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AP Environmental Science Review Flashcards Flashcards

AP Environmental Science- important, relevant terms from the 12 units of APES.

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815079801Anthropocentricregarding humans as most significant species; human-centered
815079802Tragedy of the Commonsthe depletion of shared resources by people acting in individual interest
815079803Triple Bottom Lineapproach to sustainability that meets environmental, economic, and social goals (business)
815079804Inorganic Compoundscompounds that lack carbon and hydrogen atoms
815079805Organic Compoundscompounds that contain carbon-based molecules
815079806Positive Feedback Loopwhen the response to a stimulus increases the original stimulus
815079807Negative Feedback Loopwhen the response to a stimulus decreases the effect of the original stimulus
815079808Overshootwhen a population exceeds the long term carrying capacity for an environment
815079809Open Systema system in which matter can enter from or escape to the surroundings
815079810Closed Systema system that allows the exchange of energy (not matter)between the system and its surroundings
815079811Holisticemphasizing the functional relationship between parts and the whole
815079812Hectarea unit of surface area equal to 100 ares
815079813Ecological Footprinta way of measuring how much of an impact a person or community has on the earth
815079814Sustainable Developmentdevelopment that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations
815079815Environmental Justicerecognition that access to a clean, healthy environment is a fundamental right
815079816Biodiversitythe variety of species living within an ecosystem
815079817In situin the original or natural place or site
815079818Ex situoff-site conservation; outside location
815079819Inbreeding Depressionthe negative consequences in a population when genetically similar parents reproduce weak offspring
815079820Intrinsic Valueworth independent of any human benefit; inherent worth
815079821Invasive Speciesspecies that enter new ecosystems and harm native species and their habitats
815079822Endangered Species Actidentifies/protects threatened and endangered species
815079823Lacey Actprohibits interstate transport of wild animals without federal permit
815079824Species Diversitythe number and relative amount of species in a biological community
815079825Island Biogeographythe study of rates of colonization and extinction of species on islands (size, shape, and distance)
815079826Genetic Diversitythe amount of variation in the genetic material within all members of a population
815079827Biological Wealthcombination of commercial, scientific, and aesthetic values by a regions biota
815079828Ecotourisma form of tourism that supports the conservation and sustainable development of ecological areas
815079829Instrumental Valuevalue based on its usefulness to humans
815079830Remediationcontainment, treatment or removal of contaminated groundwater
815079831Nitrificationthe process by which nitrites and nitrates are produced by bacteria in the soil
815079832Denitrificationconversion of nitrates into nitrogen gas
815079833Ammonificationdecomposers convert organic waste into ammonia
815079834Nichethe status of an organism within its environment and community
815079835Ecotonethe transition from one type of habitat or ecosystem to another
815079836Autotrophorganism that makes its own food
815079837Heterotrophan organism that depends on complex organic substances for nutrition; cannot make food
815079838Interspecific Competitioncompetition between members of different species
815079839Intraspecific Competitioncompetition between members of the same species
815079840Net Primary Productivitythe rate at which biomass accumulates in an ecosystem
815079841Gross Primary Productivitythe rate at which energy is produced in an ecosystem
815079842Indicator Speciesspecies that serve as early warnings that an ecosystem is being damaged
815079843Keystone Speciesa species that influences the survival of many other species in an ecosystem
815079844Resource Partitioningdifference of niches that enables similar species to coexist in a community
815079845Umbrella Speciesa species that impacts the survival of many species
815079846Euphotic Zonelayer of water where sunlight is sufficient for photosynthesis to occur
815079847Thermal Stratificationvertical temperature layering
815079848Salinizationthe buildup of salts in surface soil layers
815079849Oligotrophicsystem in which productivity and nutrient content are low
815079850Eutrophicationprocess of a body of water becoming too rich in nutrients, leading to plant growth that depletes oxygen
815079851Trawler Fishingdragging a net held open at the neck along the ocean bottom to get bottom-dwelling fish
815079852Purse-seine Fishinga large net is encircled around the targeted catch,then the bottom of the net is drawn tight like the strings of a purse
815079853Drift Net Fishingcatching fish in huge nets that drift in the water
815079854Long Line Fishingfishing by dragging long lines with baited hooks
815079855Floodplaina low plain adjacent to a river and subject to flooding
815079856Center-pivot Irrigationa type of irrigation that waters crops using sprinkler systems on huge turning wheels
815079857Trickle Irrigationa form of irrigation that saves water by allowing water to drip slowly to the roots of plants
815079858Watershedthe area of land where all of the water that is under it or drains off of it goes into the same place
815079859Evapotranspirationthe evaporation of water from soil plus the transpiration of water from plants
815079860Xeriscapinga method of landscaping that uses plants that are well adapted to the local area and are drought resistant
815079861Growth Raterate of increase or decrease of a population
815079862Total Fertility Ratemeasures the number of children born per woman
815079863Replacement Fertility Ratethe average number of children that couples in a population must have to replace themselves
815079864Zero Population Growthwhen the birth rate equals the death rate
815079865Demographic Transitionthe general pattern of demographic change from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates
815079866Exponential Growthoccurs when the individuals in a population reproduce at a constant rate
815079867Biotic Potentialmaximum rate at which a population could increase under ideal conditions
815079868Population Densitynumber of individuals per unit area
815079869Doubling Timethe time required for a population to double in size
815079870Demographythe scientific study of population characteristics
815079871Crude Birth Ratethe number of live births yearly per thousand people in a population
815079872Crude Death Ratethe number of deaths yearly per thousand people in a population
815079873Population Explosionthe rapid growth of the world's human population during the past century
815079874Grayinga term used to indicate that a large amount of a society's population is becoming elderly
815079875Generation Timethe period between the birth of one generation and the birth of the next generation
815079876Igneous Rocka type of rock that forms from the cooling of molten rock at or below the surface
815079877Sediment Rocka type of rock formed from sediment is deposited in layers and compacted
815079878Metamorphic Rocka type of rock that forms from an existing rock that is changed by heat/pressure/reactions
815079879Coreolis Effectwater moves clock wise in the northern hemisphere, counter clockwise in the southern
815079880Intrusiverocks that form from magma below the surface
815079881Extrusiverocks that form when lava cools and solidifies on the surface
815079882Divergent Platesplates moving away from each other in opposite directions
815079883Convergent Platestectonic plates that collide with each other
815079884Transform Platesplates that slide past each other
815079885Lithospherethe solid part of the earth (crust, outer mantle)
815079886Hydrospherethe watery layer of the earth's surface
815079887Asthenospherethe soft layer of the mantle on which the lithosphere floats
815079888Relative Datingmethod of determining the age of a fossil (comparing fossil placement)
815079889Convectionthe transfer of thermal energy by the circulation or movement of a liquid or gas
815079890Conductionthe transfer of thermal energy from one substance to another through direct contact
815079891Topsoilthe layer of soil on the surface
815079892Litterthe layer of dead plant leaves and stems on the surface of the soil
815079893Subsoilthe layer of soil beneath the topsoil that contains mostly clay
815079894Humuspartially decomposed organic matter
815079895Porositythe percentage of the total volume of a rock or sediment that consists of open spaces
815079896Overgrazingallowing more animals to graze in an area than the range can support
815079897Organic Fertilizera fertilizer that is derived from animal or vegetable matter
815079898Inorganic Fertilizeran agricultural product applied to the soil (mined or synthetically manufactured material)
815079899Desertificationdegradation of land because of human actions( excessive crop planting, grazing and tree cutting)
815079900Erosioncondition in which the earth's surface is worn away by the action of water and wind
815079901Structure (soil)-O horizon -A-mineral matter and hummus -E - leached of color -B - clay accumulation from above -C horizon - partially altered bedrock
815079902Excessive Irrigationover irrigation of a specific area that leads to salinization
815079903Aciditya measure of how acid a solution is- the lower the pH, the greater this is
815079904Animal Manuredung/urine of animals used as a form of organic fertilizer
815079905Green Manurea growing crop that is plowed under to enrich soil
815079906LD-50the amount of a chemical that kills 50% of the animals in a test population
815079907"Snow White Syndrome"production of visually appealing products for consumers through pesticides/fertilizers
815079908Biomagnificationbuildup of pollutants at higher levels of the food chain
815079909Bioaccumulationthe build up of a substance as it passes through a food chain
815079910Rachel Carsonauthor of Silent Spring; helped influence environmental awareness and banning of DDT
815079911Food Irradiationthe treatment of foods with gamma radiation kill potentially harmful pathogens and increase shelf life
815079912Bacillus thuringensisa biological insecticide
815079913Carcinogenany substance that produces cancer
815079914Mutagenphysical or chemical agent that causes mutations
815079915Teratogenany factor that can cause a birth defect
815079916Endocrine Disruptoracts as hormones and disrupts the reproductive process
815079917Radona radioactive gaseous element
815079918Cultural Hazardsmoking, unsafe working conditions, poor diet, drugs, drinking, driving, criminal assault, unsafe sex, and poverty
815079919Physical Hazardthe use, condition, or occupancy of an area or object
815079920Biological Hazardany living organism or waste of living organism that contributes to disease
815079921Brownfieldsabandoned polluted industrial sites in central cities
815079922Fly Asha waste product produced by the burning of coal
815079923Closed Loop Recyclingrecycling of a product into the same product
815079924Open Loop Recyclingrecycling products are reused to form new products
815079925Love Canaltoxic waste site in New York filled with drums of waste that leaked.
815079926Leachatea liquid that has passed through compacted solid waste in a landfill
815079927Orphan Sitessites abandoned with hazardous waste in them
815079928Bottom Ashthe unburned and unburnable matter left after waste has gone through combustion
815079929Superfunda fund created by Congress in 1980 to clean up hazardous waste sites
815079930Municipal Solid Wastewaste produced by households and businesses
815079931Industrial Solid Wasteproduced by mines, agriculture, and industries
815079932Life-Cycle Analysisthe assessment of the effect a product has on the environment
815079933Source Reductionreducing waste at the source, producing less waste
815079934Bioremediationthe use of living organisms to detoxify and restore
815079935Sanitary Landfilla low area where waste is buried between layers of earth
815079936Asbestosmineral used extensively in insulation, causes respiratory issues
815079937SOXproduced by chemical interacting between sulfur and oxygen; acid rain, secondary pollutant
815079938NOXnitrous oxides (created through burning fossil fuels); photochemical smog
815079939CFCschlorofluorocarbons; destroy ozone layer
815079940VOCsused in paints, stains; create ozone
815079941Particulate Matterreduces visibility and respiratory irritation
815079942Fecal Coliformindicator of sewage contamination
815079943Albedopercent of solar radiation reflected by a surface
815079944Ozonea colorless gas; separated by "good ozone" and "bad ozone"
815079945Kyoto Protocolbinding commitments for the reduction of four greenhouse gases and two groups of gases
815079946Hypoxiclow level of oxygen
815079947Aerosolssmall particles in atmosphere
815079948Photochemical Smogmixture of ozone and other chemicals; when pollutants react
815079949Industrial Smogsmog resulting from industry emissions/burning of fossil fuels.
815079950Nonpoint Sourcewidely spread source of pollution; not specific
815079951Turbineprovides mechanical energy to a generator
815079952Water Impoundmentstorage of water in a reservoir behind a dam
815079953Oil Sandssubstances that can be mined from the ground
815079954Crude Oilpetroleum that has not been processed
815079955Control Rodsfree neutrons, neutron-absorbing rods that help control the reaction by limiting free neutrons
815079956Fuel Rodstubes containing uranium or other elements that release energy when fission occurs
815079957Cogenerationthe production of energy from the same fuel source
815079958Conservationthe preservation of the environment and natural resources
815079959Strip Miningrocks and soil are stripped from earths surface to expose the underlying materials
815079960Biomassplant materials and animal waste used as fuel
815079961Curieunit of radioactivity
815079962Biofuelsfuelscreated from the fermentation of plants or plant products
815079963Ethanola soure of energy that can be processed from plant material
815079964Nuclear Fuelfuel that can be used in nuclear reactors as a source of electricity
815079965Nuclear Fissiona nuclear reaction in which a massive nucleus splits into smaller nuclei
815079966Wilderness Actallowed Congress to set aside land for reservation
815079967Safe Water and Drinking Actprotects drinking water from toxic contamination through discharge
815079968Convention on the Law of the Seadefines rights and responsibilities of nations in use of world's oceans; promotes peaceful use of oceans
815079969Food Security Acttax-related provisions; provides support for crops, energy, livestock, etc.
815079970Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Actgoverns sale/use of pesticides in the United States
815079971Stockholm Declarationfocused on creating international environmental policy
815079972Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Actencourages response, requires reporting of toxic contamination
815079973Montreal Protocolbanned production of aerosols, redution of CFCs
815079974Taylor Grazing Actprevents overgrazing/soil degredation; providers improvements, development
815079975Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Actregulates labeling of food, drugs, cosmetics, and medical devices
815079976Convention of International Trade in Endangered Speciesinternational legislation controlling exploitation of endangered species
815079977Occupational Safety and Healthprotects the welfare of people engaged in work or employment
815079978Clean Water Actcreated to make surface waters swimmable and fishable; set standards for water
815079979Clean Air Actemission standards for cars/limits for release of air pollutants
815079980Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Actrequires coal strip mines to reclaim the land

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