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21581434Nicholas IILast tsar of Russia, he went to the frontlines in WWI to try to rally the troops, but was forced to abdicate after his wife made horrible decisions under the influence of Rasputin.0
21581435AlexandraLast Tsarist of Russia, had a son who was a hemophiliac, and was put under the influence of Rasputin, where he exploited her. Ended up causing the collapse of the Tsars1
21581436Grigori Rasputina Siberian preacher who became friends of the Tsars, but hated by the public, twisted and cheated and exploited Alexandra.2
21581437Alexander KerenskyAn agrarian socialist who became prime minister. He refused to confiscate land holdings and felt that continuation of war was most important.3
21581438Anton DenikinLieutenant General of the Imperial Russian Army and foremost general for the White Russians in the Russian civil war.4
21581439Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)opponent of Tsarist Russia, began to immerse himself in Marxian socialist ideas as a law student. He then went on to form the Bolsheviks, and tried to start a revolution in July 1917. It failed, he went into hiding, but regrouped in Petrograd, where he and his partner Trotsky gained power. He then moved on government buildings, and was declared the head of the new Bolshevik government.5
21581440Leon TrotskySupporter of Lenin who helped in the takeover of Petrograd and the Bolshevik revolution6
21581441Nikolai BukharinBolshevik revolutionary and political and intellectual thinker for Stalin. Supported the NEP7
21581442Joseph Dzhugashvili (Stalin)Dictator of Russia, named man of steel. Was of lowly backgrounds but rose to power. Only in it for himself. Created 5 year plans.8
21581443Sergei KirovA Political opponent of Stalin's who was executed for being more popular that Stalin9
21581444Benito MussoliniFascist Dictator of Italy that at first used bullying to gain power, then never had full power.10
21581445Victor Emmanuel IIIKing of Italy who gave Mussolini legitimacy as dictator11
21581446Heinrich BrüningThe German chancellor during the Weimar Republic who convinced the president to accept rule by decree12
21581447Adolf HitlerAustrian born Dictator of Germany, implement Fascism and caused WWII and Holocoust.13
21581448Karl LuegerMayor of Vienna whom Hitler idolized14
21581449Hermann GöringA Nazi politician and president of the Reichstag15
21581450Rudolf HessDeputy to Hitler in the Nazi party person who dictated Mein Kampf16
21581451Joseph GoebbelsChief minister of the Nazi propaganda, and organizer of Kristallnacht17
21581452Paul von HindenburgPresident of the Weimar Republic of Germany who appointed Hitler Chancellor in 193318
21581453Franz von PapenChancellor of Germany who succeeded Bruning19
21581454Heinrich HimmlerInhumane and cruel leader of the SS in Germany, appointed by Hitler20
21581455Neville ChamberlainGreat British prime minister who advocated peace and a policy of appeasement21
21581456Francisco FrancoFascist leader of the Spanish revolution, helped by Hitler and Mussolini22
21581457Antonio de Oliveira Salzarserved as the Prime Minister and dictator of Portugal from 1932 to 1968. He founded and led the Estado Novo ("New State"), the authoritarian, right-wing government that presided over and controlled Portugal from 1932 to 1974.23
21581458Josef Pilsudaskiwas the authoritarian ruler of the Second Polish Republic. From mid-World War I he was a major influence in Poland's politics, and an important figure on the broader European political scene. He is considered largely responsible for Poland regaining independence in 1918, after a hundred and twenty-three years of partitions24
21581459Béla Kunwas a Hungarian Communist politician who ruled Hungary as leader of the short-lived Hungarian Soviet Republic in 191925
21581460Elie Halévywas a French philosopher and historian who wrote Era of Tyrannies, which talked about the different kinds of government and how they all stemmed out of nature of modern war.26
21581461Henri-Philippe PétainFrench leader of the Vichy republic of France, which was essentially Nazi France. He is seen as a traitor to his people by some Frenchman.27
21581462Reasons for Russian weaknessThese were the reasons of bad leadership, and lack of organized or effective army28
21581463DumaRussia's lower house of politics29
21581464Relationship between Alexandra & Rasputin / Rasputin's assassinationHe used her to gain politically and to gain money for sex and drugs. He was then "assassinated" aka tried to be killed something like 8 times, then thrown in a river.30
21581465Russian (March) Revolution/ Provisional GovernmentThe revolution of the unplanned overthrowing of the Tsarist government, and the government that followed the revolution.31
21581466Petrograd Sovietthe political party with whom the Provisional Government had to share power with32
21581467Army Order Number 1Given by the Provisional Government, this stripped the army officers of power, and placed it in hand of elected committees. This collapsed army discipline33
21581468Bolsheviks/MensheviksThe two rival communists groups. One weree true revolutionary Marxists, and the other were revisionist socialists.34
21581469Bolshevik (October) RevolutionReplaces the Provisional Government with Lenin's forces35
21581470Treaty of Brest-LitovskDocument that announced the withdrawal of Russia from WWI36
21581471"White" forcesThe opposition to the Bolsheviks and the Red army after the October rebellion and the Russian Revolution37
21581472Reasons for Bolshevik victoryThree reasons: anarchy was about and any person could create power; the Bolsheviks had better leaders; the Bolsheviks appealed to many workers38
21581473War CommunismThe political idea that applied the total war concept on a civil conflict39
21581474ChekaThe old Tsarist secret police40
21581475Totalitarianismis a concept used to describe political systems whereby a state regulates nearly every aspect of public and private life. These regimes or movements maintain themselves in political power by means of an official all-embracing ideology and propaganda disseminated through the state-controlled mass media, a single party that controls the state, personality cults, control over the economy, regulation and restriction of free discussion and criticism, the use of mass surveillance, and widespread use of state terrorism. These states always have to be at war with something41
21581476Conservative AuthoritarianismTraditional form of antidemocratic government42
21581477Radical Dictatorshipsleaders who violently rejected parliamentary restraint and liberal values, as well as exercised unprecedented control over masses and sought to mobilize them for war.43
21581478Kronstadt RebelsUnsuccessful uprising of sailors, soldiers, and civilians against Russian government (against Bolsheviks)44
21581479New Economic PolicyLenin's economy reform that re-established economic freedom in an attempt to build agriculture and industry45
21581480Stalin's riseHe was totally focused on himself, double and tripled crossed, rose by gaining support of party46
21581481Five Year plans - objectives, methods & successObjectives were to increase industrial output by 250% and agriculture output by 150% and have 1/5 of Russian peasants on collective farms. The methods were forced farming and scare tactics like gulags. The success was that of industry, which produced 4 times as much as before47
21581482Soviet quality of lifeLife was hard, there was no improvement in the average standard of living, but unemployment was unknown and communism had real appeal48
21581483CollectivizationPutting smaller farms together into one large farm so as to increase productivity49
21581484KulaksThe well off peasants who were starved or shipped to the gulags50
21581485Ukrainian FamineThe forced famine of Ukraine by Stalin over not producing enough grain51
21581486Stalinization of cultureThe acceptance of Stalin though propaganda52
21581487Great PurgesStalin's mass systemic murder of millions to instill fear and to have someone to fight against53
21581488"Socialism in one country"Idea that the Soviet Union had the ability to build socialism on its own54
21581489Women in totalitarian statesThey were given more rights and had complete equality of rights55
21581490Cominternwas an international Communist organization founded in Moscow in March 1919. The International intended to fight "by all available means, including armed force, for the overthrow of the international bourgeoisie and for the creation of an international Soviet republic as a transition stage to the complete abolition of the State."56
21581491Fascismis a radical, authoritarian nationalist ideology that aims to create a single-party state with a government led by a dictator who seeks national unity and development by requiring individuals to subordinate self-interest to the collective interest of the nation or race.57
21581492Mussolini's Rise - role of Black ShirtsThese were Mussolini's bullies who pushed socialist out of Northern Italy58
21581493Lateran AgreementIn this, Mussolini recognized the Vatican as an independent state, and gave it heavy financial support59
21581494Hitler's RiseGained power through feeding off others, and promoting racist nationalist ideals. Gained control of the German Worker's Party, built his way up from there60
21581495Beer Hall PutschAn armed uprising in Munich of maybe 50 people at most, crushed, Hitler's idea61
21581496Mein KampfHitler's book in which he outlined his ideas on race, living space, and the Fuhrer62
21581497Hitler's goalsHe wanted to declare the superiority of Aryan race, create more living space for them, and make himself eternal supreme dictator for life63
21581498Lebensraum(German for "habitat" or literally "living space") served as a major motivation for Nazi Germany's territorial aggression. In his book Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler detailed his belief that the German people needed Lebensraum (for a Grossdeutschland, land, and raw materials), and that it should be taken in the East. It was the stated policy of the Nazis to kill, deport, Germanize or enslave the Polish, and later also Russian and other Slavic populations, and to repopulate the land with reinrassig Germanic peoples. The entire urban population was to be exterminated by starvation, thus creating an agricultural surplus to feed Germany and allowing their replacement by a German upper class.64
21581499Nazi racial theoriesFelt that Aryan white people were most superior, Scandinavian were 2nd best, French were 3rd, and the slavs, jews, and pretty much the rest were the worst65
21581500Reichstag fire & falloutHitler used this to launch his dictatorship and used this to give him power. It was a fire of a capital building66
21581501Enabling ActGave Hitler absolute dictatorial power for 4 years67
21581502Nuremburg LawsLaws that classified a jew as someone having one or more jewish grandparent68
21581503KristallnachtA night of violence and vandalism against Jews69
21581504Hitler's Popularity - how popular & whyHitler was popular for promising economic recovery and delivering70
21581505Goldhagen ThesisThis said that ordinary Germans not only knew about, but also supported, the Holocaust because of a unique and virulent "eliminationist" anti-Semitism in the German identity, which had developed in the preceding centuries71
21581506Rhineland remilitarizationwhen Germany moved into the Rhineland and beefed up the military, Britain and France still wanted appeasement and did nothing72
21581507AppeasementThe idea that Britain could pacify Germany and make sure there was no war at any cost.73
21581508Austrian AnschlussThe forceful union of Austria into Germany74
21581509Hitler's Foreign PolicyMade friends with Italy, did stuff behind the table with Russia, and hated everyone else.75
21581510SudetenlandThe area near Czechoslovakia that was mainly German ethnicity that Germany took.76
21581511Munich ConferenceAn agreement/conference that gave Germany the Sudetenland77
21581512Rome-Berlin-Tokyo AxisThe three countries of Italy, Germany, and Japan allied together78
21581513Polish CorridorThe strip of Poland that the Germans wanted to take, specifically Danzig79
21581514Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression PactA secret agreement between the Germans and the Russians that said that they would not attack each other80
21581515Grand Alliance - members & goalsThe members of the Grand alliance were America, Britain, and the Soviet Union; their goals were to Smash the aggressors, Europe first, then Asia81
21581516Course of WWIIFirst war in Europe, then war in Asia82
21581517DunkirkA mass flee of British troops of the coast of France, disaster, lost thousands of machines and vehicles83
21581518StalingradDecisive battle in German invasion of Russia, the Germans were surrounded and systemically destroyed84
21581519El AlameinCombined German and Italian forces were beaten near Alexandria, which lead to the Allied taking of Morocco and Algeria85
21581520SicilyAn important invasion that lead to the removal of Mussolini from government, only to have him put back later86
21581521D-DayThe most important battle in the European part of the war, allies stormed beaches and made it through to the mainland, landing in France and moving towards Germany87
21581522MidwayAn important battle in the Asian part of the war, the Americans sank 4 Japanese aircraft carriers88
21581523Iwo JimaOne of the Bloodiest battles in the war, a fight to the death for Japanese soldiers, as the Americans were coming closer to Japan89
21581524Final Solution / Holocaustwas Nazi Germany's plan and execution of its systematic genocide against European Jewry during World War II, resulting in the final, most deadly phase of the Holocaust90
21581525A-bombs - Hiroshima, NagasakiThe final straw for the Japanese, resulting in millions of civilian and military death. Little Boy and Fat Man were used here. These flew on the plane "The Enola Gay"91
21684673One man, one plan, one mustacheThe amazing movie that dictates the life and failure of Hitler92

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