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Ap English Vocab Unit 1 - Definitions

Terms : Hide Images
211308023accedeto agree
211308024accoladeanything done or given as a sign of great respect, approval, appreciation
211308025accursedDoomed to evil, misery, or misfortune.
211308026acquiesceTo comply; submit.
211308027acquiescencepassive consent
211308028adamantnot giving in or relenting; unyielding
211308029aestheticsthe study or theory of beauty and of the psychological responses to it; specifically the branch of philosophy dealing with art, its creative sources, its forms, and its effects
211308030affablepleasant and east to approach; friendly
211308031altruismunselfish concern for the welfare of others; selflessness
211308032amassto pile up; to accumulate
211308033ambidextrousable to use both hands with equal skill or ease
211308034ambiguoushaving two or more possible meanings; not clear; uncertain
211308035abeyancea state of suspension or temporary inaction
211308036abaseto lower in position, estimation, or the like; degrade
211308037abstrusehard to understand; deep; complex
211308038abridgeto make shorter in words, keeping the essential features, leaving out the minor parts
211308039abstemiouscharacterized by self-denial or abstinence, as in the use of drink or food
211308040ambivalencesimultaneous conflicting feelings toward a person or thing
211308041ambivalentfeeling simultaneous conflicting feelings
211308042ambulatoryof or for walking
211308043ameliorateto relieve, as from pain or hardship
211308045amorphousw/o determinate shape
211308046anachronismanything occuring or existing out of its proper time
211308047antediluvianof the time before the Biblical Flood; very old; old-fashioned, or primitive
211308048anthropomorphoushaving or resembling human form
211308049apocryphalof doubtful authorship or authenticity; not genuine
211308050apostasya total departure from one's faith or religion
211308051archaicantiquated; old-fashioned
211308052atrophya wasting away
211308053austerehaving a severe or stern look, manner, etc; very plain, lacking ornament or luxury
211308054avaricetoo great a desire to have wealth; greed
211308055banalcommonplace; dull or stale as b/c of overuse; trite
211308056banethe cause of distress, death, or ruin
211308057banefulcausing distress, death, or ruin

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