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AP EURO REVIEW: Totalitarianism and World War Two Flashcards

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357028827Strength Through Joypropaganda campaign of the Nazis designed to promote social events & lifestyles of good Aryans0
357028828Article 48this allowed the president of Germany to rule by decree in an emergency1
357028829AppeasementSatisfying the demands of dissatisfied powers in an effort to maintain peace and stability.2
357028830Fascisma political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government (as opposed to democracy or liberalism)3
357028831Russian Civil War1918-1920: conflict in which the Red Army successfully defended the newly formed Bolshevik government against various Russian and interventionist anti-Bolshevik armies. Red vs. White Army.4
357028832Weimar RepublicThe unpopular German republic the in 1921 owed 33 billion annually to the allied reparations commission. In order to recover from its severe economic issues the annual fees were reduced each year depending on the level of German economic prosperity and Germany received large loans each year from the United States.5
357028833Lateran Treatythe agreement signed in the Lateran Palace in 1929 by Italy and the Holy See which recognized the Vatican City as a sovereign and independent papal state6
357028834Neville ChamberlainBritish statesman who as Prime Minister pursued a policy of appeasement toward fascist Germany (1869-1940)7
357028835KulaksThe well off peasants who were starved or shipped to the gulags8
357028836Ruhr Valley InvasionWhen Germany defaulted on their reparation payments(or rather the mark fell to such a low value that payments of 30 billion marks was equal to about 13 american cents) France invaded the industrial distract of German to take out of the mines what they thought the payment should be9
357044520Kristallnact"Night of Broken Glass" Anti-Jewish riots of November 9-10 1938. Planned by the German government and the Gestapo. Over 1,000 synagogues were burned, Jewish stores looted and Jewish men arrested10
357044521Collectivizationsystem in which private farms were eliminated, instead, the government owned all the land while the peasants worked on it.11
357044522New Economic PolicyPolicy proclaimed by Vladimir Lenin in 1924 to encourage the revival of the Soviet economy by allowing small private enterprises. Joseph Stalin ended the N.E.P. in 1928 and replaced it with a series of Five-Year Plans.12
357044523March on RomeEvent in 1922 that displaces King Victor Emmaneul and establishes Mussolini as leader of Italy13
357044524PurgesWhat Stalin ordered all who opposed him to be killed or put in prison. millions killed during purges14
357044525Munich Conference1938 conference at which European leaders attempted to appease Hitler by turning over the Sudetenland to him in exchange for promise that Germany would not expand Germany's territory any further.15
357044526Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression PactAgreement between Hitler and Stalin that said they would both invade Poland and not attack one another16
357044527Five-year plansPlans that Joseph Stalin introduced to industrialize the Soviet Union rapidly, beginning in 1928. They set goals for the output of steel, electricity, machinery, and most other products and were enforced by the police powers of the state.17
357044528Battle of StalingradUnsuccessful German attack on the city of Stalingrad during World War II from 1942 to 1943, that was the furthest extent of German advance into the Soviet Union.18
357044529Normandy InvasionOn 6 June 1944(D-Day), Allied forces which attacked the Normandy coast of France in OperationOverlord19
357044530War CommunismCivil war Russia, government control of banks and most industries, the seizing of grain from peasants, and the centralization of state administration under Communist control20
357044531Nuremberg LawsPlaced severe restrictions of Jews, prohibited from marrying non- Jews, attending schools or universities, holding government jobs, practicing law or medicine or publishing books.21
357044532Mein Kampf'My Struggle' by Hitler, later became the basic book of Nazi goals and ideology, reflected obsession22
357044533"Socialism in one country"Policy adopted by Stalin in the autumn of 1924, in which the notion of a worldwide socialist revolution was abandoned in favor of making the Soviet Union a successful socialist state.23
357044534Lebenstraum(living space)-Idea that Germany needed to expand eastward to secure the healthy growth of the Aryan race.24
357044535Spanish Civil Warcivil war in Spain in which fascist General Franco succeeded in overthrowing the republican government25
357044536"Our Finest Hour!"3rd speech of Winston Churchill to House of Commons on June 16th after France called for an Armistice26
357044537Dunkirka city in northern France on the North Sea where in World War II (1940) 330,000 Allied troops had to be evacuated from the beaches at Dunkirk in a desperate retreat under enemy fire27
357044538Vinchyused to describe the government of France that collaborated with the Axis powers28
357044539Maginot Linea fortification built before World War II to protect France's eastern border29
357044540BlitzkriegGerman lightning warfare. Characterized by high mobility and concentrated forces at point of attack.30
357044541Reichstag FireFire Hitler blamed on the communists, though most likely had his storm troopers start, allowed Hitler to rule by decree as described in article 4831
357044542BlackshirtsMembers of Italian fascists before WWII. It was led by Mussolini. Helped solidify Mussolini's control32
357044543Brownshirtshitler's brown-uniformed paramilitary force in the 20s/30s33
357044544CheckaSecret Police set up by Lenin to help the Bolshevik revolution34
357044545Gustave Stressemanserved as Prime minister and stabilized the economy and encouraged growth35
357044546Hitler's cycleChild like cycle consisting of whining and appeasement.36

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