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AP Flashcards

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7694564970IP Addressa number designed to any item that is connected to the internet0
7694572104IP Address hierarchicallycountry/region subnetwork/device1
7694573962IPv4 bits32 bits2
7694573963IPv4 addresses4 billion addresses3
7694577267IP packetdocuments are how standards and protocols are defined and published for all to see on the IETF website4
7694579179DNS (Domain Name System)created to be open to public5
7694584129DNS purposeSo people don't have to remember the IP address6
7694587152codeto write instructions for a computer7
7694589249interneta group of computers and servers that are connected to each other8
7694589250net neutralitythe principle that all Internet traffic should be treated equally by Internet Service provides9
7694591479Internet censorshipis the attempt to control or suppress of what can be accessed, published or viewed on the internet by certain people10

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