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AP European History: Unit Two: Wars of Religion, Spain, The Netherlands, and England

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202340348Austrian and Spanish Hapsburgsdynasty split with abdication of Charles V from position of HRE 1556. Left Spanish possessions, including Neth., county of Burgundy, Milan, Naples, Med. Islands, Tunis and Sp. colonies to son - Philip II(later, in 1580, got Portugal as well). Left Austria, Bohemia and Hungary to bro. Ferdinand who became HRE.
202340349Siglo de OroGolden Age of Spanish culture, 1560-1650. Cervantes - Don Quixote, artists such as El Greco, Velazquex, Murillo. Philosphy of Jesuit Suarez. Intensely catholic period for Spain - church present in all things.
202340350Escorialroyal residence built by PII outside Madrid. Solid stone, likened to mausoleum - kept coffins of deceased family members. Built on arid plateau of Castile - in honor of St. Lawrence who was martyrd on grill - shape of bldg. Granite, somber(not decorative). Housed monastery. Reflected character of PII, somber, hardworking, frugal, serious, etc. Administered Sp. Empire from here and his all-consuming project - re-catholicising of Euro and Christianizing of New World.
202340351Council of Troubles(1567)established in Sp. Netherlands by Duke of Alva(sent there by PII) who with 20,000 Sp. troops assumed role of Governor and charged with suppressing religious and political revolt. Alva boasted that in 6 years he killed almost 18,000 ppl. See Bruegel painting - Biblical Massacre of the Innocents depicted in contemporary setting and refered to harsh Spanish rule. PII sent in Inquisition, and CofT known as CofBlood.
202340352Duke of Norfolk1569, catholic aristo in Engl led revolt agnst Eliz I.
202376588LepantoPII send Sp. fleet along with ships from Venice, & Papal States agnst Turks off Greece in 1571. Victory for Cath forces(crusading crosses on sails) but Turks soon rebuilt and contd to be threat in Med and E. Euro.
202376589Joyeuse EntreeJoyous entry/constitution of the Netherlands - based on entry of reigning dukes into Brussels in 1355 where they promised to recognize the liberties of the provence - various rights, and privileges - including rts. of each of 17 provs. to approve taxes. Under Dukes of Burgundy, all 17 had had same ruler. - estates, devd. sense of federalism. Sense of Netherlandish heightened when a foreigner - PII acceded to throne(lived in Sp.).
202376590William the Silentaka William of Orange, one of Dutch nobleman whose property bn confiscated by PII - led revolt/resistance agnst Alva, Inquisition and Sp. forces. Encouraged Prot ships of all nations to make war agnst Sp forces. Inspired descration of Cath Ch. -> Sp. reciprocated - great brutality. All 17 provs. of Neth. unite vs. Sp.
202376591Duke of AlvaSp. Nobleman and military commander(20,000) who PII sends to Netherlands to suppress relig. and political dissidents. Boasted killing 18,000 ppl in 6 yrs. of occupation.
202376592Mary Queen of ScotsHad bn cath Qu. of Scotland until d. of husb. and then driven out by Calvinist lords of Scot. who raised her son(JVI) as Presbyt. Caths. in England and Sp. wanted to see M on Engl. throne instead of Eliz I. Took refuge in England. EI had her imprisoned. Thought involved in plots - Exec. rt. before Sp. Armada. Since Don Juan's(hero of Lepanto and half bro of PII) plot was to help put M on throne and marry her - the fate of Prots. in Nether. became more important in to Engl
202376593Don JuanHero of Lepanto and half bro to PII and governor of Netherlands in 1576. Plot to put M, Q of Scots, on Engl. throne. Use Nether. as staging ground for invasion of Engl. His plotting causes Eliz. to make alliance with the Netherlands patriots. d. in 1578. Succeeded by Duke of Parma.
202376594Duke of Parmadiplomat and soldier, Sp. govor. of Nether after Don Juan. Broke solid force of 17 provinces by comb. of force andpersausion. Promised historic liberties of Joyeuse Entree. Appealed to more zealous catholics and to moderates who were tires of struggle. Pulled southern caths. to his side(Sp. bn opposed by both cath and prots. in Nether-so combination political and relig struggle), N Provs responded by forming Union of Utrecht. 1579.
202376595Union of Utrecht1579 formed in response to southern caths. siding with Duke of Parma. 7 northern provs. led by Holland and Zeeland. In 1581 they declared themselves the United Provinces of the Netherlands aka Dutch Republic/Holland. Previously - total turmoil, now division btwn. N and S over support for PII but both sides wanting to pursue their cause. Eliz sent troops to help keep Parma out of Antwerp. Encrgd. PII to plan invasion of England.
202376596Sir Francis DrakeSea Dog - Cadiz, singeing beard of Sp. King - burned some of Sp. Armada still in harbor. Vice Admiral under Sir Howard Effingham vs. Sp. Armada.
202376597Spanish Armadaarmada catolica (1588) 130 ships, 30,000 men and 124,000 cannon balls. 6 linguistic groups, cumbersome craft, Prot wind, fireships, faster, well armed Engl. boats. Never reached Parma's army in Nether. Bust for Sp. Beginning of end of PII's relative early successes in his crusade. Weakening of Sp. naval power opened way to sea for Brits and Dutch - more trade -> E. India Companies. Also, for English fostered heightened sense of nationalism - David & Goliath spirit.
202376598Twelve Years' Truceafter battle lines moving back and forth in Nether. truce signed in 1609. Partition included Antwerp for Caths.(Parma had taken this). Folks to N known as Dutch, and S became Spanish Netherlands - RC(Prots moved N). In N - relig. toleration tho' Prots the majority. Dutch closed Scheldt to Antwerp and Ghent so Amsterdam became commercial and financial ctr of N. Euro.

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