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AP Euro - Renaissance Terms Flashcards

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31240597humanisma cultural and intellectual movement during the Renaissance, following the rediscovery of the art and literature of ancient Greece and Rome. A philosophy or attitude concerned with the interests, achievements, and capabilities of human beings0
31240598sfumatoPainting technique in which contours are enveloped in a suggestive, smoke-like haze1
31240599vernacularthe everyday speech of the people (as distinguished from literary language)2
31240600chiaroscuroThe treatment of light and shade in a work of art, especially to give an illusion of depth.3
31240601Christian humanisma movement that developed in northern Europe during the renaissance combining classical learning with the goal of reforming the catholic church4
31240602High Renaissancecentered in Rome and the Popes provided tremendous patronage to the arts. It featured classical balance, harmony, and restraint5
31240603patrona supporter of the arts6
31240604classicalrelating to ancient Greece and Rome7
31240605signoridespots, controlled much of Italy by 13008
31240606oligarchygovernment by a privileged few9
31240607commenda systemContract between merchant and merchant adventurer who agreed to take goods to distant location s and return with the proceeds for 1/3 of the profit10
31240608condotierrimilitary brokers who furnished mercenary forces to the Italian city states in the Renaissance11
31240609secular"Worldly." Not considered to be sacred or a part of religion.12
31240610civic humanismIndividual is responsible for applying his knowledge for public service13
31240611virtuThe striving for personal excellence14
31240612quattrocentoThe 1400s, when Florence was the center of the Renaissance.15
31240613cinquecentoThe 1500s, when Rome was the center of the Renaissance16
31240614perspectiveartistic technique that shows three dimensions on a flat surface17
31240615contrappostocounterbalancing; placing the weight of the body to one side18
31240616Treaty of Tordesillasa 1494 agreement between Portugal and Spain, declaring that newly discovered lands to the west of an imaginary line in the Atlantic Ocean would belong to Spain and newly discovered lands to the east of the line would belong to Portugal19
31240617War of the RosesThis war was between two English families, Lancaster and York, who fought for control of England20
31240619Treaty of Lodipeace agreement between Milan and Venice in 1454, established a balance of power in Northern Italy21
31240621Low Countriesthe lowland region of western Europe on the North Sea: Belgium and Luxembourg and the Netherlands22
31240622dowrymoney or property brought by a woman to her husband at marriage23
31240625Great Schisma division in the medieval Roman Catholic Church, during which rival popes were established in Avignon and in Rome24
31240626polyphonichaving two or more independent but harmonically related melodic parts sounding together25
885506014skepticismDoubt that true knowledge could be obtained. Belief that a person should be cautious, critical, and tolerant of other points of view.26
885506015Latin Vulgatethe officially authorized version of the Bible by the Catholic church.27
885506016DecameronBoccacio's most famous work, a collection of 100 stories that satrized social behavior in 14th century Italy.28
885506017mannerismAn artistic reaction against the Renaissance ideals of balance, symmetry, and realistic use of color. Works were done with unnatural colors and elongated or exaggerated features.29

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