Test: Thursday, April 28th
160845809 | Renaissance | 1350-1550 | |
160845810 | Exploration | 1450-1600 | |
160845811 | Protestant and Catholic Reformations | 1500's (16th century) | |
160845812 | Religious Wars | 1520's-1650 | |
160845813 | Early Modern Society | 1500-1700 | |
160845814 | Price Revolution | 1500's (16th century) | |
160845815 | Dutch Commercial Dominance | 1550-1650 | |
160845816 | Age of Crises | 1550-1650 | |
160845817 | Witchcraft Scare | 1580-1680 | |
160845818 | Scientific Revolution | 1543-1687 | |
160845819 | Baroque Art | 1600-1750 | |
160845820 | Conflict between Parliament and King in England | 1603-1689 | |
162774566 | Age of Louis XIV | 1643-1715 | |
162774567 | Absolutism | 1650-1750 | |
162774568 | Commercial Wars | 1650-1763 | |
162774569 | Rise of Prussia | 1650-1763 | |
162774570 | Rise of Russia | 1689-1815 | |
162774571 | Commercial Revolution | 1600 and 1700's | |
162774572 | Rococo Art | 1720-1760 | |
162774573 | Rise of the Middle Class | 1700's | |
162774574 | Enlightenment | 1700's | |
162774575 | Agricultural Revolution | 1700's | |
162774576 | Age of Revolutions | 1789-1848 | |
162774577 | Feminism | 1790's-1980's | |
162774578 | Romanticism | first half of 1800's | |
162774579 | Rise of Nationalism | 1790's-1914 | |
162774580 | Unification and Nation-Building | 1850-1875 | |
162774581 | Rise of Liberation | 1830's-1870's | |
162774582 | Industrial Revolution | 1750-1850 | |
162774583 | Realism and Materialism | 1850-1870's | |
162774584 | Second Industrial Revolution | 1850-1914 | |
162774585 | Imperialism | 1850-1914 | |
162774586 | Modern Ideas and Science | 1850-1920's | |
162774587 | Rise of Modern Society | Second half of 1800's | |
162774588 | Totalitarianism | 1920's-1945 | |
162774589 | World Wars | 1914-1945 | |
162774590 | Cold War | 1945-1991 | |
162774591 | European Unity | 1945-PRESENT | |
163808431 | Black Death | 1348-1351 | |
163808432 | Council of Constance Burns Hus and ends Great Schism | 1415-1417 | |
163808433 | Fall of Constantinople; end of Hundred Years' War | 1453 | |
163808434 | Invention of Printing Press | 1455 | |
163808435 | Columbus encounter America; Completion of RECONQUISTA in Spain | 1492 | |
163808436 | Luther posts 95 Theses | 1517 | |
163808437 | Cortez conquers Aztecs | 1519 | |
163808438 | Act of Supremacy in England creates Anglican Church | 1534 | |
163808439 | Calvin establishes reformed faith in Geneva | 1536 | |
163808440 | Copernicus publishes heliocentric theory | 1543 | |
163808441 | Council of Trent opens | 1545 | |
163808442 | Peace of Augsburg ends religious war in Germany; Charles V abdicates | 1555 | |
163808443 | Defeat of Spanish Armada | 1588 | |
163808444 | Edict of Nantes ends French religious wars | 1598 | |
163808445 | Dutch East India Company founded | 1600 | |
163808446 | Stuart monarchy begins in England | 1603 | |
163808447 | Peace of Westphalia ends 30 Year's War | 1648 | |
163808448 | Charles I executed in England | 1649 | |
163808449 | Newton publishes PRINCIPIA MATHEMATICA | 1687 | |
163808450 | Glorious Revolution; Peter the Great's reign begins in Russia | 1688-1689 | |
163808451 | Bank of England founded | 1694 | |
163808452 | Peace of Utrecht; death of Louis XIV | 1713-1715 | |
163808453 | War of Austrian Succession begins | 1740 | |
163808454 | Treaty of Paris ends Seven Years' War | 1763 | |
163808455 | American Revolution; Smith publishes WEALTH OF NATIONS | 1776 | |
163808456 | French Revolution begins | 1789 | |
163808457 | Wollstonecraft begins feminist movement with Vindication of Rights of Women | 1792 | |
163808458 | Napoleon comes to power in France | 1799 | |
163808459 | Abdication of Napoleon; Congress of Vienna | 1815 | |
163808460 | 1830-1831 | Revolution in France; Belgian and Greek Independence | |
163808461 | 1848 | Revolutions of 1848; Marx and Engels publish COMMUNIST MANIFESTO | |
163808462 | 1851 | Crystal Palace Exhibition in Britain | |
163808463 | 1857 | Britain establishes direct rule of India | |
163808464 | 1859 | Darwin publishes ORIGIN OF SPECIES | |
163808465 | 1861 | Italy unified; Russian serfs emancipated | |
163808466 | 1871 | Unification of Germany; Paris Commune and Third Republic in France | |
163808467 | 1884-1885 | Berlin Conference over imperialism in Africa | |
163808468 | 1900 | Freud publishes INTERPRETATION OF DREAMS | |
163808469 | 1905 | Einstein publishes relativity theory; Revolution of 1905 in Russia | |
163808470 | 1914 | World War I begins | |
163808471 | 1917 | Bolshevik Revolution in Russia | |
163808472 | 1919 | Treaty of Versailles ends WWI | |
163808473 | 1922 | Fascists and Mussolini come to power in Italy | |
163808474 | 1929 | Great Depression begins | |
163808475 | 1933 | Hitler comes to power in Germany | |
163808476 | 1938 | Munich Conference-height of appeasement | |
163808477 | 1939 | WWII begins | |
163808478 | 1945 | WWII ends; United Nation founded | |
163808479 | 1949 | NATO formed | |
163808480 | 1951 | European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) formed | |
163808481 | 1953 | STALIN DIES | |
163808482 | 1956 | Khrushchev's de-Stalinization speech; Hungary revolt | |
163808483 | 1957 | Treaty of Rome creates European Economic Community (EEC); SPUTNIK launched | |
163808484 | 1958 | Fifth Republic in France under DeGaulle | |
163808485 | 1961 | Berlin Wall erected | |
163808486 | 1962 | Second Vatican Council begins | |
163808487 | 1968 | Student revolts; Czech "Prague Spring" revolt | |
163808488 | 1975 | Helsinki Accords- height of detente | |
163808489 | 1978 | John Paul II elected POPE | |
163808490 | 1979 | Soviet Union invades Afghanistan; Thatcher elected prime minister in Britain | |
163808491 | 1980 | Solidarity founded in Poland | |
163808492 | 1985 | Gorbachev comes to power in Soviet Union | |
163808493 | 1989 | Berlin Wall falls and collapse of Communism | |
163808494 | 1991 | Break-up of Soviet Union; Balkan conflicts begin in former Yugoslavia | |
163808495 | 1992 | Maastricht Treaty creates European Union (EU) | |
163808496 | 1999 | Euro currency introduced | |
163808497 | 2001 | Terrorist attack on the United States |