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Ap Euro Midterm 2017 Flashcards

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5810316892Code of NapoleonA civil Law code written during the French Revolution by Napoleon.0
5810318560ConcordatNapoleon wanted to make peace with the Catholic church during the French Revolution in order to try and reunite France.1
5811398185Black Death1347; population decreases because of Yersinia Pestis; There were 3 different types of Plague: bubonic, pneomonic, and septicemic. The Effects are half of the population of Europe is dead, trade stops, peasant rebellions, and Kings debase their currency.2
5811403711Suleiman the MagnificentHe ruled the Ottoman Empire) from 1520-1566. He was important because he ruled when the Empire was at its peak politically, militarily, and financially.3
5811406154Great Schism1378, Urban VI is in Rome as Pope and Clement VII in Avignon, France claimed he was Pope. It weakens the authority of the Church.4
5811405294Peter the GreatHe became the tsar of Russia in 1682 where in his reign, he modernized Russia and brought about a social revolution. His main actions were defeating Sweden, founded St. Petersburg, spread mercantalism, created state service through a new administration system.5
5811406662HohenzollernOne of the families of German rulers and electors who extended their dominion through marriage and inheritance in the 1700s. They also ruled Brandenburg/Prussia.6
5811406663Frederick WIlliam"The Great Elector"; 1640-1688, he founded modern Prussia and constructed an army of 40,000 men. He started the spirit of militarism in Prussia and greatly increased military expenses.7
5811403712Ivan the TerribleHe was the first tsar of Russia, from 1533-1584. His death led to the Time of Troubles and he was the last person to rule Russia before the Romanovs came to power.8
5811406664Francis I1494-1547, The first king of France from the House of Valois. He was important because he initiated the French Renaissance. He established the Concordat of Bologna with Pope Leo X.9
5811408783Henry II1519-1559; The King of France from the Valois family who detached himself froom the reforms of the reformation. He was the father of Charles IX and married Caherine de Medici.10
5811408784Edict of TolerationIssued by Catherine de Medici in 1562 to end Huguenot persecution in France. It allowed Protestants to worship privately so it provided mild religious toleration.11
5811410284Catherine de Medici1519-1589, Wife of Henry the II of France; responsible for the St. Bartholomew's day Massacre. She was also the regent of her son Charles IX.12
5811410285Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day1562, Huguenots were massacred at Catherine de Medici's daughter and Henry of Navarre's wedding. This was initiated by Catherine de Medici. Effects were that Huguenots increased in power and the House of Valois is discredited.13
5811412819Louis XIV1638-1715, longest ruling King of France; "the Sun King" and his regent was Mazarin. He established the Estates System and the rule of absolute monarchy.14
5811413967Mazarin1602-1661, He was the regent of Louis XIV and was targeted by the french nobles during the Wars of Fronde.15
5811413968Wars of Fronde1648-1653, A series of wars waged by frondeurs, who were the French nobles against the power of the monarchy16
5811415477Divine Right Theory of RulePut forth by Jacques Bousset. It stated that the king had the right to rule because his power was given from God, who had "placed" him there.17
5811420641Henry VII1457-1509; Ended the War of Roses and was the first English monarch from the Tudor family.18
5811422536Johannes KeplerInspired by Tycho Brahe, he was able to mathematically support the Heliocentric model. 3 laws for planetary motion19
5811432588DeismIndifferent god20
5811444510Sir Francis DrakeElizabethan naval commander who carried out the second circumnavigation of the world.21
5811458067Charles vHoly Roman Emperor during the Reformation22
5811497756Peasants Revoltthey wrote the 12 Articles that were their demands, the peasants believed that Luther would support them but rejected it and encouraged princes to crush the rebellion23
5811516383Diet of Speyerimperial diet of the holy roman empire that resulted in the suspension of the Edict of Worms and spreading of Protestantism24
5811525645League of Schmalkaldenthe alliance of Protestant princes with the goal of spreading Lutheranism; France joined to limit Habsburg power25
5811519323The EnlightenmentA European intellectual movement of the late 17th and 18th centuries emphasizing reason and individualism rather than tradition. It was heavily influenced by its Philosophers.26
5811502876Baron de MontesquieuHe agreed with John Locke on the concept of human nature. In his book On the Spirit of Laws he posed the concept of separation of powers within government.27
5811512375Michelangelo1475-1564, He creates the most iconic image during the Renaissance Period: David statue. He is influenced by humanistic ideals. He also created the beloved Pieta. He paints himself into the painting the Last Judgement. He constructed the dome of St. Peter's basilica. He painted the Sistine chapel as well.28
5811466450VoltaireA Frenchman that believed as things must be explained and reasonable and therefore fought adamantly against any religion that was too strict. He had a very pessimistic view of human nature, which caused him to doubt the usefulness of democracy. He found himself imprisoned many times in the bastille.29
5811490604Jean-Jacque RousseauHe believed that humans were "noble savages" with certain inalienable rights. In addition he believed that what the majority of what the population wanted should be decided laws, and he opposed organized religion that proposed absolutism.30
5811486821Avignon Papacy1309-1377, Babylonian captivity of the Pope. The Pope was kidnapped and the center of the Catholic Church is now France. It causes 7 successive popes.31
5811448980The Glorious RevolutionThe English revolt of 1688 which led to the overthrow of King James II of England under the union of English Parliamentarians with Dutch William III of Orange32
5811448981John LockeEnglish philosopher; influential Enlightenment thinker. "Father of Liberalism." Wrote Enlightenment concept of "Consent of the Government."33
5811450631War of Spanish SuccessionMajor conflict of the 1700's triggered by confusion of succession after the death of Charles II (last Hapsburg King). Resulted in the centralization of Spanish power.34
5811450632Henry IVHe was the King of France from 1589-1610 and is known for restoring Paris as a great city. He has particular religious tolerance. He was considered a New Monarch.35
5811450633Edict of NantesDuring absolutism in France, signed by Henry IV of France granted the Huguenots substantial rights in the nation, which was essentially Catholic.36
5811452182Duke of SullyHe was the chief minister of Henry IV during the age of New Monarchs. He was Henry IV's right-hand-man and is known for centralizing administrative power in France.37
5811452183Cardinal RichlieuIn the time of absolutism in France, he was a Bourbon monarch, Prime Minister of Louis XIII. He removed religious threats and weakened the nobility to make France a strong, centralized state.38
5811452184ReformationIt was the schism from the Catholic Church in the 16th Century. It was triggered by abuses in the Church, and the selling of indulgences. Martin Luther essentially started it with the nailing of the 95 Theses on Wittenberg.39
5811454130Pope Leo XThe Pope of the early 16th Century, the son of Lorenzo de' Medici. He is best known for granting indulgences for those who worked on St. Peter's Basilica. His encyclical, Exsurge Domine, condemned Luther on an array of issues.40
5811456025IndulgencesIn the time of Martin Luther, they were sold to absolve the guilt of sin in order to achieve salvation. Their abuse, by being sold, was a major concern and led to the Protestant Reformation.41
5811457755Martin LutherHe was a professor of theology and priest who was the founder of Lutheranism. He rejected many Catholic teaching in the early 16th Century and was the catalyst for the Protestant Reformation.42
5811457756The Diet of WormsDuring the Protestant Reformation, it was an imperial council that HRE Charles V presided over. It was to decide the fate of Martin Luther. He was called to defend himself but would not recant, and Lutheranism became illegal in the Empire.43
5811457890Frederick the WiseHe was the Elector of Saxony in the early 16th Century. He was one of the earliest defenders of Martin Luther and the Reformation.44
5811444397Scientific RevolutionHistorical changes in thought and belief, to changes in social and institutional organization that unfolded in Europe45
5811403371Conciliar Movement14th century Reform movement in the Catholic Church which held that supreme authority in the Church resided with an ecumenical council apart from the pope. This happened due to the fact of the Avignon Papacy.46
5823249328BastilleMob violence in Paris in the late 1780s escalates and the mob invades the prison of Bastille that has all the gun powder. they kill the governor and freed the small number of prisoners there. they completely destroy the prison.47
5823272105Reign of TerrorThe origin is the 2nd Coalition that waged war against France. it was a period of time during the French Revolution that was full of violence between political parties (Girondins and Jacobins)48
5823279684Estates-Generala meeting between the three estates of France. each estate had only one collective vote. This made up the Old Regime, the political system in France before the revolution49
5823264259Erasmus1466-1536, He was a Christian humanistic writer.He believed in bettering society through reform. He satirically wrote the praise of Folly to illustrate the issues of the Church and the necessity of reform.50
5823293307Estate SytemThe three estates in French government before the revolution were the 1st estate, high clergy, the 2nd estate, nobility, and 3rd estate, everyone else. the 3rd estate made up 99% of France's population, but they were the only group to pay taxes.51
5823285363Machiavelli1469-1527, He is a philosopher who wrote the Prince, which humanizes man and influences man to take authority for he did not believe in God-given power.He believes no good leader has any good morals He is known as the Father of Modern Political Theory. A Machiavellian leader is one who is ruthless and power-savvy.52
5823360346Henry the Navigator1394-1460, He initiates the Age of Discoveries. He sponsored many explorations along the west coast of Africa. He established a school in Portugal for Navigation.53
5823377824Diaz1450-1500, He is a Portuguese explorer he sailed around the most southern tip of Africa, also known as the Cape of Good Hope, but turned around.54
5823392413Da Gama1460-1524, A Portuguese explorer. In 1498, he sailed to India and successfully sailed around the tip of Africa.55
5823417906Christopher Columbus1451-1506, He had the small-earth theory. His goal was to find a new route to the east. He was paid by Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain and discovered the "New World"56
5823427332Pizzaro1476-1541, A Spanish explorer. He conquered the Incas.57
5823314640Girondinsthe second most radical political group of the Legislative Assembly during the revolution, lead by Danton. they were the radicals who weren't from Paris. they wanted to spread the revolution outside France like the Jacobins (The Jacobins and Girondins together make the radical party of the Montagnards)58
5823316959Thomas More1478-1535, He was a counselor to King Henry VIII. He was tried for treason and beheaded for not accepting him as the head of the Church.59
5823307004Jacobinspolitical group in the Legislative Assembly of France during the revolution. They were the most radical group, from Paris, and wanted to spread the revolution outside of France. they were lead by Marat60
5823318972Adam Smithwanted to minimize govt, invisible hand theory=guide of supply and demand61
5823330746Francis Baconinductive reasoning, you can only now something thru observation62
5823338614Copernicusheliocentric model(sun is center), tells everyone on his deathbed63
5823349077Galileosays Church is wrong and heliocentric model is right,Church didnt accept the heliocentric model until it had more proof thus he had a conflict with the Church64
5823334670Rene Descartesdeductive reasoning, "I think, therefore I am"65
5823356060Newton3 laws of motion, had math to prove gravity, deist(no God needed)66
5823332527Great FearDuring the French revolution the people were afraid because of grain shortages and they feared a famine plot. The peasants destroyed nobles' estates and records. It increased the hostility between peasants and nobility. They got rid of titles and everyone was referred to as citizen.67
5823296033Ignatius of Loyola/Jesuitshe established Jesuits; society of Jesus that fight heresy and has absolute submission to pope68
582330998430 yrs wardeadly religious war, catholics vs protestants, france wins(catholic)69
5823313338The Old RegimeWas the monarchic, aristocratic, social and political system established in the kingdom of France.70
5823314024Committee of Public SafetyLed by Robespierre and the Jacobins. Put forward the idea of the Republic of virtue, that said if you aren't for the Republic you're against it. They killed 40,000 people in one year71
5823392107The congress Of ViennaFormed after Napoleon to bring everything back to how it was prior to May 1779, before the French Revolution, they wanted to fix everything Napoleon did. They wanted to promote conservatism and they reinstated all of the monarchs displaced by Napoleon.72
5823276238Statue of the Six Articlesestablished beliefs of the Anglican Church73
5823306576John Calvinbuilds on Luther's ideas but thought you were saved by faith alone and the state was over religion74
5823306683Cahiers de DoleancesList of grievances drawn up by the 3 estates between March and April 178975
5823334939Women's March of VersaillesDuring the French Revolution angry peasant women march on Versailles from Paris to try and attack the King and Queen. They were mad because the corrupt journalist Marat was spreading rumors about lavish parties at Versailles while the people in Paris were starving.76
5823288921Thermidorian ReactionAfter the Reign of Terror and the death of Robespierre the people responded to the violence of the Reign of Terror. They removed the law of suspects, freed the Girondins, disbanded the jacobins, and invited back the nonjuring priests. Catholicism is made legal again.77
5823254843Tennis Court OathWhen the Third Estate locked themselves in a tennis court and wouldn't disband until a constitution was formed.78
5823294124Denis DiderotA French Philosopher, art critic and writer. He was a prominent figure in the Enlightenment and best known for serving as a co founder, chief editor, and the contributor to the encylopedie.79
5823285791DantonHead of the Girondins.80
5823280615Jean Paul MaratNewspaper editor who lied about bread. He was also the head of the Jacobins.81
5823263966Declaration of PillnitzWhen Austria said they would invade Paris if the monarchy was harmed.82
5823271687RobespierreHead of the public committee. He was very radical and created the Republic of Virtue and the Law of Suspects.83
5823248490National AssemblyWhen the Third Estate came together to form a constitutional monarchy84
5823270351National Conventionduring the French Revolution, after the September massacres the legislative assembly disbanded and formed the national convention. they established the French Republic and removed the ideas of constitutional monarchy.85
5847370049Sans-CulottesDuring the French Revolution they were a radical political group w/in the French government86
8600437148Yalta ConferenceThis conference occurred in early 1945 in the Soviet Union. The attendees were the "Big Three": Winston Churchill representing the United Kingdom, Franklin Roosevelt representing America, and Joseph Stalin representing the USSR. This conference determined the reorganization of Europe and the fate of Germany. This conference stated the right of self-determination and split Germany into fourths: each quarter was occupied by the US, the UK, France, or the USSR.87
8600492721NATOThis stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Its members formed a defense treaty among themselves in 1949, which was signed in Washington, D.C.88
8600523559Warsaw PactThis defense treaty was signed by the Soviet Union and its seven satellite states in response to the formation of NATO. This occurred in Poland in 1955.89
8600562888Marshall PlanThis was a plan orchestrated by Americans (led by George Marshall) in order to assist devastated Europe after World War II. The Marshall Plan was implemented by the passing of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1948 by the U.S. Congress. This plan lent 13 billion United States dollars to Europe as part of its recovery.90
8600602641Korean WarThis took place from 1950 to 1943 in Korea. America assisted South Korea's war efforts in an attempt to combat communism in Asia. However, this was mostly unsuccessful.91
8600644880MADThis stands for Mutually Assured Destruction, which sums up the tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States during the Cold War. Both were capable of destroying each other with nuclear weapons, and one attacking the other would lead to a devastating reprisal--hence, any attack would cause both nations to be destroyed.92
8600665201Nuclear Arms RaceThis occurred during the Cold War, in which both the Soviet Union and the United States attempted to construct deadly nuclear weapons in opposition to one another93
8600841251European Economic Communityestablished in 1957 by the Treaty of rome,eliminates all trade barriers in Europe, establishes one common tarriff with non-European countries, free movement of capital and labor, European citizens can now move between countries without a passport94
8600857430European Unionfounded in 1993, largest democracy in the world, brought about the longest period of peace in European history, goal was the unity of Europe, "one currency, one culture, one social area, one enviroment"95
8600892088Perestroikameans "restructuring", occured in the 1980's-early 90's in the soviet union, restructing the political and economic system, allowed for foreign trade, removed central government-controlled production96
8600931196Glasnostthe idea of openness and transparency in the government of the Soviet Union in the late 1900's, step toward freedom of speech and information, decreased censorship97
8600960490Mikhail Gorbachevlast leader of the Soviet Union in the late 1900's, created policies of glasnost and perestroika, contributed to the end of the Cold War, encouraged the democratizing the political system and decentralize the economy-role of the Communist party decreased under his reign, which led tothe dissolution of the Soviet Union, under him, the soviet union's power over eastern europe decreased98
86010306101989 Revolution1980's-1990's, resluted in the end of Communist rule in EasternEurope, Countries like Romania, Hungary, Poland all fought the rule of the oppressive Soviet union. More democratic ideaals were introduced into these countries99

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