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13396242500Ionizing Radiationenough energy to dislodge electrons from atoms, forming ions; capable of causing cancer (gamma, X-rays, UV)0
13396249561High Quality Energyorganized & concentrated; can perform useful work (fossil fuel & nuclear energy)1
13396254086Low Quality Energydisorganized, dispersed (heat in ocean or air wind, solar)2
13396309509first law of thermodynamicsenergy is neither created nor destroyed, but may be converted from one form to another (Law of Conservation of Energy)3
13396358749second law of thermodynamicswhen energy is changed from one form to another, some useful energy is always degraded into lower quality energy (usually heat)4
13396393024Natural Radioactive decayunstable radioactive decay releasing gamma rays, alpha particles, and beta particles. (ex. Radon)5
13396401998half-lifethe time it takes for 1/2 the mass of a radioisotope to decay6
13396418705Estimate of how long a radioactive isotope must be stored until it decays to a safe level:A radioactive isotope must be stored for approximately 10 half-lives until it decays to a safe level.7
13396439033Nuclear fissionnuclei of isotopes split apart when struck by neutrons8
13396445990Nuclear Fusiontwo isotopes of light elements (H) forced together at high temperatures till they fuse to form a heavier nucleus (He). Process is expensive; break-even point not reached yet. Happens in the sun.9
13396459152Orea rock that contains a large enough concentration of a mineral making it profitable to mine10
13396466562mineral reserveidentified deposits currently profitable to extract11
13396543186Best Solution to energy shortageconservation, increase efficiency, explore alternative energy options12
13396563299Organic fertilizerslow-acting & long-lasting because the organic remains need time to be decomposed13
13396570461surface miningcheaper and can remove more minerals; less hazardous to workers14
13396594983Humusorganic, dark material remaining after decomposition by microorganisms15
13396597722Leachingremoval of dissolved materials from soil by water moving downwards16
13396606806Illuviationdeposit of leached material in lower soil layers (B horizon)17
13396615256loamperfect agricultural soil with optimal portions of sand, silt, clay (40%, 40%, 20%)18
13396624363soil conservation methodsconservation tillage, crop rotation, contour plowing, organic fertilizers19
13396688692soil salinizationin arid regions, water evaporates leaving salts behind. (ex. Fertile crescent, southwestern US)20
13396698175conservationallowing the use of resources in a responsible manner.21
13396709286preservationsetting aside areas and protecting them from human activities22
13396720826water loggingwater completely saturates soil starves plant roots of oxygen, rots roots23
13396730027Hydrologic Cycle Componentsevaporation, transpiration, runoff, condensation, perception and infiltration.24
13396737298Watershedall of the land that drains into a body of water25
13396747933Aquiferunderground layers of porous rock allow water to move slowly26
13396770029cone of depressionlowering of the water table around a pumping well27
13396772905Salt water intrusionnear the coast, overpumping of groundwater causes saltwater to move into the aquifer.28
13396783458El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)see-sawing of air pressure over the South Pacific29
13396796892During an El Nino yeartrade winds weaken and warm water sloshed back towards South America. Diminished fisheries off South America, drought in western Pacific, increased precipitation in southwestern North America, fewer Atlantic hurricanes.30
13396810103Effect of El Ninoupwelling decreases disrupting food chains, N U.S. has mild winters, SW U.S. has increased rainfall, less Atlantic huricanes31
13396814760La Nina"Normal" year, easterly trade winds and ocean currents pool warm water in the western Pacific, allowing upwelling of nutrient rich water off the West coast of South America.32
13396817899nitrogen fixationatmospheric nitrogen cannot be used directly by plants, it must first be converted into ammonia by bacteria.33
13396849390Ammonificumdecomposers convert organic waste into ammonia34
13396853739Nitrificationammonia is converted to nitrate ion (NO-1)35
13396863422Assimilationinorganic N is converted into organic molecules such as DNA/amino acids & proteins.36
13396881872Deniitrificationbacteria convert nitrate (NO3)-1 and nitrite (NO2)-1 back into N2 gas.37
13396889980Phosphorus does not circulate as easily as nitrogen becauseit does not exist as a gas, but is released by weathering the phosphate (PO4)-3 rocks.38
13396916664phosphorus cycle isas slow cycle and not atmospheric39
13396933454phosphorus is a major limiting nutrientin the growth of plants40
13396947728how phosphorus is added to aquatic ecosystemsrunoff of animal wastes, fertilizer, discharge of sewage41
13396951920Sustainabilitythe ability to meet the current needs of humanity without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs42
13396962084Photosynthesisplants convert atmospheric carbon (CO2) into complex carbohydrates (glucose C6H12O6)43
13396972406aerobic respirationoxygen consuming producers, consumers & decomposers break down complex organic compounds & convert C back into CO2.44
13396982528Largest reservoirs of carboncarbonate rocks first, oceans second45
13396985712Bioticliving components of an ecosystem46
13396996765AbioticNon-living components of an ecosystem47
13397012801Producer/Autotrophorganisms that make their own food—photosynthetic life.48
13397018641trophic levelproducer, primary consumer, secondary consumer and teritary consumer49
13397044664Energy flow in food websonly 10% of the usable energy is transferred because usable energy lost as heat (second law); not all biomass is digested and absorbed; predators expend energy to catch prey50
13397054668Successionthe gradual colonization of a habitat after an environmental disturbance (ex fire, flood) usually by series of species.51
13397094781primary successiondevelopmental of communities in a lifeless area not recently inhabited by life (ex, retreating glacier)52
13397116389secondary successionlife progresses where soil remains (clear-cut forest, fire)53
13397132373climax communitythe stable, final community that develops from ecological succession54
13397151956Symbosisoccurs when members of two different species live in close physical contact with eachother.55
13397177683Mutuslisma symbiotic relationship in which two species in a community benefit from the relationship56
13397183648Commensalismsymbolic relationship in which one organism benefits and the other organism is unaffected57
13397217591Paratismwhere one organism (the parasite) obtains nutrients at the expense of the host.58
13397245871Biomeslarge distinct terrestrial region having similar climate, soil, plants & animals59
13397248989carrying capacityLargest number of individuals of a population that a environment can support60
13397263221r-strategistreproductive strategy in which organisms reproduce early, bear many small, unprotected offspring (ex. insects, mice).61
13397270062K strategistreproduce late in life; few offspring; care for offspring62
13397279110positive feedbackwhen a change in some conditions triggers a response that intensifies the changing condition (warmer weather, snow melts, less sunlight)63
13397301477negative feedbackwhen a changing in some condition triggers a response that counteracts the changed condition (warmer earth - more ocean evaporation - more stratus clouds - less sunlight reaches the ground - therefore cooler Earth)64
13397322595natural selectionan organism that possess favorable adaptions (traits) and pass them onto the next generation65
13397346224Exotic Species/Invasive Speciesnon-Native species to an area; often thrive and disrupt the ecosystem balance; examples African Honeybee; Fire Ant, Zebra Mussel, Purple Loosestrife.66
13397350600Doubling time (rule of 70)doubling time equals 70 divided by the percent growth rate. For example, if a population is growing at 5% annually, it doubles in 14 years; 70/5 -14 years.67
13397362282Replacement level fertilitythe number of children a couple must have to replace themselves (2.1 developed, 2.7 developing)68
13397366338World Population~ 6.7 billion U.S. Population: ~ 305 million69
13397378022Preindustrial stagebirth and death rates high, population grows slowly, infant mortality high70
13397384476Transitional stagedeath rate (infant mortality) lower, birth rates remain high, better health care, population grows fast.71
13397389540Industrial stagedecline in birth rate, population growth slows72
13397393439Postindustrial stagelow birth and death rates73
13397425166Age-structure diagram (population pyramid)broad base- rapid growth; narrow base- negative growth; uniform shape- zero growth74
13397818921Top Four Most Populated Nations1)China 2)India 3)US 4)Indonesia75
13397826615Most important thing affecting population growthlow status of women76
13397835886Methods or Ways to Decrease Birth Ratefamily planning, contraception, economic rewards and penalties77
13397840303Composition of water on earth97.5% seawater, 2.5% freshwater78
13397845725Ways to conserve water on earthAgriculture: drip/trickle irrigation; Industry: recycling; Home: use gray water, repair leaks, low flow fixtures, different types of yard (zeroscape not planting Kentucky blue grass), time of day watering79
13397883468Gray waterAny wastewater from a house EXCEPT TOILET WATER; (dish water, shower water...) this waster can be used for irrigation water...80
13397911245Aquaculturefarming aquatic species, commonly salmon, shrimp, tilapia, oysters.81
13397925863Point sourcesource from specific location such as pipe or smokestack82
13397933722Non-point source (Area/Dispersed source)source spread over an area such as agricultural/feedlot runoff, urban runoff, and traffic runoff83
13397956274Primary sewage treatmentfirst step of sewage treatment; eliminates most particulate material from raw sewage using grates screens and gravity (Settling)84
13397982987secondary sewage treatmentsecond step of sewage treatment; bacteria breakdown organic waste; aeration accelerates the process85
13398002217BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand)amount of dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic decomposes to break down organic materials86
13398016569Eutrophicationrapid algal growth(algal bloom) caused by an excess of nitrogen and phosphorous, blocks sunlight, causing the death/decomposition of aquatic plants. decreasing dissolved oxygen (DO), suffocating fish. the rap growth is caused by an excess of nitrates(NO3), and phosphates(PO4) in water87
13398068394Hypoxiawater with very low dissolved oxygen levers, the end result is eutrophication. The BOD rises as aerobic decomposes breakdown the plants, the dissolved oxygen (DO) drops and the water cannot support life.88
13398111012Fecal Coliform (Enterrococus bacteria)Coccus (round shaped bacteria); indicator of sewage contamination (happens over the summer at Chatfield or Cherry Creek reservoir once in a while.)89
13398136116ChlorineGood: disinfection of water; bad: form trihalomethanes (this group of compounds are byproducts of chlorination and are known carcinogens)90
13398168994Minamata Disease(1932-1968, Japan) mental impairments caused by methylmercury (CH3Hg) poisoning91
13398194326CAFE standardsCorporate Average Fuel Economy: standards enacted into law in the 1975, established fuel efficiency standards for passenger cars and light trucks. The fuel economy rating for a manufactures entire line of passenger cars must currently average at least 27.6MPG for the manufacturer to comply with the standard92
13398235514Primary Air pollutantsProduced by human and nature (CO, CO2, SO, NO, hydrocarbons, particulates)93
13398257975Secondary PollutantsFormed by reaction of primary pollutants94
13398266488Particulate matterSource: burning fossil fuels and diesel exhaust; Effects: reduces visibility and respiratory irritation; Reduction: filtering, electrostatic precipitators, alternative energy95
13398313745Nitrogen Oxides (NO)Source: auto exhaust; Effects: acidification of lakes, respiratory irritation, leads to smog and ozone; Equation for acid formation: NO+O=NO2+H2O=HNO3; Reduction: Catalytic converter96
13398359808Sulfur Dioxides (SO)Source: Auto Exhaust; Effects: acid deposition, respiratory irritation, damages plants; equation for acid formation: SO2+O2=SO3=H2O=H2SO4; Reduction: scrubbers, burn low sulfur fuels97
13398406135Carbon Dioxide (CO2)Source: Combustion of foil fuels; Effects: greenhouse gas - contributes to global warming; Reduction: Accomplished by increased fuel efficiency (gas mileage), mass transit (reduction)98
13398439359Carbon Monoxide (CO)Sources: include incomplete combustion of fossil fuels; Effects: binds to hemoglobin reducing bloods ability to carry O2; Reduction: accomplished by catalytic converters, oxygenated fuel, mass transit (reduction)99
13398481881Ozone (O3)Formation: secondary pollutant; Equation: NO2+UV=NO+O; O+O2=O3, with VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds); Effects: respiratory irritant, plant damage; Reduction: reduce NO and VOC emissions100
13400317863Radon (Rn)naturally occurring colorless, odorless, radioactive gas, found in some types of soil and rock, can seep into homes and buildings, formed from the decay of uranium (U), causes lung cancer101
13413576990Photochemical smogformed by chemical reactions involving sunlight (NO, VOC, O/O2); associated with automobile traffic102
13413652373Acid Depositioncaused by sulfuric and nitric acids resulting in lowered pH of surface waters103
13413659095Greenhouse GasesMost significant: H2O, CO2, O3, methane (CH4), CFCs. Trap outgoing infrared energy (heat) causing earth to warm.104
13413824509Effects of global warmingrising sea level (due to thermal expansion not melting ice), extreme weather, droughts (famine), and extinctions.105
13413837158greenhouse effecta vital process, required for life to exist on Earth. If accelerated, bad, leads to global warming.106
13413848717ozone depletioncaused by CFCs, methyl chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, halon, methyl bromide all of which attack stratospheric ozone. Negative effects of ozone depletion include increased UV, skin cancer, cataracts, and decreased plant growth.107
13413859671Effects of ozone depletionincreased UV light that results in skin cancer, cataracts, decreased plant growth (inhibits photosynthesis, decline in Antarctic and Arctic phytoplankton population), impaired immune systems108
13413873832Love Canal, NY(1950s +) chemicals buried in old canal; school and homes built over it; caused birth defects and cancer109
13413892809Main component of municipal solid waste (MSW)is mostly paper and mostly put in the landfills110
13413917589Sanitary landfill problems and solutionsproblem = leachate; solution = liner with collection system problem = methane gas; solution = collect gas and burn problem = volume of garbage; solution = compact and reduce111
13413925254Incineration advantagesvolume of waste reduced by 90%, and waste heat can be used112
13413930586Incineration disadvantagestoxic emissions (polyvinyl chloride, dioxins), scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators needed, ash disposal (contains heavy metals)113
13413939720Best way to solve waste problemreduce the amounts of waste at the source114
13413949176True cost / External costsharmful environmental side effects that are not reflected in a product's price115
13413958245Brownfieldsis an abandoned industrial site116
13413969280keystone speciesa species who roll in an ecosystem is more important than others. Examples are sea otters, sea stars, grizzly bears, and prairie dogs.117
13414004989indicator speciesSpecies that serve as early warnings that a community or ecosystem is being degraded.118
13414020389In natural ecosystems, methods which control 50-90% of pestspredators, disease, and parasites119
13414034281Major Insecticide Groupschlorinated hydrocarbons—ex. DDT; organophosphates—ex. malathion; carbamates—ex. aldicarb120
13414042462Presticides: Prosaves lives from insect transmitted disease, increased food supply, increases profits for farmers121
13414048938Pesticides consgenetic resistance, ecosystem imbalance, pesticide treadmill, persistence, bioaccumulation, biological magnification122
13414054454Natural pest controlbetter agricultural practices, genetically resistant plants, natural enemies, biopesticides, sex attractants123
13414062279Genetically motified organism (GMO)new organisms created by altering genetic material (DNA) of existing organisms; usually attempt to remove undesirable or create desirable characteristics in the new organism.124
13414102934Electric Generation Methodssteam, from water boiled by fossil fuels or nuclear energy, or falling water is used to turn a turbine and that turns a generator to generate electricity.125
13414121057Natural pest controlbetter agricultural practices, genetically resistant plants, natural enemies, biopesticides, sex attractants126
13414129246Petroleum (Crude Oil) Formationmicroscopic aquatic organisms in sediments converted by heat and pressure into a mixture of hydrocarbons127
13414138857Pros of petroleumrelatively cheap, easily transported, high-quality energy128
13414141956Cons of petroleumreserves will be depleted soon; pollution during drilling, transport and refining; burning makes CO2129
13414146216Coal Formationprehistoric plants buried un-decomposed in oxygen-depleted water of swamps/bogs converted by heat and pressure.130
13414150470Ranks of CoalPeat, Lignite, Bituminous coal, anthracite coal. (Best to worst)131
13414166943Major Nuclear Reactor Componentsconsists of a core, control rods, moderator, steam generator, turbine, containment building.132
13414170302Two most serious nuclear accidentsChernobyl, Ukraine (1986) and Three Mile Island, PA (1979)133
13414176451alternative energy sourceswind, solar, waves, biomass, geothermal, fuel cells134
13414180530Remediationreturn a contaminated area to its original state135
13414187318LD 50/ Lethal Dosethe amount of a chemical that kills 50% of the animals in a test population136
13414191301Mutagencauses changes to the DNA that may result in hereditary changes; Teratogen: causes fetus deformities (birth defects) Carcinogen: substance that causes cancer.137
13414246918threshold dosethe maximum dose that has no measurable effect138
13414253136Major source of sulfurburning coal; (new article cruise ships)139
13414258854Sources of mercuryburning coal, compact fluorescent bulbs140
13414269405Volcano and Earthquake occurrenceat plate boundaries (divergent= spreading, mid-ocean ridges) (convergent= trenches) (transform= sliding, San Andreas)141
13414278972the tragedy of the commons(1968 paper by ecologist Garret Hardin) global commons such as atmosphere and oceans are used by all and owned by none142
13414291951forest fire : types : surfaceusually born undergrowth and leave litter on the forest floor; Crown hot fires, may start on the ground, but eventually leap treetop to treetop; Ground go underground, may smolder for days or weeks, difficult t detects and extinguish i.e peat dogs143
13414362925foodWheat, rice, and corn provide more than 1/2 of the calories in the food consumed by the worlds people.144
13414393708Monoculturethe cultivation of a single crop in a given large area.145
13414404336temperature inversionlayer of dense, cool air trapped under a layer of warm dense air, pollution in trapped layer may build to harmful levels. Frequent in Los Angeles, California and Mexico City, Mexico.146
13414408147Transpirationprocess where the water is absorbed by plant roots (caused by difference by difference in pressure) (soil higher pressure, and atmosphere lower pressure) water moves up through the plants, passes through the pores called stomata in leaves or other parts.147
13414478562Trpospherefirst layer of atmosphere, 0-10 miles above earths surface. contains weather, greenhouse gases (bad ozone)148
13414496761Stratosphere2nd layer of atmosphere; extends from 10 to 30 miles above earth's surface. contains protective ozone layer (good ozone)149
13414527648Dioxinone of the most toxic human-made chemicals. Stable, long-lived, by-product of herbicide production enters environment as fallout from the incineration of municipal and medical waste and persists for many years.150
13414532733PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls)Stable, long-lived, carcinogenic chlorinated hydrocarbons. Produced by the electronics industry.151
13414545717Multiple Use Public LandsNational Forest & National Resource lands152
13414555411Moderately Restricted Use Public LandsNational Wildlife Refuges153
13414560953Restricted Use Public LandsNational Parks, National Wilderness Preservation System154
13414733049Endangered Speciesa group of organisms in danger of becoming extinct if the situation is not improved; population numbers have dropped below the critical number of organisms. Characteristics of an endangered species- most have small ranges, require a large amount of territory, have long generations, have a very specialized niche, or live within an island.155
13414816732Atlantic Salmon (Endangered)interbreeding with competition from escaped farm-raised salmon from the aquaculture industry threaten the wild salmon population156
13414841011California Condor (Endangered)shooting, poisonings, lead poisoning, collisions with power lines, egg collection, pesticides, habitat loss, and the decline of the large and medium sized native mammals due to encroachments of agriculture and urbanization157
13414880846Delhi sands Flower-loving Fly (Endangered)a one inch long insect currently restricted to only 12 known populations in San Bernadino and riverside counties. An estimated 98% of its habitat has been converted to residential ,agricultural, and commercial use158
13414913991Florida Panther (Endangered)hunting and development that resulted in habitat loss and fragmentation159
13414922494Grizzly Bear (Endangered)conflict with humans and development that resulted in habitat loss and fragmentation160
13414936103Gray Wolf (Endangered)subject of predator eradication programs sponsored by the Federal Government. Prior to Endangered Species Act of 1973, exterminated from lower 48 states except for a few hundred inhabiting extreme northeastern Minnesota and a small number on Isle Royal, Michigan161
13414970137Whopping Crane (Endangered)drainage of wetlands, conversion of grasslands to agriculture,. and for hunting for feathers162
13414981928Manatee (Endangered)initial population decreases resulted from over harvesting for meat, oil, and leather. Today, heavy mortality rate occurs from accidental collisions with boats and barges, and from canal lock operations163
13415031484American Alligator (Non-Endangered)over-hunting and destruction of habitat caused original listing, removed from the list of the endangered species by the Fish and Wildlife Service in 1987164
13415060913Bald Eagle (Non-Endangered)ingested DDT by eating contaminated fish, the pesticide caused the shells of the birds to thin an resulted in nesting failures. Loss of nesting habitats and hunting for feathers also contributed to the population decline. Reclassified from endangered to threatened in 1995165
13415095951Peregrine Falcons (Non-Endangered)ingested DDT by eating smaller birds, which had eaten contaminated prey. The pesticide caused the shells of the birds to thin and resulted in nesting failures. Removed from the list of endangered specie by the Fish and Wildlife Service in 1999166
13415129992Gray Whale (Non-Endangered)the eastern Northern Pacific stock in gray whale has the distinction of being the first population of a marine mammal species to be removed from the list on Endangered and threaten species167
13415151397BiomeLarge and distinct terrestrial region having similar climate, soil, plants, and animals168
13415165967Tropical Rain ForestCharacterized by the greatest diversity of species, believed to include many undiscovered species. Occur near the equator, soil tends to be low in nutrients. distinct seasonality: winter is absent and only two seasons are present (rainy and Dry)169
13415221775Temperate Forestsoccur in eastern North America, Japan, northeastern Asia, and western ad central Europe. Dominated by tall deciduous trees. Well-defined seasons include a distinct winter. Logged extensively, only scattered remnants of original temperate forest remain170
13415267698Boreal Forest of Taigarepresents the largest terrestrial biome. Dominated by needle leaf, coniferous trees. Found in the cold climates of Eurasia and North America: two-thirds in Siberia with the rest in Scandinavia, Alaska, and Canada. Seasons are divided into shore moist and moderately warm summers, and long, cold, and dry winters. Extensive logging may soon cause their disappearance171
13415339735Temperate Shrub Lands or Chaparraloccurs along the coast of Southern California and the Mediterranean region, characterized by areas of Chaparral- miniature woodlands dominated by dense stands of shrubs172
13415357591Savannasgrassland with scattered individual trees. cover almost half of the surface of Africa and large areas of Australia, South America, and India. Warm or hot climates where the annual rainfall is 20-50 inches per year. The rainfall is concentrated in six to eight month period of the year, followed by a long period of drought when fires can occur173
13415415862Temperate Grasslandsdominated by grasses, trees, and large shrubs are absent. Temperature vary more from summer to winter, and the amount of rainfall is less than savannas. Temperate grasslands have hot summers and cold winters. Occur in south Africa, Hungary, Argentina, the steppes of the former Soviet Union, and the prairies of Central North America174
13415454194Desertscovers abut on e fifth of the Earths Surface an occur where rainfall is less than 50cm a year (Less than 20 inches a year). Most deserts occur at low latitudes, have a considerable amount of specialized vegetation, as well as specialized animals. soils have abundant nutrients, need only water to become productive, and have little or no organic matter. Common disturbances include occasional fires or cold weather, and sudden, infrequent, but intense rains that cause flooding175
13415504700TundraTreeless plains that are the coldest of all the biomes. Occur in the arctic and Antarctica. Dominated by lichens, mosses, sedges, and dwarfed shrubs. Characterized by extremely cold climate ,permanently frozen ground (permafrost) low biotic diversity, simple vegetation structure limitation of drainage, short seasons of growth and reproduction176
13415560945Wetlandsareas o standing water, wet almost all of the year, support aquatic plants including marshes, swamps, and bogs. species diversity high.177
13415590468Fresh Waterdefined as having a low salt concentration(Less than 1%). Plants and animals have adjusted to the low salt content and would not be able to survive in areas of high salt concentration (oceans). There are different types of freshwater region: ponds and lakes, streams, rivers and estuaries178
13415631176OceansThe largest of all the ecosystems. The ocean regions are separated zones: intertidal, pelagic, abyssal, and benthic179
13415657792Chernobyl, UkraineApril 26, 1986, unauthorized safety test (irony), leads to fire and explosion at nuclear power plant—millions exposed to unsafe levels of radiation.180
13415665617Three-Mile Island, PennsylvaniaMarch 29, 1979, nuclear power plant loses cooling water, 50% of core melts, radioactive materials escape into atmosphere, near meltdown (disaster).181
13415676353Yucca Mountain, Nevadacontroversial as proposed site for permanent storage of high-level nuclear waste, 70-miles northwest of Las Vegas, near volcano and earthquake faults.182
13415686130Aral Sea, Uzbekistan/Kazakhstan (former Soviet Union)Large inland sea is drying up as a result of water diversion183
13415693105Love Canal, NYchemicals buried in old canal, school and homes built over it led to birth defects and cancers.184
13415700348Aswan High Dam, Egyptthe silt that made the Nile region fertile fills the reservoir. Lack of irrigation controls causes water logging and salinization. The parasitic disease schistosomiasis thrives in the stagnant water of the reservoir.185
13415966524Three Gorges Dam, Chinaworld's largest dam on Yangtze River will drown ecosystems, cities, archaeological sites, fragment habitats, and displace 2 million people.186
13418612901Ogallala AquiferWorld's largest aquifer; under parts of Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas (the Midwest). Holds enough water to cover the U.S. with 1.5 feet of water. Being depleted for agricultural and urban use.187
13418616434Minamata, Japanmental impairments, birth defects, and deaths were caused by mercury dumped in Minamata Bay by factory. Mercury entered humans through their diet (fish).188
13418626512Bhopal, IndiaDecember 2,1984: methyl isocyanate released accidentally by Union Carbide pesticide plant kills over 5,000.189
13418636299Valdez, AlaskaMarch 24, 1989: tanker Exxon Valdez hits submerged rocks in Prince William Sound—worst oil spill in US waters.190
13418646534BP Oil SpillOccurred in the Gulf of Mexico from April to July, 2010. The costs of the spill could eventually reach $40 billion. 50,000 barrels of oil spilled each day for 3 months. Tons of animal and habitat loss191
13418657359John Muirfounded Sierra Club in 1892; fought unsuccessfully to prevent the damming of the Hetch Hetchy Valley in Yosemite National Park.192
13418667622Aldo Leopoldwrote A Sand County Almanac published a year after his death in 1948; promoted a "Land Ethic" in which humans are ethically responsible for serving as the protectors of nature.193
13418672846Garrett Hardinpublished "The Tragedy of the Commons" in the journal Science in 1968; argued that rational people will exploit shared resources (commons).194
13418680504Sherwood Rowland and Mario Molinain 1974, determine that CFCs destroy stratospheric (good) ozone.195
13418695882Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (1977)requires coal strip mines to reclaim the land196
13418736458Madrid Protocol (1991)Suspension of mineral exploration (mining) for 50 years in Antarctica197
13418971812Safe Drinking Water Act (1974)set maximum contaminant levels for pollutants that may have adverse effects on human health.198
13418995366Clean Water Act (1972)set maximum permissible amounts of water pollutants that can be discharged into waterways; aims to make surface waters swimmable and fish-able199
13419011732Ocean Dumping Ban Act (1988)bans ocean dumping of sewage sludge & industrial waste in the ocean200
13419023420National Wild and Scenic Rivers Actprotects rivers due to aesthetic, recreational, wildlife, historical, or cultural reasons201
13419208107Clean Air Act (1970 & 1990)Set emission standards for cars, and limits for release of air pollutants 1990 addressed acid rain, ground level ozone, stratospheric ozone depletion, and air toxins202
13419238068Kyoto Protocol (1997)controlling global warming by setting greenhouse gas emissions targets for developed countries203
13419246881Montreal Protocol (1987)An agreement on protection of the ozone layer in which states pledged to reduce and then eliminate use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). It is the most successful environmental treaty to date.204
13419260355Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 1976Regulates handling of wastes from "cradle to grave" Rules for landfills, underground storage tanks, hazardous waste disposal, permits to process, treat or dispose of hazardous wastes; record keeping.205
13419266244Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) 1980"Superfund", designed to identify and clean up abandoned hazardous waste dump sites.206
13419305816Nuclear Waste Policy Act (1982)U.S. Government must develop a high level of nuclear waste site by 2015 (Yucca Mountain)207
13419326016Low-Level Radioactive Policy Actall states must have facilities to handle low-level radioactive wastes.208
13419333104Endangered Species Act (1973)Identifies threatened and endangered species in the U.S. and puts their protection ahead of economic consideration209
13419351883Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species (CITIES) 1973Lists species that cannot be commercially traded as live specimens or wildlife products.210
13419373342Magnuson-Stevens Act (1976)Management of Marine Species211
13419380769Food Quality Protection Act (1996)sets pesticide limits in food and all active and inactive ingredients must be screened for estrogenic and endocrine effects212
13419399388Lacey Act (1900 + subsequent amendments)prohibits transport of illegally harvested game animals (mainly birds + mammals) across U.S. state borders; today prohibits interstate shipping of ALL illegally harvested plants and animals. Without federal permit.213
13419415472U.S Marine Mammal Protection Act (1972)prohibits taking marine mammals in U.S. waters and by U.S citizens, and the importing marine mammals and marine mammal products into the U.S.214
13419499852Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (1947)regulates effectiveness of pesticides215
13419582733Wilderness Act (1964)Established the national wilderness preservation system216
13419596088Toxic Substances Control Act (1976)EPA monitors chemicals made in or imported into the U.S. EPA can ban substances that pose excessive risk to health to the environment217
13419617922Coastal Zone Management Act (1972)Federal law that provides guidance and federal assistance to voluntary state and local coastal management programs. Goals are for the protection of natural resources and management of land development along coasts.218
13419654938Federal Land Policy and Management Act (1976)A federal law that outlines procedures concerning the use and the preservation of public US lands.219
13419797721Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (1906, 1938)A federal law passed in 1906 that regulates the sanitary conditions and safety of food, drug, and cosmetics. It includes food additives.220
13419820267National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 1969Environmental Impact Statements must be done before any project affecting federal lands can be started221
13419850981Stockholm Convention (2004)on Persistent Organic Pollutants is an international environmental treaty, signed in 2001 and effective from May 2004, that aims to eliminate or restrict the production and use of persistent organic pollutants. Seek to protect human health from the 12 most toxic chemicals (Includes 8 chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides (DDT which was used to control malaria)222
13419909922North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)Agreement signed by the United States, Canada, and Mexico in 1992 to form the largest free trade zone in the world.223
13419923775The World Health Organization (WHO)A group within the United Nations responsible for human health, including combating the spread of infectious diseases and health issues related to natural disasters.224
13419928748World Trade Organization (WTO)designed to make international trade more fair and encourage development. It has been used to subvert national environmental laws. Has the effect of hurting small, local farmers and businesses.225
13419988571Earth Summit (1970)Held in the 1970s, discusses clean water and air. Held in South Africa. The last summit tried to pass a world law by the year 2010, that 15% of our power was to be created by air and solar power. The summit was shut down.226
13420005931World Water DayMarch 22227

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