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166676904Gregorio Vasari16th century painter, architecht, writer Coined the term "Renaissance"
166676905PopoloUrban underclass in Italy in 12th and 13th centuries
166676906Ciompi Revolt1378, Florence Popolo revoltedagainst the government because they were dissatisfied with the political and economic orders
166676907Florence, Milan, Venicedominant city states in the north of Italy
166676908Papal Statesdomininant city states in central Italy
166676909Kingdom of Naplesdominant state in southern Italy
166676910Humanismprogram of study based on the classics
166676911Petrarchfather of humanism coined the term "Dark Ages" Very interested in the classics
166676912Civic humanistsClassical education for public good Diplomats in Florence
166676913PlatoHad important ideas used by Renaissance scholars Belief that truth/beauty exist beyond our ability to recognize them
166676914Pico della MirandolaWrote famous Renaissance passage, "Oration of the Dignity of Man"
166676915CastiglioneWrote "The Courtier" which describes the ideal Renaissance man who should be knowledgeable in the classics, several languages, and the arts
166676916Lorenzo VallaLit crit, language analysis Determined that the Denotion of Constantine could not have been written by constantine
166676917Leonardo Brunihumanist scholar created educational program for women
166676918Christine de PisanFemale who received a fine humanist education Wrote "The City of Ladies" which countered the idea that women were incapable of making moral choices
166689419single point perspectivestyle in the Renaissance in which all elements within a painting converge at a single point in the distance Makes paintings more realistic
166689420Brunelleschibuilt dome over Cathedral of Florence, which was the first dome to be created in western Europe since the collapse of the Roman Empire
166689421Julius IIpope who was very interested in the arts Michelangelo's great patron
166689422Leonardo da VinciIdeal Renaissance man architecht, engineer, sculptor, scientist, inventor, artist
166689423Raphaelmade painting, The School of Athens, in which he linked own times with classical past
166689424Michelangeloscultural masterpiece: David Decorated Sistine Chapel
167150109Magna Cartathe royal charter of political rights given to rebellious English barons by King John in 1215
167150110Thomas AquinasItalian theologian and Doctor of the Church who is remembered for his attempt to reconcile faith and reason in a comprehensive theology
167150111Unam SanctamPapal Bull issued in 1302 asserting papal supremacy over temporal rulers
167150112VirtuRenaissance quality of being a man
167150113CondottieriMercenary captains in warfare during the Renaissance period
167150114The Princeemancipation of politics from theology and morality written by Machiavelli
167150115Peace of AugsburgEach ruler decides the religion within his state
167150116Council of Trentpart of counterreformation Catholic theology reaffirmed discipline/education strengthened
167150117Council of Constancethe council in 1414-1418 that succeeded in ending the Great Schism in the Roman Catholic Church
167150118Pragmatic Sanctionact passed by Charles VI that stated that Hapsburg possessions were never to be divided, in order to allow his daughter, Maria Theresa to be ruler
167150119John HussBohemian reformer burned at the stake precursor to Reformation
167743006Cesare Borgiayounger son of Pope Alexander VI, prototype of Niccolò Machiavelli's Prince —intelligent, cruel, treacherous, and ruthlessly opportunistic
167743007Cosimo de Mediciin 1443 he took control of the Florence. family ran the government from behind the scenes using wealth and personal influence
167743008Henry VIIIHis divorce from Catherine of Aragon led him to break off from the Catholic Church and form the Church of England
167743009Elizabeth IDaughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn Restored Protestantism to England Led England in defeating Spanish Armada
167743010DanteItalian poet famous for writing the Divine Comedy that describes a journey through hell and purgatory and paradise guided by Virgil
167743011John KnoxFounded Presbyterianism in Scotland
167743012ErasmusDutch humanist/theologian leading Renaissance scholar of northern Europe Criticized the Church but condemned Luther
167743013Henry VIIfirst Tudor king that worked to establish a strong monarchical government and ended the private wars of nobles in England.
167743014HapsburgsThis was the royal dynasty of Austria that ruled over a vast part of Central Europe while battling with the Turks over Hungary
167743015Charles VHoly Roman Emperor (and king of Spain) called for the Diet of Worms. supporter of Catholicism, use of Counter-Reformation
167743016Paul IIIcalled the Council of Trent, approved Jesuit order
167743017Ignatius LoyolaFounded the Jesuits wrote Spiritual Exercises.
167743018Francis IFrench king who reached an agreement with Pope Leo X and allowed the French king to select French bishops and abbots
167743019Ferdinand and IsabellaUnited Castile and Aragon

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