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ap euro 1

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84557977feudalisma lord grants a feif to a vassal (ex - knight) in exchange for protection (physical or political) There was no government or laws, it was a system of agreements and political relationships
84557978manorialisma lord protects peasants/serfs in exchange for something (payment/crops/labor) [social relationship]
84557979manora plot of land with peasants/ serfs working on it
84557980burghermerchants and artisans --> wealthy townspeople who created guilds to regulate trade
84557981churchthis is undermined after the black death and the question about suffering and dying
84557982peasantsserfs were replaced with ________ after the black death because there was a greater demand for workers, so better deals were offered and the serfs were freed from their lord's land
84557983decreasedprice of food ______ after the black death
84557984centralizeafter the 100 years' war, power began to _____ due to the necessary politics and infrastructure required to support a war
84557985patriotismafter the 100 years' war, people began to feel_____ toward France or England and began to realize who belongs in France/England
84557986Northafter the 100 years' war England stops trying to control the continent and focuses it's attention ________
84557987militaryafter the 100 years' war the _______ was affected because of the invention of the long bow --> knights became less valuable which forms tension between the nobles and the king
84557988Avignon unam sanctumthe pope moved the papacy to ________ after the king began to try and extend power after the previous chaos in the middle ages and Pope Boniface says no through the ___________ but then he soon dies and is replaced by a French pope who is afraid of the french king
84557989Great schismin the 1400s a new pope was elected for rome but the french bishops elect a french pope afterwards and neither would step down
84557990conciliar movementthe church council tried to elect a third pope but the council of constance convinced all 3 popes to step down and then a new pope was elected
84557991Wycliffthis man lead the Lollards and proposed that salvation required no church at all
84557992Hussthis man led the hussites, he followed Wycliff and demanded church reforms. he was viewed as a threat and executed at the council of constance
84557993Gerard grooteOne of the mystics that emphasized importance of individual relationship with god and individual sacraments to help one connect with god. He was also the leader of brothers of the common life and said that to live the philosophy of Christ one doesn't need to become a priest or join the clergy
84557994mysticisman individual can experience God themselves
84557995Individualismthe individual person can accomplish great things, learn, and stand out (the "renaissance man" knows how to behave/act)
84557996Secularismnon-religious conception of life (after the M.A.s where the ideal life was close to God, and the concern was reaching the afterlife, now merchants wanted to spend money to enjoy life now)
84557997Florence"The Athens of the renaissance" - small city state with geniuses (many great people came out of here)
84557998city statessmall self-governing towns in italy that excelled in the merchant industries and cultural expansion
84557999Indulgencesthe merchant class was making a ton of money, so they wanted to spend their money on ________
84558000humanismgreco-Roman inspired focus on learning about human thoughts/feelings/ideas/emotions (expressed in literature/the arts)
84558001petrarchthe founder of humanism who was focused on looking back at actual/old/original sources (new focus on history -- trying to verify it)
84558002civic humanisma branch of humanism (includes how one should act --> humans should have a specific role in society providing knowledge to contribute to society)
84558003Dantewrote divine comedy in italian
84558004condottieriwarrior class in italy (vassals of princes) noble titles and need to be gentlemen according to Castiglione
84558005medici familydominating family in Florence -- wealthy/ promoter of trade/ major patrons of the arts
84558006Lorenzo Medicigreat ruler of florence (cultural expansion under him)
84558007Pico della Mirandolawrote the oration on the dignity of man which said that men control their destiny
84558008artistGiotto was a(n)____ in the renaissance
84558009vanishing pointMasaccio was an artist in the renaissance who created the _____ idea in paintings
84558010artistBellini was a(n) __________ in the renaissance
84558011artistFilipo Lippi was a(n) _________ in the renaissance
84558012artistBoticelli was a(n) ________ in the renaissance
84558013artistDa Vinci was a(n) __________ in the renaissance
84558014artistRaphael was a(n) ________ in the renaissance
84558015artist/sculptormichaelangelo was a(n) ________ in the renaissance
84558016sculptorDonatello was a(n) ________ in the renaissance
84558017architectBrunelleschi was a(n) ________ in the renaissance who built the cathedral Duomo (looks back at the greek and romans
84558018Christine de pisana renaissance female humanist who was educated and became a writer and spread humanist ideas to france
84558019popesin the renaissance, ________ were patrons of the arts (big spenders --> built new cathedrals and bought art --> not as focused on the church)
845580201527Rome was sacked by the Spanish in _______ which ended the renaissance
84558021monarchsthe rise of new __________ trumps the rise of cultures because while italy was becoming culturally enriched other countries were becoming centralized and stronger
84558022Tudorsthis family restored order in England while people were competing for influence (expanded the empire with Henry VII by marriage
84558023valois Louis XIin this french _________ dynasty, ________ expands power (increases army, raises taxes, increases france's size, gets the power to appoint bishops to france
84558024concordat of bolognathis granted louis XI power to appoint bishops which represents monarchs making more demands after the breakdown of feudalism
84558025Isabella and ferdinandin 1469____________ get married and Castille and Aragon get married and unify the nations by christianity (religiously intolerant)
84558026reconquistaattempt of isabella and ferdinand to drive out muslims from spain
84558027Habsburgscouncil of 9 princes elect the first emperor of Austria and the ____________ family was elected into office in 1452 and stayed in office until the 1800s
84558028Gutenbergthis man created the printing press
84558029printing press___________ made it easier to print things which allowed more to be printed which lowered the price and made it more accessible --> cause major intellectual changes (in religion and science)
84558030christian humanisma branch of humanism that looks at humans and spiritual concepts (looks at greeks/romans/early church fathers --> learning hebrew/ greek/ latin to read christian works in dialects/ language written in)
84558031Erasmus of Rotterdamprince of the humanists -- leading intellectual so he had an influence because he was being read/ listened to (defends pagan rituals/ advocates reforms/ criticized illiterate clergy --> education will solve this - advocates tolerance/ reasonableness/ restraint/ reason
84558032philosophia christiErasmus's idea that responsibility to learn philosophy of Christ's ideas by leading sources (humanity/giving/putting others first)
84558033Portuguesethis country sort of led the way for the discovery of new lands by opening up the atlantic
84558034DiasPortuguese sailor - first to reach the bottom of Africa --> power of europeans to travel atlantic
84558035De GamaWhite man in India (people who dominated Arab trade = killed by him) he created small ports for trade around Indian ocean
84558036Magellanspanish sailor who circum navigated the world (killed in the Philippines)
84558037Cortesconquered the Aztecs
84558038Pizarroconquered the Incans
84558039conquistadoresconquerers/ their handmen
84558040haciendalarge estates (manors) in the new world (large farms controlled by spanish noblemen who controls NA slaves on it
84558041creolesmixture of spanish and NA in the new world
84558042encomiendathe obligation of an individual to work for nobles in the new world (kind of like feudalism)

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