterestedunbiased by personal interest or advantage; not influenced by selfish motives71
6431773141boredtired and impatient72
6431773142apatheticshowing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern73
6431773143indifferenthaving no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned74
6431773144straightforwarduncomplicated and easy to do or understand75
6431773145candidtruthful and straightforward; frank76
6431773146pedanticof or like a person who is excessively concerned with minor details and rules or displaying academic learning77
6431773147learnedhaving much knowledge; erudite78
6431773148scholarlyconcerned with academic learning and research79
6431773149didacticintended for instruction; inclined to teach and lecture others too much; teaching or intending to teach a moral lesson80
6431773150moralisticcharacterized by or displaying a concern with morality81
6431773151inspirationalimparting inspiration (stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity82
6431773152respectfulfull of, characterized by, or showing politeness or deference83
6431773153reverentfeeling or showing deep and solemn respect84
6431773154appreciativebeing thankful or grateful for something85
6431773155symptheticfeeling, showing, or expressing sympathy86
6431773156compassionatefeeling or showing concern for others87
6431773157interestedto be engaged or excited about something88
6431773158curiouseager to know and learn something89
6431773159urgentneeding attention very soon, especially before anything else, because important90
6431773160seriousneeding or deserving your complete attention91
6431773161ominoussuggesting that something unpleasant is likely to happen92
6431773162apprehensivefeeling worried about something you are going to do93
6431773163forebodinga feeling that something very bad is likely to happen soon94
6431773164threateningexpressing a threat of something unpleasant and violent95
6431773165accusingreproachful; condemning96
6431773166admiringto regard with wonder, pleasure, or approval97
6431773167admonitoryserving to warn, especially to correct98
6431773168affectionatehaving or displaying warmth or affection99
6431773169ambivalenthaving mixed or opposing feelings at the same time100
6431773170amiablefriendly, pleasant, likable101
6431773171artificialnot genuine; insincere102
6431773172belligerentgiven to fighting, warlike; combative, aggressive103
6431773173benevolentkindly; favorable towards; charitable104
6431773174bewilderedcompletely confused; puzzled105
6431773175brashoffensively bold106
6431773176callousemotionally hardened; insensitive; unfeeling107
6431773177cholericeasily angered; bad-tempered108
6431773178cheerybright and pleasant; sanguine109
6431773179condemnatoryexpressing strong disapproval of; judgmental; critical110
6431773180consolingaffording comfort or solace111
6431773181contemplativestudying, thinking, reflecting on an issue112
6431773182drollamusing in a wry, subtle way113
6431773183earnestserious in intention or purpose; showing depth and sincerity of feelings114
6431773184despairinghopeless, despondent, discouraged115
6431773185ferventgreatly emotional or zealous116
6431773186forthrightfrank, direct, straightforward117
6431773187gratefulfeeling or showing gratitude118
6431773188gravecausing fear or anxiety by discussion of matters deserving serious attention; weighty; momentous119
6431773189haughtyarrogant, excessively proud and vain120
6431773190matter-of-factunemotional; straightforward121
6431773191meditativereflective, thoughtful122
6431773192obsequiousattentive in an ingratiating or servile manner; attempting to win favor from influential people from flattery123
6431773193pompousoverly self-important in speech and manner; excessively stately or ceremonious124
6431773194caringShowing understanding of others by treating them with kindness, compassion, generosity and a forgiving spirit.125
6431773195ceremonialtraditional; ritual; formal126
6431773196cheerfulHappy, in good spirits127
6431773197complimentaryexpressing courtesy, respect, admiration, or praise128
6431773198conciliatoryAppeasing, intending to PLACATE129
6431773199confidentsure of oneself, abilities, talents, etc.130
6431773200delightfulgreatly pleasing or entertaining131
6431773201ebullientexhilarated; full of enthusiasm and high spirits132
6431773202empatheticidentification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives133
6431773203encouragingshowing support134
6431773204enthusiastichaving or showing great excitement and interest135
6431773205euphoricExaggerated feeling of well-being or elation136
6431773206excitedvery enthusiastic and eager137
6431773207expectantanticipating; hopeful138
6431773208exuberantFull of unrestrained enthusiasm or joy139
6431773209gleefulexcited and happy140
6431773210hilariousExtremely funny, causing loud amusement141
6431773212incisive(adj.) sharp, keen, penetrating (with a suggestion of decisiveness and effectiveness)143
6431773213instructiveserving to inform or provide knowledge144
6431773214jocundCheerful and lighthearted145
6431773215lightheartedcarefree and happy146
6431773216lovingFeeling or showing love or great care.147
6431773217mirthfularousing or provoking laughter148
6431773218optimisticHopeful, cheerful (adjective) To be hopeful and confident about the future.149
6431773219pensiveDreamily thoughtful150
6431773220persuasivecapable of convincing151
6431773221playfulfull of fun and high spirits152
6431773222rousingexciting, stirring153
6431773223sanguineCheerfully optimistic154
6431773224sereneCalm, peaceful155
6431773225stirringTo affect strongly; excite156
6431773226tendereasily moved to sympathy or compassion; kind157
6431773227thoughtfulshowing consideration and anticipation of needs158
6431773228vibrantLively; full of vitality159
6431773229annoyedaroused to impatience or anger160
6431773230anxiousThis adjective implies uneasiness, worry, or fear. Do not use it as a substitute of eager.161
6431773231audacious(adj.) bold, adventurous, recklessly daring162
6431773232bluntfrank or honest without sensitivity: very frank or straightforward and showing no delicacy or consideration163
6431773233bossyoffensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power164
6431773234brusque(adj.) abrupt, blunt, with no formalities165
6431773235coldlacking in passion, emotion, enthusiasm, ardor, etc.; dispassionate166
6431773236conceited(ADJ) Having an excessively high opinion of oneself167
6431773237depraved(adj.) marked by evil and corruption, devoid of moral principles168
6431773238derisiveExpressing contempt or ridicule169
6431773239derogatoryInsulting or intended to insult170
6431773240desolateLonely and sad171
6431773241desperateReckless because of feelings of despair.172
6431773243disgustedadj. cause loathing or nausea in.174
6431773245disturbedtroubled; worried Agitated or distressed; disrupted. Marked by symptoms of mental illness.176
6431773247facetiousjoking (often inappropriately); humorous178
6431773248fatalisticCharacteristics of notion that all things are controlled by fate and thus beyond human influence; willing to accept every event as inevitable; often pessimistic.179
6431773249fearfulA scared, dreading, or timid tone180
6431773250franticVery excited and anxious; extremely worried, panicked, or fearful181
6431773252frustratedFeeling annoyed and upset because you cannot do something you are trying to do183
6431773254gloomyDarkness, sadness, rejection185
6431773255greedyexcessively or inordinately desirous of wealth, profit, etc.; avaricious186
6431773256grimhaving a harsh, surly, forbidding, or morbid air187
6431773257gushyexpressing a positive feeling, especially praise, in such a strong way that it does not sound sincere; emotional, enthusiastic, unrestrained, demonstrative, unreserved.188
6431773258holier-than-thouobnoxiously pious; sanctimonious; self-righteous189
6431773259hopelessdesperate; discouraging190
6431773260insipidwithout distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities; vapid191
6431773261insolentBoldly rude or disrespectful192
6431773262irritatedAngry and annoyed193
6431773263lethargicacting in an indifferent or slow, sluggish manner194
6431773264lugubrioussorrowful; mournful; dismal195
6431773265melodramaticOverly emotional196
6431773266miserablevery unhappy197
6431773267nervoushighly excitable; unnaturally or acutely uneasy or apprehensive198
6431773268paranoidA pervasive distrust/suspiciousness of others such that their motives are interpreted as malevolent199
6431773269pathetic(adj.) marked by strong emotion, especially pity and sorrow; able to move people emotionally; worthy of pity; woefully inadequate200
6431773270pessimisticexpecting the worst in this worst of all possible worlds201
6431773271petty(adj.) unimportant, trivial; narrow-minded; secondary in rank, minor202
6431773272proudHaving an exaggerated opinion of personal worth or abilities203
6431773273psychoticOne afflicted with a mental disorder204
6431773274resignedaccepting one's fate; unresisting; patiently submissive205
6431773275satiricAttacking human vice or foolishness through irony or wit206
6431773277scornful(adj.) Expressing offensive reproach; derisive; contemptuous208
6431773278selfishconcerned chiefly or only with yourself209
6431773279simperingoverly emotional or sentimental210
6431773281sneeringto speak or write in a manner expressive of derision or scorn.212
6431773282staid(adj.) serious and dignified; quiet or subdued in character or conduct213
6431773283stridentLoud and harsh; insistent214
6431773284suspiciousInclined or tending to believe that something is wrong215
6431773285tauntingreproaching in scornful or sarcastic language; jeering; mocking216
6431773286terseBrief and to the point217
6431773287timorousFearful, timid218
6431773288turgid(adj.) swollen, bloated, filled to excess; overdecorated or excessive in language (Polonius)219
6431773289uncaringindifferent and callous220
6431773291uneasylacking a sense of security or affording no ease or reassurance222
6431773292unsympatheticlacking in sympathy and kindness223
6431773293vitriolic(adj.) bitter, sarcastic; highly caustic or biting (like a strong acid)224
6431773295wrathfulfiercely angry226
6431773296cool-headedmarked by calm self-control (especially in trying circumstances)227
6431773297culturedEducated, polished, and refined228
6431773298dispassionate(adj.) impartial; calm, free from emotion229
6431773299informativeproviding or conveying information230
6431773300lyricalExpressing a poet's inner feelings; emotional; full of images; song-like231
6431773301officialauthorized or issued authoritatively232
6431773302pithyprofound or substantial yet concise succinct, and to the point233
6431773303placidCalm, peaceful234
6431773304plain-speakingcandid; frank; blunt; using simple, direct language235
6431773306reminiscentReminding of the past237
6431773307restrainedControlled, repressed, restricted238
6431773308allusivecontaining or making use of indirect hints239
6431773310burlesquea ludicrous, mocking, lewd imitation241
6431773311casual(adj.) happening by chance or on an irregular basis; showing little concern; informal242
6431773312colloquialInformal, casual, slang.243
6431773313concernedinvolved or interested244
6431773314diffident(adj.) shy, lacking self-confidence; modest, reserved245
6431773316formalbeing in accordance with the usual requirements, customs, etc.; conventional247
6431773317impatientnot patient248
6431773318intimateTo make known subtly; to hint249
6431773319introspectiveContemplating one's own thoughts and feelings250
6431773320laid-backvery relaxed, not seeming to be worried about anything251
6431773321measuredCareful; restrained252
6431773322mock-seriouspretending to be serious253
6431773323mysterious(adj.) difficult to explain; strange254
6431773324outspokencandid; blunt255
6431773325provocativeProvoking discussion; stimulating controversy; arousing a reaction256
6431773326relaxedFree from tension and anxiety257
6431773327reticentsilent; reserved258
6431773328romantic19th-century western European artistic and literary movement; held that emotion and impression, not reason, were the keys to the mysteries of human experience and nature; sought to portray passions, not calm reflection.259
6431773330solemnNot cheerful or smiling; serious; gloomy261
6431773331stoicOne seemingly indifferent to pleasure or pain262
6431773332suspensefulfilled with uncertainty or doubt about what might happen263
6431773333tensein a state of mental or nervous strain; high-strung; taut264
6431773334zealousExtremely active, eager, devoted265

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