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AP Notes, Outlines, Study Guides, Vocabulary, Practice Exams and more!

AP Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
9481004116assertiona declaration or statement0
9481004117clarityclearness in thought or expression1
9481004118cogentconvincing; reasonable2
9481004119coherentLogically conected3
9481004120cohesivecondition of sticking together4
9481004121didacticintended to instruct5
9481004122discourseverbal expression or exchange, conversation6
9481004123emphasizeto give special attention to stress7
9481004124fluideasily flowing8
9481004125implicationthe act of suggesting or hinting9
9481004126lucideasily understood or clear10
9481004127rhetoricthe art of using language effectively and persuasively11
9481004128arbitera judge who decides a disputed issue12
9481004130exculpateto free from guilt or blame14
9481004131impartialnot in favor of one side or the other, unbiased15
9481004132incontrovertiblenot able to be denied or disputed16
9481004133integritytrustworthiness; completeness17
9481004134objectivitytreating facts without influence from personal feelings or prejudices18
9481004135penitentexpressing remorse for one's misdeeds19
9481004136plausibleseemingly valid or acceptable; credible20
9481004137substantiatedsupported with proof or evidence; verified21

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