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Ap Flashcards

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7781968521Feature detectorsIn the visual cortex of the brain, respond to specific visual features0
7781973356Parallel processingInformation processing of sound and light1
7781981278TrichromaticThree color theory red blue and green2
7781986291Opponent process theoryMaintains that color vision depending on pairs of opposing retinal processes3
7781998238Color constancyPerception that familiar objects have consistent colors4
7782002649AuditionSense of hearing5
7782006572PitchSound determined by its frequency6
7782012174FrequencyRelated to wavelength7
7782013412Middle earAir filled chamber between the eardrum and cochlea8
7782018286Inner earContains semicircular canals and the cochlea9
7782021676CochleaCoiled bony fluid filled area10
7782027506Theory of hearingSays we hear different pitches because of various sound waves11
7782031546Conduction deafnessHearing loss from damage to the outer or middle mechanics12
7782033186Nerve deafnessHearing loss from damage of the auditory receptors13
7782042150Gate control theoryMaintains gate in the spinal cord14
7782045064Sensory interactionPrinciple that sense may influence other senses15
7782048860KinesthesisSense of movement in the body parts16
7782052174EquilibriumSense of body movement and balance17

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