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AP Flashcards

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2867430998Agricultural RevolutionAlso known as the Neolithic Revolution, this is the transformation of human (and world) existence caused by the deliberate cultivation of particular plants and the deliberate taming and breeding of particular animals.0
2867431976Bantu migrationThe spread of Bantu-speaking peoples from their homeland in what is now southern Nigeria or Cameroon to most of Africa, in a process that started ca. 3000 b.c.e. and continued for several millennia.1
2867433888CahokiaAn important agricultural chiefdom of North America that flourished around 1100 C.E. (pron. cah-HOKE-ee-ah)2
2867435076ÇatalhüyükAn important Neolithic site in what is now Turkey. (pron. cha-TAHL-hoo-YOOK)3
2867436808ChiefdomA societal grouping governed by a chief who typically relies on generosity, ritual status, or charisma rather than force to win obedience from the people.4
2867438248Chumash culturePaleolithic culture of southern California that survived until the modern era.5
2867439650Clovis cultureThe earliest widespread and distinctive culture of North America;6
2867473767Code of HammurabiA series of laws publicized at the order of King Hammurabi of Babylon (d. 1750 b.c.e.). Not actually a code, but a number of laws that proclaim the king's commitment to social order.7
2867475047Cradle of civilizationCommonly used term for southern Mesopotamia (in present-day Iraq).8
2867476038Fertile CrescentRegion sometimes known as Southwest Asia that includes the modern states of Iraq, Syria, Israel/Palestine, and southern Turkey; the earliest home of agriculture.9
2867476892HarappaA major city of the Indus Valley civilization; flourished around 2000 b.c.e. (pron. hah-RAHP-uh)10
2867479348HatshepsutAncient Egypt's most famous queen; reigned 1472-1457 b.c.e. (pron. hat-shep-soot)11
2867482480Indus ValleyHome of a major civilization that emerged in what is now Pakistan during the third millennium b.c.e.12
2867483443Mandate of HeavenThe ideological underpinning of Chinese emperors, this was the belief that a ruler held authority by command of divine force as long as he ruled morally and benevolently.13
2867484823MesopotamiaThe "land between the rivers" of the Tigris and Euphrates, in what is now Iraq. Mohenjo Daro: A major city of the Indus Valley civilization; flourished around 2000 b.c.e. (pron. moehen-joe DAHR-oh)14
2867488183Olmec civilizationAn early civilization that developed along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico around 1200 b.c.e.15
2867490272Oracle bonesIn Chinese civilization, animal bones that were heated and the cracks then interpreted as prophecies. The prophecies were written on the bone and provide our earliest written sources for ancient China.16
2867490273PaleolithicLiterally "old stone age"; the term used to describe early Homo sapiens societies in the period before the development of agriculture.17
2867491271Pastoral societyA human society that relies on domesticated animals rather than plants as the main source of food; pastoral nomads lead their animals to seasonal grazing grounds rather than settling permanently in a single location18
2867491272patriarchyLiterally "rule of the father"; a social system of male dominance.19

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