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7902431506keratinocytesproduce keratin for strength0
7902435286melanocytescontribute to skin color. melanin produced by these cells then transferred to keratinocytes1
7902438728Langerhans cellspart of the immune system2
7902440095merkel cellsdetect light touch and superficial pressure3
7902442086keratinizationcells move outward through the layers they fill with keratin, die, and serve as a layer that resists abrasion and forms permeability layer4
7902448810stratum basaledeepest portion of epidermis and single layer. high mitotic activity and cells become keratinized5
7902452363stratum spinosumlimited cell division. desmosomes. lamellar bodies and additional keratin fibers6
7902456167stratum granulosumcontains keratohyalin. in superficial layers nucleus and other organelles degenerate and cells dies7
7902460644stratum lucidumthin clear zone. found only in palms and soles8
7902462613stratum corneummost superficial and consists of cornified cells9
7902476083melaninprovides for protection against UV light.10
7902478944albinismdeficiency or absence of pignment11
7902482393caroteneyellow pigment from vegetables12
7902488017cyanosisblue color caused by decrease in blood oxygen content13
7902494923papillarysuperficial. areolar with lots of elastic fibers. dermal papillae, capillary beds. fingerprints. touch receptors, nerve endings14
7902501146reticulardeep. dense irregular C.T. collagen and elastic fibers.15
7902504730cleavage lineselastic and collagen fibers oriented in some directions more than in others16
7902508069striaestretch marks17
7902588318holocrinedeath of secretory cells18
7902615499eccrine glandssimple coiled tubular glands. open directly onto surface of skin. coiled part in dermis.19
7902615500apocrineactive at puberty. compound coiled tubular, usually open into hair follicles superficial to opening of sebaceous gland20
7902625821eponychium (cuticle)is corneum superficial to nail body21
7902627400hyponychiumis corneum beneath the free edge22
7902707208excretionremoval of waste products from the body23
7902733118chondroblastsform matrix24
7902733148chondrocytessurrounded by matrix are lacunae25
7902734694perichondriumdouble layered c.t. sheath covers cartilage except at articulations26
7902737423articular cartilagecovers bones at joints27
7902747116ossificationformation of bone by osteoblasts28
7902749467osteocytesmature bone cells29
7902749468lacunaespaces occupied by osteocyte cell body30
7902751114canaliculicanals occupied by osteocyte cell processes31
7902753783osteoclastsresorption of bone32
7902756410remodelingremoving old bone and adding new33
7902760291trabeculaeinterconnecting rods or plates of bone34
7902779058fontanelslarge membrane covered spaces between developing skull bones35

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