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AP Euro Ist Semester Final Review Flashcards

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112851203Black DeathIllness resulting in increase in per capita wealth in Europe and caused by congestion and lack of sanitation0
112851204100 Years WarWar largely between France and England. French barons supported English to fight centralization by the French King. No national assembly formed in France.1
112851205Flagellantspeople who whipped themselves as penance for their sins during time of Black Death2
112855555Friedrich ListEarly proponent of economic nationalism3
112855556Factory Act of 1833Limited work for children under 134
113135630Chartist MovementMovement demanding democracy,especially male suffrage5
113135631ProstitutionRegulated by government in Middle Agea6
113135632Babylonian CaptivityPope lived in Avignon, France7
113135633Cause of 100 Year's WarEngland's seizure of Acquitaine8
113135634HumanismStudy of Latin Classics for insight into human nature9
113135635Italian City StatesVenice Florence Naples Papal States10
113135636Italian Renaissanceglorified human nature and was the cause of a great commercial revival11
113135637CastiglioneSuggested that gentlemen cultivate their abilities in a variety of fields12
113135638Rich patrons of artSponsored artists to glorify themselves and their families13
113135639MachiavelliSole test of government was whether it was effective14
113144534Impact of Renaissance on womenOn ordinary women-very little. On rich women-status declined15
113144535Thomas MoreWrote Utopia and blamed ills on society16
113144536Star ChamberTool used by English King to punish disloyal nobles17
113144537noblesGroup in France that resisted centralization of the "new monarchs"18
113144538Concordat of BolognaGave the French King the right to select bishops and abbots-agreement between France & Holy Roman Empire and explains why France did not become a Protestant country19
11314453995 ThesesWritten by Martin Luther to protest a new campaign to sell indulgences20
113144540PluralismHaving multiple jobs (benefices)21
113144541Diet of WormsBody organized to hear Martin Luther defend his ideas22
113144542David RicardoFormulated iron wages theory-people will only earn enough to keep from starving23
113144543Combination Acts of 1799Outlawed labor unions and strikes24
113147432Geneva, SwitzerlandCity that embraced religion of Calvinists25
113147433RobespierreHead of Committee of Public Safety during Reign of Terror26
113147434PredestinationGave Calvinists confidence in salvation27
113147435AnabaptistSupported baptism only for adults28
113147436Elizabeth ICalled for middle ground between Catholics and Protestants29
113191898Great ExhibitionHeld at Chrystal Palace to commemorate British industrial dominance30
113191899CockerillBrought English cotton spinning to Belgium31
113191900PortugalTook lead in Overseas Exploration32
113191901Dutch East India CompanyTook over East Indies from Portugal33
113191902QuintoTax on gold and silver mined in New World34
113191903St. Bartholomew's Day MassacreSlaughtering of Protestants by Catholics in France35
113191904Edict of NantesProvided for peace only temporarily between Protestants and Catholics36
11319190530 Years WarSeries of religious conflicts that began on Bohemia37
113191906Defeat of Spanish ArmadaPrevented Spain from uniting western Europe under Catholic rule38
113191907SyphilisGift given to Spanish by Native Americans39
113304140Caravel3 masted sailing vessel developed in Portugal40
113304141CottonMajor reason for introducing slavery into the Americas41
113304142ShakespeareWrote plays that exalted English nation42
113304143Authorized Version of BibleEncouraged laity (common people) to read Bible43
113304144Baroque ArtFanciful art intended to inspire the faith of the common people44
113304145Absolute PowerMonopoly over the instruments of justice45
113304146The FrondeRebellion by aristocrats46
113304147Navigation Act of 1651Required all English goods be transported by Englsh ships47
113304148Hobbes"power derived from contract between governed and the ruler (Social Contract )"48
113304149Malthus"population always grows faster than food supply"49
113304150ArkwrightInventor of the water frame system for the textile industry50
113304151Mercantilist TheoryEconomy sells more than it buys and secures largest share of limited resources51
113304152VersaillesHome of royal court of Louis XIV52
113304153Calvinismreligion thoroughly integrated into the civil government of Geneva that promoted hard work, thrift and postponement of gratification-followers were confident in their own salvation53
113304154St. PetersburgGrand city of Russia built by forced labor of peasants , population was forced to live there54
113304155Stamp Act of 1765Required colonists to pay tax on all legal documents55
113304156MilletIndependent governing units under Muslim rule56
113304157Pragmatic Sanction"Hapsburg lands are never to be divided57
113304158PrussiaEuropean power with most efficient military58
113304159JunkersLandowning class of Prussia59
113328281Scientific MethodObservation and experimentation replaced faith. Not supported by papacy (the church). Bacon and Descartes are generally given credit for developing the method.60
113328282Bacon and DescartesCreators of the scientific method61
113328283Fallow-rotational systemMost prevalent system of land usage in Europe in mid-17th century62
277717364Joan of ArcFrench maiden who enlisted aid of God to save France temporarily in the 100 years war63
277717365Edward IIIEnglish king whose seizure of Aquitaine began the 100 Years War64
277717366RapeCrime in the Middle Ages not seen as a serious crime against the victim or society65
277717367RenaissanceTime of rebirth when status of upper class women declined but status of ordinary women was not changed66
277717368ClergyPriests whose population diminished because they tended to the sick during the Black Plague and were lauded for their academic pursuit67
277717369European Overseas Expansionaided by the use of sail power, the caravel, cannon and the astrolabe-the primary motivation was material profit68
277717370Crystal PalaceEnglish exhibition of 1851 that commemorated the dominance of Britain in the world economy69
277717371orphaned childrenimportant part of the work force in textile factories because working conditions were so poor70
277717372Spanish ArmadaThe fleet of King Philip II that was defeated by the English and kept Spain from reuniting Western Europe under Spanish rule71
277717373SlaveryFirst introduced into the Americas for the production of cotton72
277717375English Navigation Act of 1651required that English goods be transported on English ships74
277717376Scientific RevolutionContributed to by medieval universities, recovered scholarships, improvements in scientific instruments and the need for improved navigation75
277717377Bread and vegetablesDiet of poor classes while the rich ate a less healthy diet of meats and sweets76
277717378Potatofood that became an important dietary supplement in Europe77

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