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AP European History Fill-in Blank Review

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3936913__________ is a direct tax on the French peasantry.Taille
3936914Bloody French peasant uprisings in the fourteenth century were known as __________.Jacquerie
3936915Prince Vladimir of __________ received delegations from multiple religious groups who wished Russia to adopt their beliefs.Kiev
3936916Joan of Arc was known as the "Maid of __________".Orleans
3936917Papal power reached its height with the reign of Pope __________.Innocent III
3936918Ghengis __________ invaded Russia in 1223.Khan
3936919Giovanni Boccaccio wrote __________, his account of reactions to the Black Death.Decameron
3936920After Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1453, __________ became, in Russian eyes, the "third Rome".Moscow
3936921The __________ included the steppe region of what is today southern Russia.Golden Horde
3936922__________ teaches that the efficacy of the Church's sacraments does not only lie in their true performance but also depends on the moral character of the clergy who administer them.Donatism
3936923__________ means "rebirth" in French and was considered by most scholars to be a time of transition from medieval to modern times.Renaissance
3936924Martin __________ was considered by some to be Erasmus's theological successor and posted 95 theses against indulgences in 1517.Luther
3936925Cosmo de' __________ was the wealthiest Florentine and a natural statesman.Medici
3936926__________ is the ability to act decisively and heroically.virtu
3936927Julius came to be known as the "__________ pope," because he brought the Renaissance papacy to a peak of military prowess and diplomatic intrigue.warrior
3936928Rudolf __________ is considered the "father of German humanism".Agricola
3936929The __________ commanded an enormous empire in Peru.Incas
3936930In the era of exploration that began in the fifteenth century, the Portuguese concentrated their efforts on the __________ Ocean, while the Spanish explored the Atlantic.Indian
3936931__________ was the daughter of Henry VIII and was considered one of Europe's most exemplary rulers.Elizabeth
3936932Niccolò __________ wrote The Prince in 1513.Machiavelli
3936933__________ were military brokers through which mercenary armies could be obtained.Condottieri
3936934The __________ is a large landed estate owned by persons originally born in Spain or persons of Spanish descent born in America.hacienda
3936935The textbook discusses the guild for __________ as an example of a group that supported the Reformation for a variety of social, cultural, and (self-interested) economic reasons.printers
3936936In April 1521, Luther refused to recant his beliefs in front of the __________.Diet of Worms
3936937Anabaptists believed that __________ performed on a consenting adult conformed to Scripture and was more respectful of human freedom.baptism
3936938Pope Leo X initially gave King Henry VIII the title "__________" because of Henry's vocal anti-Protestantism.Defender of the Faith
3936939The western European family was conjugal, or __________; that is, it consisted of a father and a mother and two to four children who survived into adulthood.nuclear
3936940Cervantes's most famous work is __________.Don Quixote
3936941Dramatists working in England at the same time as Shakespeare include Thomas Kyd and Christopher __________.Marlowe
3936942Sixteenth-century Puritans, known as __________, created an alternative national church of semiautonomous congregations governed by representative elders.Presbyterians
3936943The election of __________ as Holy Roman Emperor sparked an international war.Ferdinand II
3936944The Pacification of __________ followed the Spanish Fury and saw seven provinces (modern Netherlands) unify against Spain.Ghent
3936945__________, though it had many adherents by the eve of the Thirty Years' War, had not been legally recognized by the Peace of Augsburg.Calvinism
3936946The Council of __________ revised Church doctrine and condemned dogmatic Genevan Calvinism and Catholicism.Trent
3936947The leader of the Netherlands resistance movement was William of __________.Orange
3936948Sir Francis Drake's __________ of the globe between 1577 and 1580 was one in a series of dramatic demonstrations of English ascendancy on the high seas.The outbreak of the __________ Years' War in 1618 made the international dimension of the religious conflict clear.
3936949Extreme Puritans, known as __________, wanted every congregation to be autonomous with neither episcopal nor presbyterian control.Congregationalists
3936950By the time John Calvin died in __________ in 1564, the city had become a refuge for Protestants and a training ground for Protestant resistance to the Counter-Reformation.Geneva
3936951On St. Bartholomew's Day, Catholics massacred 3,000 __________.Huguenots
3937471The rising cost of __________ was an important reason European monarchs in the second half of the sixteenth century started needing more money.warfare
3937472In the 1620s, a group of Protestant dissenters, feeling reformation would never go far enough in England, left the country and founded a new colony in __________.Plymouth
3937473In 1603, __________, the son of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, succeeded the childless Elizabeth to the throne of England.James
3937474In an attempt to unite the English people behind the war in Holland, and as a sign of good faith to Louis XIV, Charles II issued the __________ in 1672.Declaration of Indulgence
3937475One of the theoretical underpinnings of Louis XIV's absolutism was the concept of "divine right of kings," articulated most clearly by political theorist Bishop Jacques-Bénigne __________ .Bossuet
3937476Despite its spectacular political failure in the rest of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the king of __________ led an army to rescue Vienna from a Turkish siege in 1683.Poland
3937477Charles VI tried to ensure the future unity of the disparate Habsburg lands through a legal instrument called the __________.Pragmatic Sanction
3937478In a practice known as __________, the Ottomans recruited their elite military forces from among Christian boys in the empire.devshirme
3937479Roughly 80 percent of the victims of witch-hunts were __________, most single and aged over 40.women
3937480The process that introduced systematic observation of nature, a mathematically rational conception of the world, and significant new theories in astronomy is commonly referred to as "The __________."Scientific Revolution
3937481Copernicus adopted many elements of the Ptolemaic model, but transferred them to a __________ model that assumed that the Earth moved about the sun in a circle.heliocentric
3937482Scientific __________ occurs when scientists draw and test hypotheses against empirical observations.induction
3937483The most famous baroque painter was Michelangelo __________.Caravaggio
3937484Because of the reluctance of universities to rapidly assimilate the new science, its pioneers established what have been termed "institutions of __________" that allowed information and ideas associated with the new science to be gathered, exchanged, and debated.sharing
3937485Emilie du Chatelet helped __________ write a French popularization of Newton's science, because she knew more about math than he did.Voltaire
3937486The condemnation of __________ by Roman Catholic authorities in 1633 is the single most famous incident of conflict between modern science and religious institutions.Galileo
3937487Art historians use the term __________ to denote the style associated with seventeenth-century painting, sculpture, and architecture.baroque
3937488The eighteenth-century movement known as the __________ built upon the knowledge of groups associated with the new science.enlightenment
3937489People who would sell their ideas, often improbable, to the highest bidder were known as __________.projectors
3937490People involved in the movement for social reform called the __________ were among the few who considered change desirable.Enlightenment
3937491The British nobility consisted of about __________ families.400
3937492In France there were about __________ nobles.400,000
3937493In preindustrial Europe, a __________ was a person - either male or female - who was hired, often under a clear contract, to work for the head of the household in exchange for room, board, and wages.servant
3937494The household mode of organization was known as the __________ economy.family
3937495In 1700, approximately half the arable land in England was farmed by the open-field method. By the second half of the 18th century, the rising price of wheat encouraged landlords to consolidate or __________ their lands to increase production.enclose
3937496The single largest group in any city was composed of shopkeepers, wage earners, and __________.artisans
3937497The single most important invention of the Industrial Revolution was the __________ engine, which - slowly, at first - found widespread application in a variety of industries.steam
3937498The __________ was a separate community in which Jews were required to live.ghetto
3937499Jews who __________ to Christianity gained political and social rights.converted
3937500__________ and guns allowed Europeans to dominate the globe.Ships
3937501The most profitable resource to be exported from the West Indies to Europe was __________.sugar
3937502In response to the __________ Act, American colonists agreed to refuse to import British goods.Stamp
3937503The War of the American Revolution effectively concluded in 1781 when the forces of George Washington defeated the army of Lord Cornwallis at __________.Yorktown
3937504Maria Theresa ruled the __________ Empire.Hapsburg
3937505Besides the Americas, France and Britain also fought for economic superiority of __________.India
3937506Because traders and merchants of one nation always wanted to break the monopoly of another, the eighteenth century was the "golden age of __________".smugglers
3937507The Treaty of __________ replaced the Bourbons of France on the Spanish throne.Utrecht
3937508The British monarch during the American Revolution was King __________.George III
3937509Adam Smith is associated with __________ economic thought and policy.laissez-faire
3937510Ideas that were circulated in print became the basis for __________, the increasingly influential social force that came into existence sometime around the mid-eighteenth century.reform
3937511__________ embodied a return to figurative and architectural models drawn from the Renaissance and the ancient world.neoclassicism
3937512The belief that the God who created rational nature must also be rational, and the religion through which that God is worshiped should be rational is called __________.deism
3937513Unlike Spinoza, Mendelsohn wished to advocate religious toleration while genuinely sustaining the traditional religious practices and faith of __________.Judaism
3937514The __________ were French economic reformers who prized agriculture, and believed the role of government should be to protect private property so owners could use it freely.physiocrats
3937515In The Spirit of the Laws, Montesquieu most admired the __________ constitution.British
3937516Rousseau believed that __________ is more important than its individual members, because individuals are what they are only by virtue of their relationship to the larger community.society
3937517The expanding literate public led to an increasingly influential social force called __________ .public opinion
3937518Diderot and d'Alembert published the __________, which was an important source of knowledge about eighteenth-century social and economic life.encyclopedia
3937519__________ closely identified God and nature and the spiritual and material worlds.Spinoza
3937520__________ II, upon succession to the Austrian throne, eliminated most but not all of the reforms of his brother Joseph II.Leopold

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