7667526368 | If the time of ventricular filling were increased in duration | The end diatstolic volume would be greater | 0 | |
7667526369 | Atrial pressure is at its highest | The AV valves are open | 1 | |
7667526370 | The first heart sound is the result of | Closure the AV valves | 2 | |
7667526371 | The t waves indicates | Ventricular repolarization | 3 | |
7667526372 | An enlarged P wave suggest | A problem with atrial depolarization | 4 | |
7667526373 | An electrocardiogram is a graphical representation of | Atrial and ventricular de and repolarization | 5 | |
7667526374 | Which of the following is not of the features of an intercalated discs | Purkinje fibers | 6 | |
7667526375 | The small patch of heart tissue that depolarizers spontaneously to begin each heartbeat is the | SA node | 7 | |
7667526376 | Which of the following valves keep blood from backing up into the left ventricle | Aortic valve | 8 | |
7667526377 | The valve that lies between the right atrium and right ventricle is | Tricuspid valve | 9 | |
7667526378 | coronary sinus | Collects blood from all other veins draining the myocardium and returns this blood to the right atrium | 10 | |
7667526379 | Which of the following is associated with the atria | Pectinate muscles | 11 | |
7667526380 | Myocardial ischemia may cause | angina pectoris. | 12 | |
7667526381 | A route that blood can take in a normal human | Left atrium-> bicuspid valve-> left ventricle -> aortic semilunar valve | 13 | |
7667526382 | This chamber has to work harder than others, so it has the thicket myocardium | Left ventricle | 14 | |
7667526383 | The vessel just before the circumflex artery in normal circulation is the | Anterior interventeicular artery | 15 | |
7667526384 | Which of the following structure allow one cardiac cell to electronically stimulate another by allowing ion flow across the disc | Gap junctions | 16 | |
7667526385 | The most correct sequence in the cardia conduction system is | SA node- AV node- AV bundle- bundle branches- purkinje fibers | 17 | |
7667526386 | Which of the following is not one of the features of an intercalated disc | Purkinje fibers | 18 | |
7667526387 | On the electrocardiogram, repolarization of the atria is represented by the | It does not appear on the EKG since it is obscured by the QRS complex | 19 | |
7667526388 | Which of the following statesments is incorrect | Ventricular contraction begins at the AV valves and progresses downward toward the apex of the heart | 20 | |
7667526389 | A normal heartbeat of 7080 beats per minute is referred to as | Sinus rhythm | 21 | |
7667526390 | All of the following are cardia stimulants except | Potassium and calcium ions | 22 | |
7667526391 | Unlike skeletal muscles, cardiac muscle has this feature | Calcium ions can come from ECF | 23 | |
7667526392 | closure of the AV valves occur when | Ventricular pressure exceeds atrial pressure | 24 | |
7667526393 | Which of the following is the correct sequence of events occurring the cardiac cycle | Atrial systole, atrial diastole, ventricular systole, and ventricular diastole | 25 | |
7667526394 | During a normal cardiac cycle which phase has the longest duration | Quiescent period | 26 | |
7667526395 | When the atria begin depolarizjng which of the following is occurring | Atrial filling | 27 | |
7667526396 | If the time of the ventricular following were increased in duration | The end diastolic volume would be greater | 28 | |
7667526397 | An effectively three- chambered heart as is septal defects, can lead to | A mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood | 29 | |
7667526398 | The smooth muscle in the walls of blood vessels is found in which of the following layers | Tunica media | 30 | |
7667526399 | There is not enough blood in the body to fill the entire vascular system at once. About how much of the body's capillaries is closed at any given time | 3/4 | 31 | |
7667526400 | Hypertension is a chronic resting blood pressure higher than which of the following | 140/90 | 32 | |
7667526401 | Vasodilation may be brought about by | Histamine | 33 | |
7667526402 | The most important mechanism of exchange between blood and tissue fluid is | Diffusion. | 34 | |
7667526403 | The venous return of blood back to the heart is encouraged by | Gravity acting on the large veins about the heart | 35 | |
7667526404 | The abdominal aorta terminate by dividing into the | Common lilac Arteries | 36 | |
7667526405 | Which of the following is not a branch of abdominal aorta | Intercostal artieries | 37 | |
7667526406 | The right common carotid recieves it's blood from this artery directly | Brachiocephalic | 38 | |
7667526407 | The artery which is the continuation of the femoral artery after it passes to the posterior side of the thigh is the | Popliteal | 39 | |
7667526408 | Blood vessels that connect two capillary networks are called | Portal systems | 40 | |
7667526409 | The tissue layer of a vessel that differed most in thickness when comparing arteries and veins is the | Tunica media | 41 | |
7667526410 | These have the lost control of perfusion of a capillary bed | Precapillary sphincters | 42 | |
7667526411 | These structures present in medium sized veins, prevent backflow of blood | Venous valves | 43 | |
7667526412 | Pulse pressure equals the systolic pressure minus the diastolic pressure. Mean anterial blood pressure equals the sum of the diastolic pressure plus one- third of the pulse pressure: what is the MAP in an individual with a blood pressure of 150/90 | 110 | 44 | |
7667526413 | All of these factors may increase peripheral resistance except | Blood type | 45 | |
7667526414 | Reduced capillary reabsorption fluid can lead to Edema. Which of the following does not contribute to edema | Extreme muscular activity | 46 | |
7667526415 | The most important mechanism of exchange between blood and tissue fluid is | Diffusion | 47 | |
7667526416 | Which of the following is g types of low venous return shock occurs when released histamine causes extensive generalized vasodilation | Anaphylactic shock | 48 | |
7667526417 | Venous pooling I'm a solider standing at attention for a prolonged time occurs mainly when it's mechanism fails | Skeletal muscle pump | 49 | |
7667526418 | The vein recieves blood returning from all areas of the posterior thoracic wall before it empties in the superior vena | Azygos veins | 50 | |
7667526419 | The right gonadal veins empties into the inferior vena. Where does the left gonadal vein empty | The left Renal vein | 51 | |
7667526420 | Which of the following is not of the three major branches arsing for the aortic arch | The right common carotid artery | 52 | |
7667526421 | The internal carotid artery contributes blood directly to this circle of Willis artery | Anterior cerebral | 53 | |
7667526422 | Blood flows to the liver from the superior mesenteric vein through the | Hepatic portal | 54 | |
7667526423 | Blood flowing from the rural sinus will eventually go through this vein immediately before continuing into the superior Vena cava | Brachiocephalic | 55 | |
7667526424 | The right common carotid recieves it's blood from this artery directly | Brachiocephalic | 56 | |
7667526425 | The artery which is the continuation of the femoral artery after it passes to the posterior side of the thigh is the | Popliteal | 57 | |
7667526426 | Lymphatic capillaries fill when tissue pressure is low | False | 58 | |
7667526427 | The three main functions of the lymphatic system include all of the following but | Waste removal | 59 | |
7667526428 | There are multiple afferent lymphatic vessels and only a single effect vessel in order to | Slow the flow of lymph for maximal immune activity | 60 | |
7667526429 | Lymph flows into a lymph node through the | Afferent lymphatic vessel | 61 | |
7667526430 | Which of the following inhibitor of microbial growth is a comment of the perspiration on our skin | Lactic acid | 62 | |
7667526431 | Which of the following terms means to coat bacteria, making them easier to phagocytize by macrophages and neutrophils | Opsonization | 63 | |
7667526432 | When a white blood cell manages to ooze through the gap between two endothelial cells on its way to attach an invader, we say it has exhibited | Diapedsis | 64 | |
7667526433 | This type of leukocyte produces enzymes that will create hydrogen peroxide to kill bacteria | Neutrophils | 65 | |
7667526434 | This type of macrophage lines the sinusoid of the liver | Hepatic macrophages | 66 | |
7667526435 | Molecules which elicit an immune response are called | Antigens | 67 | |
7667526436 | Infected cells of the pancreas would display a foreign antigen fragment on | MCH l | 68 | |
7667526437 | These cells recognize non-self antigens and produce inerluekins to stimulate the cells that actually make the antibodies | Helper t | 69 | |
7667526438 | Antibodies use all of the follows to attack pathogens except | Cell lyisis | 70 | |
7667526439 | Which of the four class of hypersensitivity is a cellar immune response | Type IV | 71 | |
7667526440 | Can cross the placenta to provide immunological for the newborn | IgG | 72 | |
7667526441 | Which of the following acts as identification tags which label an individual cell as self cells | MHC | 73 | |
7667526442 | Which of the following cells does not have phagocytes mic capability | Basophils | 74 | |
7667526443 | Enclosed with fibrous capsule and filter lymph fluid | Lymph nodes | 75 | |
7663887886 | If the time of ventricular filling were increased in duration | The end diatstolic volume would be greater | 76 | |
7663887887 | Atrial pressure is at its highest | The AV valves are open | 77 | |
7663887888 | The first heart sound is the result of | Closure the AV valves | 78 | |
7663887889 | The t waves indicates | Ventricular repolarization | 79 | |
7663887890 | An enlarged P wave suggest | A problem with atrial depolarization | 80 | |
7663887891 | An electrocardiogram is a graphical representation of | Atrial and ventricular de and repolarization | 81 | |
7663887892 | Which of the following is not of the features of an intercalated discs | Purkinje fibers | 82 | |
7663887893 | The small patch of heart tissue that depolarizers spontaneously to begin each heartbeat is the | SA node | 83 | |
7663887894 | Which of the following valves keep blood from backing up into the left ventricle | Aortic valve | 84 | |
7663887895 | The valve that lies between the right atrium and right ventricle is | Tricuspid valve | 85 | |
7663887896 | coronary sinus | Collects blood from all other veins draining the myocardium and returns this blood to the right atrium | 86 | |
7663887897 | Which of the following is associated with the atria | Pectinate muscles | 87 | |
7663887898 | Myocardial ischemia may cause | angina pectoris. | 88 | |
7663887899 | A route that blood can take in a normal human | Left atrium-> bicuspid valve-> left ventricle -> aortic semilunar valve | 89 | |
7663887900 | This chamber has to work harder than others, so it has the thicket myocardium | Left ventricle | 90 | |
7663887901 | The vessel just before the circumflex artery in normal circulation is the | Anterior interventeicular artery | 91 | |
7663887902 | Which of the following structure allow one cardiac cell to electronically stimulate another by allowing ion flow across the disc | Gap junctions | 92 | |
7663887903 | The most correct sequence in the cardia conduction system is | SA node- AV node- AV bundle- bundle branches- purkinje fibers | 93 | |
7663887904 | Which of the following is not one of the features of an intercalated disc | Purkinje fibers | 94 | |
7663887905 | On the electrocardiogram, repolarization of the atria is represented by the | It does not appear on the EKG since it is obscured by the QRS complex | 95 | |
7663887906 | Which of the following statesments is incorrect | Ventricular contraction begins at the AV valves and progresses downward toward the apex of the heart | 96 | |
7663887907 | A normal heartbeat of 7080 beats per minute is referred to as | Sinus rhythm | 97 | |
7663887908 | All of the following are cardia stimulants except | Potassium and calcium ions | 98 | |
7663887909 | Unlike skeletal muscles, cardiac muscle has this feature | Calcium ions can come from ECF | 99 | |
7663887910 | closure of the AV valves occur when | Ventricular pressure exceeds atrial pressure | 100 | |
7663887911 | Which of the following is the correct sequence of events occurring the cardiac cycle | Atrial systole, atrial diastole, ventricular systole, and ventricular diastole | 101 | |
7663887912 | During a normal cardiac cycle which phase has the longest duration | Quiescent period | 102 | |
7663887913 | When the atria begin depolarizjng which of the following is occurring | Atrial filling | 103 | |
7663887914 | If the time of the ventricular following were increased in duration | The end diastolic volume would be greater | 104 | |
7663887915 | An effectively three- chambered heart as is septal defects, can lead to | A mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood | 105 | |
7663887916 | The smooth muscle in the walls of blood vessels is found in which of the following layers | Tunica media | 106 | |
7663887917 | There is not enough blood in the body to fill the entire vascular system at once. About how much of the body's capillaries is closed at any given time | 3/4 | 107 | |
7663887918 | Hypertension is a chronic resting blood pressure higher than which of the following | 140/90 | 108 | |
7663887919 | Vasodilation may be brought about by | Histamine | 109 | |
7663887920 | The most important mechanism of exchange between blood and tissue fluid is | Diffusion. | 110 | |
7663887921 | The venous return of blood back to the heart is encouraged by | Gravity acting on the large veins about the heart | 111 | |
7663887922 | The abdominal aorta terminate by dividing into the | Common lilac Arteries | 112 | |
7663887923 | Which of the following is not a branch of abdominal aorta | Intercostal artieries | 113 | |
7663887924 | The right common carotid recieves it's blood from this artery directly | Brachiocephalic | 114 | |
7663887925 | The artery which is the continuation of the femoral artery after it passes to the posterior side of the thigh is the | Popliteal | 115 | |
7663887926 | Blood vessels that connect two capillary networks are called | Portal systems | 116 | |
7663887927 | The tissue layer of a vessel that differed most in thickness when comparing arteries and veins is the | Tunica media | 117 | |
7663887928 | These have the lost control of perfusion of a capillary bed | Precapillary sphincters | 118 | |
7663887929 | These structures present in medium sized veins, prevent backflow of blood | Venous valves | 119 | |
7663887930 | Pulse pressure equals the systolic pressure minus the diastolic pressure. Mean anterial blood pressure equals the sum of the diastolic pressure plus one- third of the pulse pressure: what is the MAP in an individual with a blood pressure of 150/90 | 110 | 120 | |
7663887931 | All of these factors may increase peripheral resistance except | Blood type | 121 | |
7663887932 | Reduced capillary reabsorption fluid can lead to Edema. Which of the following does not contribute to edema | Extreme muscular activity | 122 | |
7663887933 | The most important mechanism of exchange between blood and tissue fluid is | Diffusion | 123 | |
7663887934 | Which of the following is g types of low venous return shock occurs when released histamine causes extensive generalized vasodilation | Anaphylactic shock | 124 | |
7663887935 | Venous pooling I'm a solider standing at attention for a prolonged time occurs mainly when it's mechanism fails | Skeletal muscle pump | 125 | |
7663887936 | The vein recieves blood returning from all areas of the posterior thoracic wall before it empties in the superior vena | Azygos veins | 126 | |
7663887937 | The right gonadal veins empties into the inferior vena. Where does the left gonadal vein empty | The left Renal vein | 127 | |
7663887938 | Which of the following is not of the three major branches arsing for the aortic arch | The right common carotid artery | 128 | |
7663887939 | The internal carotid artery contributes blood directly to this circle of Willis artery | Anterior cerebral | 129 | |
7663887940 | Blood flows to the liver from the superior mesenteric vein through the | Hepatic portal | 130 | |
7663887941 | Blood flowing from the rural sinus will eventually go through this vein immediately before continuing into the superior Vena cava | Brachiocephalic | 131 | |
7663887942 | The right common carotid recieves it's blood from this artery directly | Brachiocephalic | 132 | |
7663887943 | The artery which is the continuation of the femoral artery after it passes to the posterior side of the thigh is the | Popliteal | 133 | |
7663887944 | Lymphatic capillaries fill when tissue pressure is low | False | 134 | |
7663887945 | The three main functions of the lymphatic system include all of the following but | Waste removal | 135 | |
7663887946 | There are multiple afferent lymphatic vessels and only a single effect vessel in order to | Slow the flow of lymph for maximal immune activity | 136 | |
7663887947 | Lymph flows into a lymph node through the | Afferent lymphatic vessel | 137 | |
7663887948 | Which of the following inhibitor of microbial growth is a comment of the perspiration on our skin | Lactic acid | 138 | |
7663887949 | Which of the following terms means to coat bacteria, making them easier to phagocytize by macrophages and neutrophils | Opsonization | 139 | |
7663887950 | When a white blood cell manages to ooze through the gap between two endothelial cells on its way to attach an invader, we say it has exhibited | Diapedsis | 140 | |
7663887951 | This type of leukocyte produces enzymes that will create hydrogen peroxide to kill bacteria | Neutrophils | 141 | |
7663887952 | This type of macrophage lines the sinusoid of the liver | Hepatic macrophages | 142 | |
7663887953 | Molecules which elicit an immune response are called | Antigens | 143 | |
7663887954 | Infected cells of the pancreas would display a foreign antigen fragment on | MCH l | 144 | |
7663887955 | These cells recognize non-self antigens and produce inerluekins to stimulate the cells that actually make the antibodies | Helper t | 145 | |
7663887956 | Antibodies use all of the follows to attack pathogens except | Cell lyisis | 146 | |
7663887957 | Which of the four class of hypersensitivity is a cellar immune response | Type IV | 147 | |
7663887958 | Can cross the placenta to provide immunological for the newborn | IgG | 148 | |
7663887959 | Which of the following acts as identification tags which label an individual cell as self cells | MHC | 149 | |
7663887960 | Which of the following cells does not have phagocytes mic capability | Basophils | 150 | |
7663887961 | Enclosed with fibrous capsule and filter lymph fluid | Lymph nodes | 151 |
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